My Super Secret Life...Villain-7

My Super Secret Life…Villain 7

Chapter 7

I wake up and smile last night went good and inside I turned a corner in my head. I went to the free clinic and I seduced the street doc I’ve been working with. I’m really new to this sex stuff and yet I’m sure he was pretty good.


I’m getting the big deal some people have about their first. Jeff’s a really decent person and yeah it’s sentimental as fuck but there’s no one that can take that away from me.

I start my morning off by slipping my hand down just thinking of Jeff and the way his hardness sank into me but still flesh and sliding over my sensitive deep spots, opening me up and sinking into me so deeply…

Three times before I’m done and panting.


Well I’m seventeen and never even felt the urge to be like this for most of my early adolescence….had I still been a boy I’d likely be doing more than this.

Had been a boy.

Honestly, I’m not sure that I’m all that upset by the change…I mean it’s been years and I think that maybe now. I’m more than good with it.

There’s no cure for being a mutant.

Oh, there’s been lots of attempts and snake oil.

There’s only two cures if you’re a mutant.

Deal with it and more on.

Or let the haters kill you.

I’m actually in a good mood despite the grim stuff. I’m just realistic I guess. I feed the cat, eat my toast and a bowl of cereal, do the housework and stuff and shower and head out grabbing my skateboard and just dressing in my inserts and sports bra and a decent t-shirt and non-job cargo pants.

I head out with some cash and I go around the neighborhood. I buy some stuff at the shops. Not so much the 24/7’s but the few mom and pop places still here and we talk and honestly I learn about the place a lot more. I mean I’ve been here awhile but I rarely actually spent time out here. Here in my neighborhood.

I said I’m an artist so I’m buying stuff for that and most of it’s from the hardware places and I open and account at Lisbon Hardware for paints and for him to get some canvas and stuff in and it I dunno…the way he was grateful for a cash in hand account was moving and kinda scary.

And decision making stuff too.

I buy things I see that I need for my gear and head home and actually spend time drawing out maps of my area and making notes. I take some of my art stuff and go to one of the other rooms start to make an information room. I even set up some files areas in milk crates.

I take a break, make some supper and work on my costume. I go with hockey and sports pads and I glue and sew things to black tights in two layers underneath and one set over it with the whole thing to zip up in the back.

Trying it on it’s good and gives me this male sort of look with the bulk and everything then I add my hooded t-shirt and then the long coat the featureless tinted goalie face shield. Add in the gloves and boots and I’m pretty bad assed.

I get out of the gear and start working on the long coat getting pockets sewn in. I’m really good at sewing with my TK powers. I do tubes with old bike inner tubes so I can put things into them. Cayenne, my marbles, cling wrap balls, zip ties in the sleeves and stuff for my gear in various pockets and then two cayenne pockets in the back just in case.


I take another break and relax and watch some TV, eat some junk food, go back to the computer and yes…surf the net and watch some porn. I’m still trying to feel all this sexuality stuff out and I found one thing out.

I don’t like porn. I mean I don’t hate it but it’s kind of boring. Way too contrived and when it’s not that it’s kind of eww.

Unhappy with the sticky-vids I try out a few videos on tai-chi and some yoga…Meh…it was okay but like the porn I’m pretty sure this’ll be better in real life.

Okay…It’s late enough. I eat a couple of power bars, have an orange and use the bathroom and get into my gear and head out over the rooftops.

I won’t bullshit about it. I’m starting to love the freedom of it out here, up here. The Brickyards are like a lot of poor places built up against each other a lot and perfect for my TK parkour. I’m not hunting tonight. I’m mapping, and practicing and investigating. I’m looking for the gangs, the dealers, who’s doing what, the locals and the local cops.


There’s a few things that I can’t leave alone.

The drunk guy I saw through the window screaming at his wife who’s bleeding on the floor with welts and scared children huddling.

