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by Angharad
Tom appeared a few minutes after I started chatting with Pippa again. “Bloody women, always talking, get some work done.” His face was as straight as a poker but his eyes were twinkling.
“This is a university, Professor Agnew, it’s the undergraduates who should be working, we’re just here to supervise.”
“I’ve met one or two lecturers who seemed to really have that attitude. So have you had a look round?”
“Yes thank you.”
“And,” his eyes bored right through me.
“Okay? Okay? Okay what?”
“Okay, I’ll come to lunch.”
“Fine, that’s just fine and dandy.”
“Where are we eating?”
“The pub out on the Gosport road, the Baker’s Bollocks or something.”
“Baker’s Arms, perchance?”
“Something like that. Are we eating or having a quiz?”
“I’m waiting for some old fart to escort me to my luncheon, it isn’t you perchance?”
“Oi, less of the old. Come along then daughter dear,” he crooked his arm and I linked mine through it. “Your car or mine?”
“Mine, if you think I’m going in that ancient death-trap in this outfit, you’ve got another think coming.”
“You could of course always take it off…” he said his eyes sparkling.
“And you could buy yourself a new car, it’s not as if you go off road in it any more, is it?”
“Why should I? Agatha goes perfectly well.”
“Oh come off it, Tom, it gives off more emissions than a coal fired power station. I thought we were trying to save the planet.”
“Yes, we are. You see I have the dilemma, if I buy a new car then it’s using new resources and energy to manufacture and deliver it; whereas if I continue using Agatha, I only burn fuel.”
“Yes, about the same as a jumbo jet taking off, and as much oil as fuel.”
“Agatha doesn’t use much oil?”
“Not compared to the American plastics industry, or possibly Shanghai province. Besides, the Mondeo is more comfortable on your aching bones.” I had to stifle a snigger when I saw him stiffen at the last bit.
“You are only as old as you feel, and I still feel like a twenty year old.”
“So do I,” I said smirking, and he aimed a slap at my head which I ducked.
We were half way through our lunch, Tom and his curry and me and my tuna; when my phone peeped indicating a text. I wasn’t expecting one, so I paused in my munching to check my phone.
‘Stel is askn to c u urgently, cn u go 2dy? Lol S.’
“Oh!” I exclaimed.
“What’s up?”
“Simon has just asked me to go and see Stella, apparently she has been asking to see me.”
“I’ll have to go, won’t I? I mean I was almost persona non grata so I’m quite pleased to see her.”
“Do you want me to come? You’ve been quite tired lately, and I don’t want you overdoing it.”
“I’m sure I’ll cope.” I began to finish my lunch, besides you’ve had a drink.”
“It was only a pint of Guinness for goodness’ sake.”
“I’ll be okay, you have work to do, besides, if I do it easily, I’ll come back to work next week.”
“We’ll see.” Tom almost glowered at me.
“If I get tired, I’ll stop and have a nap–does that satisfy you?”
“It isn’t about my satisfaction, it’s about your health. You’ve been ill.”
As he spoke a waitress came to collect the crocks, “Excuse me, do I look ill to you?” I asked her.
She stepped back bemused and shook her head, “Not as far as I can see madam, but I’m not a doctor.” I was about to take the moral high ground when Tom trumped me.
“See, she’s not a doctor.”
“Neither are you,” I countered. “Look, I’m going, so drink up or you have along walk ahead. Oh by the way..”
He stood up and finished the dregs in his glass, “Yes, what?”
I kissed him on the cheek, “Thank you for the flowers, they’re lovely.”
“You got them then?”
“Yes, mid morning, I fell asleep...”
“See, you do get tired.”
“Yes, but I’ve had a nap, so I should be okay.”
“I’m really not happy about this. I’m coming, too.”
“Have you been unconscious then? I suppose you might as well have been for all the notice you take of me.”
“Cathy, I have no idea what you’re on about.”
“You said you were, coming to, isn’t that what people do from unconsciousness? I said I’d be okay, you just won’t listen.”
“I listen, but make my own judgements. As your superior and in loco parentis, I’ve made my decision, I am coming with you.”
“You’re not insured to drive this car,” I said as we drove up to the university.
“I am on my own insurance, give me the keys.”
“I’m driving.”
“Fine, you can drive, just give me the keys.”
“So you don’t sneak off before I come out again.”
“I give you my word.”
“Sorry girl, let’s have the keys.” He held out his hand and I placed them in it. “I don’t want you trying to prove a point.”
I felt an element of indignation, but he was right, despite promising to stay, I’d have gone as soon as he was inside the building. I sent a text to Simon saying we were going. Tom came trotting back, with his brief case. I queried it. “She’s only asking to see you, I’ll stay in the car and do some work.”
“What if she’d like to see you as well?”
“You can always come and get me if that happens.”
In some ways I was glad to have him with me. The journey is tedious at best and we chatted as I drove. We arrived at the clinic and I parked the car. I went into reception. “Hello, I’ve come to see Stella Cameron.”
“I think she’s gone out, I’ll just check for you.”
