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Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 32.
James Bond was on the telly but I wasn't watching it. I was sat nursing my misery and a cup of instant soup. I had seriously thought of killing myself with an overdose, but it was the last of the chicken and vegetable left. The irony of 'chicken' wasn't lost on me.
So I was officially a coward, it would say so on my medical notes - wonder if they just glued in some white feathers, rather than writing it. I was sort of ashamed of myself for being such a wimp but probably more angry with others for not understanding me. Yes they were offering me things on a plate, but shouldn't it be my decision not someone else's no matter how well meaning they were.
It was so bloody stupid, I could see that, to be arguing about the colour of the menu when the food on offer was all my favourites, so to speak. But it really rankled with me.
Then I had the problem of talking to my parents. I ran through the evening when the matter was raised for the first and only time. I had been staying at home for a weekend and was rather listless. I had taken some embroidery home with me, having been teaching myself how to cross stitch from a book and from the instructions in a kit thing I bought. It was all quite small and fitted in a small bag, and it was something I could do in my room when I went to bed, especially if I couldn't sleep.
My Dad, is a man's man, whatever that means. Personally, I suspect it means insensitive, homophobic arsehole. He often made anti gay remarks if someone who looked camp appeared on the telly, and I remember him railing on and on about a pair of gays he saw in a pub one night. I had to go to bed before I said something.
Anyway on the night it all happened, I had been doing some embroidery and in rushing to hide it all before my mother saw it, managed to drop a couple of the silks on the bedroom floor. From the bed they weren't visible but they were from the doorway, and of course she saw them when she came in to ask if I wanted a cuppa.
"What's that?" she pointed at the floor.
"My shoe, I expect," I replied unaware of what she was on about.
"No, it looks like..." and she walked forward and picked up the little skein of silk, "..I thought so, an embroidery silk. How did that get there?"
"Dunno, maybe it apported here," I tried to act stupid.
"What is that?" she asked.
"You know when things are transported from another dimension or place, that Indian holy man, does it with ash all the time. Maybe my bedroom is a portal to another dimension."
"Don't be so silly Charlie, now where did it come from?"
"How do I know?" I huffed, "Honestly Mum, you'd think you had just found half a joint."
"What has a cut of meat got to do with anything?"
"Not that sort of joint, a spliff, you know pot or dope." I rolled my eyes in disbelief, surely she had heard the expression, it appeared she hadn't.
"You mean marijuana or whatever you call it?"
At last daylight, "Yes, what did you think I meant?"
"I didn't know what you meant, since you went off to college you've been a different boy."
"Boy, I'm nearly twenty two Mum, in case it passed your notice."
"So where did this come from, it isn't a girlfriend's because I know you haven't got one. You worry me to death, you're not gay are you, because I heard about these weird parties at universities?"
"No, Mother, I am not gay." I felt indignant as well as undecided, I didn't know what I was except a girl inside.
"Your father wouldn't like it if you were."
"Who cares what he likes?" I said as a throw away and regretted it as soon as the words were out of my mouth.
"Oh, how can you be ungrateful, he paid quite a lot of money to help you through university for your bachelor's degree."
"I'm not ungrateful, but it's not as if he's exactly short of money is it?"
"He's got a good job," she agreed.
"For a homophobic moron," I muttered.
"That's unfair, he just thinks it's wrong for two men or two women for that matter, to be together. It says so in The Bible."
"I don't think there's any mention of lezzies in The Bible," I corrected, "but it also says, 'Jesus wept' and he'd never met Dad."
"That is both blasphemous and disrespectful of Jesus and your father."
"What are you on about? How can you be disrespectful of some old Jew who died two thousand years ago, if he ever lived in the first place."
"Charlie, may God forgive you, of course he lived, it says so in The Bible, and Reverend Peabody believes in him, and he's nobody's fool."
"That silly old fart, honestly Mum, he's a senile old git who wouldn't know Jesus if he gave him communion on sunday." The image of that happening almost made me laugh out loud.
"Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you know everything, Mr Peabody has an MA from Oxford, which I'm sure is better than a bachelor's from Sussex."
"Shows how much you know, they used to sell them at Oxford and Cambridge once you got a BA. Mine's a science degree, worth two of his. I had to work for mine, not just punt down the fucking Thames." I blushed, I never swore in front of my mother.
"How dare you use language like that in front of me? I shall tell your father."
I hung my head sheepishly, she was right, I shouldn't have sworn. "I'm sorry Mum, I got carried away."
"Too late Charlie, I shall tell your father. Now where did this come from and I want the truth this time?"
"Okay, it's mine. I've been teaching myself to sew, okay? It's no big deal."
