My Super Secret Life...Villain-8

My Super Secret Life…Villain 8

Chapter 8


I almost rattled stuff in the diner.

So why in the world of don’t give a fuck am I so pissed?

I’ve been on the streets a long time. And in a city like Ark City there are over five to six hundred thousand kids on the streets. Some get out, some don’t stay and are just visiting, so go gang or become hookers and junkies, the list goes on and on…but you just think about the population and the amount of predators that come here for the camouflage…

Yeah run the numbers.

I’ve lot people, friends not close like family friends but friends enough over the years that this is one of my button issues. I’ve seen some of their bodies too. Cried too many fucking goddamned tears over something that should never happen! And the only reason that I haven’t been a victim many times over was because of my powers.

I get up and leave the diner and go walking sort of hurting, hugging myself in that jacket hunched hands in my pockets kind of way. There’s fresh tears for old hurts and old friends that I wipe away from my eyes with little pulses of power.

I walk and walk and end up outside the address for the bastard Hanson McLeod. It’s an old brownstone like place with a ten foot brick wall around the yard and an electronic gate. I can see some surveillance cameras there. There’s likely to be more, and maybe a set of back up power there it’s his own little fortress in the slums and just in a bad enough area where no one will look at him and what he’s doing.

I move on after awhile still in mourning, still getting angry but already into break and enter mode, already in planning mode.

I take the long way home and still see things that I hate still some dealers and runners doing their thing on the streets and they’re way more into doing stuff in broad daylight using look outs for the police or some of the police.

It won’t save them from me getting in their way.

But I need Hanson…he’s one of those people that breeds despair around him like a plague carrier. Connected or so they say, has money and police protection and he’s a child molesting predator from way too many rumors.

A really good gauge of his fear is the fact that there isn’t anyone doing anything but pass his place by and that’s in a hurry. They don’t even deal or hook near him. A good barometer of him being a boogeyman.

Fuck him.

I’m the Boogeyman in Sleepy Hallow.

I head home and I go over my things and I add a few more things that I’m adding to my gear. Cutting discs for metal and stone, a full thing of cling wrap, a few kinds of screws. A couple disposable phones, some flash drives…these bastards always have sick shit on their computers.

I’m still almost too pissed to sleep and I work out on the tae-bo dummy I have that tells me what to hit and kick and stuff. I’m not really trained but I’ve been in scraps and fights before all of this and since going pro I’ve been doing this and I’ve a few months of tae kwon do from a YWCA here until it had to close. But I try to keep up what I know. I’m scoring harder hits according to the read outs, I guess maturing helped a lot.

Sweaty and now tire enough I shower and crash I’m getting lots of rest before I head into that place.

It’s about ten when I get up. I get something to eat. I make macaroni with hamburger that I’ve loose cooked until it’s crispy and onions too just diced. I drain it and mix the two together with a can of tomatoes and a can of tomato soup. Poor man’s goulash really but something I eat a fair amount of. I have to let it cool because I let the liquid soften the hard brown edges of the hamburger.

Good food for this work, pasta, meat, sugars from the soup. I still though eat a power bar before that, take some vitamins and some mineral pills too… I’m still catching up so I think this is a good idea plus I burn off a shit-ton of energy doing stuff with my powers.

I eat, use the bathroom and then get dressed.

I head to the basement.

I lift out the cutting discs and I crank the Rpm’s up and get them spinning in a flight of five of them and I start to cut through the floor. It’s solid stuff so I’m using my powers to excavate as I go. Stop…pulse…feel…move on until I get into the sewers. Yeah I know but they’re not that bad. They have sidewalk like things for the workers and there’s railings too. I made a merry maze between here and my place with some bricked up doors. No mortar but you won’t really get that they’re doors unless you knock them down or like me can feel through things. I can just mentally move them out of my way. Good enough for now.

I know the general area that I’m heading too and….

Uh-huh…the tunnel is sealed off. It’s a big metal wall and it lets the water pass through by grates but it’s old like twenty or thirty years old and covered with notice signs with biohazard zone…blah, blah, blah buster sewage processor.

Right under his place…street?

Not bloody likely.

I stop though and I feel through the metal…seek, pulse…feel…no cameras no people.

I use the discs, and cut myself a door.

It’s relatively clean for a sewer but darker with the lack of light coming from the place being blocked off. It takes awhile to…no…I close my eyes and I pulse see…telekinetic sonar. There’s barrels out in the middle of the sewer water…I pull one close to me…heavy…there’s stuff in them and I pop a lid.

Then I have to pop all of them…there’s eleven…of the barrels…but the kids that were in there…the one that’s the freshest looks about twelve…

I might be a villain; I might have killed before even if in self defense but this…this man is a monster.

He actually has a door here, stairs leading up into his basement.

Mad? Pissed?

I must be really a female…I sit at that door to his basement and cry…I cry quietly…but I cry…that might be someone I knew down there…that might have been me.

But like a girl…once I’m done crying…Cold…focused anger.

I reach out and feel.

By the numbers Rook…this is a break in first. There’s some cameras down here. But not on this door. Why?…What? The stairs going upstairs…and a room…with dampened walls…layers…I need to get closer. I pick the lock, slip in…go around the stairwell camera and there’s a room that’s there across from the furnace room.

Touching and pulsing the wall its smaller rooms? Movement…kids…bars…cells. There’s six of them. I take out a disposable cell phone. I dial *(star) five times and hit send and wait.

“Champion Tower how may we assist you?”

It’s a machine…but I got the numbers for the Cape squad’s offices from a book I found years ago in a break and enter. It’ll be traced for sure.

“I have a message for Shroud. If you trace this call you’ll find what I’m going to leave left of a child molesting serial kill…”

“This is Shroud…”


“Why call me?”

“The local piglets are on the take as well as City council. I can’t trust them here…not even the AA’s.”

“Where are you?”

“Figure it out, by the time you trace this and get here I’ll have done what needs doing.”

“I could call the Ark Angels.”


“Who are you?”


I toss the phone still onto the floor.

I get ready…look, feel.

Aaaah, there’s his Genny.

I crank up the discs and I hit the Generator and fuse box at the same time.

I set my hands on the stairway rails and I power burst jump…slide up the stairs.

“Lucas! Find out what bloody well happened?” The voice is older but still prime…sixties, seventies which isn’t what it used to be…well not if you have money. That’s middle aged if you can afford it.

I hear a big bass voice slightly off… “Yu..Yes Fatha.”

There’s some heavy, heavy footfalls and there’s this huge shape that comes around the corner. He looks like someone badly cross bred a human…maybe with a pig…maybe then had it badly twisted by deformities…uhm…deformities I’m guessing “Fatha” had corrected by the serious cybernetic Lucas is sporting.

I power jump up and use my telekinetic to sink a grip into the ceiling as he thumps by.

Okay…that’s new…it worked but new one for me.

“Lukey see your heat.”

Oh shit.

I look just in time to see Lucas grab my long coat. He snarls…not really words but he swings me through the closest wall…pain? Yeah lots of pain…this wasn’t plasterboard but wood and paneling. My armor well mixed padding just saved my ass…plans to think ahead.

“Ruargh!!!” He yells or something like that.

I get up fast, fear way more than training and go to unleash my marbles and catch a fist to the face. I fly back into the next wall with a crash and the hockey mask is spider webbed with a single hit.

“Ugnh!” That was me.

“Lucas gunna have me some fun.”

I reach up and release my marbles and start whacking him with them. It takes awhile to get them up to speed so they’re only pissing him off. He even catches and crushes a few. I get up and wobble a bit. And he hit’s me with both fists and charging through another wall.

I go flying and skidding across the floor of this bigger hall. Lucas comes after me his stomping shaking the floor.

I gather that energy and apply it as a barrier of force one layered over the other in front of his feet. His next three steps stomp that layer into the other and sort of squish it apart but it has the desired effect on becoming a patch of TK grease…because my force is essentially frictionless. He does the banana peel big time.

I’m getting to my feet as he goes down.

“Lucas!” I see this middle aged guy in a house coat robe and silk pajamas at the end of the hall and he’s got a pistol in his hand. “Get up you stupid oaf and kill him.”

“I kill him fatha, I’ll kill the ‘truda good!”

He’s getting up really fast.

Hanson’s not getting away. I pummel him with the seven marbles I got left and he goes down hard. It’s a volley and it’ll only stun him for a few minutes so I have to…


Lukey isn’t just up but he’s got me by the throat and he’s strong…inhumanly strong.

“I’s is gotten fatha…heh..heh..Lukey’s gonna squeeze yer head off.”

Shit….he could do it too…

I don’t even think about it…I’m not a Cape Squaddy that brings in the bad guy. I slap my palm over Lucas’s face and gather energy and power. I train, I practice doing all sorts of silly stuff like filling balloons and blowing soap bubbles with my powers.


Because it makes me more dangerous.

I reach in and I fill Lucas’s lungs with TK force and I pull all the air from his lungs. He lets go and staggers grabbing at his throat and he can’t even make a sound.

“Put this boy in body armor Hanson and I can see why people aren’t fucking with you. to bad for you that body armor is next to useless against me.”

Hanson’s looking up at me coughing and gasping from the marble strikes. I hit him with seven of them at least as hard as a paintball gun.

I make sure he’s looking as Lucas drops now to his knees with a big thump. The I dig in with my powers…it’s open air ways it’s not the same as effecting something that’s purely internal…it’s kind of like a balloon…Lucas might be an innocent but he was way too willing and happy in a demented way to “pop” my head off. He’s a rabid dog. So I put him down. I yank my hand from Lucas’s face and I pull his lungs literally out of his body.

I walk away from him letting him expire in twitches.

I head towards Hanson.

He screams in fear…kind of an unmanly scream and opens fire at me. I focus my TK on his gun and it explodes unable to fire through the thickness. More screaming and he runs. I chase him and he’s trying to lose me but I’m skating…using my TK as a cushion and pulling and throwing myself through the house and he’s knocking things over and trying to slow me down and stop me.

He get’s to his study and I barrage him with his own books.

Then I have him.