“What do you mean she’s gone out? I’ve just come haring up here because her brother told me she wanted to see me urgently, I’ve just spent two hours in a hot car, for nothing.”
“I’m sorry, madam, she is allowed to go out and it is a pleasant day, so she’s gone for a walk with one of the nurses. I’m sure she won’t be long, would you care to wait? We could probably get you a drink, tea or a cold one?”
“I have someone in the car with me.”
“I’m sure we could manage two teas, madam.”
“Okay, two teas then, I’ll get my friend.”
I stormed out to the car.
“Who’s taken your lollipop?” said Tom, eyes twinkling.
“She’s not bloody well here.”
“Oh, where is she?”
“Out for a walk, with a flippin’ nurse.”
“So we wait?”
“Yes, inside, they’re getting us a cuppa.”
“Oh well, not all is lost.” He put his work back in his case and shut it in the boot of the car. “Shall we adjourn for tea?”
I shrugged and walked to the clinic with him. I’ll murder Stella when I see her.

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Hmmm. What's Cathy so Steamed over?
I mean, did she phone ahead to say WHEN she might be ariving? Doesn't "out for a walk" sound good?
Oh well. How come Cathy likes to twist Tom's goat so much? Okay, he twists back on occasion, so maybe he does earn it. She reminds me of someone, wanting to get back to work, while not quite healthy enough as yet. Hmmm. I wonder who that could be....
Thanks Angharad,
seven little words
Its the last seven little words that worry me
When I voted, 50 people had read this episode. My (2, because apparently writers, however lowly, get 2) votes put the score to 15. Come on people, Angharad devotes time every blinkin' day (may be only 30 minutes but sometimes more) to amuse our jaded souls. If you enjoy her efforts is it really too much trouble to click on the 'Vote' tag at the start of the story? I can't believe that, after over a year, most readers who click on 'Easy' don't know exactly what they're going to get (well, not really knowing how wildly Ang's mind works, but you know what I mean) and a click is a small price to pay, isn't it? OK, rant over :)
I wonder if putting the voting tag at the end might not increase the votes? For 'Easy' I vote before I've read it because I know what I'm getting but unknown stories I have to backspace to the beginning if I decide it deserves a vote. Just a thought, Erin.
errr thanks Angharad - just get Cathy to calm down a bit, please.
Putting vote at end
I'd like to, but it would require hacking the code. And that way lies madness. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It takes between and hour and 90mins
to write most episodes, depending upon length and complexity.
As for voting, I can't comment, that's for each reader to decide.
Counter Productive?
Killing Stella after so many attempts to keep her alive just doesn't seem right, like saving the life of a murderer that got shot up just to execute the murderer later...
I take it as a good sign that Stella is getting out around the grounds, even if it is under escort.

Dear Mr. Bonzi:
Please tell that lady who works for you not to kill off any more cast members before the wedding.
It would seem
counter productive to have Cathy to kill Stella.After all without Stella Cathy wouldn't be Cathy and she's probably saved Stella at least as many times as she's saved other people.It's a very rare day when I don't vote for your story and like Geoff I know before I even start it will earn that vote so I vote before I start.Comments on the other hand are if I have the time or if it's exceptional and worth making the time.Amy---"May your pen never run out of ink and your brain out of ideas"
Voting at the end.
Sorry that this isn't germane to the story, but my vote box is at the end of this story!
It's just left of "Add child page". The vote box was at the end of the last two stories, chapters, etc. I read before this one.
I'm using MAC OS 10.3.9 and Firefox. I'm reporting this cuz it sounded like Erin was saying that moving the vote box would be difficult or at least time consuming, at 4:30 P PDST. It's now around 6:20 MST which is the same as PDST.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I love this story, but it is addictive. When I got back after a three month trip one of the first things I did after laoding the washing machine was to open the computer up and settle down for some catch up reading.
Bless you, Angharad, for entertaining us all so well.
Cathy Is Just Being Cathy ::-)
Sure, she's peeved at Stella for not being there. But that's it. Remember that Cathy is JUST getting over the mumps too. Besides, Tom is there with Cathy and possibly Simon is with Stella. But that might snark Cathy off at him too. :-)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I dunno
I'd be more worried about Stella out palming knives in preperation for Cathy's visit. :-(
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Cathy, still being ill and
Cathy, still being ill and under the weather, needs to calm down or she will need the nurse that is with Stella. This is such a wonderful story, I look forward to reading each and every chapter as they appear. I particularly like the new location of the voting counter, as it makes better sense in the new location where the reader can vote AFTER reading the chapter or the story. J-Lynn
It might be better
placed with the comments, as they're usually better than my stories!
Big Raspberry…
…to that, Sis. They wouldna vote furrit is they dinna like it, Hen!
I suspect the aggravation will disappear when she sees Stella. Still, it could go badly, as Stella may not be in her right mind. Something like bearing a grudge for no real reason. Madness does not have a reason, but it can have purpose, something quoted from an old Star Trek episode.
I smell a rat.
I smell a rat.
I thought Simon texted her from the horse pistol ?
"... shallow - really, really shallow "