A Loving Family Pt12

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A Loving Family

Pt Twelve

A New Start in life

The big day arrived and I arrived an hour early, much to my surprise all the other managers arrived a few minutes later, we all a got a drink either tea or coffee and move into my office and they all expected a pep talk , but all I said was that I had confidence in their abilities and that the first few weeks were going to start slowly and the work load would build up gradually until we going flat out.
I reminded them that there was Sarah, Marjory and myself if they had any queries or problems that they couldn`t deal with.

After they all left my office I sat and reflected on my life and considering the poor start I had things were looking up, at very least they couldn`t get worse that what I`d been through.Here I was 30yrs old and moving up in the world.I had a beautiful home a very healthy bank balance and most of I had friends that I loved and trusted.I hadn`t even in my wildest dreams have thought I would end up changing sex, but overall I was satisfied.

The CEO arrived for an informal visit to the department and seemed impressed with the way we had set everything up,once I had taken him around initially I suggested that I left so he could talk to any of the staff without the staff feeling intimidated, to which he agreed.A couple of hours later he arrived back at my office and told me that he thought we had a good set up and that everyone he talked to seemed happy with everything.He then brought the subject of what had happened to me and we talked for a while,one thing he did ask me was if I felt comfortable in my new gender, I told him I did but that I would have as a male if I had been able.I thanked him for everything the Company had done on by behalf and he just shrugged it off, saying he would have done it for any of his staff.

Months went by and everything was going exceedingly well, I had met most of owners of the various companies we did work for and were on first name terms with quite a lot of them.They were impressed with our set up and the way the teams worked.As some of companies were local we decided we would get together with them and have a fun weekend, my idea was that the managers form the various companies and ours could meet they`re counterparts and meet each other staff.The weekend happened and it was very successful and would hopefully be repeated each year.

One thing I did request was that Daniel,Jeanette and few of the Legal dept set up a new department, as were starting to get more and more business from abroad I felt that we should have a our specialists in various aspects of international law. It was agreed and now we had to find suitable office space for them.Daniel called me and if he could come over and see me so I agreed, about an hour later he arrived accompanied by Jeanette,we hashed out what he equipment was required, found offices that would suitable and all the details that we think of. I made a call to the company and asked about financing the requirements for Daniels dept as was informed that there was no problem and just to submit the necessary requirements,I was also informed that Daniel would be given his own budget for the running of the new dept.

A year later and we had double the amount staff in the department,Daniel had left a few weeks ago for family reasons and Jeanette was now in charge of the legal dept with a staff of 50. It had been decided that we would a Grand Ball to celebrate and the company were paying for it, to be honest I was looking forward to it. I had finally become used to my new gender and had been on a shopping spree with of girls for a ballgown,I hadn`t seen anything I liked in any of stores so I talked to a dress designer and after looking at her designed and found one I liked had her make for me. The dress and accessories cost me around  £5000 in total which I didn`t mind, I wasn`t going to go looking like something the cat dragged in.

The day of ball arrived, during the morning I cleaned the house after lunch I showered and headed for my appointment at the beauty parlour. I returned home 3 hours later, laid out my gown and accessories then relaxed until it was time to get ready.A couple of the that had a good bit to travel girls arrived with their husbands or dates, I showed them their rooms and left them to their own devices until it was time to get ready. We were due to leave at around 7.30pm and I had hired 2 Rolls-Royces and drivers for the evening so that we could arrive in style.

We arrived at the venue just before 7.50 and I waited till the others had entered under the pretext of giving the drivers they`re instruction, The drivers ahd already been told been told to arrive back by 2 am, what I was actually doing was slipping each driver  £50 so that could a meal they knew they were in line for a bonus if they didn`t screw up so I knew they wouldn`t be drinking. I left the car amd entered the venue alone as I didn`t have a date not that it bothered me but I expected that I wouldn`t be only one, I had attended as I felt it was expected with me being their boss.

The venue was a huge undercover sports arena, there was area were you have a meal and around the arena several bars, with the main area being taken over with a stage for the bands and a dance floor.When I entered I handed in my invitation and was taken to a table that had been reserved for the top management, I wasn`t surprised to the CEO and his wife Abigail in attendance along with 2 other executives Leon Jeffries and his wife Joan, and Richard Gibson.

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A Loving Family Pt 12

A New Start in life and much more

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

I do not mean to criticize the story, but you need an editor!

The story is good, and I enjoy it! It's just that if you go back and read it again, out loud, you'll see that it can be hard to follow at times. I wasn't sure about some of the words, but I just did my best to read the story. I had thought that perhaps you were writing it this way to make a point, but I'm pretty sure that you're not. Don't get me wrong! I truly enjoy the story, but the odd grammar is distracting, and I don't know of a better way to say this, or I would!
I really don't mean to offend you, and I hope you continue the story-it's fun!
