Blackwell Paranormal Investigation Agency Case 2 Part 3

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Luna paces back and forth on Mr. Blackstone’s make shifts desk. The past few days they have been doing research on that General that keeps reappearing each night. Luna held him at bay on the second night he had appeared. Mr. Blackstone had done some research and placed a containment circle around his grave to keep the ghost at bay. It was an ancient pagan solution for keeping an evil spirit at bay. The papers and journals they found inside the leather bags belonged to the General and they were orders for him to return. There were several bundles of money and jewelry in the bags.

There was also wanted papers in there for the General that describe his crime. The killing of men, women and children and the destruction of towns loyal to the Union. Mr. Blackstone had been going through all the books, journals and newspapers the town had in their archives. Mr. Blackstone and Joanna rub their eyes after reading some of the things they found about this General. He had no problem killing his prisoners and innocents.

“He reminds me of Captain William Clarke Quantrill. He raped the families of the men he killed. He killed over 185 men and able-bodied boys.”
Mr. Blackstone knew there was some bad General and such during the war and a lot of them didn’t surrender when the treaty was signed.

He knew from other records that there still a lot of support for the South and that some of the Southern Generals were more like raiders. Mr. Blackstone looks over towards Luna.

“Luna, have you found any items or possessions the General might have taken from his victims?”

Luna stops and thinks about the question. She really wasn’t looking for items, but things that had spiritual energy still cling or hanging around.
She looks at Mr. Blackstone and shakes her head no.

“Would you mind scouting around and seeing if there is any hidden, please?” Mr. Blackstone wonders if that was why the General was trying to steal energy from people.

Luna gives Mr. Blackstone the thumbs up and flies off looking for what he just asked her for. Luna flies off without being detected by some of the volunteers that had come to help with the site. Luna starts near where she found the graves and worked back from there. She expended her magical senses that help her detect water under the ground to locate things.

She kept heading further and further away from the battle ground looking for anything. She takes a break and causes a little spring to surface to drink from and soak her body in. It’s been half a day and she hasn’t taken a dipped or played in any water. Luna flutters her wings to dry them off before she leaves. She felt better after being exposed to the water. The clean water Mr. Blackstone brought her, just didn’t feel the same to her.

She makes the spring go back down into the ground before she leaves. She flies off and after searching for twenty minutes, she finds what she was looking for. She was at least ten miles west of the battlefield. She could feel a big disturbance underground in several places. She marks the places and flies back towards the campsite.

Joanna had found a letter address to the General informing him that his wife and daughter had died in a fire. Union artillery shell had hit his home and his wife and daughter and had been trapped inside as the house burned on top of them.

“No wonder he is as crazy as he is Andre. His wife and daughter were killed by Union artillery.” Joanna shows him the letter she had found inside the leather saddle bag along with an old fashion watch with pictures of his wife and daughter inside it.

“That still doesn’t give him the right to kill as many people as he did. According to what I read in this journal of one of his men. He beheaded the Union soldiers that surrender without mercy and had a few blown apart with cannon fire.” Mr. Blackstone closes the journal he had just been reading.

“Mr. Blackstone, there’s a Mr. Brickhouse here to see you.” Trinity had escorted Mr. Blackstone’s visitor to the tent.

Trinity had been one of the volunteer’s that had asked to help in the recovery of the civil wars artifacts. She was interested in ancient history and enjoyed learning about things. She had heard rumors and spotted a little blue light flying around the camp at night and sometimes during the day. She thought the rumors were just that, rumors. However, she had caught a glimpse of the blue light and followed it. Once it landed and she got a good look of it. She couldn’t believe it was an actual pixie. It looked just like the ones from Walt Disney.

“Thank you, Trinity.” Mr. Blackstone looks over towards the tent entrance at Trinity and his friend Johnathan Brickhouse.

Johnathan Brickhouse couldn’t believe his old friend Andre needed his help with a vengeful spirit. The last time he helped his friend, was ten years ago when they had to deal with a poltergeist. That was a nasty job and he pledged he wouldn’t be doing any of that type of work ever again.

“You’re welcome sir.” Trinity turns around and heads out of the tent and back over to where she had been working.

“So? What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time? That you needed to call me out of retirement?” Johnathan had walked over and sat down after shaking Andre’s hand at his make shift desk.

