A Loving Family Pt13

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A Loving Family

Pt Thirteen

A New Start in life

Richard hadn`t hadn`t been with the company more than 3 months and I didn`t know a great deal about him other than he was some sort of Financial Wizard.During the first part of the evening I moved around spending a few minutes socialising with as many people as I could,I saw that the other managers were attempting to do the same but as most of them had their wives or girlfriends with them I didn`t expect them to spend a lot a lot of time away from their loved ones.

Halfway through the evening I rejoined with the people sitting at my table and made my apologies, but they were waved off by the CEO and the executives.We moved into the dining area and ordered a meal making small talk while our orders arrived,after the meal myself and the rest of ladies in our little group went to the ladies room,it still felt strange when the men stood up while we left.

While we setting our make-up to rights we admired each others dresses,Mrs Philips pulled me into a corner and asked how I was coping. I must have looked at her in a funny way btu she explained that her husband had told her about my situation, I said I was doing alright but it still felt strange everytime I got I up from the table that all the men did, all the ladies heard what I said and laughingly said "enjoy it while you can girl".

There was an ante-room of to one side just outside where the dance was being held so we all went and found seats so we could have a chat without the men,Sarah and Marjory came over and joined us and as they new they already knew the other women introductions weren`t needed.I didn`t know till we started talking that they all knew my background and stated that they were there for me if I need any help or advice.I thanked them and after we had been chatting for about 30 minutes went back to our tables.

Not long after we sat down Richard asked me for a dance, I tried to explain that I didn`t know how but he he still pulled me on to the dance floor. I don`t know how I managed it but I managed to to get round with tripping up, standing on his or otherwise making a fool out of my self. We danced together several times that night, and I danced with several other men,some I knew and some I didn`t. At the end of night I was asked to say a few words, I thanked everyone for attending and hoped that everyone enjoyed themselves, I wasn`t used to making speeches,I also thanked the CEO and Executives for making the Ball possible, the CEO joined me on the stage and said how much he, his wife and the rest of his party had enjoyed themselves and it had been the companies pleasure to pick up the full bill for the evening. The CEO`s wife walked onto the stage with a large bouquet of roses and handed them me, she said she admired my courage after what I had endured and had enjoyed herself immensely at that she hoped we would have another in near future.

I saw to the departure of my guests and then managed to end up seeing everyone else leave and being thanked for an enjoyable evening. I finally managed to gather my wrap then went and found the function manager and asked him if I could say a few words to his staff. After a few minutes all the staff assembled and after thanking them and shaking each of them by the hand, I asked the manager if he give could me a complete list of all the staff that made the Ball such a huge success. He ensured me that he would bring a list to my office personnally first thing on monday. I thanked him and left to join the guests who were staying with me and were waiting outside in the Cars.

After The Ball was over

After the ball is over,
After the break of morn —
After the dancers' leaving;
After the stars are gone;
Many a heart is aching,
If you could read them all;
Many the hopes that have vanished
After the ball.

It was around 5am when we finally got home and we all agreed that it had been an enjoyable event.Everyone went to bed for a few hours sleep,but I found sleep hard to find and my thoughts were in turmoil.

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A Loving Family Pt13

Poor girl! She must be confused about her feelings for Richard.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine