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What if the girls don’t like the fact that I’m Em? What will happen if I’m found out? What about Dan, will he make a scene if he sees me? Oh my God, what am I doing? Am I insane for doing this? What possessed me to do this? Oh Rhod you are going to be in so much trouble. I don’t think I am good enough to pass for eight hours of school straight. Oh my what am I going to do if I have to take PE classes? How am I going to convince the other girls I am a girl and not show things that may shock them? Should I wear slacks, instead of this skirt? Is my makeup good enough? Is my hair ok?
I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.
Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell
All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at
Scene 9
First Day of School:
I woke up and looked at the clock, it was five in the morning.
I got up and after doing all the necessaries, took my pills. Unconsciously, I scratched my nipple area on my chest and when I looked in the loo’s mirror I was pleasantly pleased to see the breast area was slightly puffy. The areola areas was getting a bit larger as well, my nipples seemed to be swelling. My breasts felt sore, and a bit sensitive. I was happy with what was happening, my breasts were starting to show.
After taking a quick shower, where I made sure the spray wasn’t hitting me directly on the chest, I made sure all my body hair was taken care of. Drying myself, I put a towel around my hair on top of my head and another around my breasts. I then used lotion on my body and powdered myself.
Wow! I thought; my chest is really getting sensitive, as I kneaded them with my hands.
I went and got some nylon knickers and a matching bra. Putting on the bra did wonders to stop some of the pain and itching, wow that feels better. Then walking into the closet, I stopped dead. What should I wear today? Trousers and a blouse? I don't have the girl’s school uniform from our school? Gees, forgot to ask the others what they would be wearing today. Hmm, maybe wearing a dark brown skirt and light brown blouse, with a dark green pullover, sounded like a good idea. I may as well secure my place in this bloody school by letting everyone know that I’m definitely a girl. I figured I’d wear the thick, dark brown, opaque tights, to keep my legs warm, and a pair of dark brown, low-heeled shoes, would look smart.
I proceeded to get dressed and do my makeup, hair and jewelry.
I took out my schoolbag from my luggage and filled it with all the items I figured I would need for school. Walking into the kitchen, I placed the bag by the kitchen door so I wouldn’t forget it.
I set some water on to boil, so I could brew some of the new tea that was purchased yesterday, and decided to brew some coffee for Sandy.
Getting a bowl from the shelf, I poured cereal into it, for something to eat. When I sat down to enjoy my breakfast, I started to think about school. I started to get the jitters and started to shake, when I realized I would be meeting new people who wouldn’t know me as Rhod. I also wonder how Darla, and Amy are going to take me; after all they were just introduced to me and I never got a chance to explain why I was Em.
I heard Sandy get up, and start her shower. I finished my cereal and cleaned up the kitchen.
I went into the living room to sit on the couch. As I was waiting, I started to dwell on the situation. What if the girls don’t like the fact that I’m Em? What will happen if I’m found out? What about Dan, will he make a scene if he sees me? Oh my God, what am I doing? Am I insane for doing this? What possessed me to do this? Oh Rhod you are going to be in so much trouble. I don’t think I am good enough to pass for eight hours of school straight. Oh my what am I going to do if I have to take PE classes? How am I going to convince the other girls I am a girl and not show things that may shock them? Should I wear slacks, instead of this skirt? Is my makeup good enough? Is my hair ok?
Sandy walked into the room and took one look at me and she got alarmed. “Em what’s wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost? Are you ok?”
I jumped when she spoke, I never saw her come in. “Oh, hi Sandy. I … um … I'm a bit nervous about going to school. I’ve never done this before, going to school dressed as Em, other than for cheer leading and all. I mean … I … um … am scared I'm going to be found out, and there will be all kinds of problems and such. I’m going to be expelled, and I’m going to embarrass all kinds of people, and I will get everyone into so much trouble.” I started to cry.
Sandy came over to me and sat next to me on the couch. She hugged me and said, “Em you are being a silly girl. No such thing is going to happen. If for some reason you are found out, which I highly doubt, you present yourself well as a girl, we will handle it and you will be protected. Trust me Em. You look great, you move and act just like any other girl your age. If you’d never told me about yourself, I never would’ve guessed you weren't a natural born girl.”
