Blackwell Paranormal Investigation Agency Case 2 Part 2

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The Case Of the Forgotten Soldiers. Part 2

Luna was enjoying the ride to the old battlefield. Mr. Blackstone was doing the driving and warned her to keep undercover when they got to the site. Luna didn’t mind doing what Mr. Blackstone told her to do. By the time they arrive at the site, it was raining lightly. Instead of staying in town in a hotel room. The town gave Mr. Blackstone and his crew permission to camp at the site and record what went on.

Luna watches as a full mobile army headquarters tent was setup. Since they were going to be here for a while investigating the area. Joanna and a few of the other team’s members had rented travel trailers or pop-up campers to camp out on the property. Mr. Blackstone figured that they were going to be on the property for a while.

Mr. Blackstone had given Luna permission to scout around the area, see if she could find anything. She was also told to stay out of sight while their guest was here helping with the investigation. When they were here, she was to stay with Joanna or with one of the other staff members if Joanna isn’t available.

She waits till it stops raining before scouting around the area. She finds a tree that has some civil war bullets still in them. She marks them, so the investigators from the agency could find them. When it gets dark, she heads back towards the camp without being seen by their visitors.
One of their visitors was a professor from a nearby collage. The other was the local historian for the town. He had heard rumors or tales of a forgotten battlefield, but there was no maps or records of it ever taking place.

During the night they have ghostly visitors as a battle rages just outside where they have setup camp. Luna watches as ghostly horses with men on them charge a group of soldiers. The muted sounds of gunfire sounded. Luna knew they were recording this with their special equipment, but something didn’t feel right. She flew to a different area of the battlefield and felt a cold presence. There was an evil cold presence as she flew closer to where it was coming from. She could feel the hatred, viciousness and sadistic pleasure it gave off. She could see the twinkle of pleasure as the men kneeling in front of him had their heads blown off.

She shivers as the evil spirit looks over towards her. It looks directly at her with a smile on its ghostly face. She wraps her arms around her body and shiver as a coldness seems to blow in and chill her tiny body. Luna flies back to Joanna and crawl into her pocket trying to warm up.
Joanna was working with Edward to recorded the ghostly images with his specially recording camera. It’s been design to pick-up on the ghost particle or neutrinos that make-up a ghost body.

Joanna had felt Luna climb into her coat pocket. She could feel Luna inside shivering like she was extremely cold. She wonders why Luna was shivering so badly. They knew she could withstand cold temperatures to a degree. She would still need something warm to wear if the temperature was below freezing. The weather outside wasn’t too cold. She had on a light windbreaker.

“Luna, could you please come out of my pocket and explain why you are shaking like a leaf?” Joanna holds her pocket open for Luna.
Luna still felt cold, but she climbs out of Joanna’s pocket and over towards her laptop and open a note pad and types.

Encounter an evil, vengeful, sadistic spirit.

Joanna reads what she typed on her laptop.

“Where?” Joanna was watching Luna.

Luna points in the direction she came from.

“Mr. Blackstone, you need to come with me.” Joanna grabs her meter and heads off in the direction Luna had pointed.

Mr. Blackstone had turned around when he heard Joanna’s voice and watched as she started to head deeper into the woods. He notices that
Luna was following behind her from the blue light she gave off from her magical aura, but it seemed to be dimmer then normal. He hurries after them.

As he gets closer to where they went, he hears a high pitch female scream. He increases his pace to catch-up to Joanna and Luna. When he gets closer, he notices Joanna crumpled form on the ground and Luna tossing bright blue energy balls at a fully formed ghostly form. It was trying to get closer to Joanna’s crumpled form, but Luna was holding it back with her magical energy balls.

Joanna had run in the direction that Luna had pointed and as she got closer. She notices a full floating form drifting around the area looking for something. It was dressed in a Confederate uniform and was looking for something among the bushes and scrubs in the area. She takes her meter to get a reading from it, when it stopped and looked directly at her.

Joanna couldn’t believe it as it hovered no more than ten feet in front of her. She pulls her cellphone out and takes several pictures of it. She could make out every feature of the ghostly form. The dark hollow eyes, the short gray beard, and the stringy gray hair that covered his ears. His gray confederate general hat and uniform.

Before Joanna knew it, the ghostly form of the confederate general charges towards her and pass through her. She felt the evil energy as it passed through her body. It sent a shock to her system as it paralyzed her as he stole some of her personal energies from her aura. She had managed to scream, before she dropped into a crumpled form.

