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by Angharad
I carried the tea through to the dining room along with a tin of biscuits. “Where is the child now?” asked the woman detective.
“She’s upstairs having a nap after the hospital visit.” I said defensively, “Don’t worry, there is a child, a little girl, who was injured in a RTA a few weeks ago.”
“That’s not the one where the driver claimed the mother directed her daughter out in front of him?” postulated the older, uniformed copper.
“How do I know? I stopped after the event, and with the help of one of your colleagues, got her breathing again.”
“Didn’t you recognise her?” asked the woman reading some notes.
“I saw the mother, then the child under the car or van or whatever it was, and I twigged as I started the CPR. I can’t remember, it was all over in a moment and I must admit I was operating on adrenaline the same as everyone else.”
“Then you went to visit?”
“Well some bloke arrived with a big bunch of flowers and thanked me for saving his grandchild.”
“Can you describe him?”
“Not really, he was mostly hidden by the flowers, I can’t remember him, sorry.”
“Okay, so how did you end up with the little girl?”
“I went to see her in hospital and she remembered me, we’ve met a few times and I showed her around the university, my laboratory, where I have some dormice.”
“So she was known to you?”
“An acquaintance, with a nice touch in decibels.” I said wryly and Stella nearly choked on her tea.
“This is funny?” asked the woman cop.
“It used to be. Jemima had a voice like a foghorn on steroids, it’s actually got quieter since her accident. She terrified the dormice, took us weeks to calm them down.”
“It was a bit silly showing them to her,” said the cop.
“You don’t have children?” I asked although it was almost a rhetorical question because it was obvious she wasn’t child oriented.
“No, my career is my child,” she said almost sneeringly.
“I thought mine was too, having had Jemima a week, I’m not so sure anymore.” I stared wistfully at Stella, who smiled sympathetically.
“Social Services will be here in an hour to collect the child,” announced the woman cop.
“Will they?” I asked.
I nodded to Stella, who rose from her chair, and asked, “Anyone for more tea?”
As she went to leave the room she was challenged by the woman cop, “And where do you think, you’re going?”
“Am I under arrest?” she retorted.
“No,” said the cop.
“Well then, in my own home, I think I can go where I like without permission.”
“Please don’t leave the house or touch the child.”
“Child? What is this with child, her name is Jemima.” I said angrily wanting to knock her head off.
“Very well, Jemima, don’t go near Jemima.”
“Hang on a minute, before we go any further, I called you in, in good faith. I agreed to foster Jemima in the same good faith. Admittedly, I assumed there were no problems with her other than the medical ones she has. So as far as I am concerned, I am responsible for her.”
“We’ll see what social services have to say about that,” said the woman, to whom I was taking an active dislike.
Stella left the room and I hoped was making several phone calls. With a bit of luck Henry played bridge with the Director of Social Services. I found myself praying silently.
Ten minutes later, Stella came in with a fresh pot of tea. I’d amused myself by telling my story of Jemima’s coming here yet again. I half expected them to want to see the wheel marks in Kiki’s coat, although that was from an earlier visit.
As Stella poured the tea, she winked at me. I accepted the gesture as a good sign. The woman cop’s phone rang, and she excused herself to answer it.
“Can we see the child?” she asked when she came back in, she looked flushed.
“Of course you may see Jemima. Follow me.” I said and led them upstairs.
“Mima, I’ve brought some people to see you, I hope you’re awake.”
“Mima, I thought her name was Jemima?”
“It is, it’s a diminutive,” is this woman stupid or am I?
I led them in to the room and Jemima had managed to pull herself into a sitting position, she was getting stronger by the day.
“Why is this child in her underwear?” asked the cop.
“She’s in bed, do you go fully dressed?” I asked back in astonishment. I knew for sure who was stupid.
“I wuv you Mummy Caffy,” said this small voice and a beaming smile.
“I love you too, sweetheart. Can this lady and gent have a little talk with you?”
Jemima nodded emphatically. I gave her a hug and was going to sit her on my lap.
“Miss Watts, if you wouldn’t mind standing away from erm, Jemima.” I did so but the look on Jemima’s face was far from pleased, her bottom lip trembled.
“All right, luvvie, is this lady your mother?” the cop pointed at me.
Of course, Jemima nodded. The cop looked at me and her eyes narrowed.
“She decided she wanted to call me mummy a few days ago. I wasn’t entirely happy because as far as I was concerned the post was already filled by someone else. However, she has persisted and what Jemima wants, she seems to get.”
The woman cop’s eyes narrowed again. “Do you have another mummy?”
Jemima shook her head vigorously, no. My stomach flipped.
“What about Mummy Janice?” I asked and got a hard stare from the cop.
“She goed, you Mima’s mummy.”
I shrugged my shoulders, the cop wasn’t happy. She asked several questions but Mima wasn’t answering them to her satisfaction, well she is only three. She did manage to say she had a daddy, but he’d, “goed too.”
At this point we heard a noise from downstairs and Tom arrived. He was questioned and had a better recollection of our various encounters with Jemima.
I toileted her and gave her a sandwich to eat after her snooze, Stella made her a drink. I offered to show them where Janice and Jemima had lived when I visited them. I left Mima with Stella and Tom and drove off with one of the police with me and the other following behind in a squad car.
We stopped outside the house and I trotted up the path, I gasped as I looked through the window, it was bare of furnishings and a ‘To Let’ sign was positioned near the door.
“They’ve obviously moved and you didn’t notice, or is this some elaborate plan to acquire this child without the legal adoption process?”
“Look, a week or two ago I visited Jemima here, I helped to look after her to give Janice a chance to do some chores. I took her to the airport from here. I don’t know what is going on any more than you do, but if I was trying to harm or keep the child illegally, why in God’s name did I call you lot?”
“To make it look legitimate?”
“Oh for Chrissake, grow up. I want what is best for Jemima. I’d have thought that was with her natural parents, now I’m not so sure. Look, call the estate agents, see if they have any information, their office is only about a mile away.”
I pulled out my mobile and dialled the number on the board and gave it to the cop. She arranged to go straight there. I followed them. “This is a police investigation,” she said nastily.
“Yeah, well I’m doing my own investigating and seeing as you lot couldn’t find pee in a pot, I’m coming in too.” Before she could say anything to stop me, I marched into the office and started asking the woman behind the desk about the house. The woman copper was outraged but her colleague was stifling a smirk, so she obviously wasn’t much liked by her colleagues.
The house had been rented by the Scotts, the young woman remembered them, he was quite a bit older than her. I wondered if that was who brought the flowers, but I kept the thought to myself–let Miss Plod think of it for herself.
There had been references, all forged, even the bank one. The rent was unpaid and it appears they did a moonlit flit. The police borrowed the keys and I followed them back to the house. I showed them where Janice had slept and the other rooms I’d entered. We all looked about the place for any bits of paper and to my astonishment, there was a letter addressed to me on the mantelpiece of the lounge.
The woman cop opened it wearing latex gloves and read it to herself, her lips moved as she read, why did that surprise me? Then she read it to me.
’Dear Lady Catherine,
If you’ve discovered this note, you will be aware we are no longer here. We are no longer in the country, so don’t bother looking for us. I was so glad you offered to look after Jemima, she’s a bit of a tie, especially with no legs and I suspect you’ll make a better mother than me. So you can have her, gratis and free of charge. To them what has will be given, eh? Well you have more than we do, and if you adopt her, she’ll be Lady Jemima, she’ll like that.
Janice Scott.
PS There’s no fingerprints or DNA on this.
“We’ll see about that,” said the woman copper and shoved it in a plastic bag.

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easy as
one word for janice
B tch
Very Mysterious
Obviously, the great "Scotts" were some kind of grifters. Where they acquired Jemima is anyone's guess at this point.
"Couldn't find pee in a pot," has got to be the best putdown I've read in a long while!
Spectacularly poor example of the Plod you've cobbled up there. Do they actually come that bad? Well, she has the saving grace of being instantly dislikable and easy to root for her comeuppance, which will be roundly applauded.
WPC Priscilla Plod…
…seems to fancy herself as a bit of an ogress, methinks. She probably suffered from a deprived childhood lacking in any sort of affection—poor cow. Interesting that her colleagues don't appear to like her. She obviously dislikes Cathy and Stella and probably resents the “Lady Cameron†bit (she’s bound to be an aristophobe, or would that be a nob-phobe?). I bet she'll try to raise a right stinky-poo when she discovers that Cathy is TG (if she does) which could really set the cat among the pigeons; she's obviously a bit of a red-neck. And I wonder about the social services people, after the revelations of the past few days I have increasingly disturbed thoughts about their efficiency—or otherwise.
I reckon tomorrow's episode will be “vairry interrestinkâ€!
I suspect ...
... that Social Services would be likely to play this absolutely by the rules and try to cover their backs after the recent furore over baby P in Harringey. They have a thin line to tread and they'll be very careful. Anyone in contact with children not their own has to be subject to a criminal records check and Cathy et al will definitely fall into that category.
I think Angharad has successfully sold us a dummy and sidestepped the backs and is well on the way to scoring a try. I also think she's discovered one of the perils of writing a story 'on the fly' and is doing a fine job of recovery. It's a treat to watch a mistress of her craft at work and admire her nifty footwork :)
Mummy Cathy And Daddy Simon
Well, THIS is one way to become a mum, and Simon and Tom will spoil that rascal rotten too.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Indeed, probably the only way...
She does, after all, have the mother's clearly expresed intention to have her child raised by Cathy and Simon, although I'm sure there will be conniption fits and stalkings off in high dudgeon.
'T'wouldn't be fun, otherwise,
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I Would Say That Henry Has It Sorted
I would say that Henry has already got things things rolling on getting little Mima sorted. I just hope they will catch Janice and prosecute her for trying to kill Mima by pushing her in front of that car. She is a despicable human being. I would not be surprised if there wasn't closed circuit video of the minutes leading up to Mima's "accident".
I forgot about all the video cameras in the UK
Not familiar personally with them but rumor has it that there are a huge number of cameras spread all around the country. You may have something there.
Wuthering Dormice
Aka Eofab or is it soon to be Cathy and the Foghorn.The last few chapters (almost all 471 of them)have been an enjoyable read and it looks like Cathy is about to begin collecting children for a family.But what will happen when her gender status is explored as part of the adoption process?
Disturbing issue
I don't know if anyone picked up on what the copper had said in the beginning.
“That’s not the one where the driver claimed the mother directed her daughter out in front of him?†postulated the older, uniformed copper.
End Quote
It sounds to me that the supposed mother tried to delibertly kill her daughter by telling her to run out in front of the traffic. This is totally horrible. She said it in the letter,
"she was a tie".
I hope they find the mother and get her for attempted murder. She tried to kill her child as a matter of convienence.
This is getting serious, and Jemima knows, but does not know how to get her thoughts known.
I feel this is the first child Cathy will adopt. Seems like there may be more. I'm happy Simon and Tom are ok with it.
Please Angharad, I see something that may happen soon, I don't even want to consider, and hope you don't either. There could be a second child adopted, a new born baby, because of something that may happen. I truly hope you don't. That would really be cruel.
Sorry I mentioned it, but it goes back to the statement that the mother of Cathy made, when she was a ghost, about her having many children.
Please don't.
Joni W
I've been thinking for a long time that
Somehow Stella will "give" a child to Simon and Cathy. I sure hope it's not because of the situation you are implying in your comment. I don't have any idea how it happens but I sure don't want to see Stella harmed or worse.
I'm sure many of us caught that comment, Joni
This plot has taken several bizarre twists in the past two episodes, (I'm not counting the bizarre twists ever since part 1, {I've lost count of those }, just those in Wuthering Dormice) O
ne thing I am sure of, it has left enough strings hanging to ensure at least another dozen, or is that dozen dozen more episodes.
Yes it does sound as if Janice deliberately tried to kill Jemima.
If we hadn't met them before, I would wonder if she and the other guy or guys might not have had their hands on a child not 'belonging' to at least one of them.
But this does sound as if Janice, (probably her true name, since she gave it out long ago), might have just decided Jemima was a burden to be disposed of. Was it her strident voice, I wonder?
I'm happy to see that Mima is making quick progress in her recovery, and hope it will continue until once the head injury is healed, she is a normal, happy little girl living with 'Mummy Caffy' & 'Daddy Simon', though now that Child Social Services is involved that may take some time, even if CSS wants to help, unlike the unnamed lady detective _itch.
Even if Henry gets involved and tries to grease the wheels, I'm afraid fear of favoritism might get in the way, especially if the woman detective gets her back up. That might happen just because she is being herself, or because she earns a justly earned reprimand and wants revenge.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, and hopefully, those whose countries do not celebrate the US Thanksgiving will also stop and think about the good things in their lives and be thankful for them
Thank YOU, Angharad for a continuingly delightful story. Delightful despite the odd and sometimes bad twist that it has taken and will certainly continue to take.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
To Pippa re: the plods
My niece Jamie is a copper (a sergeant actually) ... and a new mom herself. I should tell you, Jamie works in a very special division of the NYPD..... SHE'S IN "Quality Assurance" an acronym for INTERNAL AFFAIRS. She spends her time going after cops like the woman in this story and makes sure they stay on the straight and narrow vis a vis their interaction with the muggles of the world.. LOL
Bright Blessings.
Wish Cathy had a copy of that letter
and/or one or more friendly witnesses. It could easily disappear.
So it looks like Jemima is here to stay...
... so can Cathy PLEASE arrange for some elocution lessons? I'm sure my son never spoke like that when he was 3.... another matter now he's 10 of course!
Wondering if...
Wondering if something traumatic happened to the lady cop as a small child and is causing her to be a little emotionally charged (and perhaps taking it out on Cathy?) about this situation? And now for a jole:
Why did Cathy take up studying Dormice?
She wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet...
(Takeoff of an ancient joke)
Anyways Ang, wonderful story!
The way Jemima is pushing for her adoption it looks like she may have had some inkling, if in a distorted sort of way. I am going to be curious to hear the history of this child.
Is her last name Bluster ??
I've fallen for the female police officer. Is she room temperature IQ or what. Where did this come from? A copette you met? I've met some like this, we call them Badge Heavy. Wonderful description of conversations, Automatically assume Cathy is the villain, and the rest are accomplices.
Viscount to the rescue ! Gee, maybe We should have kept the Royals back in 1776 ? they certainly have their uses.
Oh, that plod
would have been told to leave my house so fast her head would have spun, social services might have had the right to be there, but that woman (and I use the term loosely) did not have any reason to be there.