"This is embroidery thread."
"You don't normally sew with embroidery silk."
"I do, okay?"
"Charlie, I can see you're lying, what are you embroidering?"
"All bloody right, this, I'm embroidering this, okay?" and I pulled out the sampler and threw it at her.
"Your grandmother made one of these."
"Whoopee, did you tell her father?"
"I've had about as much of your cheek as I can stand," with that she turned abruptly and left my room, shutting the door not too quietly. She still had my sewing.
I heard words down below and knew that before long my father would be up ranting and raving at me. It took half an hour, longer than usual.
"Right young man, or should I say young lady?" he spat throwing my cross stitch on the bed.
"Please yourself," I said back.
It was the wrong thing to say and he walked over and picked me up by the collar of the shirt I had on and half strangling me, pushed me against the wall.
"Who do you think you are talking to?"
"A big bully, that's who!" I managed to croak before he almost completed the asphyxiation, and dropped me on the bedroom floor.
"What sort of unnatural creature have we raised?"
"What are you on about?" I croaked, peering up at him through watering eyes.
"You're supposed to be a man, not some bloody nancy-boy who does sewing when she's not playing with her dollies."
This was a reference to the fact that I had several 'Action Man' toys which I played with when I was about twelve or thirteen. I just used to dress them up and carry them around, he called me, "a sissy" and never forgave me. I still had them until I went off to uni, when they all mysteriously disappeared.
"It's better than beating people up."
"At least real men do that!" he glared at me.
"Yeah fucking Neanderthals!" I sneered back and he delivered the first kick.
The beating went on for some little while, it had been years since he'd given me one so thorough but I had managed to keep my face from damage.
"You bloody big queer!" he spat at me.
"I'm not," I protested tasting blood, so I must have bitten my lip.
"What are you then, nancy-boy?"
"If you must know, I'm gender dysphoric."
"Gender what? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I have a female brain in a male body."
"I have female brain in a male body, I need a sex change doctor," he mimicked and ad libbed in a falsetto voice. Then his whole face turned as dark as thunder and he said in his normal voice," I'll give you a sex change," and kicked me hard in the groin. I passed out with the pain.
I left there that night, and had not been home since. It took days for me to get over the beating and it would possibly take a lifetime to forgive my father. At the same time I wanted to please him and part of the cycling thing was to achieve something physical just to prove I wasn't a girly-boy. However, I was and the cycling club, or more correctly the men's cycling team, rejected me for being too slow and girly on hills.It was after that I got the Scott and the serious leg muscles.
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Oh Boy.
This episode kinda speaks for itself.
Grim, but possibly liberating.
A grim passage, but one might have thought that having abusive parents would have made Cathy's choices easier. It's really tough to come out to people you care about, and who care for you, but why bother discussing anything with a violently abusive father (at 22 I'd have reported him to the police), and a mother who enables the violence?
Best wishes, Andrea.
Best wishes, Andrea.
I know this stuff happens. I hear about it often enough.
But, what kind of monsters do this, to their own children no less? And what kind of mothers just allow their husbands to assault their own flesh so viciously without consequence?
Don't mind me. These are just rhetorical questions, and certainly outside of the scope of this story. I just needed to say that this scene affected me, to the point that I'm actually upset on behalf of all the people this happens to, and angry at all the miserably defective people who perpetrate, abet, or tolerate these... crimes.
Anyway, excellent writing, and food for thought. Having consumed it, can I ask what's for pudding?
What a nice man
Unconditional Love?
Excellent Writing, Angharad. In the midst of all that help, we can now see what has Cathy tied up in knots. Using religion as verbal abuse, from her mother, is inexcusable. To turn the real message of peace and love into hitting her over the head with religion is a perversion of something that is pure and good. To misuse religon to beat her into submission to mother's will is so wrong. I ache for Cathy that she has been turned against something that could add so much to her life. I feel that it is time we took religon out of the realm of the madness personified by Cathy's Mother and return it to those who truly do love. And Cathy's Father is just a bully like she said.
No one wants to lose a parent's love and be exiled from family life. its pitiful for a parent to love more their "idea of you" than the real you. It's little wonder that a lot in that situation just go ahead and commit suicide like Cathy attempted or else wait until such time in the distant future when they have their crisis when living a lie is no longer an option and one must live true or the consequences catch up with them.
I will be anticipating the next chapter. I hope that Cathy won't let her parents hold her down no more and that they are not gonna change her mind. I hope that Cathy has some "faith of the heart' just like the song that will see her thru this crisis and out to the other side if she believes that she can do anything. But that is something that Cathy must find within her own heart.
