Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 114

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part lost count.

"I thought you'd gone." I stated feeling very surprised, Stella seemed to out manoeuvre me at every turn.

"Who me, nah, are you making any more tea?"

"So who shut the front door then?"

"I did, I was going to leave but changed my mind."


"Because I wanted to apologise and talk to you."

"Apologies accepted, but I'm not sure I want to talk to anyone at the moment."

"Okay, then you can listen." Before I could say anything, she added, "and while you're at it make some more tea."

"Yes your Majesty," I said making a curtsey.

Until I was sat back at the table with a steaming mug of tea in front of me, and one in front of Stella, the only conversation was banter.

"Now I don't want you to interrupt, just pin back your lug-holes and listen." I nodded and pretended to zip up my mouth. "Do that and you won't be able to drink your tea, now behave and listen.

When I first met you, I wasn't quite sure who or what you were, and you were kind enough to confide in me your true status, which was female. It seemed you were overwhelmed by someone who wasn't fazed by your revelation, and you opened up to me even more. I still feel very privileged to have been one of the few people who know the full story.

I'm also privileged to be involved in the emergence of a beautiful butterfly from the caterpillar I first met. I'm not given to complimenting other women unless it is true, you are turning into a very beautiful woman. You are also growing into the role very nicely. So nicely, that at times I forget you aren't a full female yet, it's very easy because you are so natural. But you are also inexperienced and that shows at times. However, that will all come with time and practice.

You have also become a good friend to me in a very short time, who also happens to be more or less the same dress size, which is useful for dumping my old clothes." She winked at my goldfish impression.

"However, you have become important to Simon, which has another facet to my relationship with you. It is nice for me to have my brother going out with a friend of mine because I get to see you more often and Simon encourages our friendship. So everyone benefits.

Simon has gone for you in a big way, bigger than anyone else I can think of and whilst that may be a mixed blessing, I believe you feel as deeply for him."

I found myself beginning to tear up again and nodded at her statement.

"I honestly believe you two are good together, and while it's early days to be talking about a long term relationship, it's possible."

I shrugged my shoulders, who could say?

"In fact, Simon has been with you longer than most of his other dates. Okay, we can't read too much into that, but it has to be a positive thing. Of course our father, who isn't in heaven but Hampstead, it's like heaven but dearer, has been wanting to see him settled down with someone for ages. So, he wants to meet the woman who is having such a beneficial affect upon his son. He is also intrigued by the descriptions of this lovely, young woman. He may be my dad, but he's also a man, if you get my drift. I don't mean you can't trust him, he'll flirt given the chance but that's all. My step mother has him firmly under control."

Somehow this pep talk was still making me nervous of meeting her dad, who was an aristocrat and a roue. I don't want that sort of attention, Simon is enough for me and because he knows, I can relax with him. My female social skills were far from developed yet I felt I was being steam rollered into meeting with Lord and Lady Stanebury. I was very conscious that I was relatively gauche compared to them and worried I might commit a faux pas and have it reflect on Simon.

"So I would like you to meet with them. They are actually very nice, even though I say so myself, once you meet my dad, you'll see where Simon gets it from, the charm I mean."

I decided as she paused that I had listened enough, "Look it's all very well to tell me all this but it doesn't stop me feeling uncomfortable. I am not at all sure it's a good idea and I should hate it to reflect upon Simon, just because I prove to be a prat."

"Simon isn't going to be there is he? So how can you embarrass him?"

"They might discharge him from hospital," I said defensively.

"If they did, he would be at home and fast asleep. He won't be out and about for weeks."

"Oh!" I deferred to her superior medical experience. Then when I considered his injuries, it was rather obvious. He wouldn't be able to come out to play for some time. But that could mean I get my proposal finished more quickly, except I shall want to nurse him, damn, I hadn't thought that through and what about my own father? Would I have time to breathe with all this hospital visiting? I was going to have to organise myself!

"Right Cathy, please go and shower and dress and we can go and grab a bite somewhere then go and see the prodigal son."

"Is he prodigal?"

"Yeah, sort of, he and my dad fell out when Dad told us he was getting married again. It took them a few years to come back together."

"Don't tell me with your mediation?" I offered, impressed with her negotiating skills.

"My step-ma helped too, she wanted us to work as a family."

"And do you?"

"A dysfunctional one." She laughed, "We're like the Simpsons on steroids!"

The concept of anything that awful was so funny that I laughed out loud and then began to giggle, so did she. It was several minutes before we had things back under control.

I showered and dressed, tidily enough for lunch and off we went. Stella insisted on driving, she had the Saab. If Simon knew, he'd be very uneasy, he was when he learned I'd been driving it.

Of course we ended up at the shops and she practically twisted my arm off to buy a new outfit or three. I bought a rather slinky dark green velvet dress, which with the right sort of accessories could be a smart day dress or even a cocktail one in the evening, except no one I know does cocktails. I hope it stays that way.

I bought a lovely embroidered blouse in Laura Ashley and skirt in Oasis. Then in Wallis, I saw a winter coat I really fell in love with, a rich red greatcoat style coat. Stella was very taken with it.

We had lunch and chatted, then it was off to the hospital and Simon. How was he going to cope with both of us?

On the way to see him, I called Southmead and they were still in isolation with the 'Noro B' virus or something like that, a nasty diarrhoea and vomiting illness, with projectile vomiting! Yuck. Dad had stayed clear of it so far, but he wasn't as well not seeing me. I thanked the nurse I spoke to and asked her to tell him I had phoned.

When we got to the ward, we had a meeting with the doctor and ward sister about Simon, who was nagging them about going home. Stella then volunteered to take a fortnight off to have him come home, if I would do the weekends, to give her a break. I could hardly refuse, could I? However, this wouldn't start until next week as they wanted to observe him a little longer.

Stella handled Simon with great skill, she was a real negotiator and always got her way, running rings around her older sibling. He agreed to keep quiet for a few more days and she would consider applying for some outstanding leave and I would cover for her at weekends, to give her some time off.

Once Simon heard that bit of the deal, he agreed to it immediately asking for it in writing. We stayed for an hour and a half, by which time he was quite tired and began nodding off. We took our leave and Stella dropped me off at my room, dreading the following day and her parents.

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