“But what if someone reads me? I mean, Dan knows who I am, and what I am, if he says anything, I am so dead.”
“Em I’m sure there will be great penalties for Dan, if he does this to you. He has to be a real moron if he even tries to do anything. Em let me know if he makes problems for you. When my mother gets through burying him, they will need a steam shovel just to unbury him. Dan would really be a dumb jock if he tried anything, for he would be removed from the track team and any other activity he may be doing. I don’t think he will try anything.”
“I also wonder about Amy and Darla, they haven’t really met Em yet, other than an introduction on Saturday. They know Rhod, I hope they can handle me and not cause me any problems.”
“I'm sure they’ll accept you. Most girls don’t have a problem with it. They are more tolerant then the Neanderthals that are called boys. Em relax, just be yourself. You are worrying about nothing. I was told a long time ago ‘Don’t worry about the bridge until you have to cross it.’ I think it is good advice, even if I do say so myself. Stop getting hyper over it. It’s not worth the anguish, so settle down. Take a deep breath and breathe slowly. That’s right, inhale and slowly exhale.”
I was controlling my breathing, realizing she was right. I was worrying about nothing.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes. Sorry about the panic attack, Sandy.”
“No problem Em, I went through a few myself when I first started.” She gave me a big hug, which I returned.
“Thanks for being here sis, I’m sure I couldn’t have handled it by myself. Thanks Sandy, you are the best.”
“No problem Em, lets get our coats on and grab our purses, and your book bag, and get ready to go.” Giggling.
I grabbed my coat and put my small handbag into my schoolbag and followed Sandy down the steps into the garage. We got into the car and were off for my first real day of school in the Americas.
When we arrived at the school parking lot, there were all kinds of buses coming and going dropping off students. I got out of the car and waited for Sandy to get out. We walked together towards the entrance and I noticed some boys looking over at me and they were pointing and poking each other, then talking excitedly. As we neared, I heard one of them woof whistle at us. This took me by surprise and I blushed and put my head down.
Sandy noticed this and chuckled and told me, “Hold you’re head up high and get used to it. You’ll have a lot of boys doing the same thing, Em. I told you, you’re a very beautiful girl and you ARE going to draw a lot of attention to yourself.”
“I'm not sure I want THAT type of attention though.”
“Tough, get used to it!” giggled Sandy.
It was a bit unnerving, everyone leering at me and whispering to each other, as I walked by. I surely hope they don’t twig that I'm not exactly a girl!
We saw Ally and Darla just inside the entrance of the school, where our lockers were located. Ally spotted me and waved. When I got to her, they both gave me a hug and Ally asked, “How're you doing?”
“I’m doing ok. Just a bit nervous is all.” I turned to Sandy and said, “Sandy Jones meet my best girl friend, Allison Lacey and her exchange partner Darla Greenwood.”
Ally chimed in with, “Please call me Ally, Sandy.”
“Will do Ally.”
Darla said, “I already know Sandy. Hi Sandy. Are you going to be at Jack’s tonight.”
“Yes I will Darla. Why?”
“Oh just wondering, I may take these two with me after school and stop in.”
“Well if you want I can drive the three of you there, since I have to take Em anyway, and I have to work tonight.”
“Wow, great! Let’s make that a date then. See you later Sandy.”
“Ok will do, it was a pleasure meeting you Ally. See you later Em.”
“Ok.” I said, “Should I let your mom know we maybe a bit late tonight?”
“That's a good idea. I'm sure you’ll see her, so you can tell her yourself, ok? Have a good day girls.”
“Thanks Sandy, see you later.” I said.
“Pleasure meeting you Sandy, hope we get a chance to talk later.”
“Oh I'm sure we will Ally.” as she smiled, turned and started for her locker.
Darla turned to me and said, “Wow Rhod look at you, you’re beautiful.”
