A Christmas Diary -5- Cleaning Day

Who wants to be the best daughter in the world?

A Christmas Diary
Part 5: Cleaning Day

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Five: Cleaning Day

Even with some comments that threw me for a loop I am still having fun. I guess I just want to have fun with this one. I hope everyone enjoys.

Monday, December 30th, Dear Mrs. Diary. There isná­t really as much to tell you today as there was yesterday. Okay, I went home with mom and we watched the game together and I did some cheers. We laughed a lot. It is so nice to hear mom laugh again. She hasná­t really laughed like that together in such a long time.

I notice something weird, I wasná­t screeming at the game. Usually I holler and screem, but I guess I was having to much fun with mom to be mad at any stupid football game. Mostly I cheered and sat against mom and cuddled. I liked the way she ran her fingers through my hair and it gave me the warm fuzzies all over. I wanted to ask her about if boobies got in girls way and if they liked or hated them. But I kind of chickened out.

After the game I went into my room and put the cheering suit on a hanger. I wish I took the cat nighty with me, that was kind of fun. Instead I wore the comfy pink tweaty bird ones. No putty cats on them.

Then I closed my door and had a real good idea. If I got to be a spy and am doing this Tammy thing for mom, then maybe I should do it all out. So I took baby amy from hidden under the bed. I really doná­t want mom knowing I am playing with a doll. She might think I really like it and that Iá­m not being a spy. Any way baby Amy doll was safe and secure in her crib. It would be nice to have a regular play crib or something. Ick, forget that. Any way, I changed her diaper, even a doll shouldná­t go almost 2 days in a diaper. I change them real good, I bet even when tonya needs to be changed I do the best job ever. Then I practiced rocking her to sleep and sang her rock a bye baby.

Here is how silly girls are. The song is to make the baby doll fall asleep. But instead it made me sleepy and kind of weird inside. Not like dirty weird or Iá­m doing something fruity, but like I feel safe because the doll is safe. I doná­t know why, its probably the pink pjs and will go away when I go back to normal. Anyway it was a little nippy in the room so I let baby amy sleep with me. ICK I SLEPT WITH A DolL, REMINDER: WHEN YOUR BACK TO NORMAL TAKE 2 EXTRA BATHS TO WASH THE SISSY OFF OF ME.

Okay, anyway, now that the sillyness is done. I woke up and mom and me made breakfast together. I am a real good cook. We made pancakes. They are real easy to make too and I spend time with mom. I told mom that when school started back that I hope we can still make breakfast together even if Iá­m not Tammy any more. She said of course, she loves me as a boy or a girl. Cool, any way to spend time with mom is a bonus. But I have to say that if I wasná­t being a girl, then I wouldná­t of found out that mom and me could do this. Its much better then pouring cereal in a bowl and sitting in front of the tv watching cartoons.

Me and mom sat down at the table and talked. We talk a lot since this started. Itá­s really nice and I am happy for it. So being pretending Iá­m a girl isná­t 100 % bad, its only 90% thatá­s a joke. Haha.

Okay mom had to go to work. I still hate the job. Aunt Jan has to meet up with someone so I got to stay home most of the day alone. Okay mom left, and I felt like doing something super nice. So I cleaned. I doná­t meen I picked up my own stuff I meen I really cleaned good. I doná­t like looking nice and being around slop. I think thatá­s what a girl would say and remember Iá­m spying okay.

Oh I forgot to tell you, I got the coolest overall dress on. Itá­s black and it has hot pink flowers around the bottom skirt part, and I got a hot pink shirt on to match. It is so cute. Thatá­s what a girl would say not me, I guess itá­s okay, honest.

So I cleaned the whole house, I vaccuumed and I dusted and I mopped the kitchen floor. I meen I did a million dollar job.

Then I got to my room. How could anyone stay in such slop. Even as a boy I doná­t think it would be to nice, but as a girl it is too gross to even stay in. Everything is so cluttered and gross. I took down all the posters of cars and gangsta rappers. Mom never liked them anyway. That helped a lot to. I then changed the sheets to nice white ones that still smelled like lemons. And I put a flowery quilt on it that made the whole room look happy.

Then I thought since Iá­m a girl for a whole nother week I would put some stuffed animals on the bed like Sam has. I found them in the closet and now the room looks really happy. It took me 5 hours but now the house was so clean and good smelling that it made me proud.

Then I figured, I can go on the internet and chat. I thought maybe I would want to get dirty stuff, but it doesná­t even sound like fun. Well I went on as Tammy again, cause I only got one more week before I go back to tommy. This guy messaged me and was like asl which means he wants to know your age and if youá­re a boy or girl and where you live. I told him 11 girl usa. I didná­t say fruitcup boy because I still got a week left as a girl and I better enjoy it while I can. I meen I better oh I doná­t know what I meen.

Then he was like what am I wearing? I figured maybe thatá­s what everyone talks about is clothes. So I told him about my dress. Then he said what about your pantys. ICK. YUCK. A guy is getting sexy with me. I told him none of your business and then he said want to have fun. This is how stupid I am, I caná­t even blame the dress, I said okay. I thought maybe he had a online game like checkers to play. He told me to get naked. YUCK YUCK YUCK. Why are boys so disgusting all the time. Cause I had 9 other people do the same thing.

Lucky I found this girl in australia to talk to. She is on my buddy list now. She told me how to ignore stupid boys. She told me lots of stuff about australia too, and how it was warm there cause it is summer. She said if I was over there I could put on my bathing suit and jump right in the pool. I doná­t even have a tammy bathing suit.

She asked me if I liked boys. I said no. She said she didná­t like them at 11 either. I was like Iá­ll never like them coz I kind of am one. Well I didná­t tell her, I said that to myself. Iá­m glad I found her online because a lot of the people I talked to were dirty boys and I would of quit using chat. She said if I came on tonight she would tell me a room where a lot of nice people hang out and I could make real cool friends. Then she had to go.

Okay, I did go to a girl website and read about boobies. It wasná­t a dirty one but had a lot of information. I just wanted to know the real stuff and not the stupid boy stuff in the locker rooms. I knew about the babys using them. But they doná­t hurt, unless they get really really big, then they can hurt your back. They are made of fat and its just a normal part of growing up. They showed a drawing of them growing and what to expect. I now know more about boobies then any boy. Is that good or bad? I hope mom doná­t get mad I was looking at stuff like this.

Mom came home from work and I already made dinner for us. Aint I like the best daughter son in the whole world. I got a cook book and made chicken breast with lemon and spice. Smashed potatoes and carrots. I had it on the table waiting with candles and grape juice in wine glasses.

Mom was so surprised she almost cried. She said, why did I do all this. I said because I love you. She hugged me so tight my stuffing almost came out. She totally loved the meal and how I cleaned and what I did to my room. She said she doná­t know what brought on the change but she really likes it.

I think it is nice to be nice to other people. Especially mom. I told her I was working on kid of the year. She gave me a big kiss and said I won.

Mom said she wanted to ask me something to. We are invited to a new years eve party. She said I could go as tommy or tammy because it is people that doná­t know me, just her. She said Glenn and Alexis would be there to. I told her I would go as tammy. I want to live up to my end of the agreement and it makes mom so happy and if mom is happy I am happier. She said great we will get my dress for it tomorrow. Something adult like.

I asked if Sam could shop with us and she said okay. I kind of trust Sam to help me pick out something really nice. I mean if Iá­m going to be tammy another week, I should do it in style.

Then mom showed me how to dance. In case a boy asked. I hadná­t thought of that. What if a boy ask? Iá­ll do it if heá­s cute. OOOPs I meen so people doná­t think Iá­m not a girl and then that would cause problems, wouldná­t it?

Mom says a lot of the people there are like Glenn and Alexis and I knew what she meant, fruity. I doná­t like that word any more. Fruity sounds bad and they are really nice. But gay sounds bad to, because thatá­s what you tell a boy to make him mad. You tell him youá­re gay.

I doná­t know what to use. She said they know about me giving mom a gift so they wouldná­t make anything big out of it if I didná­t dance. But just in case I wanted to try mom taught me how to slow dance. Itá­s fun dancing with your mom, not in the sicko way, but like being taught how.

Okay, I wrote to much again, itá­s almost time for football and baby amy needs a changing. Mom is going to watch with me again. Most momá­s wont do that, but my mom is cool, I hope Iá­m like her when I grow up. That I spend times with my kid not be a woman. I think. HAHAHAHA good night Mrs. Diary, kiss, kiss.

Ooh a new years eve party. Do I notice certain changes in someoneá­s attitude as well. I wonder where this is going. Please leave a comment. Better yet leave two. If I didná­t get comments I would write less.

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