A Loving Family Pt10

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A Loving Family

Pt Ten

A new Beginning

After the christmas holidays I went into the office for a meeting with Daniel from the legal dept,hopefully everything would be resolved and become clearer to me,I didn`t have much cash in my purse,no credit cards and no cheque book.I also didn`t know if I still had a job as they had filled the position I had held due to the length of time it took me to recover.When I was shown into the conference room Daniel came over and welcomed me he then proceeded to introduce the others that were present.Matthew the Companies Chief Medical Advisor,
A Mr Watkins the lawyer representing the construction firm,Jeanette who I had already met who would be helping me with finalising all the documentation,and Mr Devlin who was the local branch manager of the bank I had my account with.

The meeting proceeded well and was over by lunch time and all parties seemed seemed happy with the resutls, not least myself as I had been awarded  £4.5million in compensation as well as the cost of everything else.The only provision was that I didn`t disclose any particulars of the deal to the press,Daniel suggested that any approach by the any of the Media be referred to him and he would give a statement that had already been agreed to by all parties,of course I agreed as I didn`t know how to deal with the Media.

Mr Devlin the bank manager handed me a new Cheque Book,Credit Card and my new bank details, my old account had been closed and a new one opened under my new identity,he also handed a bundle of bank notes to tied me over as he put it and suggested that I make an appointment to see about investing some of the money.After the meeting we all shook hands and with the exception of Daniel and Jeanette they all left.We talked for a while and then I asked them to accompany me to lunch which they agreed to after making sure they had no further appointments for the day.

After lunch I went in to see personnel or as it was now called "Human Resouces" to find out about work prospects.The new HR manager was called Steve and he said he had been expecting me.He informed me that the company was now a lot bigger thanks to business picking up with quite a few Overseas clients.A brand new office complex had just been completed not far from where i now lived and I was being moved there,It was going to the corporate headquarters and I would be working there with all new staff except for the dept managers some of who i already new.Sarah and Marjory had been promoted and would be working directly under me,although they hadn`t yet been told.They had been told they were moving to new site but not what they were going to be doing, they were due to be informed later that day.

The new complex with the exception of the security and ground/maintainance staff were all female which surprised me,but it turned out that the majority of the work that would processed there was for companies that were owned by women.I was to be in charge of the department that dealt with these companies.I was given the details of were the new site was along with a new ID card and Steve then told me that I was to have a look around around my old office and see if there was anyone there I would like to have on my staff.I got an appointment with the bank and invested half of the money in my account after seeking independant advice as stocks and shares were a complete mystery to me.

I hadn`t looked in my closets thoroughly so when I reached home I had a good through to see what they contained, there was plenty of clothing for all occasions with matching accessories and shoes.As I checked through the closets I found several suits that were suitable for work so I didn`t have to go on a spending spree,there was plenty of jewellry though I couldn`t tell if it cheap or expensive, but a lot of seemed ok and flashy,the cosmetics were expensive brands, so all in all I pretty well had everything I needed.

I invited Sarah,Marjory,Beverly and Jeanette to stay over for the weekend and they had accepted.Sarah,Marjory had young children and I said to fetch them along if they liked but they made arrangements for them to stay with family members for the weekend so that left us free to do whatever we wanted.As they were arriving straight from work I planned to take them to a nearby restaurant which I was told was pretty good but expensive, well the cost wouldn`t bother me not with my bank balance.I called into an upmarket jewellers and bought each of them a matching set of jewellry with they`re birthstones set into each piece as thank you for all the help and support they had given me.

On Friday evening they all arrived, I showed them to they`re rooms and let them freshen up and couple of hours later we were sat in the restaurant enjoying an excellent meal.After the meal I gave them each they`re gifts and told them I had appreciated all they`re help and support even though at times I had been pretty nasty to them.They said they understood and that having to go through a life change so quickly they expected me to be a lot worse.When we got back to the house I made tea or coffee as they preferred and we talked about the working for the company,Sarah, Marjory and Jeanette told me they had all been promoted and were moving to a new complex.
I congratulated them, and Marjory told me they had a new boss but didn`t know who she was, she seemed a bit put out,I smiled at this and Jeanette catching the smile shouted "you know don`t you" so I came clean and told them I was they`re new boss.

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A loving Family Pt 10

Things looking up for her.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


littlerocksilver's picture

Your story has a bit of an Oliver Twistish flavor to it. Things do seem to be working out quite well. I'll PM about a couple of things.