Looking around real quick making sure no one heard her, I said, “SHHHHHH Darla, don’t mention the name Rhod please. It’s Em. If someone heard you I could’ve been in big trouble.”
“Oh, sorry Em, I wasn’t thinking. I promise to watch what I call you.”
“Thanks Darla, just be careful please, if someone twigs I'm not what I appear to be, we all could get into a lot of trouble, especially Miss Bell.”
“I promise. You really look great Em, you’re going to have all the boys drooling over you.”
“Oh please! Thank you for the compliment though. Shall we go to our lockers?”
Darla led the way to the lockers and we put our coats in them and kept our handbags and schoolbags with us. We followed Darla to the homeroom, as she called it and she showed us were to sit. The teacher saw us and smiled at Ally and me as she strode over to us.
“Hi! My name is Debbie Henderson, and you two girls are?” as she shook our hands.
“I am Allison Lacy and this is Mfanwy Morgan, ma’am.”
“A pleasure to meet you girls, and welcome to the US. I was expecting a boy by the name of Rhod Morgan, being assigned to another boy in the class, are you any relation to him?” as she turned to me.
“Yes he is my cousin. He was supposed to have come, but an emergency happened a few weeks before the trip, and he asked if I wanted to come in his place, and I jumped at it. So here I am, ma’am.” as I smiled at her.
She smiled at me saying; “Well I would say you were quite the lucky young lady then.”
About that time the bell rang, signaling the start of homeroom. The teacher got the attention of the class to quiet down just as the speaker on the wall blared out today’s announcements. After the announcement everyone stood up and said a pledge of some sort. Ally and I looked at each other and shrugged and just stood up and watched what was going on.
Darla turned to us and said, “That was the pledge of allegiance to the United States. It is a patriotic thing that’s done every morning.”
We both just gaped at her and said, “Oh, ok.” And we left it there.
The teacher then turned to the class and introduced us. I could see there was leering and posturing coming from the guys, and the girl’s reaction was kind of mixed; some looked like they wanted to do us in, and the others just smiled at us. Wow, never expected that type of reaction.
Darla gave us a sheet of paper with the class schedules on it. It seems pretty normal for a school. English, Math, Geography with Miss Bell, History, Science, Typing, Art with Miss C helping, Music, Study Hall, Health, and Gym. I noticed Art, Music, Study Hall, Health, and Gym were on alternate days. Art on Mondays, Health on Tuesdays, Music on Wednesdays, Gym on Thursdays and Study Hall on Fridays. I noticed they shared the same time slot as the last class of the day.
I asked, “Wow, Darla you are taking a lot of classes. Will we need anything for these classes?”
She told us, “You will be receiving books when we get to each of the classes. For Gym, you will need to get leotards and tights, leg warmers, a sweatband for your hair, dance slippers, and a sports bra. Oh bring soap, and a towel so you can shower, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, a brush, a hair blower to dry your hair with and a curling iron if you have to style it after class, and some makeup.”
I figured out that Gym was PE. At this news I started to get worried, how could I change and shower with the girls and not be found out? Darla saw me blanch.
“Em don’t worry, we have some separate shower stalls, in the locker room, with attached changing rooms. This is for the convenience of those who are having their monthlies so they can have some privacy. We have a communal shower too, if you are so inclined.” giggling, “You may have to wait to use the individual shower stalls though, but I am sure you’ll be alright.”
I was relieved to hear this, as I am sure, Gaby is going to worry about this also, although she has all the bits. I wish I did, especially that gaff of hers. “Thanks Darla, I was worried there for a moment.”
“Well Gym is on Thursday and it will be shared with the other cheerleaders, it really is more of a dance class, of sorts. Since you both are cheerleaders, I’m sure you will be working with them, you’ll fit right in.”
This could be bad, I thought. I certainly hope there are open individual shower stalls to use when I get there, or this will be a very short trip for me.
We had English, Math, Science, and Typing this morning.
We followed Darla to her classes and the same happened everywhere. We were introduced to the class, and the same reaction happened from the guys and the girls. I wonder why there are girls that look ready to throttle us? I’ll need to ask Darla at lunch.
English was similar to our English classes back home except for the obvious language differences.
Math class was just the same.
Science was interesting, we were studying astronomy at the present time.
The typing class was interesting too. When we arrived we were issued our own seats in front of a computer that appeared to have Windows 98 running on it with a limited bunch of Icons. One of those Icons was a Microsoft Office Suite. We met Bernie and Amy; they were taking this class also. The teacher again introduced us to the rest of the class and she introduced herself to Ally and me as Mrs. Kilbane.
I looked around the class and there were about fifteen students and only saw four boys in with us, so us girls outnumbered them almost three to one.
Before we did anything, the teacher decided to discuss the business world and what was expected from us. Saying that having knowledge on running a word processor, spreadsheet or a database made us very valuable for a company. This I don’t doubt.
I'm amazed we all had a computer in front of us. Back home we had to share a computer. Since there were only five computers, the classes were limited to ten people. So only five of us got to do anything, at anyone time.
Then she started with business practices. Mrs. Kilbane was a real trip. She was treating us like we all wanted to become secretaries. She was telling us girls to wear nice skirted business suits, where the skirts should at least come to the knees or slightly below, wear a nice jacket and wear moderate heels. To always look tasteful, and professional, having our hair nice at all times and our makeup perfect.
Gees you would think this was a grooming class.
She claimed that looking nice and sexy had advantages, it would get us noticed and getting better jobs, such as a high paying job as a PA, Professional Assistant. It is interesting that she is not talking about us women running our own business or being a corporate leader. Is this a form of brain washing? I figured it was being a bit sexist.
She told the boys to wear nice trousers and shirts with ties and a suit or sport coat when they went for interviews and when they were working. I could see the guys squirming in their seats. Some of the guys were trying hard not to smirk.
We finally got our assignment for the class. We ended up getting a couple of sheets stating a problem that would entail using the various function of MS Office. We had to use our knowledge to solve the problem, by using the computer. The problem would incorporated the use of all the MS Office functions. Since Bernie, Ally and me were not familiar with some of the terminology, nor the MS Office program, the teacher came around to us and explained what was happening. I was amazed how easy it was to use these programs. We ended up learning how to merge database work sheets with spreadsheets and the word processor. It truly was interesting. Mrs. Kilbane corrected me on my posture when I was typing and to keep my knees together at all times, lest someone might see me from the front of the desk. She corrected some things Ally and Bernie were doing also, so I didn’t feel picked on.
I really learned a lot, and started to appreciate what one could do with a computer.
At lunch we all went to the cafeteria, and just like back home, the food was like a smorgasbord. You grab a tray and slide it along and just tell them what it is you want and they will give it to you. The food tasted like back home too, according to Ally, nothing to write home about. Fortunately they had a nice size salad bar, so I indulged.
We got to a table were some of Darla’s friends were sitting, and Bernie and Amy joined us. We got introduced to them. They all took me for the girl I appeared to be.
Amy leaned over to me and whispering, said, “Wow Rhod look at you, you are one seriously gorgeous babe.”
I blushed, “Amy, shhhh don’t call me Rhod please, it is Em. If it got out I'm not what I appear to be a lot of people would be hurt, especially Miss Bell. I'm definitely Em please don’t make fun of it, ok?”
“Oh, Em I would never do that. I amazed how good you look. I am jealous; you look better than I do. You're some serious competition girl.”
She just looked at me and laughed and gave me a hug.
The other girls just looked at me and smiled. They asked us about Warsop and how things were like over there. Then they asked about the boys, if they were cute, if we had any boyfriends. It was interesting what Ally was saying about her boy friend, Rhod. I had a tough time to keep from laughing. Then we talked about clothing styles and fashions, then back to Boys, and so it went all during lunch. I held my own. Since we weren’t alone, I couldn’t ask Ally, Bernie, Amy or Darla about the girl’s reaction to us.
I noticed there where some girls that were quite cool to us. They frowned when they walked by. This really puzzled me. I turned to Ally and said, “Why do you think those girls are so cool to us, they walk around us like they are upset about something?”
One of the other girls Casey, I think her name was, heard me and said, “Oh them, they are just jealous. You girls look so good, they feel threatened by you. You’re competition towards them for the other guys around the school. They feel they will either lose out on getting a guy, or lose the guy they have. Don’t worry about them, they are usually bimbo’s anyway.”
“Huh? You can’t be serious?”
“Earth to Em, what planet are you from, girl, don’t you see these things in England?”
“I blushed and said, “Yes I guess so. I guess I was not really conscious about it. It never bothered me before.” Phew I hope they buy that as an excuse, I almost blew that one.
Ally looked at me and grinned, she leaned over and whispered to me, “Don’t worry about it, it happens everywhere. You just didn’t know, for obvious reasons.” She giggled.
As I was eating, I saw Mrs. Jones enter the cafeteria. She was looking around the room and I waved at her to get her attention. She smiled back at me, and headed towards our table. “Hi Em, everything going well?”
“Yes Mrs. Jones, I’m enjoying classes very much. I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Allison Lacey and her exchange partner Darla Greenwood, and my other girlfriend Bernadette Rose and her exchange partner Amy Plokowitz.”
“Hi Allison, and Bernadette, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Please call me Ally, Mrs. Jones.”
“Please call me Bernie, Mrs. Jones.”
“Will do Ally and Bernie. Hi Darla and Amy, how are you girls doing?”
“Not bad Mrs. Jones” as she smiled. “I’m enjoying hosting Ally and Em, they’re a lot of fun.”
“I’m glad to hear that. How about you Amy?”
“I’m happy to see Bernie again, we are having a fab time.”
“Very good, I’m happy to see everyone getting along.”
“Oh Mrs. Jones,” I said, “Darla, Ally, and myself are going to go with Sandy, to Jack’s Diner tonight after school. Is that ok?”
“Certainly Em, that isn’t a problem, I'm glad you told me. Do you still want dinner after you get back?”
“I’m not sure, I don’t know what there is to eat there, so I don’t have a clue.”
“Ok, I’m sure we can get something put together quick, if you need to get something to eat later, just let me know, ok?”
“Ok, I promise I’ll let you know.”
“Well have a good afternoon, and I’ll see you after you get back. Bye girls, enjoy your afternoon.”
We all said “Bye Mrs. Jones.”
Well we had English, Math, Science and Typing before lunch.
After lunch we have Geography, History, and Health. I wondered what Health was all about, besides the obvious I guess.
Geography was with Miss Bell. It seems Maddy and Sabrina was in this class with us. Miss bell introduced us and she really talked us up. We kind of covered some of the stories from Warsop. She is a really neat teacher. As we were leaving Miss bell came over to us and said, “Everything going ok Em? Girls?”
We all said, “Things were going great so far.”
“Em, have you had any problems at all?”
“Not at all Miss Bell, so far everything has really gone smoothly. It's almost frightening in a way. I feel like something may happen and burst everything wide open. It’s going too smooth.”
Miss bell chuckled and said, “Don’t worry Em, you are absolutely lovely, and I am sure no one will give you any problems. If anyone does, you let me, or Mrs. Jones know and we will take care of it pronto. If it concerns your cousin, please make sure you come to me, ok?”
I smiled at her and gave her a hug, “Thanks Miss Bell, I will.”
“Off you go to your next class, see you later girls.”
Maddy asked me, “Is everything going ok Em?”
Smiling broadly and with much enthusiasm, “Maddy, it couldn’t get any better. I love who I am and I love being here like this. I feel really comfortable being this way, I finally feel like everything is right with the world.”
Sabrina said, “You go girl, your gorgeous, Hun. I am really jealous of you. You are going to steal all of the guys away from us. By the way I promise not to call you by your cousin’s name, Maddy filled me in.”
“Thanks Sab, all you girls are the greatest. I feared that you’d all hate me, and this would’ve been torture while I was here. But since my friends accept me this way, I know I can get through this.” Sabrina gave me hug.
“You take care girl, we will see you later.” Sabrina said.
