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by Angharad
I carefully sat in the Mazda and Erin shoved it in gear and we shot forward. About ten minutes later, she was parking it in the car park of a very nice pub I didn’t even know existed. “They have quite a good restaurant here, I booked us a quiet table, so we can talk.”
“Good afternoon, Mrs Lovejoy.”
“Hello, Samuel, usual table please.” The middle aged man led us through a very plush dining room to a table which stood before a window overlooking the well tended garden. “I’ll have my usual, Lady Cameron, what would you like?”
“Uh? Oh, just some still water please.” He nodded at my request and went off to get the drinks. “Why did you call me, Lady Cameron, I’m not yet.”
“He doesn’t know that, and besides he’ll be more attentive.”
“But it’s a lie.”
“Don’t you ever tell them?”
“Not if I can help it.”
“You’re too honest, too trusting.”
“Am I? I thought I was being myself, isn’t that what you told me to do?”
“Yes, but in this world, you need to be a bit more guarded, or people will shaft you.”
“So people keep telling me.”
“They can’t all be wrong, can they?”
“I don’t know.”
“Just think, you make your film and it turns out as you want it to. Your main sponsors are delighted and have a corporate showing. Then it goes network, the BBC or another company buy it and it goes down well. Now, who’s going to get you a decent price from the Beeb? Or even more importantly, who’s going to sell it to other companies abroad? If you sell it to the Fox network or CBC, who’s going to negotiate for you–or are you going to do it yourself?”
“I hadn’t thought that far ahead, I hadn’t actually got beyond the completion bit.”
“What, completing the film?”
“Yes, unless we do that, the rest is largely irrelevant.”
“Oh, Alan will do that and will make a good job of it.”
“I thought you said he was a thief, or as good as?” The waiter brought our drinks. She paused to sip her G and T, before answering me.
“He is, which is why this little baby,” she patted the file on the desk, “will tie him tighter than a tick. The sort of thing he does is to pinch bits of your clips you didn’t use, make them into a similar film to yours and undersell you.”
“But isn’t that self defeating?”
“No, he gets a cut of the royalties from yours, from his he gets the lot.”
“Oh yeah, bloody nerve.”
“He’s got plenty of that. Look, you said you’re filming tomorrow?”
“Yes, weather permitting, if we wait until it gets any colder, they’ll all be hibernating.”
“True, but a word of advice.” I sat there ears all agog. “Wear a top with a good plunge neck and a push up bra.”
“What?” I was shocked, no, make that disgusted. “I’m a scientist, not a bimbo. I do research not pole dancing.”
“Look, honeybunch, I know all this and I share your revulsion for blatant sexual overtones–but it’s what is going to sell your film.”
“What about all the pictures of dormice, Des did hours of filming?”
“I’m well aware of Des’ capability as a camera man. I’m also aware of the ‘aww factor’ for your little furry things. You’re aware of this too. You can still use your clever script and give loads of information about dormice. However, if you use the phwoar factor, you’ll get the message over even more, and they’ll want you to make more films, so you can save more little furry things.”
We chose our meals, then she continued, “Look, sweetie-pie, read me the opening line of your script.”
I took the paper she handed me. It was my script. “The countryside of the British Isles is very different to what it was twenty years ago. If we were to go back fifty or even a hundred years, you’d scarcely recognise it. The increased population and its various demands have caused enormous change….”
“Fine, you sound like someone giving the Christmas science lecture.”
I took this as a compliment. It wasn’t. She shook her head at me. “I want you to read it again, only pretend that Simon is doing the camerawork and you want him to take you to bed and ravish you.”
“You know exactly what I mean–you’re a woman. Once he sees that glint in your eye, he’s total putty. We want the viewers to be the same.”
“I don’t want to be seen as a sexy, by all and sundry.”
“You should have stayed as a boy then. You are a very attractive woman, you need to capitalise or exploit it.”
“I don’t think I like where this is going. I think I want to go home, now.” I went to get up from the table.
“Cathy, sit down and shut up.” I slumped in my chair. “Do you want this film to work or not?”
“At this price, I don’t know.”
“All I’m asking you to do, is seduce the camera. You are so sexy, it’s almost unbelievable. All you need to do, is act a bit more seductively, use a breathier voice, and act a little more seductively as you walk about. You’re talking about nocturnal animals with good hearing, you need to talk quietly, why not make it sexy, too? You’re talking to every man in the audience, making him feel special.”
“What about the women? They make up fifty percent of the population, or have you forgotten that?”
“No, the younger ones will want to be like you, if not be you. Rich, clever, educated, beautiful and sexy…”
“Don’t forget infertile, and screwed up.”
“Don’t you think that Victoria Beckham has her off days, they all do–when they think, act and look like shit.”
“But she doesn’t have my problem does she?”
“Which is?”
“I’m not interested in looking sexy for anyone besides Simon.”
“Grrr! Look woman, you are sexy. Even in your dishevelled state this morning, most men would have given anything to jump your bones.”
“Now I know you’re exaggerating.”
“Sam, can you come over a second?” She called to the restaurant manager. He dutifully wandered over. “Sam, can I ask you a favour?”
“But of course, Mrs Lovejoy.”
“Take a good look at my companion, and tell me what you see. Please be honest.”
Sam blushed but began to run his eye over me. I blushed and squirmed beneath his gaze. “You are a very beautiful lady, with an enchanting smile that men would die for. You are very sexy, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No that’s fine, Sam, thanks a lot.” Erin dismissed him, then looked hard at me and said, “Now do you believe me?”
“How do I know this wasn’t prearranged?”
“You’ll have to trust me on that.”
“But you said I was too trusting?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t include me. Me, you can trust, okay?”
“If you say so,” is what my mouth said, but my heart wasn’t quite so sure about it.

This episode was already largely written. Posting it doesn't commit me to anything else at present. A new Whatever Next chapter has also been sent to Maddy Bell, I wrote it while on holiday.
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Great Chapter
I guess Erin has a lot of work to do to get Cathy to believe that she truly is a beautiful woman. Stella has been trying as well, but she is still feeling unworthy. There are a lot of young women with self esteem issues because the print media and magazines use airbrushed photos of models. I certainly hope Cathy can learn to accept herself as others see her. Angharad, I sincerely hope we will see you again if and when you are ready to come back. You are one of the most gifted people on BCTS. Thank you for everything. I will miss you!
Thanks for another great chapter, your writing really is appreciated by your many fans
Nice chapter "educating Cathy in the real world..."
I know I don't comment as often as I would like, RL tends to jump up and thwack me on the side of the head and with my ADHD, off I go in a new direction...
Where was I? Oh, yes. Angharad, dear, please write when you want to write and what you want to write. Dickens may have had to crank out the daily chapter to pay the rent, but as far as I know, you don't have to. So relax, enjoy writing! Write & post new chapters of the Cathy serial when you want to. If this week, Gaby is pestering you about bike racing and murderers, and boys, well write about her!
Erin is good for Cathy
I think Erin is good for Cathy, explaining to her how to use her assets and project her personality on her audience. I can understand that Cathy feels slightly disgusted about the "bimbo factor" but this film could lead to something really big for her—if she projects herself well in front of the camera. Erin obviously knows what she's about, or she wouldn't be an agent.
It's good to see you here again and 'er upstairs will be so happy.
Love and hugs,
And again
a nice chapter. Not breath taking, suspense laden, nerve shocking as some of your earlier chapters. But then again, you've been there, done that, got ... aah ... you know.
This comment is not to seduce you, pressure you, or shame you into writing more. You've grown tired of it all, and your week holiday showed you 'the light'. One thing though -but I think it's redundant- please wrap up the loose ends in EAFOAB, like Stella delivering a healthy twin and rejoicing in blissful happiness, Simon and Cathy being properly wed. Oh, whatever, but make it sappy..
You don't have to write it now, or in the next week(s). Take your time, plenty of rest, make long walks, go ride a bike, get drunk ( and again ) and just relax. It doesn't matter whether you take off for a few weeks, or maybe even a few months ( glup ) we'll survive.
Hell, we will wait for months and months on end for a real good story to be taken up again. IMHO we've shown we can passionately but patiently wait for a loooong time. * HRT or RLT anyone? *
Just a big thank you for all what you've given us already. Thanks!
Another lurker...
Please, please, please, please (I am down on my knees begging).
I almost never comment, but the specter of you quitting has gotten me to write this.
This story and your writing in general is one of main things that keeps me coming back here.
I respect your feelings, and if you feel you need to go, so be it, but I, for one, would miss you and your stories greatly!
Considering your writing style on this, the story is fantastic
Otherwise, it is merely excellent.
And the plot with its twists and turns beats any soap opera.
Keep it up
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
No Pressure
None at all.
This is yet another intriguing chapter, expanding and extending the plot. You seem to have a knack for it. You seem to be in a groove where you could write this story endlessly, if you so chose.
Which, is a totally ridiculous commitment, well above and beyond any call to duty. I could understand you getting a bit frustrated with the whole thing, never getting any nearer to the horizon and all.
I see from your blog entry that you've given some thought to abandoning the whole effort. It would seem a shame. Why not give a bit of thought to changing the pace and wrapping it up?
There's little need to taking us through the mechanics of shooting the film. You could cover a few high points, describe the completion, reception and critical reaction to the film. Fame, fortune, etc., and marry little Lord Cameron on more or less equal financial terms, following his diminished share of the banking empire, what with the financial crisis and all, maybe promising to support him, rather than vice versa. White wedding, bring back the lovely woman vicar, and have Spike as the ring-bearer. Get a move on, Hon. The little rodent isn't going to live forever.
Funny yet all so true
Erin is THE key to Cathy making a success of the film and future projects to push the cause of conservation and good stewardship of the environment.
It may grate against Cathy’s inborn sense of false or any pride being a sin -- a disgusting remnant of her parent’s loony religious beliefs -- but Erin is right. The film needs to compete with scores of similar stuff and popular entertainments in it’s ultimate task of helping the environment. She needs to sell it and a sultry woman will do that. Swallow your modesty, Cathy, unbutton that field jacket, wear that micro mini, get that Wonder Bra and Sell Sell Sell your story. Spike and her kind need it.
I mean, has anybody watched David Attenborough in those nature documentaries of his, Shameless! What a tart he is in front of the camera, it’s positively pornographic.
-- Snicker --
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Cathy Needs Erin
She needs her as a surrogate mum. Cathy is so much into sef denial that it's frustrating!! What she needs is to somehow find that she is a genetic woman.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Worth it
Even thought this story has been very long, it has been worth while. It is one of the few stories that I have read that goes in debth into the long process of transition, both physical and mental.
If Steve Irwin could do it... and dormeeses are probably cuter than crocs and Cathy just a pinch less hyper, well a new dynasty begins with Sir Dave retiring. He could even do a cameo. Not the same as a fifty metre hill of bat guano but he never was an animal snob, besides he could probably commute.
Your choice Ang, but your careful kick in the complacency got a reaction, now run with it wherever you will.
A conundrum
I consider myself above average in turns of attractiveness. A lot of transwomen have used this to get through their transition/surgery, if you know what I mean.
I also am very proud of myself that I did not resort to that crap even though as a consequence I had to wait a lot longer to get 'finished off'.
I feel for Cathy as she has been able to keep her integrity throughout the story and not had to compromise to get as far as she has.
To keep it in perspective though, most of has to pimp ourselves out to an employer, like it or now. We work to put food on the table.
I understand Cathy's Delima...
I've known a few pretty ladies that were revolted by the expectation that they should use their appearance to further their carreers or other efforts. I've also seen some that didn't seem to mind at all. What was it one said... Oh yeah, "If the Idjits want to think I'll have anything to do with them, that's their problem. Someone that only looks at the packaging will never get to first base with me." I'd not thought about it that way before.
Now, this agent... She IS manipulating. She SEEMS to want to follow Cathy's coat tails. Does she actually have Cathy's best intrests in mind? That's really hard to tell. I hope so, but time will tell.
Cathy needs to put her transition into perspective. She is a beautiful woman, with great talent. It is going to take a lot of reinforcement to undo the damage her parents have done.
Can't wait to see Cathy when
Can't wait to see Cathy when Mrs Lovejoy gets done with her !
Hope those cameras have heat proof lenses.
I really, really do like her.
I miss Ian McShane's Lovejoy also.
Can't wait to see Cathy when
Can't wait to see Cathy when Mrs Lovejoy gets done with her !
Hope those cameras have heat proof lenses.
I really, really do like her.
I miss Ian McShane's Lovejoy also.