Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 94

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When you're in the depths of despair, how can things get worse? They do!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 94!

As I drove home I felt bereft and I suppose I should have pulled over and had my crying fit, instead I drove with tear filled eyes and less than normal concentration. It was probably why I didn't see the police car shadowing me, including when he put on the blue lights. It was only when he played the siren that I realised he was there and I was required to stop. If I'd felt bad before, I now felt as if the world had ended and my heart was somewhere below my big toe.

I was so lethargic that they approached the car on foot before I could get out, I'd always heard it was an advantage to do get out and walk towards them. One of the coppers tapped on the window and I opened it. The sense of dread I had was so huge that I couldn't begin to describe it. I had driven so carefully to avoid being stopped and thus avoid all the awkward explanations. Now I'd have to give them.

"Are you alright Miss?" asked the copper.

"Yes," I sobbed.

"Why are you crying then?"

"I'm (sob) upset because some(sob)one stole my bike."

"Where was that?"

"Coming up from Portsmouth, this morning."

"Have you reported it?"

"Yes, I had two police come to the motorway services and take my statement." By breathing deeply I was managing not to sob or whimper. At times I despised myself for being so girly.

"So where have you come from now?"

"Southmead hospital, I've been to see my father, he's had a stroke."

"What today?"

"No a week or so ago. He's quite disabled but bless him he wanted to help buy a replacement bike for me, and I just burst in to tears thinking about it." With that I gave an encore for the young policemen.

He took my name and address, which obviously matched the info they'd been given from the police computer.

"So is your mother with your dad then?"

"No she died about three weeks ago, which is probably what caused his stroke."

"You're not having a lot of luck are you?"

"Not at the moment, no." I sort of sniffed and snorted at him.

"Have you got your driver's licence?"

"No, I sent it to Swansea (DVLA)for changes to my details."

"Might I ask what details you were changing?"

"My name and address." My heart began to sink below the horizon faster than the sun does on a cloudy day. This was the bit I was dreading.

"We don't have you down as holding a licence."

"No you won't, I've just changed my name by statutory declaration."

"What was it previously?"

"Do you absolutely need to know?"

"I'm afraid so Miss."

I paused and wept some more. "It was Charles Watts. I'm transsexual." He spoke to his friend and I burst into more tears.

"Okay, we have an positive for that. Normally I'd issue you with an order to produce your documents at a police station within five days. I'm letting you off with a warning, because you weren't actually committing an offence unless it was driving without due care and attention. You should have seen us following you five minutes before you did. I think you've got enough on your plate for the moment, but please go straight home and don't drive until you feel more up to it. Go on get off home, and I hope you get your bike back, but I wouldn't hold your breath."

"Thanks officer, thank you very much."

"Go on get off, Oh Miss."

"Yes officer," I thought he was going to tell me my wheels had fallen off or something.

"Keep an eye on Ebay, this sort of thing sometimes turns up there. If it does, let us know."

"I will, thank you."

He waved me off stopping a boy racer who came flying around the corner almost into them. My heart had stopped some moments after seeing the blue lights and hearing the noise. Now it was fluttering, and it seemed the Avon and Somerset Constabulary, had risen several notches in my esteem. I could almost breathe again by the time I got home.

I had only started drinking a cup of tea when the phone rang. I reluctantly rose to answer it, taking my tea with me.

"Hello Sweetheart, how are you?"

I lost it once again and Simon had to wait until I could control myself once more.

"Oh sweetie, that's dreadful. Let me know what the insurance people say, won't you."

"I will Si, it was locked on the rack, but I don't know if that will count."

"Have you got the serial number?"

"Not with me. It's back in my room in Portsmouth."

"Can I get it for you?"

"You won't be able to get in, will you, I have the key with me."

"Isn't there a caretaker or somebody I can ask?"

"I dunno, never needed one. I'll talk to the bikeshop that just fixed it, he may have the frame number."

"Good thinking Batwoman."

"Well let me know what happens won't you?"

"Of course I will."

"I'm going to try and get a day off in the week, they had me in harness much of today plus loads of time last week. I've handed over my interest in your project to a colleague with the blessing of my boss. He likes the idea of my beautiful girlfriend holding a dormouse for the leaflets and posters."

"I don't."

"Why not, let me bring my camera over and we'll do a mock up on your computer."

"Only if I can wear a paper bag over my head."

"Cathy, you are so beautiful it's almost painful for me to think about you without you being beside me."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere with me."

"It isn't flattery sweetheart, It's absolutely true. Look if you don't believe me, speak with Stella." He handed the phone to his sister.

"Hi blossom," piped her cheerful voice.

"Hi Stella."

"What's wrong?" she asked and I related the story of my bike theft and the subsequent interlude with the police. "Oh! A mixed bag then."

"Yeah, it could have been worse, but the police were nice, and they were sympathetic about my transition too."

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that."

"Don't be daft, how can you forget? You're going to have to stop Simon from killing me when I manage to tell him?"

"Nah, it'll be easier than you think."

"How can you say that?"

"Trust me, okay?" When I didn't answer, she asked again more forcefully, "Okay?"

"Okay," I agreed more from fatigue than conviction.

"I need to tell him soon."

I heard her moving about with the cordless phone and a door closing. "Why?"

"Because I'm falling in love and he deserves to know. He needs to know."

"Why not wait a little longer?"

"I can't Stella, it's screwing me up. I need to be honest with him."

"Has he told you all his little secrets?"

"No, that's irrelevant to how I feel."

"Are you sure?"

"What do you mean, what can he possibly have to hide that's worse than my secret? At least he's a man."

"It isn't for me to tell you Cathy, he has to do it."

"What is this big secret? Don't tell me he once had a ten pence fine for overdue library books?"

"Something like that."

"Is it something that could affect our relationship?"


"Oh jeez Stella, what the hell is it? Now you are really screwing me up."

"Sorry Cathy, I can't tell you no, that's not true, I won't tell you. He has to."

"Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!" I squealed down the phone.

"I'll hand you back to Simon." I heard her moving again and him saying something and her answering, "Oh it was girl stuff." I presumed she was making an excuse for sneaking off where he couldn't hear her.

"You okay now?" he asked.

"Yeah except I won't be able to cycle for a while."

"I thought you had work to do for the project?"

"I do, I cycle after I've done that."

"What about baking all these cakes for your dad and going to visit him?"

"Yeah okay, okay you've convinced me." I conceded, then suddenly thought about his generosity. "Simon, just in case you are thinking about turning up here with a bike, if you do, I shall wrap it neatly around your head and send you home. Is that clear?"

"Excuse me," he said asserting himself, "I am over twenty one and as far as I know an independent and autonomous adult. So I shall do as I like."

"So am I Simon, and I meant what I said."

"It hadn't even crossed my mind," he lied, I knew he was lying.

"No, so you haven't been looking on the internet while I was talking to Stella?"

"Who me?" I could feel him blushing from where I was standing.

"Yes you, you lying toad."

"Did Stella tell you?"


"So how did you know?"

"Female intuition."

"Well I'll be buggered!" he exclaimed.

"Can't help you there," I said quickly.

"Did you tell her I was on the internet?" I heard him asking Stella.

"No why?" I heard her call back.

"She does the same as you, reads my fucking mind!"

"Doesn't take long!" I heard her quip back.

"Thanks a bunch."

"I have to go Simon, I need a wee." I also needed a meal, my stomach was rumbling like a thunderstorm in the mountains.

"Okay, Sweetheart. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Thank you for cheering me up, I almost feel as if life is worth living again."

"Oh c'mon sweetie pie, of course it is. Look at all the things you have planned, your project, getting a new bike, marrying me, sorting out your father, having my babies, getting a PhD and so on."

"What did you say?"

"Sorting out your dad and getting a PhD, why?"

"You said something else."

"Who me? Nah, you're having audio-hallucinations."

"No I'm not, you said about..." I paused, then smirked, "getting a new bike."

He paused and I could almost hear him smile at the other end, "Yeah okay, you caught me out that time."

"Oh shit, I have to go and quickly, bye." I put the phone down and ran off to the toilet knowing I was a nanosecond or two, too late!

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