“Oh Em, would you and Sandy mind coming with us tomorrow night to Jack’s diner, The gang is all going to be there. It will be sort of our Monday night get together, only it will be Wednesday.”
“Sure no problem, I'm sure Sandy can all take us there in her car, for she works there after school. Will you tell Gab and Brit? We haven’t seen them yet.”
“Sure no problem. Wow that is way cool that she works there and she has her own car. Ok then see you tomorrow Em, Ally, and Darla. We need to get going Sab, or we'll be late.”
History was next and it wasn’t to far from the Geography class so we had plenty of time to get there. It was American History and it was what we expected. Mr. Price was our History teacher and he was quite young and quite handsome. He made History fun. I could really go for him. I found myself daydreaming about him. I heard Ally giggle when she looked at me and brought me out of my daydream. We were discussing American Civil war. It was really quite different to how we got told about it at home. I guess we never got that detailed, then again, it isn’t our country.
Last class of the day was Health. I didn’t know what to expect in this class. Darla steered us to our seats and we sat down. I looked around and only saw girls in the class, no boys. Mrs. Brown introduced herself to us and then she introduced us to the girls in the class.
“Now ladies how many girls have had their periods? Raise your hands.”
Oh no, this is women’s health class; there were no boys in this class at all.
Everyone raised their hands except me, and Ally nudged me to do so, so I raised my hand.
“Good, so who can tell me what some of the conditions of your menstrual cycle?” All the hands went up, except mine.
“Mfanwy, don’t you know what some of the symptoms are?”
Blushing brightly “Ah … um …” Thinking fast I tried to remember what the girls had talked about when they had their first periods, back home. “Yes ma’am … um a bloating feeling, ... um feeling like your breast have swelled and are super sensitive to the touch and are a bit painful, as well as your skin all over your body being super sensitive, you don’t want anyone to touch you, severe abdominal cramps, feeling achy all over and mood swings.”
“Right you are dear. Anyone else?”
I was so embarrassed, what do I know about menstrual cycles? Phew, I am glad I listened to the girls talking about them back home. This is embarrassing.
“Ok, who is expecting their periods soon?” Some of the girls raised their hands. Ally nudged me to do likewise, as she was one of the girls with their hand raised. So I raised my hand, not sure why, but I did as Ally suggested.
“Mfanwy you hesitate, are you not sure?”
“Um no ma’am, I was just thinking when my last one was, is all.”
“Don’t you keep a diary dear?”
“Um … well … I …ah no.” Feeling really embarrassed now, as my face must have turned beet red. I heard Ally smirk under her breath and whispered, “I thought you were keeping track of it?”
“Well then how will you know when to be prepared for your next one, making sure you have you’re tampons or sanitary napkins with you?”
“Well I ... um … just do, I keep it in my head.”
“That is very dangerous, and can be quite embarrassing if you forget and get stuck having an unexpected period. How many girls were caught with their panties down when their periods arrived and didn’t have the proper supplies in hand?” Most all the girls raised their hands.
“How did you feel when that happened? Jessica?”
“Very embarrassed ma’am. I had to ask another girl if she might have a tampon or a pad that I could have.”
“Yes it can be very embarrassing when that happens. That is why we need to keep a diary or a calendar that is marked with the dates of the start of our menstrual cycle. Who can tell me the period between menstrual cycles?” Everyone put their hand up including me. I figured if I didn’t she would ask me again and I wasn’t really sure.
“Every twenty-eight days ma’am.”
“That is correct Ally. So that means that when your cycle starts, you should mark that down on a calendar and mark off every twenty-eight days. Make sure you carry your supplies with you during those times so you will not be embarrassed. How long does a period usually last?”
Hands shot up again. I put my hand up, and I really hope she doesn’t pick on me, for I really have no clue.
“Approximately five days ma’am”
“Correct. Who can tell me some of their embarrassing moments? Sharon?”
“Well, a while ago, we went to a baptism and I was wearing a lovely white dress for it. I was feeling a bit off that day, but thought nothing of it. My period started and I didn’t realize it. I had very mild cramps and just figured I ate something that didn’t agree with me. I felt myself start to get wet down below, but just figured I was sweating because it was so warm. My panties caught most of it, but I was sitting and the spotting was so bad it went through my panties and into my dress. I stood up and there was a red spot on my dress where I was sitting. I was in the middle of the crowd, when one of my girlfriends told me what happened, I was mortified. I ran to the bathroom and cried. My mom found me and saw what happened and she comforted me and helped me clean up. She got me another pair of panties and a tampon. We tried everything to get the red spot out of my dress, we got most of it, but I felt very self-conscious the rest of the day. I was humiliated.”
“Anyone else? Cathy?”
“I was wearing a cute yellow bikini bathing suit, not leaving much to the imagination. I was swimming in the neighbor’s pool, when my girl friend noticed a red spot floating around me in the pool. I was so embarrassed. I got out immediately and went to the bathroom. My bikini bottoms became red, I took them off and had to clean myself up and stuffed toilet paper down there and I had to rinse out my bikini bottoms. My friend got me a tampon, thank God, she also got me my clothes, so I could get changed.”
“Anyone else? Carol?”
“Umm well my incident happened when I went out with my boyfriend to the movies. We were watching the movie and my gut felt funny. I thought nothing of it at the time, but then I felt my panties get wet. I thought I was just sexually excited to be with my boyfriend and thought nothing of it. I was wearing white shorts at the time. When the movie was over I noticed I was quite wet in the panties. I stood up and looked at the seat and noticed a red stain, My heart skipped several beats, I knew what I was going to find, and I didn’t want my boyfriend figuring it out. It was dim enough in the theatre that he didn’t notice and I held him back while everyone exited. I followed him out and then told him I had to go to the ladies. and I would meet him in the lobby. He said ok and I waited for him to walk away before I went in so he wouldn’t see. When I got in and looked in the mirror, my shorts were ruined. I had to take my shorts and panties off and washed them in the sink to get some of the blood out of them. A few women came in and saw me half naked and knew what had happened and they felt bad for me. One of them gave me a tampon. I thanked her and went to a stall to put it in. I washed and cleaned myself. Then I held both the panties and shorts under the hand drier to dry them out enough so I could wear them. It was humiliating standing in the ladies half naked. When I got out to my boyfriend he was pissed at me for taking so long. I just wanted to cry. I now carry a spare set of panties with me at all times as well as tampons.”
“Ok, one more. Debbie?”
“Well my family and I were on vacation. We stayed in a fancy hotel and the place was beautiful. Everything you could ask for. My suite overlooked the ocean, and I had my very own room, which was very nice. I had no idea I was about to have my period. I went to bed and fell asleep. In the morning I felt funny and I felt damp down below and didn’t worry all that much about it. I figured I was just hot and sweaty. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I got a shock you wouldn’t believe. There was a red spot on the sheets and my nightgown had blood all over it. I screamed and mom came running and told me to unlock the door. My dad was right behind her, by a few steps. When she saw me, she quickly asked me if I was ok? I nodded my head yes. She didn’t freak, I figured she knew what had happened and she told my dad to go back to the room, before he could look in, she would take care of things. He begrudgingly did so. For which I was so thankful. Mom came in and saw the stain on the bed and she just said well it happens, and there was nothing I could have done except kept track of my cycle, so I could’ve put a tampon in the night before, to prevent it from happening. She went and got me a tampon and told me to take a warm bath and clean myself up and put the nightgown in the sink. She would call the maid to take care of the bedding.”
“What have we learned here ladies?”
“Keep a diary so we know when to expect our monthlies.”
Everyone said, “Always be prepared and carry a spare set of panties with you at all times.”
One of the girls said , “And spare bedding.” Everyone chuckled at that.
“Very good. Next time we will be discussing feminine hygiene. I want everyone to think back to when they got their first period. I want you to write me about that first period and what your reaction was, how you felt, what you did. I also want you to keep a diary or make a calendar showing when your periods are due to occur. Please have that ready for the next class. That is all for today.”