All my hopes,
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland
Another good chapter
It's sad that really happens and luckily for the younger generation things are changing but unfortunatly it still happens in some homes.Keep up the good work Amy.
Forgive HIM, I'd get a lawyer and sue his ass and his wife
That was criminal assalt and mom was a co-cospirator. They should have gone to jail. Dad being a repeat offender should be in prison.
It's probably too late to file a criminal complaint even if he had the injuries checked out by a doctor but a civil suit might be possible. Maybe just a restraining order just to piss off his popmous criminal parents.
Beating anyone because your personal beliefs are different is plain criminal.
If I was this repeatedly abused child I'd be tempted to write them and say "at least this way I won't father any children. That way your arsehole genes, dad, and those intollerant genes of yours, mom, won't get passed on. But then dad is such an ass he probably has lots of bastards from raping teenage girls. I mean, why would he want to have sex with an ugly bitch like you
Only I wouldn't be that nice.
Fogiveness must be earned. Yes, yes, the anger and hate will hurt him/her. Maybe maybe not. Reconcilation with his parents is hopeless. Ths best bet is one or both will want to beg his/her forgiveness on their death beds -- the self serving jerks -- and she can say "burn in hell since that's want you believe in most *DADDY*." Then I'd tell the doctor my dad wants no pain medicine waht so ever eevne if he begs for is because it violates his religion.
Jesse, these fictious people have me mad. Damned effective writing.
I need to calm down
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
That is not the way.
We both know that is not the way. By being vindictive in return we are only causing the cycle of hate to grow and become stronger.
Yes, by all means one must defend one's self against such atrocities. By law or by removing one's self from the situation. But to retaliate and say hurtful things, although understandable, will only fuel the fires of hate in this situation. This will only lead to far worse pain down the road.
The best way to deal with a physical abuser is to make it very clear that their behaviour will not be tolerated the very first time. CALL THE POLICE and file a report against them. You have made a clear statement that you will not tolerate the behaviour. If you let it go even that one time you are telling them they can get away with it in the future.
Don't even listen to them beg for forgiveness and say they are sorry. They are not sincere in their sorrow. They are only concerned about not getting a criminal record. In all probability they will have more complaints on file and could get into trouble because of it.
NEVER stoop to their level, because in doing so we become like them.
Just my two cents worth. Right or wrong it is what I believe.
Arwen's Tears
I beg to differ
Sorry, but I disagree with you about the sincerity of their sorrow. They are sincerely sorry that they got caught and sincerely sorry that they have been outed as bullying bigots. Other than that you are 100% correct. They are NOT sorry they did the beating nor that they are bigots.
I just read all 32 chapters in a row, and it was definitely quite a trip! The earlier chapters were much lighter than the heavy stuff it's getting into now, but the drama just sort of crept in naturally. Cathy feels very real, and I hope she gets a life that she deserves.
One question, though: were Charlie's parents Rolling Stones fans?
Rolling Stones!
I don't know about Cathy's parents, but the author has a few CDs by this particular band. She has even more by Vaughan-Williams, so what does that tell you?
Unfortunately there are
Unfortunately there are people in this world that find themselves in such a situation. My mother, before she died, worked with Contact and while she never broke her promise of confidentiality, I know that there were some calls that bothered her a lot. Wives that get beaten and go back to the abusers. Children beaten and still years later, trying to earn the "love" of their abusers.
Cathy's fear of going forward with transition makes perfect sense now. "He" is out there, and she will be punished for being the girl she is. Even if she never sees her male parent (he isn't a father by any stretch...) again. I do hope that she's talked about this with her therapist, (she has hasn't she, Angharad?)
Interestingly (or not) I know a male cyclist who ..
... does cross stitch and I'm pretty sure he's neither homosexual nor gender dysphoric. He is, however, a very good rider with a few comp records in his legs, so Cathy's dad is more damned than you suggest in your excellent tale.
I'm back after my break and struggling through a whole week's episodes - and enjoying them, of course.
Re: Interestingly (or not)
I can think of another manly man who not only does needlepoint and cross-stitch; he has even written a book on the subject. I'm referring to former Los Angeles Rams defensive tackle Rosey Grier, author of 1973's Rosey Grier's Needlepoint For Men! Mr. Grier was a member of the Rams' oringinal "Fearsome Foursome" along with Merlin Olsen, Deacon Jones and Lamar Lundy.
Grier is also an ordained Christian minister. Perhaps he could set things straight for Cathy's mother and father!.
I know the feeling
His father is like a male version of my mother, lucky for me shes not that strong.

Not every chapter is humorous. I suppose this actually happens quite a bit. It is so hard for a lot of people to separate gay from gender diaspora.