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Chapter 45
Officer Jane Clancy…
It’s part of the job. And it is one of the reasons that I did join the force. Catching and putting away child molesters. Pedophiles make my skin crawl and they also trigger part of my PTSD.
Yes, I, like a whole list of women at some point in our live, was sexually abused. For me it was an “Uncle” really just a friend of the family but a close one and we never thought that he’d do something like that but he did.
And it took me years to get over what he had done.
But it also showed me a lot of things that a lot of people were going through. I was a wild kid in my teens well my early teens partying and trying to kill the pain and it was some of the stuff I seen partying with the places I’d been at that started to get to me.
I think I was fifteen when I first got an inkling that I wanted to make a difference. And I hand really even thought about it until one of the older girls I knew from parties had graduated and came back from her first year in the law enforcement program she was in.
She was so together and she ended up becoming a really good friend who helped me get my stuff together before I was into the whole major parts of high school when your marks really matter.
I told people what had happened, got justice, got therapy and I turned out alright.
But dammit this Ingrid girl had been really, really bent over by life.
Jenna’s ex?
They have a kid together, that’s…I don’t know. I’m glad for Jenna and everything and she’ll likely be a great mother but at the same time. She has a really rough crowd aside from the police that hang around her diner.
She’s also the first transgendered person that I know or openly know and honestly she’s not the slightest bit different as a woman than I am. Okay maybe actually a bit more with it than I was at the same age.
But my past and just the kind of people that Jenna and Taylor are; sort of makes this not personal but personal and actually kind of important. It’s one of those cases that’s not a breach of interest but it effects people you know and that you like.
And that girl’s got cancer.
I’d like to get her some peace at least.
Marty’s talking things over with the Lt. about this and usually this is the kind of thing that gets sometimes handed off to the sex crimes division or to detectives but the thing is that we took the interview, we have the rapport with Ingrid and the others don’t and it’s actually not our policy to break the chain of contact.
You’d be surprised ay how many people don’t testify because they feel cast off in the first place because they were handed off from the officers that took their interview in the first place.
But like Marty had told me, it never hurts to extend the olive branch and work with the other divisions on this.
Me I’m drinking half day old coffee just because it’s hot and it’s habit as I type in the name and address if the perp.
Not Ingrid’s father, he lost that title as far as I’m concerned when he did that to her.
I’ve seen too goddamned much of this shit really and this isn’t what I generally do as a police officer. I’m just a cop, I do patrol and go on calls mostly and stuff like that but still the stuff I’ve seen….
I get into the sex offenders database and the one we use as police is different than the ones that are accessible to the public. There are some cases where a sexual offender is released where we can’t say that one has been released into an area. Now not all are rapists or sexual abusers some are people that did statutory and hooked up with the wrong age and yes some of them are lied to.
Some…about twenty percent of those cases are like that so if you think they’re young or seem young check their ID. Trust me pissing her off is better than pissing her parents off. But yeah most Stach cases are from guys that just don’t care.
The system also puts in Pimps and Johns too, not the hookers though because many of the girls on the street are victims more than they’re perps at least in sex crimes. So as the map around Ingrid’s parents place lights up with offered red dots and I call up the filed complaints which show up in yellow.
There’s damned well too many of each and we’re going to have to shake each one of the perps down and interview them and then try and talk to those that had filed sexual crime complaints too.
That’s about the hard evidence, but first glance and easy enough to take to the PA is the fact that we have a map cluster.
Save the screen shot and print.
And I go back year by year until we hit the year that she had said the abuse had started and cross things again and again and again each time printing things out but also each time getting a cluster in that neighborhood.
It’s not hard evidence but it’s enough for us to go ahead with a probable cause for the investigation.
I print those all off and then start going through the dates and the charges and the complaints listed taking notes of who and what for each time and the ones with complaints that have moved away I’m looking up. Marty is going through the missing persons files too in the area and checking with missing and exploited children too.
It’s a big long list and lots of checking for both of us to just get the research done. There’s little point in running down these people if they’re not there.
Add in the case files that we’re going to need to pull…it’s going to take time and a lot of hours to do this.
But Ingrid and he story keeps coming to mind for me and if there’s her there’s others…there shouldn’t be even her but…
When there’s one there’s always others.
*Jenna………………………………………it was a good night and a really bad night. Supper was great and we all sort of ate together and Giselle was so enthralled by her toys and the attention she lasted all the way to seven thirty before she did the dead tired puppy or kitten thing and she just was going and going and then she was watching this Tinkerbelle DVD and there was a big yawn and then she was out sleeping in the big fluffy chair head tilted to one side and drooling or starting too.
I get Ingrid to help me get her bathed and washed and ready for bed and she was so cute and sleepy enough that she sort of slept mostly through the process. Iggy and I actually shared a few shared quiet smiles about our daughter together.
She was still being pretty quiet and she was still looking pretty down too.
I can’t really put myself there…her shoes are a lot different than mine. But just hearing her story and starting to see the effects that the long tern abuse in her. I can’t be me and not forgive her not really…and if I’m really being honest.
She was passing her abuse onto me maybe when she did what she did because she was so screwed up.
And maybe there’s a part of me that is feeling guilty even with all of the stuff that I had been going through at the time…that maybe I should have seen the signs there of what was going on with her and everything.
We really don’t stay up that late any of us with everything having happened and the long day it had been. Iggy helps me put Giselle to bed and I can tell that she does love our daughter but she so twisted up inside that everything that comes out of her is twisted up too?
It was all good until close to one in the morning when I hear Ingrid crying in her sleep and she was asleep still when I went to check on her and she was curled up like she was trying to shield herself…and crying as she was whining. “Daddy…please Daddy no….no…”
It sent my heart achingly into my throat.
I walked over and sat on the couch and rubbed her back and she woke up and nearly screamed…I watched her eyes widen in that fear there that she wasn’t in my living room and I wasn’t me for a second and she sort of gains focus a few seconds later and her eyes fill up and she starts to cry and rolls over away from me and buries her face into the back of the couch.
“Go away…”
“Go away…”
“Jenna just go away…just fucking leave me alone and go back to your perfect little fucking life!”
“My life’s not perfect.”
“No, of fucking course not because I’m in it!”
“I never said that.”
“You don’t fucking have too! It’s written all over you and all of them!”
“No! no…why is it you? Why do you get to be the good one? The reasonable one and the one that everyone loves!? Why am I that damaged piece of garbage!?”
I turn her around to look at me even if she fights me on it and she sits up and slaps me.
I slap her back.
She slaps me again. Several times actually just having a freak and venting her temper on me.
I’m not taking it from her either so I slap her back a few times. I’ll not punch her or stuff like that but hell no am I just going to take it.
Taylor walks past us carrying Giselle who’s sort of sleepy and sort of awake and he gives us this look and he tosses something at us and walks downstairs.
I caught it and look at it and….?
“Baby Oil?”
I’m looking at it and I’m just not getting it until Iggy gets this look on her face and she starts to giggle and titter.
Oh now I get it…
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It seems that pretty much all of us are damaged goods in some form or fashion. There are suvivors and non-survivors; and many survivors got there because someone cared enough to help. Ingrid has a really hard life, I just hope she can open up enough to accept Jenna's help. She may lose her battle with cancer but perhaps she will go out with a little dignity.
edit: Forgot to mention, I still don't get the joke at the end.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Jenna is trying for that at the very least.
She wants good things for Ingrid despite what happened.
And 2 girls slapping each other and a guys tosses them baby oil...
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Good god...
in hope all those hits aren't children that creep has damaged. He needs to go down in flames.
Good chapter, thanks
No not all those hits are abuse cases.
The police look for first offenders and then cross reference the offenders against the complaints and cases to establish a pattern or a cluster. There is a cluster that goes back years work of reports in that area.
*Hugs and Howls*
Bailey Summers
My literalness from the stuff going on in my head makes it hard to get jokes sometimes. I'm guessing he was asking for the Baby Oil because Giselle needed to be changed or it was something else having to do with the slapping. I don't think there was any sexual innuendo with Giselle there, but hey, I've been wrong before! I do love this story.
Uhm 2 girls in a slap fight then...
A guy tosses then baby oil?
Taylor wasn't impressed with them getting into that little fight and waking the baby so if they're going to be fighting then...
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Then what?
Not deliberatly being obtuse here, just don't understand. Some kind of "in-joke" that is over my head?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Sexy girl fight, Karen
though i prefer Jello...
Add lemonade Kool-Aid powder mix to it and it'll...
light up under a blacklight, that'd be an interesting lightshow.
*Big Angel Hugs for Moon!*
Bailey Summers
"Oh now I get it…"
Best way he could help, really.
I totally get where Ingrid is coming from, felt like "Why am I that damaged piece of garbage!?†more times than enough.
LOL! Taylor has a kind of cutting sense of humor:)
And it completely short circuited the fight. Ingrid is going through things that have broke her over and over until now.
*Great Big Angel HUGS*
Bailey...A Proud Big Brother.
Bailey Summers
Baby oil! Hmmm baby oil can
Baby oil! Hmmm baby oil can be fun :P lol
Good chapter, I can't say much about it having never experienced such a thing. All I will say is Jenna has a hell of a fight ahead to help Iggy both mentally and physically. Jenna's biggest problem will be getting Iggy to turn that fighting spirit towards surviving rather than fighting Jenna or anyone else who wants to help.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Baby oil is fun even in private Lizzy:)
But I agree that Jenna's going to have a heck of a time getting Iggy to go from self defense hurting others and herself mode to fighting and hating the cancer.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey...The Godfather;)
Bailey Summers
I love the name. Happy to see another chapter, made be go back and read them all :) What Iggy did was terribly wrong, shes in pain I understand but making someone else feel worse doesnt lessen yours. Been there, done that have the t-shirt, thank you. Great story.
