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by Angharad
I woke up with Mima and Stella both playing with my hair and giggling. “You need a trim, girl,” said Stella.
“Only ‘cos the people who keep getting in my bed make me try to tear it out,” I said closing my eyes again.
“You’ll be saying, it’s the voices next.”
“It’s the voices next.”
“No you idiot, she poked me in the back.”
“Was that you or pudding?”
“Very funny.” At this Mima chuckled loudly.
I nearly said to her, Auntie Stella has a baby in her tummy, so watch out or she’ll eat you too. Sadly, she might have believed me. Instead I said, “Did you know Auntie Stella has a baby in her tummy?”
“No,” she laughed as if my suggestion were absurd.
I sat up and picked her up onto my lap, “Here feel Auntie Stella’s baby.” Stella took her hand and placed it on her abdomen. For a moment nothing happened then she whipped her hand away and squealed.
“Mima no like.” She jumped off the bed and ran and jumped into her own.
“Oops!” said Stella.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, but then I’m sure the man who thought up the M25 said that as well, if only he’d had the foresight to make it ninety three lanes wide the first time. Movement on this motorway is slower than the incremental growth in lanes as they widen it twice a week.
I got out of bed and went over to Mima. “What’s the matter, little ‘un?”
“Howwibwul, Auntie Stewwa’s tummy moved.” She rolled over and put her face into the pillow.
“Mima,” she ignored me, “Mima if you don’t help me, they won’t let me be your mummy.” Okay, the worst sort of blackmail, but it works–most of the time.
She slowly turned over to face me. “Mima, Auntie Stella is having a baby, which takes many months to grow in her tummy.”
She shrieked with laughter at this. "It’s true, Sweetheart, babies grow in their mummies’ tummies. It’s what you did in your real mummy’s tum, it’s what I did in my mummy’s tum and so on. It’s how babies are made–well, sort of, it’s all you need to know for the moment.”
“Was I in your tummy, Mummy?”
“No, Sweetheart, I’m not your real mummy, am I?”
“Yes, you’s Mima’s mummy”, and she threw her arms around me. Why do children and dormice always make life so difficult?
“Mima, I am not your real mummy, I’m looking after you until she comes back to take you home.”
“No, no,” she screamed, “You my mummy, uvver mummy said.”
“Very interestink,” said Stella from my bed.
“What did your other mummy say?” I asked gently aware she may not even understand the question or the context.
“Caffy gonna be my new mummy, she nice.”
“She doesn’t know you as well as I do,” piped a voice from the bed.
I hushed Stella. “Is that all she said?”
Mima made a purposeful nodding motion with her head, “Yesss.”
“Okay, Sweetheart, give me a hug and let’s get some brekkies.”
We hadn’t long finished breakfast when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find a young postman looking at me and smirking. I followed his eyes down and saw that some splashes of water had made my nightdress nearly transparent in the area of my chest.
“Yes,” I said firmly.
“Oh yes please,” he said and blushed, “Sorry, erm you have to sign for this,” he handed me a book and pen. It was a registered letter from South Africa, addressed to Lady Catherine Cameron.
As I shut the door I heard him wolf whistle as he walked back to his van. Oh well, nice to know I made someone’s day. I went back to the kitchen where Stella was clearing up the mess on the floor after Mima had ‘washed up’, hence my wet nightie.
“Who was that?” she asked
“Postie, I apparently have a letter from South Africa.”
“There’s nice for you, dear,” she grinned.
“I don’t know, it has a sender’s address of a legal firm.”
“Well open it up then, open it up, dear.”
I took a knife and slid the envelope open, out fell a short letter on thick legal paper. I flipped it open with the knife.
I, Janice Scott, mother of Jemima Jane Scott, make deposition here before this advocate of the South African Bar, that I confirm my bestowal of indefinite in loco parentis and guardianship for the above mentioned Jemima Jane Scott, to Miss Catherine Watts, soon to be Lady Catherine Cameron, whom I deem to be a fit and suitable person to be entrusted with this office, until I am able to return and take over this role again myself.
Witnessed this day
Hans van Krupps, Advocate and attorney at law.
Signed: Janice Scott.
“Wow!” said Stella.
“Will it have any effect upon those in county hall?”
“I don’t know, you won’t find any fingerprints on it, so let me ring Papa and read it to him, he can then pass it on to his counsel.”
“I’m not holding my breath,” I said trying not to think too much about it all. My inexperience the other day had shocked me and upset Mima, and my confidence to look after a toddler had ebbed more than a little.
I was left with Mima standing in front of me, looking up at me. “Why you cwyin’ Mummy?”
“It’s nothing, darling, give me a hug.” I picked her up and she cuddled against me.
“Don’t cwy, Mummy, Mima mend it.”
I laughed and hugged her tighter, “You funny little baggage,” I said kissing her on the top of her head.
“Has Tom got a fax?” said Stella wandering back into the kitchen, “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” I said and some more saltwater spilt down my cheeks.
“Mummy upset, Mima mend it.”
“I’m sure you will, Mima. The good news is, Daddy thinks, it might help. So stop blubbing and show me the fax.”
“In his study.”
“Right Social Services, stick this where the sun don’t shine!” We had the odd day when Stella was occasionally less than fussy and feminine.

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First things first...
I truely hope you're feeling "all better". Truely and totally better! I don't want to hear you're stressing yourself out of concern for the wellbeing of we poor readers.
The letter sounds "interesting"... It may improve Cathy's chances to "Foster" Mima, but actually hurt the adoption thing, I'd think.
I've seen some 3 yr olds that are fascinated by growing babies and others that react just like Mima - run and hide. IF Cathy were the mom - then we might want to keep an eye on Mima come time when Puddin decides to show up, and take attention away... Jealousy may well become rampant. (Heck, it may still be a major issue, if Stella has her way.) Perhaps Cathy can help Mima decide to be a good "big sister" for Puddin.
Hummm, Wonder if she knew
Hummm, Wonder if she knew all this might happen or if it a way to avoid being looked for. If she was going to SEA, what was/is she doing in South Africa, as that seems a bit out of the way on her trip. J-Lynn
Things are looking up ...
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
A day off must have inspired you ...
... to make life a little easier for your fictitious foster parent. In any case I hope you're feeling better. I don't know if the deposition has any legal force here but it can't do any harm. It would be even better if Janice had also sent Mima's birth certificate and other guff but things are looking up.
If you're intending to continue in what passes for real time then if we're to witness the birth of Stella's 'bump' then you're committed for another few months.
'If you're intending to continue in what passes for real time then if we're to witness the birth of Stella's 'bump' then you're committed for another few months.'
(having sudden relapse).
Letter from an Egg-Nogg—
—all right an Advocaat if you prefer—in South Africa. So that's where Janice is holed up. (Why do the Dutch and South Africans have the same word for a lawyer and an egg-nogg?—vairry strange!) Perhaps Cathy should take it as some sort of Warninks!
Ahem, sorreeeee, but the festive season is almost upon us so I would advocaat an egg-nogg.
Don't all groan at once,
Sounds like a load of…
…BOLS to me; or do I mean Double Dutch?
Glad you're a bit better.
I hope this means
you're feeling a little better Angharad. Or was it just that you couldn't stand it any more? Next to feeling miserable, it's the boredom that makes being sick so utterly distasteful. Thinking happy thoughts your way, and thanks for this one.
Thanks Agharad
For posting today and that letter was needed to make Cathy mummy, but when the original returns, .......
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Were You Sick?
Sorry! I guess I missed that part. I often don't read all the other comments.
Thank you for working from your sickbed if that's what happened. I hope you're feeling better soon.
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
I don't like it
"until I am able to return and take over this role again myself."
pardon me? you give your kid away on a whim, drop it with someone you hardly know (but is a LOT better parent then you apparently are), and expect to be able to come home and claim her back at any time you want?
Janice, may your days be filled with social workers.
Another great chapter Angharad. I've only recently started writing a serial, and my respect for how you manage to pump out this new stuff every day has grown immensely.
Legal Shenanigans
I could be wrong, it depends on the British legal system, but I believe this neatly and effectively short circuits the social services' attempts to take Mima away from Cathy. Here in the U.S. a parent can leave a child with the adult of their choice "temporairly" for an unspecified period of time, if the parent is going to be unable to take care of the child. Think single parent who is being sent to Iraq.
Only if the parent or other legal guardian "abandons" the child can the social services people step in. It appears that Janice has neatly covered the bases to ensure that Mima stays with Cathy.
They know they can survive
Last Chapter
This is the case of attempted murder.
Then their is the issue of real name, do you think this woman is using hers? I don't.
Is she competent to do this. I don't know the law, but there seems to be an issue here.
From what I can see, the sun
From what I can see, the sun don't shine anywhere in England. Otherwise the services of a good proctologist may be required.
Stick out your tongue, and say urrrrrrrrr. This is what the friend of a friend does when they get a new puppy.
Checking on you Rhona.