I TK knock on the door while slipping in the window. He opens the door and I move through the place and I push him out into the hall and pull the door shut behind me. Pepper in the eyes and he screams. I’m not gentle, I beat the hell out of him. Every punch TK boosted…I don’t break anything well his nose and he loses some teeth.

I hold him out over the stairwell and go scary voice. “Never again, never hit that woman or those children again! I see you doing this and I’ll come for you!…you know what I’ve done right!”

“r…rr..right…” He’s pissing himself as I hold him one armed using my TK to actually carry his weight.

“You will clean the hell up, treat them like you’re not the scumbag you are…got that! I will come to get you if you fail them again.” I toss him onto the closest stairs and I jump up the stairwell to get to the roof.

Yeah…I can only hope that he’ll try at least.

Then Fullers…there’s six in a car driving through my area. I pop the tire yanking out the stems and let loose my marbles and hit them from the shadows, I trash the windows, dent the shit out of the car and hit them…over and over and over until they’re all beaten badly, bloody and run yelling out of my zone.

That’s right, get the hell out.

That leads me to plan a few things. Big chunks of concrete and brick set onto the corners of a few roof tops. Just to have shit to drop on an offending car with my powers. It pays to be prepared.

I still mostly travel and take notes, on my phone with voice recordings, pictures and texts. About five the day’s closing in and I make my way home and shower and change…I get into slacks and a nice top and head off to the clinic on my skateboard stopping for coffee and doughnuts at one of the diners in my area.

I’m sipping mine when I see Jeff come out after his shift at the clinic. H blinks and stares at seeing me. “Rikki? Now?”

“No, Sunday though.”

“Are you hurt?”


“Then why are you here? I mean, not like it’s not good to see you but….” He blushes? Me? Am I doing that?”

“Take me home.”

“Okay…I don’t know where you live though.”

“No you don’t.”

I step up and kiss him and put his coffee in his hands. I…I think I like kissing…I mean it’s what you do right?

It takes a minute for him to kiss me back definitely taken off guard I can actually see the lights come on with the “Oh.”

Then he kisses a bit better.

I break the kiss, smile.

He’s staring down at me but we’re still touching and I can tell he’s on the edge of something again. I lean away and take a drink of my coffee. “What?”

“Rikki…I’m like twice your age.”

“That doesn’t matter Jeff.”

“You’re seventeen.”


“You’re not even legal.”



“I’m a wanted criminal, I’ve been on my own surviving for years, lots of years. I’m not a kid.”

“I know that it’s just…stuff like this doesn’t happen to guys like me.”

I tape a step back in and press against him. “So you’re saying no?”

“No…I’m not saying no, but are you sure?”

“Jeff…take me home.”

He heads to a car leading me over and even though it’s a old beater he still opens the door for me. I get in and we head north and about forty minutes and he lives on The North Edges. It’s still technically the brickyards but it’s close to the Hannigan district and the interdistrict highway so there’s more people there, more traffic and better neighborhoods.

We eat the doughnuts on the way and finish out coffees before we pull into an eight story apartment building that’s solidly middle classed. It’s a good indication the Jeff even being a doctor isn’t rolling in the cash.

He’s on the fifth floor and he lets us in and shyly smiles. “Uhm excuse the mess.”

I look around. Mess? Not really he sleeps and keeps his things here. My place is more furnished. I do see he eats a lot of take out and microwaved meals from a glace at the kitchen.

“I’ve seen a lot worse Jeff.”

“I usually don’t have company Rikki.”

“So the sheets will be clean?”


I take his hand and smile and kiss him again and it’s getting better and better. I’m enjoying it more and he’s more in his element here and relaxed.

I hop up and wrap my legs around his hips and he carries me to the bedroom. Again not much one of those low to the ground beds but a queen sized one, light blue sheets, navy blue quilt and dark curtains that give the room this almost underwater light aspect.

That’s all I see as we’re stripping each other them and kissing and he does this inhale looking at me once I’m fully naked. I’m a bit self conscious about the no bust at all thing.


“God you’re beautiful.”

Really? Oh that kind of…I’m not all melty girly Oooh over it but it was nice. I smile and take his cock in hand and lead him down to me.

I have no idea what’s average or good but he’s plenty hefty for my slender hands and I kiss with him as he puts on a condom. I whine-grunt as he sinks slowly into me…It hurts so good at first, feeling him fill me and there’s this part of my brain that’s saying yes, yes, yes.

It’s hot another living part inside of me and the other body heat is…human touch, feeling someone give you a massage that feels good right…this is that but it’s times a hundred.
God it’s so intimate too…Jeff’s giving me so much pleasure that it’s so gratifying to hear the sounds he’s making too. The touches of his hands over my skin and even him suckling and kissing my nipples…sure…likely not as good as if they were biologically standard but still…it feels good, that he wants to and does makes me feel good.

He get there and so do I well twice and we’re panting and kissing and sheened in sweat and I run my fingers through his sweaty hair as I hold him and actually tightened the way my legs are wrapped around him.

I sink my TK senses into him…like the way that I could feel his pulse to see if he was lying and I just soak in feeling the pulse of his blood the rush of his lungs and the beating of his heart.

Feeling that…him…like this was a curiosity but it’s such and experience to feel him like this…that affected by our lovemaking….It’s even more curios and wow when he starts getting his second wind…and feeling the pressure changes of him getting aroused…He switches out condoms and we make love again….this time, fingers interlaced through most of it and there’s lots of kissing and there’s this time where he’s just in this zone…and makes love to me like a thoroughbred. I read it takes men longer to get there the second time around…well Jeff took full advantage of that….I match him though, being Rook has me in really amazing shape and as much as it’s moving my hip to him I pull myself there by tightening my thigh muscles since I’m still wrapped around him…pull my body to him by using my abs. Tons of kissing and sweat and lots of noise…I’ve never felt so good or alive in my life except for just after a fight. That rush of kicking ass to clean up my neighborhood….sex…it’s right up there. When he gets there it’s him crying out but he wraps me into this tight hug and he gets there hard and powerfully.

I’m sweat soaked but feral…there’s part of me that’s been let out of the box I stuffed all this in and I kiss, suck on his skin and sweat and bite him in places…and I…I use my powers on him…slowly reaching into the kinetics of him…the beating rhythms of his body…I couldn’t do this in a fight…it’s a slow thing…a feeling out thing…but once I really feel that…I pull with my TK slowly but surely more blood flow and pressure into him cock making him hard again…

“Oh fuck…I…Rikki…wow…”

“Hmmm? I…It’s been a long time since I’ve had a girl do this to me.”

“Do what?”

“Third time…wow…it’s been like college….” He’s still panting and I kiss him. Oh he likely could have but no where near as fast or hard or as long…Do I tell him? Hell no, I want Jeff to think and feel this is him. He’s so proud of himself… “Well then lets not waste it and make love to me Jeff…long and slow…pour us a drink and put on some music…show me what it really can be like.”

He grins like he’s so much younger and goes to make us a drink and put on some soft music. I use his bathroom and freshen up and grab some tissue paper and pull the wet spot out of the bedding into it before tossing it into the trash. I smile as I took a peek out at him in the kitchen as he made two blender drinks and put something in the fridge. He looked down at his hard on and had this goofy grin on his face and said to himself. “Out-fucking-standing.”

I slip back into the bed giggling and you know…never…I’ll never wreck this for him. He smiles and kisses me and that smile is like all those Jeff worry lines are finding release and It’s a drink-drink he made something called a pina colada and it’s actually good…not something I’d go for a lot of but good and sort of fits sex in the morning. We drink and then kiss then I pull him to me again.

I do one more trick I sort of use my TK and body and fluids to make a sort of seal like a pump that slowly pulls at my insides and him as he outstrokes as long as he doesn’t pull out it builds that slow sucking at us pressure.

When I get there again and again and the third time…that third time…this time I bite his shoulder and scratch his back. I don’t really have nails but it’s just reflex. Jeff got there twice more…stunned…we both were with this he wraps me into his arms and holds me awhile.

I hate to come across as a slut but I fell asleep first.

I woke first though and Jeff was laying on me partway sleeping the sleep of the dead or the just. I get out carefully and pad to the bathroom and take a shower. I steal one of his shirts and go fridge raiding. It’s pretty empty except the basics so I make toasted fried egg sandwiches with a tomato slice and some salami and a bunch of condiments he had.

I take a sharpe marker and write on his fridge door. “Jeff…get some damned food in the house, you never know when you’re going to get lucky so don’t starve the poor girl.”

I make and eat mine first and check out his place. Three bedrooms, it’s a condo rather than an apartment and one is definitely and office. I pick through his files and find one labeled Rook and read it. It’s pretty much all the stuff he’s told me plus some theory. Am I mad there’s a file? No he’d have turned me in a long time ago, this is him thinking. I do see a few sheets of bills and wants and needs and must haves for the clinic, alimony and child support payments.

Okay ex-wife and kid.

Not a big deal though the ex-looks like she is upping the ante with her money demands in both every once in awhile. I take those and some computer printer paper and use my TK to make an ink share copy of the stuff I’m interested in.

Computer…daughters birthday, I look around and it’s mostly work stuff, word processing stuff. I set some stuff I know up in his computer and then feel and memorize the feeling of his keys while making coffee and his sandwiches.

Yes, I’m invading his privacy. Don’t care…Jeff’s part of my life. I want to know things so I’m going to know them. First it’s me being able to help him out if I need to. Two it’s self defense shit happens I want to be prepared and…three…If I ask him things and he lies to me I’ll know.

Remember…Villain. I’m not a good person a whole lot of the time.

Hey…even good people have to lie.

I really debate waking him with sex, or a blowjob but well I’ve never given one and the though it daunting and something I’ll save maybe for some other time. Instead I get dressed.

I lean over and kiss him long and softly. He moans and blinks, he’s cute when he’s sleepy.


“Hey back, Thanks Jeff I needed that.”

“You’re thanking me…?”

“Yes…jeez Jeff, it was fucking great so yes, thank you.” I say it softly ad draw the word fucking out a bit. I kiss him again. “Coffee’s hot in the machine and breakfast’s in the nuker…I’ll see you later. Oh we’re going on Sunday.”

I kiss him again and he’s blinking the sleep out still by the time I’m leaving. I’m closing his apartment door when. I heard him call. “Rikki?”

I keep going.

I’m close to him I guess but at the same time…mornings together and all that stuff that could happen. It might lead to things and a relationship. I can’t have a relationship, not with Jeff. Not a normal one. I’m a wanted criminal and it’d hurt him and me if it came crashing down.

So, I’m not going there.

No…I don’t actually feel bad about it. It is what it is.

I take the bus back to my neighborhood and decide to get some real breakfast at the diner and read the Friday paper while nursing a coffee and a short stack with some ham and red eye gravy.

The best thing about the diners in places like this is the regulars and the old timers. I buy some coffee and few slices of pie and start getting the skinny on the place from the ones that have lived here more than me. Gossip, but they all know things, stories, info on the gangs and the cops and I slip in questions about Rook and the weird goth tags and I get to hear the street angle of what I’m doing.

Best yet. “I wish he’d hit that place on…”

Or “He should go after…”

It’s a big list and there’s one that I’m really…really going to fuck up badly.

Hanson McCleod…

No one has been able to bust him, no evidence…or he’s paid people off they say. Has cops in his pocket…city councilors and stuff…like child protective services.

Drug dealer, gang boss…no.

Child molester….

He pays tonight.

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