“I need your help with a very mean and vengeful spirit. So far, I’m keeping him at bay with some of the rituals you taught me. However, I think it might be best if we do a final solution to the problem.” Andre figures the watch was what was keeping the General around.

“When do you want to do this?” Johnathan figures Andre must be worried about this spirit.

“Tonight, if possible or do you need more time to gather your things?” Andre wanted to get this job done tonight.

“I have what we need in my car with me. What time do you want to do this?” Johnathan figures midnight would be the best bet.

“Let’s shoot for midnight, tonight. I’ll make sure all the volunteers have gone home for the night.” Andre knew he needed to get everyone away from the camp.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Johnathan was just getting up to leave, when he spots a blue light come flying in and lands on Andre’s desk.

Andre just shakes his head at Luna’s timing. She had to pick now to come flying in.

Johnathan looks at the little female pixie standing on his friend’s desk. She was wearing a tiny black jumpsuit and long flowing brown hair that framed her head and rested in between her insect style wings. She looked like something out of a Walt Disney cartoon.

“Um, Andre. Is there something you want tell me about the girl standing on your desk?”

Luna heard another voice coming from the right of her and look towards it. She blushes because she had been told to keep her existence a secret. Luna picks up a nearby pencil and scrabbles sorry on a piece of paper.

Andre reads what she wrote.

“It’s okay Luna. Just next time be more careful.”

Johnathan had read what the little pixie had written on the slip of paper. He was amazed at how strong she was at three inches tall. He couldn't believe she picked up a number two pencil that was taller than herself and wrote with it. Then when his friend called her Luna, that had startled him.

He looks towards Andre “so the YouTube videos were true about that boy over in England?”

“Yep, the video circulating around on YouTube is true, Johnathan. This is Luna. She’s the newest addition to my team.”

Andre looks towards Luna “allow me to introduce you to my friend Johnathan Brickhouse. He’s going to help us with the General.”

Luna flies up off the desk and hovers right in front of Johnathan and waves at him.

If Johnathan wasn’t seeing it for himself, he wouldn’t believe it. This was an actual living, breathing pixie. He notices that she had a blueish glow about her when she was flying.

“Does she always glow like that?” Johnathan looks over towards Andre.

“Only when she is flying or using her magical talents. She’s a water pixie.” Andre didn’t want to tell his friend she always glowed.

“What do you mean she’s a water pixie? Aren’t they a little different looking, because she looks like something from Walt Disney.” Johnathan couldn’t help, but compare Luna to a Disney fairy.

Luna looks around for an open container of water or something.

“Here you go Luna.” Joanna had walked in when saw Luna looking for something. She had heard what Andre and Johnathan had said about her.

Luna draws the water out of Joanna’s bottle and whips Johnathan with it again and again.

Johnathan couldn’t believe he was getting hit by water shaped like a whip.

Luna was giggling as she causes the water to smack him lightly. She makes the water go back to Joanna’s bottle and smiles at Johnathan.

“That’s what I mean when I say she’s a water pixie. She can control and summon water. She can make any type of water do as she wants.” Andre watches as Luna flies over and lands on Joanna’s shoulder.

Johnathan still couldn’t believe it. He was looking at an actual pixie.

“Well, you can tell me more about it later.” Johnathan gets to leave.

He walks over to where Luna was “it’s been nice meeting you little Luna and seeing you again Joanna.”

Luna waves goodbye as she watches Johnathan leave.

“See you at midnight, Johnathan.” Andre watches as his friend leaves.

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The magic that changed Luna

Wendy Jean's picture

was deep No thought of her former life or parents. Either she hated her previous existence or she is no longer near human norms. Humans need a hug now and then. It is pretty hardwired into us. The people she loved do not seem to exist for her.

I Suspect

I suspect the magic that changed did so at her very fundamental levels of her being. We know her brain was rewired, she speaks in musical notes and can understand any human language. Isolating her from her previous family would make good sense if there were colonies, tribes of pixies around. She would need to be willing to leave her human family behind and join a group of pixies. They would teach her what she needed to know to be a successful pixie.

Pixies don't have any kind of pair-bonding that humans have. They seem to reproduce by magic, unless two female pixies can mate and reproduce. I'd rate that pretty low in probability. She is getting the affection she needs from her friends in the group.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin