Why Me! Part 3 of 15

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Why Me!
Others Know Best

Part Three

Angel O’Hare

This is the continuing Story of Carol’s Hell rebirth. The darkness continues. Heaven, let your light shine down. Chris W.

Part 3

I don’t know what they did, I wake up, my mommy is holding my hand, and she is crying. GEEZE, I didn’t die! I failed again, I guess us useless kids fail at everything. My mommy sees that I’m awake and calls to somebody named Cathy…

Two women come walking in as my mommy holds a glass of water with a straw for me to sip. Oh that is so good, but she pulls it away before I can drink too much too quickly. My hands have been tied to the bed.

One of the women is a nurse and she raises my bed so I am now sitting up. The older woman sits in a chair next to my mommy and tells me her name is Dr. Cindy. She is holding a notebook and is reading from it. My mommy looks at me and says.

“Carol, I’m so sorry for what I said about the little girls clothing. I just didn’t think you would mind being that you, are always dressed as a little girl at home.”

Dr. Cindy asked my mommy to go with the nurse for a little while. I guess she wanted to talk to me alone. My mommy can be so weird sometimes. I just don’t understand how she can think what she does! I mean, she doesn’t ask me anything; she just does things and assumes she is doing what I want, GEEZE!
Dr. Cindy smiles and begins by saying.

“Carol, you told the nurses some very interesting things while they were wheeling you to the operating room. Do you remember what you said?”

“Um, (oh, my throat hurts) let me think for a second okay?”

“Sure, and here, let me spray some of this in your mouth, it will make your throat feel better okay”

I nod as I think about what to say to her. She doesn’t look like a doctor; she is wearing a nice skirt and blouse, not a white coat or anything like the other doctor’s wear.

“Um, how come you aren’t wearing a white coat Dr. Cindy?”

She chuckles and tells me.

“I’m a psychiatrist Carol; I help people to think clearer and help solve emotional problems.”

“Oh, so you won’t be stabbing me with needles or putting tubes in my throat or tummy?”

“Well, if you need an injection to calm down or get a good nights rest, I can do that. I don’t put tubes in throats or tummies though.”

“GOOD! I don’t want any more of those! I just want to go to sleep and not wake up anymore.”

“Carol, you still need the G-Tube in your tummy for a little while yet, but it can come out soon, as soon as you start eating on your own.”

“NO! I can’t do that! My daddy is real mad already, he will just get even madder if I cost him more money! Food costs money, so does all of this other stuff! I’m a useless kid anyway, why are they trying to save me? I’m broken and can’t be fixed. Even God doesn’t want me!”

I start to cry then I mean I really cry. My heart is all broken in little pieces like an eggshell that has fallen to the floor and shattered. I notice she has taken a syringe out of her big notebook and I scream.

“NO! NO! NO!”

She injects me and I get dizzy, foggy, my brain goes numb and I’m asleep.
“Mrs. Whitney, your son is in serious danger of going catatonic very soon. I need to understand more of what is going on at home and especially with his father and… let me see, yes, his sister Diana, and brother Jimmy. It seems all of his troubles start with his father and go from there to his siblings and then even to God.

“Physically he is down twenty pounds, which makes him weighing only twenty-pounds now. If it weren’t for the IVs and the tube feedings, Carol would be dead. The blood loss from his attempted suicide, which I add was no accident and done in a way to fool those around him. He was actually smiling as he passed out. I have to know everything and I have to know now Mrs. Whitney! No holding back or I swear I will remove Carol from your custody and place him in the care of the state.”

“Please Doctor don’t do that! Carol is loved by his eldest sister Patty and me very much! I will tell you everything, but please don’t take him away from us? Please? Let me get Patty too tell you her part too, all right? PLEASE?”

“Alright, I’m listening, but I warn you Julia, if I sense that you are not telling me the whole truth, I will do as I say! Now first, who in your family actually love and care for this child?”

“My sister Harriett, my daughter Patty, me of course, Sister Anne from church and school, and Father Kowalski our priest all love Carol, they call him Angel. Um, Then there is our neighbor Mrs. Cosgrove and her daughter Samantha, Oh, Mrs. Jenks who directs the choir. Carol loves to sing and usually he sings his prayers. He stopped that practice when he was sick at home the last time. Um, oh, he seems to have a lot of animal friends. He has several pet squirrels, a few pet birds, um, oh and Smokey, a horse that is nearby.”

“These birds, are they pets in the home?”

“No Doctor, they are Bluebirds, a Cardinal and an owl, the owl frightens me he is so big, but Carol lets him sit on his lap. The squirrels climb on his shoulders and the other birds land on his head or arms. He talks to them and I swear they talk back, but we know that isn’t possible.”

“Good, I can use this information for the better. Now why does he say God doesn’t want him?”

“Um, that’s Diana’s fault and I did have a long talk with her and my husband about this. It won’t ever happen again.”

“I want an explanation Julia.”

“Um, Carol was pronounced dead by the doctor’s two-years ago while undergoing treatment for lymphoma. Um, it was several hours later, that he woke up. Dianne told him that the reason he woke up was that God didn’t want him because he was broken and useless. You see, Bill, my husband would call Carol that when he didn’t think Carol could hear him. I guess Carol did hear him and it must hurt him terribly.”

My mommy was crying real hard as she choked out her story. Dr. Cindy was writing like crazy in her notebook and I was being transferred to the crazy kids unit. I was now fully restrained and out cold!

“Alright Julia, I want to meet everyone on this list I am giving you. The first two are your husband Bill and your daughter Dianna. I want to meet with them today, No ifs, ands, or buts, about this! They see me today or Carol is no longer part of your family. I will remove him from your custody and care and place him in the care of the state. You will not know where he is and you will not be able to see or visit him without a court order. Do you understand me Julia?”

“Yes Cindy, I will get them to come right away.”

“Here is my card Julia, call me and I will tell you when and where we will meet tonight.”

To Be Continued...

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a masterful peice of writing

Angle you are first class all the way even if you make me cry,sob,and make my chest and throat hurt from all my crying
you still rule

Heartfelt maybe Christi, but not "Masterful." I'm a far cry...

...from being a masterful writer, but I can convey emotions pretty well, giggle, giggle.

Thank you so much for your continued encouragement.

Huggles Christi

"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"

Tears without end

Huggles Big Sis

You're story goes all the way through me and leaves me as drained as a good cry (which I've already had). Such hopelessness from one so young...

Love Lil Angel

Thank You Lil Angel...

...How much we give in life is up to us, but we may never know why or even if our little touches matter. THEY DO! That smile you gave to that person looking depressed and sad. You don't even know them, but they smile back! That's all you know, but what happens with that person you touched by just giving them a little of your inner joy? You'll never know, but it could have changed their entire day and even more.

Every action we do causes a reaction. We may not see it, be aware that we even did it, or even remember doing it. Just make them positive ones, there's enough negativity to make even one tiny positive action worth more than you could possibly imagine!

Huggles Kitten

"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"

Why Me! Part 3 of 15

Little Angel needs a healing of her soul.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine