Maddy Bell's blog

Missing Angharad

I can now break the silence - your favourite author has been incommunicado as she's been fixing things at the Tour de France.

Seems all her hard shouting at the screen has paid off, tomorrow we'll be celebrating (barring complete disaster) the 6th British win in seven years at le Grand Boucle with a third rider taking the honours this year - let's hear it for Geraint Thomas, your time lad, is now!

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Gabycon Worksop

Can you believe it, Gabycon 2018 is just two weeks away!

I need some help now, whilst I know when some of you will come it would be really useful to know when others will arrive - I need to sort out somewhere to eat for Friday and maybe Saturday and I need numbers.

So if you are intending joining us for all or even just part of the weekend please drop me a line.

The programme is coming together, i've got tea shops lined up, visits to Creswell Crags for the cave art, Thoresby Hall Museum and some of Gaby's old stomping grounds.

I look forward to seeing you all

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Just a quickie - again

So firstly, sorry for failing to post today, other stuff got in the way. What? Well a trip out to a Steam Fair - a lot of traction engines, fairground steamers, vintage trucks, cars and tractors all come together at Helmsley in North Yorkshire.

So it was photography rather than interweb out in the glorious weather we are still 'enjoying' in these parts.

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Gabycon update

If you are contemplating joining us at Gabycon 2018 this is for you. Due to some issues with the Teversall campsite we've had to relocate our base for the weekend a few miles across Nottinghamshire to Worksop. The new place is called Riverside Camping and it's situated close to the town centre, between the River Ryton and the Chesterfield Canal. (if you need a direct link to book please PM me)

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I seem to spend my life doing this lately, apologising that is. I had. Hoped to post you both new Gaby and a new Trixie today but stuff hasn't gone as I thought - no internet time for Maddy today. Both will now go up on Wednesday instead.

This change to plans is due to both UK Fathers day and a trip to visit Mum. Definitely a day of mixed emotions and I must admit some depressed thoughts now i'm home. I'm to say the least in a bit of a trough at the moment, a Churchillesque Black Dog.

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Trixiebell Heartswoon

Just a quick note.

Well today we have silly gale force winds with storm Hector so i've had to put off today's bike ride. Pity as it's otherwise a nice sunny day - with a following wind (ha ha) i'll get out a bit later for a couple of hours..

Anyhow, due to that i've been sat writing and the current lump of Trixie is now complete! It may get posted on Sunday if I get the opportunity so keep an eye out.

So now i'll crack on with Gaby book 23 - with luck the first bit will be done before the end of next week.

Ta ta for now

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latest from Yorkshire

Heya folks

Thank you all for your responses to my editing request - once I get myself sorted i'll be in contact with the chosen ones, if you don't hear from me it's not for any reason other than the numbers!

Well my ride yesterday went very well, thank you to all those who sent cheers! In fact I shaved @ 25 minutes off my best for the course finishing in a slither under 5 hours. That put me in the top 5% of finishers and second in the old crocks category I now qualify for!

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Gaby Book 22 - Avoidance

Okay so Book 22 has been released - yay!

However there are some issues with the published versions and I need the help of maybe a couple of editors. I have 2 printed 'proof' copies which i'd like the editors to work through and return to me so I can present an even better version to the wild masses!

I'm not expecting this as a freebie, the 'lucky' editors will each receive a hard copy suitably inscribed for their efforts and mention in the titling as editors.

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only realised

I only realised last night that my last news was somewhat innacurate. I did mention that i'm out doing a little ride up in't Dales tomorrow precluding a posting.

But I said there would be one on Wednesday but there won't. Back in January I booked up for a sort of history day trip to Calderdale, which is on Wednesday. So no Wednesday update but there is a possibility I might get online a different day.

In other news -

i'm one and a half chapters into the next Gaby book with an interesting and unexpected turn of events!

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Flying Visit

Yup, a flying visit indeed, not got much web time today - its complicated! partly its due to my new kitchen - its almost finished and partly due to setting up a new PC to get onto the interweb - its currently chortling to itself updating stuff.

I have just about managed to get you a new Gaby, which is Flying Visit, chapter 36 of book 16.

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Yay! New Nena is up!

It has taken a while but I've managed to upload the new Nena tale to Kindle and Lulu this afternoon!A Global Christmas is full of the usual Nena features - travelogue, awkward situations and even drama! It's a must for all Nena fans and as an introductory offer, the printed version is being offered at a discount for the next 30 days.

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Just a quickie

Yup, I know the new Gaby has only just gone live but tomorrow, the first of a two part Nena storyline will be released. A Global Christmas sees Nena and Den having to survive a last minute change of plans to take a party away for Christmas. I'll post links etc tomorrow once i've got it up.

I'm working up the next Trixiebell 'chapter', with any luck and a finished kitchen, you should get to see the fruits of that endeavour in about a fortnight. After that it's back to Gaby and Book 23!

Until tomorrow

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Annoyed and really sorry

As some of you are aware, I don't have my own internet connection, I have a bit of a time share thing at my parents - hence only uploading stuff on Sunday and Wednesday. (i'm writing this on my phone if you were wondering) it really is my lifeline through which I publish and indeed some sites I can't access fully through the phone (ebay, Amazon etc)

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Gaby Book 22

So, the full 40 chapter edition of the 22nd Gaby book, Avoidance, is just about ready to go - it should find its way onto Kindle and Lulu on Sunday.

There are a few corrections from the 10 chapter editions but nothing that changes the story. I have once again included the cast of characters - not just for this book but for the whole series - it's not exhaustive but does at least give some solidarity to the cast.

There is also a new cover illustration from Mizutamari which I think fits the book better overall.

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