PS Baby Oil :)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Ingrid picked Giselle because of J'aime's/Jenna's French family.
It's a really pretty name though for a girl very classic sounding to me. Kind of like Elsbeth I always get this UK vibe from that name:)
But You're right, it never solves anything but people think that if someone else is hurting that some how it's justified. Not right but they feel justified in hurting others as bad as they feel.
Glad you got Taylor's little joke:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Close to
Her name is almost the same as Brazilian Supermodel Gisele Bundchen, said to be the richest supermodel in the world. Gisele has an impressive bio on IMDB.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Melted chocolate would have been even better. ;)
Well since Taylor was making a point the oil was good enough:)
Besides anything with melty chocolate or other such fun he's reserving for him and Jenna.
*Huggles and stratches.*
Bailey Summers
Powers Women
“No! no…why is it you? Why do you get to be the good one? The reasonable one and the one that everyone loves!? Why am I that damaged piece of garbage!?â€... Well Ingrid, I'd have to say it's because the Powers girls have big hearts and given the chance to express that sweetness in a supportive environment there is no stopping them! I get the feeling Jenna's going to make a decent human being of Ingrid whether she likes it or not, which she needs to. Gisele deserves to have some positive memories of Ingrid after all.
The baby oil made me smile. Fatherhood really is making Tay the sensible one now!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
You see some guys just get the fatherhood thing:)
Like a switch goes off and says this, this is Soooo important, this gives me strength...purpose. Tay's one of those guys...he never thought he'd live to be a father now he has this chance.
Powers women are wonderful women when they finally get to blossom. Jenna will try her damndest to bring Ingrid back from that dark place she's been living.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
sex offender databases
Are really screwed up in a lot of places. Besides the questionable statutory rape cases, a lot of place put "public indecency"/"indecent exposure" offenders on there as well. Even ones such as some guy who gets drunk and gets spotted pissing against a wall or a tree.
There's a notorious case were a retarded man got put on the list because (as sometimes happens with the severely retarded, especially when they are young) happened to masturbate where someone spotted him (might have been in a classroom situation)
Anyway, somebody found his name on the list and without knowing anything else other than that he was on the list started a campaign to drive him out of town (might have involved a guy running for Sheriff or the like).
End result was that the guy who was mentally maybe 6 or 8 even though he was physically an adult committed suicide after people started picketing his family's house.
Yeah, we need lists of offenders. But the way they are run currently, they are useless because there are too many people on them for stupid/trivial reasons. All because lawmakers don't want to risk *not* having someone listed if they later do something serious.
So they ruin people's lives and make rehabilitation essentially impossible. All because they are afraid to exercise some judgement.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
sex offenders
And let us not forget those DA's who knows it's hot subject and manipulates the case as to slant it in that direction. Ie, those who downloaded one thing but got a nasty surprise as others used his computer to pass on unspeakable images. It's really tough to prove that you're clean when that crap is right on your hard drive. Friend ended up losing everything as well as prison time and going on one of those lists.
Justice is sacrificed for ambition.
PS: One of my hot buttons, sorry.
You're both right and it is a hot button issue.
There's a huge part of sexual offender databases and the cases their involved it that gets a knee jerk attack reaction. This does lead to some false charges and a lot of misunderstandings because of the want of "hard justice." and the need for the look of political shininess in fighting something this evil.
The police though that are more about the job see the current system as flawed enough that the cheap charges fill up the system and the dangerous offenders are getting harder and harder to nail down.
*Big Hugs to Both.*
Bailey Summers
Mrs. Summers... are one of my favorite writers but I simply have to disagree with you that prostitutes are mainly victims. I know it was one of your characters but it was one who could/should speak with some authority/understanding. Prostitution is connected to gambling, drugs and theft. And it was one of the main outlets in the transmission of aids from the gay community to the public at large at the beginning of the 80s.
Prostitution has a lot of factors.
But as for the crime aspects it's the pimps and the people that are their bosses who are the connected ones. It's extremely rare for an actual sex trade worker to be doing this because of profit on their end unless they're independents and those don't factor into the above.
The officer was excluding the sex trade workers because they are usually victims of circumstance in most cases.
Lack of education and the emergence of a disease were as much factors as the john's that demanded bareback sex were bigger factors than the gay community. It was the bisexual men having sex with other men and infecting them from female partners that was the bigger cause of it in the gay community. In a semi closed community the effect was devastating and since no-one knew as much about HIV then and it's long incubation period it just exploded.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I must have been really obtuse when I first read this, not getting the joke. :-( Dr. has been playing musical chairs with my medications for years.
Something I missed at the time, Officer Jane's story is very similiar to mine. I wonder, is the "uncle" thing kind of a cliche these days?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb