Teenage or High School

Masks Chapter 37

Masks Chapter 37

Chapter 37

We leave heading for class and I sneak a look back and Elizabeth just threw her Starbucks coffee in a huge splash all over the hallway wall and she’d be coming for us or at us if it wasn’t for two teacher’s bee lining it to see what’s going on.
Yeah my mask’s still on pretty tight and I might still be Stephen but I’m really Stephanie…and Stephanie's tired of getting stepped on already.
Has anyone ever came out and not taken huge amounts of bullshit?
Maybe, Maybe I’m going to find out.

*And Now…

Almost A Girl Chapter 1

by Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel


“You’re a freaking freak! Say it! Say you’re a freak! SAY IT!” Gus yanked my left arm, causing me to drop my schoolbooks.

Nikki Meets the Kendalls - part 3

Nikki Meets the Kendalls
Part 3

by Purple Dragon

Nicky's favourite place in the world was a small islet in the lake, where he could be the girl he really was without anyone around. until the Kendalls came.


As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

Nikki Meets the Kendalls - part 2

Nikki Meets the Kendalls
Part 2

by Purple Dragon

Nicky's favourite place in the world was a small islet in the lake, where he could be the girl he really was without anyone around. until the Kendalls came.


As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

Somewhere Else Entirely -106-

The King announces Keren and Garia's betrothal to the people, receiving only qualified approval except from those who know her. There are other concerns on everyone's minds like winter and war. Garia officially accepts the extra armsmen to her household and then joins Milsy to figure out what her double's status should be. Later, Forton brings news from the city.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

106 - Announcements, Arrangements

Nikki Meets the Kendalls - part 1

Nikki Meets the Kendalls
Part 1

by Purple Dragon

Nicky's favourite place in the world was a small islet in the lake, where he could be the girl he really was without anyone around. until the Kendalls came.


As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XVII

Chapter 59

            Heather woke up feeling slightly constricted, arms on either side of her neck. The skin smelled of her water activated gel scrub. She also felt Faye’s breasts pressing into her back.


            Her eyes snapped open and looked around the room. Mom’s room…

The Family that Plays Together, part 02 of 10

I had breasts — well, they’d warned me I might be a girl of some kind. And it was hard to be sure in the dim light, but I thought my skin was darker than it was in my real body. But the really important thing was that below the waist, I wasn’t human at all.

Was it worth it?

A young student by the name of Richard Hegyi is growing restless with his life. While he lives a relatively good life, he is yearning for a change, to go to another country. However, he finds he had been yearning for more after accidentally helping set a cosmical event in motion on one fateful day. Our story follows his adventures from a few weeks before the event that changed the world forever.



  By the time we reached home, it was obvious to me that my sister was very unwell and was in a high fever.


By Susan Brown

I would like to thank Miss Jane Austen for the inspiration for this novella, which is based on a time prior to that which is described in Pride And Prejudice and involves a few of the characters in that great work.

Close run thing.

Just a short story based upon some real life stuff I was involved with.

Firstly ALL the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Secondly the guy described as 'The Mouth' turned out not to be a bad kid. Indeed, he and the girl 'Leda' have since become good friends but not partners.

Sweet Dreams-58

Sweet Dreams-58

Chapter 58


“Honestly girls I could give two shits about the schools popularity wars and stuff. I don’t care who owes who what or who’s sleeping with who and who looked better in what effing outfit that who and shit like that.”
Jen chuckles. “Yeah exactly why they hate you.”
Betty… “And like no offense but you’re poor Hunter they are really like offended you’re even in the school.” She then mimics someone she heard. “Effing crack whore isn’t there like rules for having people like her in our school.”
The girls are nodding and I turn around from the sink and the mirrors. “Okay…if Alex is in I’ll do it but can someone tell me what the actual point is? I mean other than the dance and stuff what does Homecoming Queen actually do?”

*And Now…

Dancing Queen: 30

Ballroom dancing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t realise just how important it would become in shaping my future until I had to take the place of one of my bosses following an accident.


A novel

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

Image Credit: Picture from Wickimedia Commons. Free for commercial and personal use with restriction under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence.