He swings, he fights and he fights like a guy that’s used to not having someone fight back. Like he’s used to beating on the weak. I use him like my tae bo dummy and I vent of him without powered boosting. I stop after my knuckles are sore through my gloves.

I do the voice trick. As I slam him down in front of his computer. “Password!”


“Password! Show me the others! Show me it all!”


I beat him off the desk and I pull off his bottoms…. “What…what are you doing…”

“I knew you had a little dick.” I float another marble out. “Tell me the password!”

“!” he’s sobbing….then goes for a letter opener. He’s fast and desperate and he stabs at me and I block the hit or I try and it goes through my forearm. I slap my hand over his face. “Time to die!”

He shits himself…starts sobbing…


“No..” a sniveling whisper this time.


I use my power to grab his little cock and the marble…and that flesh is stretchy…sort of but like I’ve said I’m not a nice person…I start giving him a reverse kidney stone.

I’ve never heard screaming like that and apparently he wasn’t done voiding his bowels.
I drop him writhing in his own feces and move the computer away from him so I can use it.

“Password and it stops!”

He bawls out the code.

I’m no hacker so it takes a bit more of the marble traveling up to get the folders and stuff opened and I…he recorded the stuff…he wasn’t the only one doing things…it’s like he had this ring…this club and there’s names and faces and…

I’m cold angry silent crying again…

I recognize one of the girls there Deni…she was a runaway with me on the streets and….

I’m not saying what they were doing to her…

I print off all the child porn images that I can…I use the zip ties to tie Hanson up. The police might be coming…I never called them; I’m pretty damned sure that shroud won’t either.

Mad…oh fucking right I’m madder than mad but I’m not the one to kill him…I’m not even going to mete out his justice.

As things are printing I “ask” where the safe is, where his hold out cash is. I get a gym bag I see lying around…I go to the bedroom…empty that safe, his jewelry…it’ll just get seized anyway…they can have his accounts. I do at one point yank the letter opener out but I keep my blood on me with my powers and I keep the letter opener too.

But fuck doesn’t it hurt like a mother…I bite down on the pain. I hate getting stabbed…this is my third time.

I see…hmm…I take that spiked mace thing off the wall by this old suit of armor. I kind of like it. I grab him…and I haul him outside of his place to the lamp post on the corner and the printed off pictures too…every act, every face and I scatter them with my powers as far as I can launch the bundles and I leave him there…cling wrapped to the lamp post and there are cops coming but they stop about two block away…get out grabbing the pictures with papers.

There’s some noise, yelling arguing…another car pulls up and two other cops get out and have papers in hand and they pull guns on the two that were heading here.

More come and there’s chaos starting, people are stopping and picking up papers…those pictures…I just stand there watching the sun coming up and the whole thing is picking up speed…Hanson is freaking out but I wrapped his mouth too so he’s just there cling wrapped to the light pole watching his doom getting closer and closer.


He’s here.

“That was fast.”

“It’s over…”

“Not even close Shroud.”

“This can’t be ignored.”

“It shouldn’t be. Look there’s a computer in there with all his contact info, all his sick twisted shit in there and it’s hooked to some kind of magnetic eraser so you let the uniformed clowns in there and odds are you’ll lose all the information on the molestation ring. And there’s six kids locked down in the basement…in cells.”

He stares at me through the deep darkness of his hood…even in the daylight it’s just filled with this misty darkness….even in the daylight is he right on the edge of creepy.


I head to the closest manhole.



“This…this isn’t over between us.”

“Actually Shroud…I’m good with that.”

I use my powers to slip the cover off and back and I take off.

I leave and skate away and I’ll take the long, long way around…like…I hurt…really bad now that the adrenaline’s running down and I head to the clinic using the sewers.

I’m still smiling despite the hurt…the mob will get to Hanson before the cops will. Shroud might leave him there too just to make sure he get’s the info and the kids…either way there’s about two full packs of printer paper pictures floating around the area…thet can’t, absolutely can’t ignore these fuckers…they’ll have to get then even if the evidence is iffy or else someone else will.

And at least two child raping dirty cops went down too.

I’m Rook.
You peddle poison and I’ll come for you.
You hurt women and I’ll come for you.
You hurt a child and I’ll drag you to hell myself.
That’s me.
That’s who I am.

…………………………………………………………..He’s just getting done his shift and I push off the wall from the shadows and up to his car. “Jeff.”

He jumps and he looks at me. “Sweet Jesus Rikki! What the fuck happened?”

“Take me to your place and you can see it on the news.”

“You need a hospital.”

“I need you…and I need you to be good with that.”


“Good…” I slump and he catches me.

“Okay…here get in the back seat and take that thing off your face…I need to see your eyes.”


Jeff looks at my eyes and then heads into the clinic coming out with a bag. He get’s in and passes me an ice pack and put’s it over the left side of my face…its cold and stings at the same time.

“Just hold on and I’ll get us home.”


“Shuttup Rikki…I’m pissed at you right now.”

“You sound like an angry girlfriend.”

“Fuck off.”

He hunches his shoulders as he starts to drive and his ears are red…I smile at that. I close my eyes and try to just not hurt as bad as I’m hurting as he drives me to his place.

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