There’s A Mad Hatter Lose In New York

Aylin sits on her motorcycle and watches the person who raped her friend’s sister. According to her friend Brandy. The guy had drugged her sister and took her back to his place and handcuffed her to the bed frame.

Brandy’s family had pressed charges and the guy had been arrested, but the crooked high price lawyer he hired to represent him in court. The lawyer twisted the facts of the case and made her friend’s sister look like a common streetwalker. Aylin had played the game their way, but now
it was time for them to play the game her way.

She had booby-trapped his place. The lawyer that defended him, well he got his just rewards. Hatter had shown him what a large dose of LSD could do to a person after she neutered him. As for the guy she was after right now. She had something special for him planned.

She waits till she hears the bang go off and enter from the back of the place. She spots the guy lying face-first on the floor of his living room. He had a black eye, where he had gotten hit in the face.

Aylin walks over and picks him up off the floor and carries him to his bedroom. She handcuffs him to the bed, after stripping him. She goes about neutering him like she did the lawyer and set him up a mechanical device to enter him with a huge dildo. The thing would lengthen as it cycled through. She puts a timer on it, to shut down after a while. She wanted him to feel what it it is like when you force yourself on a woman.

She leaves a message that read, Karma is a BITCH! Now you’re my Bitch. She leaves him and heads to Brandy’s place. She parks her motorcycle and cleans her hands and the handlebars on her motorcycle. She walks up to the door and knocks on it.

Brandy was looking after her sister when she heard someone knocking on her front door. She checks the security camera and notices Hatter standing on the other side. She unlocks the door “Hey Hatter, how are you doing?” She steps aside to let Hatter in.

“I’m doing fine. How is your sister, fairing?” Hatter removes her top hat as she walks in.

“She’s doing better. I just wish the guy that raped her, didn’t get off as he did.” Brandy closes the front door behind Hatter.

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about him. They say karma is a bitch. He’ll get what is coming to him.” A smile appears on her face.

Brandy has learned that when Hatter smiles like she does. Something bad has happened or will happen. She escorts Hatter to see her sister. Brandy’s sister has come to be friends with Hatter.

Grace looks up when Hatter and her younger sister comes walking into the den. At first, she thought Hatter was a little strange, always dressing and acting like the Mad Hatter. However, once she got to know Hatter, Grace realizes Hatter might be crazy, but she understood things.

“How are you feeling Grace?” Hatter sits down near her.

“I’m coping.” Grace still didn’t like to leave the house or when she did, she was on guard.

She was seeing a doctor that was helping her cope with what had been done to her. It was a slow process, but it was worth it. Grace reaches out and squeezes Hatter’s hand. She has been the strength she needed, next to her younger sister as well.

Hatter sticks around for a while and after two hours, she leaves. Shade was supposed to meet her at the MMA training facilities they joined. She found out that Shade when he wasn’t goofing off with her, worked at a high-class movie theater. He worked at the concession stand and sold popcorn and other unique gourmet foods.

“Hey, beautiful.” Shade walks over to Hatter and places a kiss on her cheek.

It took Hatter a while to accept him, kissing her. The first few times he did it, she tossed his butt. She didn’t like people touching her. Once she learned why he was doing it. After that,she slowly allowed him to kiss her.

She was still getting used to the feelings she was having about him. She has always been happy just being alone and unattached to anyone, but lately, she has been feeling lonely when Shade wasn’t around her. She has never experienced feelings like she was experiencing now around him.

She looks at him with a smile on her face. She was happy he had arrived. She returns the kiss, before heading to the women’s locker room and changes into her training clothes. Sara, Elizabeth’s wife designed her workout clothes for her. Sara knew how she liked keeping her Mad
Hatter trademark. So, her training clothes were designed in such a way to represent that image.

She goes out into the gym and gets into the fight cage with Shade and start practicing. The next three hours her and Shade practice till they get the moves down. Their trainer Rex Haze watches and correct them on their moves.

Rex has won several matches and normally didn’t take students to train, but he saw the two of them training one day and saw the potential in them. He approached them and offered to train them. If they didn’t want to enter any matches, that was fine with him. However, if they would like to, he only asks a small percentage of the prize money. Shade and Hatter didn’t mind, so they agreed to become his students.

“Alright you two, go hit the showers.” Rex was proud of how far the two of them have come so far.

Aylin had some fighting abilities, but it was a mix-match of different techniques. Shade had street training and his fighting style was worse than Aylin’s. It took him a few weeks to get them to find the right fighting style and train them in martial arts. Aylin caught on quicker than Shade, but he managed to catch up with her.

Rex was also honored when Aylin told him why her face was tattooed white and why it looked so strange. He watches them as they leave the training ring. Aylin had a slight limp, where she messed up on a kick and Shade was rubbing his arm, where Aylin had struck him with a kick.

“You two are getting better. There’s an amateur fight coming up in a few weeks. Would you two be interested in entering it?” Rex had been informed by a friend of his.

Shade looks at Aylin “you want to try it out?”

Aylin tilts her head to the side like a wolf does “sure.”

“Okay, I’ll get the forms and the two of you can meet me up here tomorrow to fill the paperwork out before we start training.” Rex tosses the two of them towels.

“Thanks.” Shade walks with Hatter towards the showers.

“Hey, where do you want to have lunch at?” Shade stops before he heads into the shower room.

“Mmm, Shigeko invited us to eat at the restaurant her husband worked at. Is that alright with you?” Hatter knew Shade wasn’t the snobby type.

“Are you kidding? I would love to eat at the restaurant her husband works at.” Shade has heard a lot of stories about the cook and wanted to meet him.

Aylin just smirks. She hasn’t seen Shade this happy since they have been going steady.

“See you in twenty minutes.” Aylin heads into the women locker room and strips out of her training clothes.

Aylin hums to herself as she takes a shower. Anika made her get into the habit of taking showers or soaking in a tub every day. Especially, after training as she does.

When she comes out of the women’s locker room, she notices Shade waiting for her. She walks over towards him “you ready?”

“Yep.” Shade puts his sunglasses on and heads out to where their motorcycles are parked.

Shade went out and bought a motorcycle like the one Aylin rode. He had a hard time finding one like hers, but he managed to find one. It was a few years newer than Aylin’s. They head to the restaurant. There were a few cars that almost got a few dents from Aylin if they didn’t get out of her way or got to close to her.

They arrive at the restaurant without Aylin damaging any cars. They pull into the parking lot and park their motorcycles.

“Food calls us.” Shade takes his helmet off and heads inside with Aylin by his side.

As they walk in, they are stopped at the hostess podium “how many in your part?”

“Just us two. We’re guest of Chef Brandis.” Aylin was told to drop his name when they came in.

“If you’ll follow me please.” The hostess on duty leads Aylin and Shade to a reserved table.

Aylin and Shade follow the hostess. Aylin notices people giving her weird looks. She was used to it by now. Not that it really mattered in the first place. She didn’t care what people thought about her and she knew Shade didn’t either.

“What would you like to drink?” The hostess looks at Hatter and Shade.

“We’ll have sweet iced tea, please.” Shade orders for the two of them.

“I’ll be right back with your drinks.” She turns around and walks off.

She comes back a few minutes later with their drinks. She places them in front of them.

“Chef Brandis will be out here in a minute to speak with you.” She turns around and walks away.

Shade met Chef Brandis once when Shigeko came back from their honeymoon. She needed help packing her place up. He and Aylin had volunteered to help her.

Chef Brandis comes out of the kitchen and over towards them. He spots Aylin and Shade sitting at the table he kept reserved for his guest.

“Aylin, Shade its so good to see you again. Is there anything special you would like?” Chef Brandis consider them friends of his wife.

“Whatever you like to make for us. We’re not picky.” Shade knew Hatter wasn’t a picky eater.

“Then, in that case, I’ll surprise you. How about a salad while you wait for the main course?” He looks at the two of them.

“Okay.” Shade knew Hatter liked salads. He saw her eat an entire salad from a salad serving bowl once.

Chef Brandis heads back to the kitchen to personally fix a salad for them. He also places their drink order as well.

“How’s your ankle feeling?” Shade noticed Hatter had a limp to her walk.

“It hurts, its nothing a bottle of Scotch won’t cure.” Hatter hated taking any type of pill, because how the mental hospital uses to fool her with

“Aylin, you said you were going to cut back on your drinking.” Shade knew Aylin sometimes drink either to kill how she was feeling emotionally
or when she was hurting physically.

“I have, I just don’t trust pills.” Aylin looks into Shade’s eyes.

“How about if I give them to you? You know I would never do anything to hurt you.” Shade had asked Aylin what had driven her to become the Mad Hatter and Aylin told him.

“Fine.” Aylin trusted Shade and did make a promise to him. If there was one thing she stuck to, it was honoring her word.

Shade digs into his backpack and pulls out a small bottle of Aleve. He shows the bottle to Aylin and opens it. He taps out two red pills and hands them to her.

“Drink some water with these. They taste nasty if you bite into them.” Shade knew Aylin always chews any pills he gives her.

Aylin pops the pills into her mouth and drinks some water to swallow them. She hated taking pills, but she trusted Shade. Anika made her take vitamins for her health and she trusted her.

“There, those should help you with the pain.” Shade puts the bottle back in his backpack.

Their salads come out after a few minutes. Hatter liked just vinegar and oil on her salad. Shade, on the other hand, liked Italian dressing on his.

While they were eating, they spotted a customer giving one of the waitresses a hard time and cussing at her. The poor girl was about to cry and none of her co-workers would come over to help her. Shade spots Hatter put her fork down and get up out of her chair.

“Oh boy!” He puts his fork down and follows behind Hatter.

Hatter walks over to the guy and pours a pitcher of ice water she grabbed from a waitress on top of his head. The guy looks up at her “do you know who the fuck I am?”

“No, and I don’t care either.” Hatter just looks at him with daggers in her eyes.

“Why you bitch.” As he goes to swing at Hatter.

Hatter catches his arm, and with her other arm, pushes his face into his plate still filled with food. She leans in real close to his ear “if you want to keep breathing, I would apologize to the young lady and give her a big tip. Because, if you don’t, I will do it for you and give her everything in your wallet.”

As she rubs his face in the food. She releases his head and arm and stands there at the table. She was going to make sure he either did what she said, or she’ll do it for him.

The manager of the place was heading over to Hatter but is stopped by Shade. He looks at the manager “I wouldn’t go over there right now. She’s not done with him yet.”

“Doesn’t she know who he is?” Ralph was worried that Douglas Gross would retaliate against the restaurant.

“She doesn’t care and whoever he is, better not care either. Because Hatter will send him to his grave.” Shade knew how good and deadly
Aylin was.

Douglas looks at the strangely dress teenage girl standing by him. He saw a crazy predator looking back at him, daring him to do something stupid. He pulls out his wallet and takes out some money and throw it down on the table.

“All of it.” Hatter didn’t like how much he threw down on the table.

Douglas looks up at Hatter “go to hell bitch.” As he goes to pull his gun, but it wasn’t in his shoulder holster.

“Are you looking for this?” Hatter holds his gun up.

Douglas just looks at her with a puzzled look on his face. How in the hell did she get his gun without him feeling it leave the holster? He empty’s his wallet on the table.

“Now apologize to your waitress.”

“I’m not apologizing to anyone.” Douglas dares her to do something.

“SMACK!” Douglas goes flying backward out of his seat.

Hatter stood before him. She had smacked him as hard as she could. It also didn’t hurt that her gloves were weighted with lead powder.

“Get out of here, now!” Hatter had slipped one of her throwing knives into her hand.

Douglas saw the knife in her hand. He has already experienced what she could do. He also hears the police sirens coming.

“This isn’t over.” Douglas gets up off the floor.

“Yes, it is.” Hatter makes the knife in her hand disappear.

The gun she took, she pocketed it in one of inner secret pockets of her coat. She watches as Douglas leaves. She turns around and walks back to her table.

Shade looks at the manager “let us know if he starts anything.” He hands the manager a card with his and Hatter’s number on it.

“Thanks, I will.” He goes to meet with the police.

Shade walks back over to his and Hatter’s table. He sits down as two police officers come over to question them. The police officer takes Aylin statement after she shows her special agent badge. After they leave, Chef Brandis comes out with their meal.

Shade and Hatter looked at the dish and tries to guess what it was. It smelled nice and looked good, but they couldn’t tell what it was. Hatter looked at Chef Brandis “what is it?”

“Try it, Aylin. I promise you’ll like it.” Chef Brandis had a smile on his face.

Hatter picks her fork up and tries some of the meat and vegetable. As she chews it, a smile appears on her face.

“This is good Shade.” As Aylin takes a second bite.

“Told you, you’ll like it.” Chef Brandis was proud of the dish.

Shade takes a bite and after a few chews, he had to agree with Aylin. He takes another bite and enjoys it. After he swallows it “this is really good.”

“Thanks. You two enjoy your meal and don’t worry about the bill. I got you covered.” Chef Brandis heads back into the kitchen.

Shade and Aylin finish their meal and leaves a hefty tip for their waitress. The two of them walk out of the restaurant and over to their motorcycles.

“That was a nice meal.” Shade glances over towards Hatter and notices she was thinking about something.

“Yes, it was.” Aylin was distracted by something.

“What’s on your mind, Aylin?” Shade could tell something had her distracted.

“Let’s go back to your place, Shade.” Aylin decided she was going to see what it felt like to have sex with someone she cared about.

“Okay.” Shade was a little confused about Aylin’s request.

They head back to his apartment. It wasn’t very big and was just a studio. He made enough money, to pay the bills and have a few amenities. They park their motorcycles in the small garage he had.

They head upstairs to his apartment. Once they were inside, Hatter heads towards Shade’s bathroom. She takes all her clothes off and fold them neatly and carry them out and set them on his dresser.

Shade had gone to the kitchen and was getting a glass of water. He had his back to Aylin and didn’t know she was standing naked in the middle of the room. When he finishes the glass of water and turns around “what the?” He was surprised to see her naked.

Aylin walks up over to him “I want you to have sex with me. I want to experience what it means to be made love to by someone I care for.”

“Are you sure, Aylin?” Shade has been thinking about making love to Aylin for a while but knew she didn’t like being touched.

“Yes, I’m sure.” As she walks up close to him and kisses him.

Shade wraps his arms around her and returns her kiss. He has so wanted to do this since they met. He helps her remove his clothes as they kiss. They head to Shade’s bed, where she lays down on her back and let Shade nest between her legs.

She could feel Shade kissing down her body and it felt nice to her. She was running her hands on his back as he kissed down her body until he was between her legs. She could feel his tongue inside of her, but she wasn’t feeling anything herself.

Shade tongues Aylin but didn’t hear her moaning or even twitching any. He knew he was doing everything right, but when he went to lick her clitoris. There was a burn scar there. He also noticed that she had scar tissue around her vaginal opening and up inside of her body.

He looks up at Aylin’s face “Aylin, did that doctor at the mental hospital do any experiments on you down here?”

“He shoved a huge metal rod up inside of me and sent electricity through it and into my body? I was also raped down there. Why do you ask?” Aylin was curious.

“Because you have a lot of scar tissue and a burnt spot where your clitoris should be. I think we better call Elizabeth and have her look at you.” Shade puts his pants on and covers Aylin up.

Aylin didn’t understand why she didn’t feel anything when Shade was between her legs with his tongue inside her body. She felt the wetness from his tongue, but nothing else. She’s had some bleeding when she had her period but not a lot.

Shade makes a phone call to Elizabeth and asks for her to come to his place. When she asked what about. He said it would be better if he told her in person.

Shade sits on the bed with Aylin still covered up. He wonders what the doctor at the mental hospital did to Aylin. He wonders why a doctor would do what he did to a patient.

Elizabeth shows up twenty minutes later. It took her a while to find the place. Once she is parked, she walks inside and up to the door and knock on it.

Shade opens the door “thanks for coming to Elizabeth. I think you need to look at Hatter.”

“Why, what’s wrong?” She looks at Shade as he shuts the door behind her.

“Well, I and Aylin were about to have sex and she wasn’t responding like most girls I have had sex with. I knew I was doing things right. So, I
looked at where her clitoris should be and there was a burned spot there. I kept examining her and discover she has a lot of scar tissue.” Shade leads Elizabeth to his bed.

Elizabeth spotted Aylin laying covered up on Shade’s bed. She walks over to Aylin “how are you feeling, Aylin?”

“Puzzled on why Shade stopped licking me and why he called you.” Aylin wonders if she did something weird.

“Well, he spotted something wrong with your lower range. Can you scoot down some so I can raise your bottom?” Elizabeth gets a chair to sit in.

Aylin does as Elizabeth request. She piles some pillows up and lay back with her legs spread for Elizabeth to examine her. She watches Shade as he stood nearby. He was curious about what Elizabeth would find.

Elizabeth gets between Aylin legs and starts looking at her vagina and inside. She couldn’t believe how much scar tissue Aylin had in her vaginal lining. As she kept examining Aylin, she could see that Aylin was missing her cervix and that she could see directly into Aylin uterus.
There was a lot of scar tissue and burn marks inside and around Aylin’s reproductive organs. Elizabeth looks up at Aylin “Aylin, I’m going to need to tell Anika about this. You might need reconstructed surgery.”

Aylin sits up and looks at Elizabeth “why?”

“Because you have a lot of scar tissue inside of you. If Shade had managed to enter into you, it would have been very painful for you and him.” Elizabeth stands up.

“So, should I get dress?” Aylin was about to get up.

“I think you can still enjoy him, without having sex. I’m going to talk to your mom, so she can make an appointment for you.” Elizabeth starts
heading towards the door. She motions for Shade to follow her.

When they arrive at his door “look, you can still explore Aylin’s body. Just be careful with her. “

“I will Elizabeth, I think I’m in love with Aylin.” Shade realized he had been falling in love with Aylin.

“See you later.” Elizabeth leaves Shade’s place.

Shade heads back into the bedroom and lay down next to Aylin. She rolls over on top of him and starts kissing him. She does what she has seen Dakota and Terry did in bed.

They spend the night learning about each other’s bodies. She does take him in her ass. Since he didn’t want to hurt her. She did winces some when he entered her, but after a while, she got used to it.

They sleep till, late in the afternoon. When Aylin wakes-up she gives him a kiss on the lips.

“Thank you.” She gets up afterward and heads towards the bathroom.

A big smile appears on Shade’s face as he watches her walk to the bathroom in the nude. He loved her cute little butt. He wonders how Aylin would feel when their relationship hopefully, becomes more. Maybe somewhere down the line, they can make it permanent.

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