Irresistible, Kissable: A TG Mixed Tape

Iressistible, Kissable

A TG Mixed Tape

Edited by PersnicketyBitch

In the Australian outback a solitary traveller stops at strange roadside store. They leave with more questions than answers and a CD labelled "A TG Mixed Tape". Hit play on this collection of short, short tales if you dare and let 11 different voices in TG-Fiction take you to worlds both far flung and almost but not quite like our own; introduce you to Rock Star Vampires, Shape-shifters and the even the Devil herself; and spin stories of remembrance, sex and second chances.

Destiny's Serendipity -04-

Destiny's Serendipity

Episode Four: Beyond the Veil

A Thriller - Romance - Transgender Serial

By Jo Dora Webster


Will Bart's investigation of Regalia's mysteries bridge the gap to the region beyond the barrier and save all on their planet?


Season of Change - Chapter 18

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


Atalanta's Story- Chapter 10

Atalanta's Story Chapter 10. This chapter has been difficult, it is longer than I wanted but it can't be helped. I want to thank Bill for all his help with his suggestions, comments, and corrections. This is my 2nd attempt to post this chapter after four (now) hours adding in an extra line after each paragraph this morning.

In the chapter our heroine finds that she doesn't like public schools (what teenager does), faces danger but does not escape unscathed and in the process her mutant identity is revealed.

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 9

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
Anam Chara

New talent is sought, while an abandoned talent is encouraged once again. Fathers talk about their sons—and daughters?—pondering their futures. The bandleader follows the band. An exhausted neighbor sleeps blissfully in the night.

Darin Dares - Chapter 1 of 7

Darin Dares

Chapter 1 of 7

© 2014 by D.L.

This is the crunch time, the last moment in which I could declare turning up to school in a skirt was a prank. What I am about to say with shape how people will regard me in the future. I only hope that what I am doing isn't going to back-fire on me...

Struggles - Chapter 10

(Note: The author humbly appreciates those who may be following the story of Rich Bromely and his struggles in the 1950’s and later. I am taking a brief hiatus of posting a chapter each day while traveling and intend to use the time to edit and proof the next few chapters. Thanks to all for the kudos. Posting the next chapter of Struggles should resume at the very end of May. Criticism and comments are welcomed.)



Sherry Ann

Chapter 10

Riding in Cars with Men

Rich couldn’t focus. Everything was spinning. The headlights of the oncoming cars were blurry streaks of light to him and he couldn’t tell where he was. He had no memory of what had happened to him. He knew he was riding in a car and that it was cold and dark. He felt nauseous. The intermittent lights from the passing streetlights showed wet spots on the front of his pants. He must have dozed off, or more accurately, passed out. He didn’t look over at the man driving and tried not to let him know he was awake.

The El Camino came to a stop and Rich realized he was a block from his house. The man reached under the seat and pulled out a handgun. He nudged Rich with the gun.

Somewhere Else Entirely -105-

The winter weather sets in and Garia, Merizel and Eriana spend the morning updating their wardrobes. After lunch the King summons Keren, Garia and Eriana to a critical meeting where the future of the Kingdom must be decided. When the nature of The Test is finally revealed, will Robanar or Keren win the day? And what will be the fate of Garia and Eriana?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

105 - Decision of a King

The Family that Plays Together, part 01 of 10

Mom and Dad had tried to raise me and Taylor without gender stereotypes. They’d given both of us gender-neutral names, and had me wearing her hand-me-downs, skirts as well as pants and shirts, until I was old enough to rebel against them.

Season of Change - Chapter 17

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


Dancing Queen: 29

Our dancing has not gone unnoticed

Ballroom dancing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t realise just how important it would become in shaping my future until I had to take the place of one of my bosses following an accident.


A novel

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

Image Credit: Picture from Wickimedia Commons. Free for commercial and personal use with restriction under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence.

The Unusual Clownfish Part-6

The Unusual Clownfish



In the not too distant future, evolution has taken humanity down a different path. In a society where gender is controlled with numbers, one young man finds that being evolved might not be such a good thing.


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