Katie Leone's blog

Freaking out

I finally got the referral for the PICC line and am now on antibiotics for the next 6 weeks. Each morning I have to go in and get a daily IV as well as carry around this pump that gives me IVs three times a day.

They put the PICC line in and I promptly proceed to tear half of it out getting into my car (It got caught on the seat or something as I leaned getting in). Doctor is still using the line though it's now at the mid point, he might change it by wednesday.

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I was interviewed

Not too long ago I was contacted by someone from Poland about doing an interview. Can you imagine? Poland? Didn't know I made it there, guess I should put another thumbtack in the big map I have. Anyway, they run a pretty big blog and have interviewed a lot of notable people and decided to include me. I guess to some I'm a heroine. I hope I'm not too addictive.

If anyone cares, and I can't imagine anyone not caring, here is the interview link. Share a comment here and there.

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Why are stupid people in charge?

I can't take this any more. I am near tears.

The ongoing saga of my foot will not end.

So, they need to do a ct scan to confirm that I have a bone infection and also to know how to cut it out. I'm sure it's not every bone and probably not the whole bone so they have to be careful. The specialists have been pretty nice and on top of things so I hate that part of my frustration gets taken out on them.

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Just in time for the holidays

Just in time for the holiday rush. All 4 books of the God Bless the Child saga are on sale for $.99 each. While your out shopping and fighting the madness, an awesome collection of books can await you on your kindle, tablet, or android phone.

This may be one of the best transgender series ever written, and that's not just me talking. Maybe others would like to chime in. Be sure to have a box of kleenex, you'll need them

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It might be fake

So this is interesting, or at least I think so.

Today I got a certified letter in the mail. It is an invitation for me to try out for a reality television show. It appears that one of the networks wants to put on something to rival "The Biggest Loser" and because of my sports background they think I'm a good candidate.

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Pain and agony

The infection is back and it's in full swing. My foot is swollen again all the way up to the calf muscle. I am in so much pain I cannot sleep. The doctor gave me pain pills. While they make my head all foggy and interfere with my ability to write, they do nothing for the actual pain. The doctor I have doesn't listen to a word I say, nor does she allow me to actually express everything that's on my mind as she hurriedly tries to shoo me out the door. I have obamacare, which let me go to one doctor which is a free clinic. Don't know what I'm paying monthly into.

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not better

I went through a round of antibiotics, but I think I still have the infection in me. Lately I have been very nauseous and been going to the bathroom often. I am extremely tired and achy and have little energy to do anything. I have a doctor's appointment on Wed. and hopefully we can figure it out. I don't have much faith since this is the doctor that missed the fact that I had an infection in the first place.

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I can't write

I've taken about two weeks off from writing and it appears the ability has left me. I usually knock out 2000 words a day with minimal effort and have stories flying through my head at a breakneck speed. No longer. I am struggling just to get the next session of writing done, my thoughts aren't flowing, and it is really upsetting me.

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New Apple product leaked

Has anyone seen the article about Apple's next new product after the iPhone6? I was reading one of the online gadget sites and it appears that apple is about to release a toilet with Wifi access that will keep track of users waste in order to help with medical issues and also adapt to make better use of water/waste management. The $4000 unit is said to be able to save a family of 5 over $1000 a year and comes with a 10 year guarantee.

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Health update

I'm still out of the hospital, which is good. I'm taking my antibiotics as prescribed. The foot, though better, still hurts like hell. I am extremely tired and get easily winded. I still do my paperroute at night and that's about it. I got a replacement tv delivered today and don't even have the energy to set it up so I'll be without entertainment again. I haven't the energy/mental wherewithal to write/edit. I feel like a ghost, a part of this world, but pretty much useless. I hope this feeling changes soon. I don't know how I'm going to get my stamina back again.


Made it home

I made it home. That might not have been in my best interest but it was the only option I had left open to me. I had to work, even though I am in no shape to work. It was foolish and dangerous and I'm glad no one got killed.

The leg is still infected and swollen. It looks a little better but that's not saying a lot. It's not as red, but it still hurts like hell. Ever play dig dug? When he puts the pump into a monster. Picture that happening to my left foot. To think I was upset when I couldn't find shoes before.


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Pink Pajamas

Usually I do a release and then wait to post the story on the site, but this time I did it a little backwards. I doubt it would make a difference one way or another. But my new short "Pink Pajamas" is now available on Amazon. It's only 99 cents or if you belong to Kindle Unlimited (which I think is a good idea if you read a ton) you can add it to your library that way.

Synopsis: When Francine finds her son's diary and a pair of pink pajamas it puts life in perspective.

A short story of 5000 words.

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IT IS FINISHED - kind of

I just finished the first round of editing for the biography I am co-writing. I have to rearrange a few things to get a major agent on board with the project, but it will be worth it. I mean, it's an undercover narcotics detective and army intelligence officer who is not only transgender but had SRS, I see a movie. So, today is done. Tomorrow and the rest of the week I will reorganize and rewrite and then, me and pinky will conquer the world. Oh, oops, you weren't supposed to know that last part.

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Alone again - naturally

It's been a long time coming, but I've decided to end the relationship with my FtM boyfriend Felix. It started out well, but it is going nowhere and I figure why waste the next couple of years being polite. He will always say what I want to hear and do whatever the hell he pleases anyway. I am constantly frustrated in my own house and I don't want to live that way. I am tired of being annoyed, tired of living in filth, and tired in general. I think this is for the best. I am also thinking of putting my house for sale and moving from the state.

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Romance or Erotica

I am wondering something. I know romance and erotica are usually separate things, but can a work be both. I just wrote "The New E.D. Treatment" and am wondering if it is a romance. Can a romance have hot and heavy graphic sex scenes and still be a romance, or is the sex scenes that make it erotica. I notice that my smut is different from the standard TG stories out there. There's an anger that is missing, there's no sense of revenge. My stories tend to be about people who find each other. In this new story Jacqueline and Nelson find each other.

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New Kindle Release - new name - new genre

For years I have written stories where the main characters were young and have dealt more with the psycho-social issues of being transgender. A lot of my stories deal with acceptance and that is all well and good. I think I have produced some mighty fine stories. But, I am also an adult and have adult tastes and desires and to merge that with younger characters would be downright icky. So I decided to leave my comfort zone and head into my pleasure zone. That being said, it would be poor of me to combine the mainstream writing I do with some of the more erotic tales I want to tell.

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So I am still writing this biography. I actually finished the first draft and am in the middle of editing. You think I would be happy, but I'm not. I have found an agent who is interested. You think I would be happy, but I'm not.

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Unreachable - THE MOVIE

I was on Amazon and saw the Unreachable has received its 60th review. That is quite amazing considering how many fans won't leave a review in fear of being outed. I would like to get to a hundred one day. The reviews are quite interesting to read, a lot are positive, one or two are downright mean or off their rocker. But people from all walks of life are saying something and a lot of the reviews are not from the trans community (why you shouldn't fear leaving a review because you might be outed, you would just seem enlightened).

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Living the dream - almost

As long as I could remember I have wanted to be an author. This was before wanting to be a teacher or wanting to be an Olympic wrestler. Ever since the third grade I knew I wanted to see my name in print, I wanted to tell stories and I wanted to write books. Are there any out there that had his desire for so long?

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