Luna had seen the evil spirit pass through Joanna and watched as she dropped into a crumpled form on the ground. Luna got angry at the form for hurting her friend and knew her magical ability over water wouldn’t hurt this ghost, so she formed the energy into energy balls and started tossing them at the ghostly form.

General Dante Grim felt charged when he passed through the strangely dress young woman. He became more solid after stealing some of her spiritual energies and some of her aura. He was going to pass through her a second time, till he felt pain. He had turned around and saw the little fairy he saw earlier hovering in front of him and tossing little blueish balls of magical energy at him. He tries to move towards her, but she just flies backwards as she tosses more of those little energy balls at him.

They felt like bee stings to him. He looks at the little blue fairy that was hurting him. He tries to grab her, but she flies out of the way. She points above his head and the next thing he felt was rain coming down on top of him.

Mr. Blackstone saw that Luna was keeping the evil spirit away from Joanna and he rushes forward to scoop Joanna up off the ground. When he touches her skin, she felt ice cold. He looks at her and notices she had lost some color to her skin. She was paler and he could see her veins beneath her skin. He scoops her up off the ground and starts running the way he had come.

General Grim saw his victim get carried away as he rushes towards her and the man carrying her. He could still feel the stings of the energy balls hitting his back and felt his form slowly breaking down. He stops and turns around to face the little fairy. He felt rain pouring down over his body. He looks up and notices a small rain cloud over his head. He looks back at the fairy attacking him and glares. He screams at her.

Luna sticks her tongue out and tosses an energy ball at him. She had felt his anger when he screamed at her, but he had hurt her friend Joanna. She felt him draw on her energies and take a piece of her soul. She increases the downpour from the rain cloud she summoned and caused it to strike him with lighting.

General Grim tries to grab the fairy, but was stopped when a lightning bolt came up from the ground and struck him. He could feel his body start to lose cohesion after the lightning bolt struck him. He felt himself struck again and again twice more.

Luna was angry with the ghost and caused two more lightning bolts to strike him. She notices he wasn’t as solid as he was before and caused two more lightning bolts, along with her magical energy bolts to strike him again and again. She keeps it up till he is nothing, but little wisp of smoke. She keeps distracting him till Mr. Blackstone is far enough away from him.

She flies off towards Mr. Blackstone and Joanna, as the General tries to regain control over his form. He was feeling weak after the attack from the fairy. The rain stormed that had formed over his head had disappeared as soon as the fairy flew off. He could feel the sun starting to raise as he drifts back to where his body was buried.

Mr. Blackstone makes it back to the travel trailer Joanna was using. He lays her down on the bed and checks her over. He had heard stories of some ghost that could steal the life energies of the living. He had only encounter one other ghost like that. It was when he went to Egypt to investigate a hidden room a friend of his had found inside the pyramid. He lays Joanna down on her bed and cover her up with a blanket. Her color and body temperature would return with some rest. After tucking her in bed, Mr. Blackstone walks over towards the tent they had setup they were using as an office while they were here.

Just as he walks in Luna flies past him and land on his makeshift desk.

“Thank you, Luna, for the help.” Mr. Blackstone walks over towards his field desk and sits down.

Luna sits down on the desk feeling exhausted. This was the first time she has used her magic to do what she did. She didn’t think it would work at first, but between the lightning from the storm cloud and her balls of magical energy. They made a difference against General Grim.
Both caused the ghostly form of confederate General Grim to break-up when it did. Luna watches as Mr. Blackstone start sketching a picture of the General.

She walks around the image as he sketched his image. She was amazed at how accurate Mr. Blackstone was with the image. After a while he finishes the image.

“Well, all we have to do now Luna, is to see if we can find information about this General.” Mr. Blackstone was looking Luna.

She has already discovered several gravesites they were in the process of digging up. The thing now is, why was this ghost hanging around and who was he?

“Luna, can you search the area when the sun comes up and try to see why he was so concern with that area?”

Luna nods her head yes. She walks over and pull a few tissues out and makes herself a little nest to lay down in.

“I better cover you up Luna, just in case we have a visitor today.”

Mr. Blackstone scoops Luna up along with her tissue nest and lay her in a special ventilated box he had constructed for her. It had a fan to circulate the air through the box and could be opened by her if she wanted out.

Luna readjust how she was sleeping and falls back asleep. During most of the morning Luna sleeps to regain her magical energy levels.
Mr. Blackstone checks on Joanna to see how she was doing. He notices her skin color was slowly returning and that her body was slowly warming back up. He takes her body temperature and discovered that she was slowly reaching her normal body temperature.

He heads back to their work tent and waits for Professor Woolly Ayers and Mr. Jay Butler to show-up for their meeting. During Mr. Butler’s visit, he shows him the picture he sketched of the confederate General they ran into. Mr. Butler didn’t know who he was, but he knew someone that might.

Luna wakes up after a few hours of rest and peeks out to see if anyone was in the tent. She didn’t spot anyone inside the tent. So, she crawls out of the little box that Mr. Blackstone put her in and goes scouting. She spotted some wild berries last night when she went out looking. She stops and take a look at them. She was looking for some ripe ones. She grabs a few berries to munch on as she has her fill.

She flies out to search the area the ghost had been hovering around. It takes her nearly two and half hours looking under groups of bushes and scrubs. She finally finds what the ghost spirit was looking for. It was a leather bag and a confederate officer sword. Luna marks the spot and flies back to camp to let Mr. Blackstone know. She looks around for him, but can’t find him anywhere. She checks on Joanna and finds her still asleep. She goes back looking for Mr. Blackstone, but still couldn’t find him. She spots Edwards and flies over towards him.

Edward was checking over his camera equipment when Luna comes flying over to him. He stops and watches as she lands on his work table.

“What can I do for you, Luna?” He could tell she was excited about something.

Luna looks around for a pencil and paper and finally finds one. She writes down what she needs to tell Mr. Blackstone.

I found what the ghost is looking for!

Luna looks up at Edward to see if he knew where Mr. Blackstone was or if he could help.

“What did you find, Luna?” Now Edward was curious.

Luna picks up the pencil and writes:

Sword and leather saddle bag.

Now Edward was curious “why don’t you show me, Luna. Mr. Blackstone won’t be back for a while.”

Luna flies up off Edwards work bench and leads him to the bushes where she found the items. Edward gets down on his knees and reaches under the scrubs. His fingertips touch the handle of the sword.

Luna was watching as Edward stretched his arm under the scrub. She was there to make sure he didn’t get bitten by snakes. She lights up the area a little brighter so Edward could see what he was grabbing fore.

Edward felt his fingertips touch something under the scrub. He could see the area pretty good because of Luna’s light.

“I’ll be back Luna.” Edward gets up and heads back to their camp to get some tools.

Luna looks around some more and finds all sorts of things dating from the civil war. She marks each place with her magic.

Edward comes back with a few other volunteers that had shown up, but found no one. Luna sneaks into Edwards bag to hide as he digs around the scrub and retrieves the items she found. He spots some more of Luna’s markers and assign the volunteers to dig those items up carefully. Luna watches from her hiding spot. She feels the bag she is hiding in lifted and carried back to camp. After twenty minutes, she feels the bag sat back down.

“It’s safe to come out Luna.” Edward knew Luna took cover like she was told to by Mr. Blackstone.

Luna climbs out and notices she was inside their work tent. She flies up on the make shift work bench and watches as Edwards examines the sword and leather saddle bags. She couldn’t believe the condition they were in. She runs her hands along the scabbard of the sword and could feel the Confederate General’s energies still lingering on it. When she touches the leather saddle bag, she felt sadness, worry, fear. Luna stops touching it to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Edward hadn’t notice the tears coming from Luna’s eyes. He was too busy trying to free the sword they had found. Mr. Blackstone had taught Edward some tricks on handling and cleaning artifacts they find when they were doing an investigation. So, he was being careful with it.

Luna walks over and sits down and watches Edward till Mr. Blackstone returns.

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My guess is that the saddle

My guess is that the saddle bags had both items belonging to the General, such as a photo or photos of his wife and children, or possibly his parents; plus most likely orders and maps that he would not want the Union Troops to get their hands on. Along with this would be his sword which were normally awarded very specially to the officer who wore it.
Will be interesting to see if the spirit appears again, now that the items have been found and if he does, what actions he will take regarding them.

My guess is that the saddle

My guess is that the saddle bags had both items belonging to the General, such as a photo or photos of his wife and children, or possibly his parents; plus most likely orders and maps that he would not want the Union Troops to get their hands on. Along with this would be his sword which were normally awarded very specially to the officer who wore it.
Will be interesting to see if the spirit appears again, now that the items have been found and if he does, what actions he will take regarding them.

Now what could be in those

Now what could be in those saddlebags that would hold the General, and create such evil ?