We all got our things together and headed out of the classroom. I was numb. Actually I was a bit nauseous. Ally looked over to me and saw I was quite pale. Darla saw it also. Ally asked, “Are you ok Em?”
I just shook my head. I couldn’t speak just yet. Mrs. Brown was walking past when she saw me.
“Are you ok Mfanwy? You look pale as a ghost. Are you getting your monthly?”
I just Gold fished at her. Ally was quickest on her feet, and she told Mrs. Brown, “I think so Mrs. Brown, I was just going to take her to the loo.”
“The loo, what is that Ally?”
“Oh sorry, I mean the ladies.”
“Oh the bathroom, ok girls, I'll leave you to it then. Remember Mfanwy, if you would have kept a diary or a calendar, this kind of thing would not surprise you. You would be ready for it.” I just nodded at her.
As she walked away, the girls dragged me into the ladies loo and got me some water. I was in mild shock. Ally was concerned, as was Darla. Darla looked around in the loo and found no one else there. “Em are you ok? You look like you’re going to pass out.”
“I just looked at her and Ally and said. Does that stuff really happen to you girls?”
Ally smiled and nodded. “Yes Em, those things really do happen. Sometimes the cramps are unbearable that we have to cuddle up in a fetal position to keep it from tearing us apart. We usually cuddle up with something warm or something to push into our abdomen so we feel a little better.”
“I had no idea, Ally.” I said, she smirked, as did Darla.
“Are you going to be ok Em.”
“Yes I think I will. It was just so shocking to hear those stories. I really feel for you girls.”
“Em, more men need to understand what women go through. You have seen a very unique perspective. Most men are clueless. You on the other hand, you are becoming one of us, and you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. You are also seeing what we girls talk about, we learn not to be squeamish about it.”
“Well I got a rude awakening Ally, I guess I never thought about it. There is more to becoming a girl than what I suspected. How am I going to be able to write that essay, I have no idea what it is like for a girl that has her first period.”
“Don’t worry Em, I’ll tell you what it’s like and how mine was.” Ally said.
Then Darla said, “I’ll tell you about mine and you should be able to come up with something from both of ours as an example.”
“I was absolutely clueless when she asked me about the symptoms of the menstrual cycle. I am glad I listened to you girls talk about them at home.” as I turned and gave Ally a hug.
“Are you going to be alright Em?”
“Yea Ally, I guess so, I’ll live. I feel a bit better now too.”
“How come you stopped keeping your calendar for your period, Em?”
“Well I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about it here in the states, since I wasn’t going to be seeing my step mom anytime soon.”
“WRONG ANSWER Em! You are going to be here for six weeks. Don’t you think it would look funny, when you are suppose to be a genetic girl, and you never get a period in all that time?”
“Oh, ah … well … I never thought of it that way.”
“Well if you girls are ready, I think we should head. Sandy should be waiting for us.” Darla mentioned.
“Oh gees you’re right. Are we ready to go Ally?” Secretly thanking Darla for changing the subject.
“Lets check our makeup before we leave.” as Ally turned to the mirror.
I looked at my face and touched it up. Darla did the same.
We headed out of the loo, went to our lockers and got our coats. All three of us headed out to the car park, and saw Sandy warming up the car, waiting for us.
“Hi girls. Did everyone have a good day?”
“We did until last period Sandy. Em got a bit squeamish in Health class. She wasn’t prepared for ‘GIRLS ONLY’ Health class. We were talking about our menstrual cycles, and what happens to us when we are not AWARE when our monthlies are going to come. She heard some of the horror stories of what happened to some of the girls un-expectantly, I guess it never happened to Em. One got hers in a theater while she was with her boyfriend and she bled through her shorts. Another did it while she was sleeping and went all over the bed sheets. Did you have any embarrassing moments Sandy?”
To be continued.
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Ah yes, as stated, men can
Ah yes, as stated, men can be such neaderthals and this is definitely one of the times they don't really know anything. Periods are not fun at any time. The only blessing about them, if you want to call it one, is they do let a girl or woman know she can most likely have a child when she is ready to do so. Em is now really into the learning curve and I can perdict more is to come. J-Lynn