Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 89

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The path of true love does not run smooth.. for Cathy it goes like a switchback! If you don't believe me, see for yourself...

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 89.

The discussion went on and the drinks went around again and again. I was on water to stay within the limit for driving, when Prof Agnew suddenly insisted I have a drink.

"But I can't," I protested, "I'll be over the limit."

"Stay here then, plenty of beds." With that he poured me a large brandy. "Drink, it woman, you've earned it."

I'd have preferred to stay in my own bed, but in order to keep the peace, I did as I was told and fell into the stereotypical compliant female again! One of these days I was going to shock them by saying no, but not tonight.

Eventually the business was finished and the copious notes I'd taken of amendments and suggestions, yes, as the only woman I was obviously the secretary! I wanted to scream, but more than that I wanted to get as much as I could for my research project. Prof Agnew knew this and managed to screw twenty thousand out of the Under-Secretary for my participation, and I didn't have to sleep with either of them. Least I hoped not.

At nearly one in the morning the party broke up and there were just glasses and coffee cups to clear away which I started to do as the men shook hands and cracked jokes.

"Here," said Simon, handing me a tray he'd found in the kitchen, then he helped me collect up all the glasses. "We need to talk."

"I thought you were needing space, make your mind up will you," I said brushing past him towards the kitchen.

He followed me and as soon as I put the tray down, he grabbed me by the wrist, spun me around and kissed me, holding me tightly to him. He smelt wonderful and I enjoyed his aroma as his tongue probed my mouth and I sucked it.

"You both staying?" asked the Professor bringing out a handful of cups.

"Erm, I erm."

"If that's alright?"

"Fine with me, use the one in the back with the en suite. I'm off to my bed." He farted, apologised and went back out of the kitchen.

Simon and I looked at each other and sniggered. We'd be old and farting ourselves one day, but until then, it was a schoolkid source of humour and we were giggling like two schoolgirls.

"I noticed your eyes widen when I asked the prof if I could stay, is that okay with you?"

"Bit late, aren't you? Fait accompli and all that."

"No, I'll go now if you want me too." he shrugged his shoulders, "It's your call?"

"Oh hell, why is it the women who always have to decide?"

"Because in a civilised society, they decide who they want to sleep with."

"I had a choice? Wow, well that Spanish chap was rather dishy, I mean he looked very much like Antonio Banderas, very yummy."

"Do you want me to get him back?" asked Simon calling my bluff.

"Nah, he'd spend all night telling me about his green house or rose bushes."


"He asked me to take him out into the garden so he could do some ravishing."


"Not me unfortunately, he spent a few minutes picking cuttings off plants in the garden. Even brought his own plastic bag for them. I'd say he was a serial cutting snaffler."

"Gosh, should we report him for petty larceny?"

"What is larceny exactly?"

"Theft," why?

"I thought it was, but you working in a bank should know, I mean you do it to your customers all the time, don't you?"

I loaded the cups and glasses into the dishwasher, and switched it on. Simon came up behind me and put his hands around me and gently rubbed my breasts. "Still guilty of the Misrepresentation of Goods Act then?" He said feeling the booster bra.

"Nah, Trade Descriptions Act. That is so nice." I relaxed back against his body while he continued to gently massage me.

"Good, just enjoy."

"I will but you're still not sleeping with me."


"Fraid so, that is so good, kiss me." Funnily enough he did as I asked. I was getting a bit uncomfortable in a place which wanted expansion but couldn't. I hoped the glue would hold even though it felt as if I'd caught something very tender in a zip fastener.

"Lets go upstairs," I said, "we need to do some talking."

"Yes Miss."

Switching off lights as we went, we ascended the stairs holding hands. I just wished I could have slept with him. Then the thought occurred to me, I could but he would have to behave. I felt it was a calculated risk.

I stripped to my underwear, and threw on a large tee shirt I found in a wardrobe. It was designed for someone about eight times my size but it covered everything up well enough. There were some disposable toothbrushes in a glass in the bathroom, so I used one and jumped into bed.

There was no couch and my dress was spread over the only chair. Simon looked around and shrugged.

"If you promise me you won't try anything on, you can sleep in the bed." I said looking him in the eye.

"Guides honour," he said putting three fingers up to his head.

"I don't mind a cuddle, but I don't want sex. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure," he said almost running towards the bed.

"I mean it Simon. No means no and I will not say yes however much you try to change my mind. Is that clear?"

