Jo Dora Webster

Gerold vs. the Good Old Boys


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What complications will arise out of Gerald's heart attack?

Gerald is a reporter who goes undercover as an employee of the State Department of Transportation to uncover a corruption scandal. His life long friend, Grace, tipped him off and helped him get a job where she works. He finds love with a co-worker, Veronica. In an office full of women, Gerald takes refuge with the guys. They happen to be the people that he is investigating and gathering evidence for his story. At the least opportune moment, Gerald has a heart attack and nothing is the same again.

THE ONE Universe


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The One Universe

In The One Universe, we can trace a chain of cause and effect to everything that is this present universe on how it came to be. We know what laws govern this universe by the scientific method. We know that everything along that chain of cause and effect conform to those universal laws of science, including entropy. Everything goes downhill in that chain of cause and effect, by the universal law of entropy.

Who is The One?

The One Universe has as its defining person, The One, as the supreme being of the universe. At the beginning of the universe's chain of cause and effect is an un-caused cause. This un-caused cause had to act outside the laws of the universe by supplying all the energy that this universe will ever have, released in a big bang. The One is the only person who could set off the big bang (the un-caused cause) by being outside of the laws of this universe. The One brought the universe as we know it today into being.

Stories about The One

The stories are transpositions, in which Bible passages are the basis of adaptations for The One Universe. They can tell a story from a modern perspective or portray a story that could have happened but was not recorded

Agape Duro Universe


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Agape Duro Universe

Supernatural Stories

The Agape Duro Universe at Lamur, Georgia, US is a place where supernatural things happen. Originally called Agape Duro in colonial times, it was a collection of Greek immigrants with homes and a hospital which survived the Civil War. It is now known as Lamur, Georgia, US

When the Army Air Corps military base was built the city became known as Lamur and the neighborhood of the former hospital town retained the Agape Duro name. The colonial era hospital was rehabilitated into a sorority house. Now, outside the base Lamur, GA is a military town where Lamur AFB is the major employer directly or indirectly of everyone there.

Outside the base lies Lamur Institute which is a combination High School and Junior College. From the history of Lamur AFB as an Army Air Field, Lamur Institute’s Mascot is Amy the ARMYdillo. Since Amy’s identity is a secret protected by a secret circle, there is continuity to interacting with Amy even though a number of people have been inside the costume in Lamur Institute’s history.

North of town is an ancient grove where amazing things happen. Medical care is provided by both the base hospital and a new ultra modern off base, Chambers Memorial Hospital. One unifying figure in all of the stories seems to be the character of Dr Ariel Jordan who has at times taught at Lamur Institute and seems a catalyst for some of the happenings in Lamur, Georgia USA

Jo Dora's Exploring the Impossibilities


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Other Keywords: 

Jo Dora's Exploring the Impossibilities

  • Please join me at my author website at . to see my Author Blog and my latest e-books at Amazon.
  • Please join me at my YouTube channel for author readings from my work.
  • Please become my Patron and get perks and advanced access to my writing before it is posted to Big Closet Top Shelf.
  • These are the Gender Journeys across five of my universes upon which I would like to be your guide:

    The Limoxian Universe tells stories of Science Fantasy.

    The Harmony Aspirant Universe tells gender journey stories of people meeting real world challenges.

    The Jaime's Hope Universe reveals stories with medical marvels.

    The Agape Duro Universe reveals stories with supernatural themes.

    THE ONE Universe reveals stories which have biblical elements

    I believe that most precious in the universe are humans who live beyond this life into eternity. I hope that my stories have given you the joy which I have had bringing them to you. Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me.

    Exploring the impossibilities,
    Jo Dora Webster

    "That's the thing about faith...if you don't have it, you can't understand it. If you do, no explanation is necessary."

  • Star Trek: DS9 'Accession'
  • Jaime's Hope Universe


    Audience Rating: 


    Jaime's Hope Universe

    Medical Marvels

    Jaime's Hope Foundation is a medical research consortium originally based on the campus of Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. It was founded in hope that a way might be found in those impossible situations where a pregnant woman must either choose her life or her baby's to preserve in order that both Mother and Child both survive and thrive after the pregnancy.

    Stem Cell and Radical Transplantation Research are among other medical breakthroughs that enable Jaime's Hope Foundation to preserve motherhood in crisis. As well the new discoveries suggest the means to use medical devices in different ways in order to achieve fantastic results.

    A pair of empathic twins allow the technology to be tested even before the key is found to more universal transplantation. They begin also to provide advanced medical treatments to give barren women the chance to bear a child. As the expert in new frontiers of medical treatment they bring the benefits of wholeness to other people in need.

    These stories tell about people's lives before coming to Jaime's Hope Foundation, Their treatment there and their lives afterward. The staff of Jaime's Hope Foundation is a commonality in the stories, who get to interact with the people who need their help to bring wholeness to their lives in mind and body.

    Ariel Montine Strickland, Transgender Writer


    Audience Rating: 


    Ariel Montine Strickland, Transgender Writer

    Ariel Montine Strickland who writes with the pen name Jo Dora Webster has eBooks published under both author names.

    Big Closet Top Shelf

    The BCTS stories of penname Sasha Zarya Nexus are available at: Sasha Stories.

    The BCTS stories of penname Jo Dora Webster are available at: Jo Dora's Exploring the Impossibilities.


    The DopplerPress published eBooks, and donated for BCTS support, of penname Jo Dora Webster are available here:

  • Pretty Please
  • Space Force Enterprise
  • No Foolin'
  • Publishing

    The published eBooks by Ariel Montine Strickland, are available here:

  • New Meaning of Sugar and Spice
  • Mustard Seed Expresses Life
  • Patreon

    Become my Patron and get perks and advanced access to my writing before it is posted to Big Closet Top Shelf.

    Gerold vs. the Good Old Boys -01-


    Gerold vs. the Good Old Boys

    1/ Shock Advised

    By Jo Dora Webster

    Cover Art by Melanie E.

    What complications will arise out of Gerald's heart attack
    while on an undercover story assignment?



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