Dance, Dance, Dance: Full Moon -11-


Dance, Dance, Dance

Full Moon

Chapter Eleven - Captivity

By Jo Dora Webster

Will Denise survive her captivity?


Chapter Eleven - Captivity

[Tuesday Day Ten of the Enchantment]

I woke again and realized where I was and what my reality was now in captivity. I now in addition to being thirsty with parched lips, wet and soiled having lost control of my bladder and bowels sometime while I slept. I was amazed that I kept control for as long as I did. Well this wasn't a vacation, it was torture and there was consequences for me not giving in to Erida's demand. My hidden strength was having Ari with me who could fill me with peace no matter what they put me through. I called out to Ari in my mind and she soon answered me in my mind.

"Denise, I am here with you. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this torture. Richard sends his regards and wants me to tell you that he is so sorry for not meeting up with you and Chelsea for your run because he promised that he would protect you. Erida concentrated her attention on Richard and made him sleep until you were captured. After school, Richard is working with us in worship of Hera. Jane Holt is doing the same after cheerleaders' practice.

"I know that you all are doing your best to become the people in worship of Hera. I am so sorry that after all this that I'm going to let down the team and not be able to perform with them, Ari"

"Oh Denise! You are going through all this torture and all you can think about is others. I am so proud of you, Denise. We are going to free you before the competition and we have a plan to imbue you with the school knowledge and the dance skills you are missing so you can take your tests then go to the competition with the team and compete.

"How is that going to work, Ari?"

"Denise, we will form a circle around you, Richard and Jane. We'll copy the information from Richard to you to pass your tests. We'll copy the dance skills and routines from Jane so that you can compete with the cheerleaders."

"Ari, what day is it today?

"Denise it is Tuesday, day ten of the enchantment. We need to find you before Thursday because that is the travel day and last practice. Nothing would please me more than to find you today and we would send in the police to go in and set you free."

"Ari, I would love that and I will hold out with your help till I am set free."

I guess that I was again not entertaining enough because again that electric charge came through the coffin wall and plunged into me.

I let out another blood curdling scream, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!"

A booming bass computer generated voice came from the camera where the red LED had turned back on.


Instead of the useless act of replying to the computer voice, I instead turned inward to voicelessly project my thoughts toward Ari who would inaudibly answer me within my own mind

"Ari, please give me peace. Please entreat Hera in my behalf to give me the strength and comfort that I need to withstand this torture."

Instantly I felt the peace again and I knew in spite of them doing their best to break me that I would defeat their plans.

"Denise, peace be unto you. Hera's peace I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

"Thank you, Ari. Thank you for everything you are doing for me."

"It is my pleasure, Denise."

The red LED went out and plunged the coffin back into pitch black darkness.

"Denise, perhaps you should try to get some sleep while you can. I don't know what other torture they have for you but you can expect them to step up their attempts to break you. I have brought your supplication to Hera and she has granted your request."

I felt the comfort and strength delivered to me from Hera and along with the peace that I felt enabled me to again enter a deep dreamless sleep

Again and again the process continued of waking me with ever increasing electrical voltage, My scream and the demand for me to give up. soon after they gave up on me responding and plunged the coffin into pitch blackness again followed by my sleeping. They tried this a final time and the electricity had a taser effect itself and rendered me unconscious

They knew that they had miscalculated by shocking me into unconsciousness so they didn't do that again. They also saw that making the coffin pitch black also was a miscalculation since it facilitated me sleeping. A LED panel of very intensely bright lights was turned on above my face and I had to shut my eyes tight to keep the bright light from bothering me.

The next torment they tried was to turn off the air and have the booming voice threaten me again. Just before the carbon dioxide levels became toxic they turned the supply fan and exhaust fan back on again. This they repeated several times.

They next weaponized the white light panel by turning it into a strobe and again threatening me. They used it to keep up the torment by not allowing me to sleep which I guessed they would keep up until they had something else to try.

The last trick in their torture bag was as deadly as cutting off my air. They pumped water into the coffin and the level rose so much that I had to raise my head to touch the ceiling of the coffin and they paused the water flow to threaten me. Then they submerged the whole coffin in water so that I had to hold my breath. I thought that I was finally done for but they had a quick pump out of the water and the water level subsided enough for me to get a breath just before I would have gasped for air and took in water instead. They repeated this torture many times as well.

Next they gave me a torture greatest hits by alternating all of the torture methods they had previously used on me and threatened me.

All of a sudden it all stopped and the white and red LEDs were turned out . I was soaking wet of course so that added to the discomfort that I was already experiencing from my bowel and bladder release. One good thing the water torture did was to moisten my lips and give me relief from being thirsty. Soon after the voice of Ari entered my mind again and I got ready to reply in my mind as well.

"Denise. we have found you! The police have been dispatched to come rescue you. You don't have any further to fear from the men who tormented you. Hera turned them all into baby girls. They will have a chance to grow up again and perhaps this time become good women."

"Where did you find me?"

Your coffin was not buried but instead was on a table in a basement of the house at 640 William Tell Drive in town. We found no trace of the van you were kidnapped in since it was not on the property when Richard and your Mom checked out the property. They are still there waiting for the police and have confirmed that there are several baby girls lying naked in piles of men's clothed on the premise. They verified that the coffin lids were welded shut with you inside so the fire department will have to cut you out of the coffin before you can be released.

"Bless the Goddess! Even though I am still trapped in here I feel good knowing that rescue is coming."

Mom and Richard had been intelligent enough to avoid contaminating the crime scene when they came in to verify that the things that they had seen in Hera's circle had their basis in real life.

"Denise it is likely going to be a while before you can be released. You might want to try to get some sleep until then."

"Thanks for the advice but I believe that I will stay awake. I'm too excited to sleep right now anyway."

After a while I heard Ari's voice again in my head, "Lt. Stephens from the police came to pick me up and take me to the house where you have been taken captive. They found all the baby girls and have transferred them to the care of child services. The Fire department just arrived so they will be cutting you out of the coffin soon."

"That's very good news Ari. Thank you."

I finally heard a voice from the camera again and they had turned the red LED on.


"I will Lt. Stephens. Thanks for the warning."

I played keep away from the cutting blade until the entire coffin was separated into an upper and lower half and the fire department lifted off the upper half and freed me. The EMT had some candy bars and orange juice for me and I began to eat while she took the IV out of my arm.

A police woman directed me to a bathroom with shower in the basement. She took my statement while I was engaged with undressing, showering and dressing. I gladly gave her the clothes that I was wearing for evidence and she had a change of my clothes from Mom to change into after I had my shower. After my shower and change of clothes I felt so much better.

The police woman took me out to the front yard where Ari, Mom and Richard were waiting. After a group hug, I got individual hugs from the three of them. We began to talk and it seemed strange to actually hear Ari's voice with my ears instead of inside my head.

"Kiddo, It is so good to see you safe and sound. How are you doing now?"

"A bit shaky and I'm famished I haven't had anything but the candy bar and orange juice that the EMT gave me."

Richard handed me a bag containing a burger fry and soft drink from my favorite fast food franchise. I wolfed down the food while sipping on the drink until it was all gone.

"Thank you all for everything that you have done to make my release possible. Especially you for your part Dr. Ariel."

Dr. Ariel replied, "It was my pleasure to help you, Denise."

I asked, "What did you find out when Chelsea told her side of the story about her escape?"

Momma answered," In the officially recorded account Chelsea had a burst of adrenaline which allowed her to run at Olympic record speeds. There was no telekinetic, just luck that allowed her to avoid the darts. Chelsea ended up in Agape Duro in the center of the circle where 'The Club' made you Denise. She called the police and they picked her up and took her to the station where I already was giving them what ever help they needed and answering their questions. Chelsea claimed privately that she had no idea where the telekinetic or the portal came from and she hoped that you would get a portal too and escape. If Chelsea is to be believed then Erida did not inform her of her plans for you and Chelsea was only a pawn and a victim like you. "

"If Chelsea was a victim too then that would be more consistent with her closeness to me. I feel that Chelsea wants me to be transgender and for that reason for me to stay female. Being female has become second nature for me but part of that is having the built in female knowledge and skills to draw upon. I have not been using those skills since I have formed my own skills which are a push in the direction of being female. At the New Moon those imputed skills and pushes will go away and I will have a clear mind to choose what is my true self."

"Momma asked, "Denise it's not like you will get to choose whether or not to be transgender, that's a state of being that you are born with being. Discovering what already exists is a different matter which is what I took you to mean about your true self. Now that we know that there is another option in service to Hera perhaps we can avoid the reality change aspect that would make you Denise from birth and wipe out Dee Jay's life completely."

"Dr Ariel, are we ready to take on "The Club" and free them from Erida's power?"

"Denise, Hera does not deem us ready yet. In the case of your liberation we had one thing that we don't have in the case of 'The Club' which is the link that we share. All we had to do is use that link as a wedge to open a hole in Erida's defenses large enough to scry where you were and for Hera to turn Erida's henchmen into baby girls. We have not a wedge to act upon 'The Club' so we will all need to become more powerful agents of Hera in order to do battle with a Goddess."

Richard added," I feel like we should just continue to interact with 'The Club' just the way we have been. Most of them are innocents who have been assimilated and we should find a way to liberate them without transforming them. Even Chelsea's love for you as a female is something that Erida subverted into making Chelsea Erida's avatar."

I asked, "What's Lt. Stephen's official report going to say about my captivity and my captors?"

Richard answered, "They are going to write it up as human trafficker's who were primarily dealing with infants but captured you and tortured you to get you to cooperate with them. The lack of anyone to arrest they are assuming is that they all fled when it was found out that the police had discovered their hideout. Since they know magic transformed them into infants they are going to close the case knowing that they will never find the criminals in their original forms."

Dr. Ariel told me," Denise, I want to take you to Hera's shrine along with your Mother and Richard to meet up with the rest of the people who helped free you."

"That feels wonderful, Dr. Ariel. Lead on!"

Momma had the van parked nearby so the four of us rode in comfort to the Agape Duro Park which exists at the periphery of the Agape Duro woods. From there we followed a trail into the woods. At a certain point Dr. Ariel led us off the marked trail and deeper into the woods. I followed directly behind Dr. Ariel followed by Momma and Richard who had already been there.

She led us to the edge of a deep forest pond which actually was a disguised swimming pool. We had to dive down and through a hidden door that she released which we went through .We stepped up out of the water into a Grecian Temple. We were bathed in warm air which dried all of us off in a few moments.

Once we left the entry room, we entered a reception area where all of the rest of the group who had enabled me to be released. Standing off from the rest of the group was Kristy the Dryad. She had to be careful on how she interacted with the rest of them because her kiss can make a human ten years younger.

Jennifer Sanders, Alicia Holden, Francine West, and Julie Newman, and Jane Holt all joined in with us in a big group hug with me at the center along with Momma and Richard. Kristy waved to the group. I felt so loved and very proud that this was going to be my team to take on Erida and reclaim the people who Erida corrupted in 'The Club' .

I found out that Richard had been given permission to switch to my school schedule in order to take notes for me. Richard upon hearing about my abduction was given some special tests in the evening of the first day that I was kidnapped that allowed him to test out of his remaining classes to free him to take my classes. Richard was to enter Hera's circle that Dr. Ariel was leading to imbue me with his school class knowledge along with Miss Holt who would be providing me with both knowledge and muscle memory of the new routines she had choreographed.

Hera's circle did not have a pentagram or anything drawn that we had to remain inside while surrounded by the circle. Everyone kept their clothes on and they sung praises to Hera instead of Faux Wicca chants. At the climax to the sung praises to Hera, a pink light engulfed the three of us in the center of the circle and I felt myself receiving Richard's knowledge and Miss Holt's skill. I felt confident that I would be able to both do the testing and participate in our routines tomorrow.

Dr. Ariel told me, "Denise this is where we will leave you. Through the door to the inner sanctum you will have your encounter with Hera as we all have already done. An encounter with Hera will leave you changed in some way. It also takes a lot out of you so Hera will teleport you home to your bed when you are finished. Good luck, Denise"

The group had another exit that they left from which didn't involve going through the pool. One by one they disappeared up a ladder until they were all gone. Now it was time for me to enter the Encounter Room to meet Hera.

I remember entering the Encounter Room but not seeing Hera. The next thing I knew I was in my nightgown under the covers in the bed. Momma was watching over me from the recliner in my bedroom. With all I had been through, I was not going to worry about what happened in my encounter with Hera. I was home in my own bed, I soon entered a deep dreamless sleep

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