"Yes, I said I would wait until you were ready. I'm still waiting."

"Thank you." I tapped the bed beside me.

"Now tell me the real reason why you were frightened of my cooking?"

He laughed, "Yeah, sorry about that. Okay, I panicked. I knew the bank was interested in playing ball with the Environment people, but it was all so hush hush, and wasn't certain. They wanted to screw concessions out of the Chancellor and felt the Environment Secretary would help them."

"Did she?"

"Nah, I could have told them that, but they had to find out."

"Did you know I was involved in the project?"

"Not entirely. We had an outline plan and little furry things were seen as good emotional linking for selling, especially after the oil disaster in Alaska. We might be a merchant bank, but we're about to buy into a major high street name, and it will all help with our new image of caring for the environment."

"But you don't, I mean your bank doesn't, does it?"

"As long as it doesn't cost them any money they couldn't give a shit what happens to little furry things."

"So how did you change their minds?"

"I didn't by myself, I just pointed out our record and that we needed to be seen to be greening up. I knew of this project which the government wanted to find a partner to sponsor, and they went for it."

"Just like that?"

"Okay, I had to push it for a few days."

"The chairman will likely get a knighthood for services to the environment."

I laughed sarcastically. "You are kidding me, right?"

"No, he actually did a few things years ago, save some rare newt or other when they wanted to put a road near his house."

"Sounds more selfish than green, a real nimby."

"He's sponsored a local environment group for a few years, donated land for a nature reserve, got his golf club to allow more rough land for wild life."

"He goes shooting little feathered things for God's sake!"

"I know you don't approve of shooting, but it helps to conserve habitats."

"That is true, but for what? They covertly kill and poison predators, red kite and a white tailed eagle, a golden eagle, Christ knows how many peregrines, buzzards, goshawks, sparrowhawks and kestrels get killed. Just for few fucking grouse or pheasants."

"It protects jobs in the rural community."

"No it protects privilege, for the favoured few."

"This is pointless."

"What is?"

"Talking to you about this."

"Simon, I study the environment. I'm a field scientist, remember. I go out in the various habitats, I have for umpteen years. It's all interconnected. The predators, the prey and the habitat, alter any one and the others are affected. I have research material to prove it, some of it is my own. I haven't published because it is so sensitive and no government has the bottle to stop shooting."

"They stopped hunting with dogs."

"Yeah what a farce that is, if one of those wankers on horseback has a bird of prey on his arm, they can use dogs to flush game for it."

"Yeah, so."

"What prey are they flushing with foxhounds?"


"Yeah, like squirrels and mice or small birds! Like hell they are, it's bloody foxes which of course get chewed up by the dogs who know no better. It's a racket, they should shoot the bloody dogs and the horses and then the fucking riders."

"I didn't realise you felt so strongly about hunting."

"I don't when it's stoats and weasels or foxes catching bunnies or rats or even bloody dormice, because they need to to live. Men don't, they do it for fun and I think it's barbaric."


"You've been hunting haven't you?"

"A few times, until I fell off the horse and hurt my shoulder, haven't ridden since."

"Don't tell me it also stopped you shooting?"

"It did actually, you are so perceptive.."

"Oh fuck!" I wailed and turned my back to him, I was sobbing.

"I don't do it now." He gently rubbed my back.

"Don't touch me," I snapped.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to go?"


"Okay," I felt him get off the bed and start to put his clothes back on.

I heard him put his shoes on and my heart felt torn in two yet again. Why did he have to be a hunter? Why did I have to fall for him, why did his job have to compromise things? Wouldn't it be better if I just let him go?

He walked to the door and I heard his hand on the door knob, "Don't go yet," I said.

"I think I'd better, I've upset you."

"I want you to hold me."

"You told me not to touch you," I could see him shaking his head.

"That was a few minutes ago."

"So what has changed?"

"I have, I want you to hold me."

"For Chrissake make up your bloody mind woman!" He sounded exasperated.

"I have," I said, "an' I want you to hold me."

"No more talk about hunting?" he said with an edge to his voice.

" 'Kay."


"Promise," I said weakly, I was still upset but I still wanted him near me. Why was life so difficult all the time? Or was it just for me? Was this a punishment, the sort of burn in hell stuff, but come early because I was such an abomination?

I felt his body lie alongside mine and his arm draped around me. I could feel his bodywarmth and smell his musky odour. I felt safe and protected and fell asleep in moments.

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