17,500 < Novella < 40,000 words


Originally published on Storysite.org in 2001

So, here is another of my whoppers. I do hope that you all enjoy it. I had hoped to get other work done but this old yarn just kept niggling at the back of my brain and at my age, I have none to spare, jolly good then.

Here are some reading instructions: I write using the Queen’s English and the proper spelling for it. I am sorry that my knowledge of the Queen’s English is inferior but I am endeavouring to get it learnt my best speed. It is my hope to visit the UK to for further education in time. Full stop!

Incompatible: Birth of a Spellbinder

Of A    Spellbinder

Ragnarok Image

Ragnarok Rising
0b_part.png    0b_i.png


The world is not without irony, as evident by my life. I was born Thurston Olaf Steenberg and grew up hating the Spellbinders and all that they stood for. It was only by becoming what I hated most that I was able to transcend my humble beginnings and do good in the world. The following is the story of my origins. It is not the story of my birth, but of my rebirth. It the story of how I became Aryanna Morgana Le Fey.

The Nightingale's Song

The Nightingale's Song
by Armond
Anuvar, a glistening jewel in the sea, gifted by the Goddess to Her people. Yet their ears have become deaf to Her song, and a doom hangs over the Isle. The famed singer Orlando typifies their plight; the Goddess gifted him with the most amazing talent to stir men’s souls, yet he squanders it for wenching and wine. An horrific crime sets the troubadour on a different path, but will it lead to the redemption or damnation of the Isle?

Recall Revisited

Recall Revisted

By WannabeGinger

I have summoned up courage to go back to the original story, originally published here on Big Closet which was written from the heart with no planning at all. Readers’ comments were helpful all through, so now, I have tried to develop the characters to be the real life people that they are through the events that really took place in the early part of the tale. The fantasy parts which make the second half will be revised and embellished. I hope you like it!

Elf Storage

Elf Storage

by Janice Dreamer

Colin creeped through the EZ-pass lane onto the Chesapeake Bay bridge. He swerved around a minivan crammed with beach paraphernalia whose driver was too distracted by screeching kids to move when a gap opened in front of him. He automatically cursed all the Balti-morons who created summer traffic hell in his rural stretch of Maryland nestled between the bay and the ocean resort towns. Especially on his homeward commute after a grueling workday. On Friday afternoon. On the Fourth of July weekend.

Heaven Can Wait

Heaven Can Wait
(mostly) by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Heaven's gift

A tribute (with somewhat shameless 'borrowing' from the 1978 film starring Warren Beatty), with a few inevitable changes of my own, although I've done my best to set it around the same time.

Hey, if the entire film's up there on YouTube (start off with 'Heaven Can Wait (FULL FILM)Part 1' if you're interested), I don't see why I can't get away with this.

Thanks to Puddintane for the edit.

Manny and Maude - 4 - Who's the Fairest

With his journey more than half complete, Andy the Auroch sees a chance to rest his weary hoofs when his wagon reaches Everlong Faire. Their he hopes to renew his burgeoning relationship with with Angie the Auroch. However, since Angie has not yet arrived, which caused Andy to spend most of his time eating and sleeping, let us focus on the other members of our intrepid threesome, Manny and Maude. Particularly since a colleague from the past threatens to tear them team apart.

Beauty Queen, A Lady-in-Waiting : Part 2

Terry Wait now lives as Terri with her Aunt, at least for now. She is having fun living as a girl for now and things seem to be going better on the home front. Working with his Aunt and her pageant girls is helping Terri to forget her problems, or at least to move them to the back burner for now.

The final part of a two part novella.

Beauty Queen
A Lady-in-Waiting : part 2


Paula Dillon

Beauty Queen, A Lady-in-Waiting : Part 1

Terry Waits family is heading for a certain meltdown. Their lives have revolved around some epic arguments that have aroused the neighbor’s attention and have scared the living daylights out of Terry. At least they haven’t been violent confrontations. So Terry is sent to live with his Aunt while Frank and Clara Wait can see if there is anything left of their marriage worth saving.

A novella, complete in two parts. I am posting both parts simultaneously.

Beauty Queen
A Lady-in-Waiting : Part 1


Paula Dillon

Continuing Release 1

Continuing Release

By Kerry Brown

or Whatever happened after the Ball?

This is the follow on from A Tale of Release, most of the characters are back just moved on by nine months.
How would you feel if your boss made an offer that was too good to refuse?

Silver Apples

Silver Apples

by Armond

Charlie has lots of things working against him - a shape shifting girl friend who’s PO'd at him, a jealous rival who wants his body —literally- and a job from the Goddess that didn’t work out so well the first time around. On the plus side, he's drinking good coffee.

Die Sagen von Misrah 5 - "Kiss 'em, they're irish" (german)

Die Sagen des Misrah 5- "Kiss 'em, they're irish"

by Misrah

Die Wanderschaft auf war schon eine beschwerliche Sache, dachte Misrah bei sich. Aber so wollt's die Satzung eben. "Auf Schusters Rappen" hatt' es da geheiáŸen und so hielt er's eben Wohl oder áœbel auch damit. Es galt die Tradition und Sitten ihres Handwerks hochzuhalten, ganz abgesehen davon das wohl nur der Deibel wissen mochte ob nicht sein Meister aus der Ferne ab und an auch ein Auge auf sein Tun haben mochte.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story ...Conclusion

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"So Lora, do you get this kind of reaction everywhere?"

"Well, only when I show up naked."


The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 10

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

She shook her head at me. "Honestly, Lora... you really are a guy inside that hot chick disguise, aren't you?"

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 9

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

George just went on. "You gotta help me, Lenny. I'm so scared... my mind is turning to mush."


Sarah Lynn Morgan


I hear you in whispers, in a blowing breeze.
In the crash of surf, and the rustling leaves.
Your echoes all still living there,
And in my heart as longing, despair.

The slightest thing brings you back to me,
From times and places none now can see.
But my heart can hear them just the same,
Whenever and whence those whispers came.

The waiting is the hardest part,
These many lives we’ve spent apart.
I feel you always, not here, but near.
Immortal love in every tear.

That God has purpose for this love, must be.
Stronger than you, and stronger than me.
I do not know where, nor do I know when.
I only know I will hold you again.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 8

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

I could tell by the way he was staring at my backside that he didn't mind seeing me in a skirt. It was a strange sensation...

Die Sagen von Misrah 2 - "Der Kreislauf des Lebens" (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah - "Der Kreislauf des Lebens"
The tales of Misrah - "The circle of Life"


by Misrah

Der junge Zauberer, der sich mit seinem Rucksack in einer Ecke des Airports abwartend niedergelaáŸen hatte, hob aufmerkend den Kopf als er já¤h aus seinem Nachsinnen geriáŸen wurde als die wohlklingende Stimme einer Frau á¼ber das Lautsprechersystem den nahen Start seines Fluges anká¼ndigte. "Ladies and gentlemen, the passengers of the flight number 235 to Dublin, Ireland, please may come to..."

Virtually Twisted




This story takes place in Morpheus' twisted universe.
Jim Rumsfield was a regular teenage boy, or so he thought.
When he unexpectedly undergoes a twist his world is turned upside down.

The Tales of Misrah - Tale 3: "A furry tail"

Spells R us - The tales of Misrah, the apprentice
Tale III: "A furry tail"

by Misrah

"...and then guys, and I'm telling you the truth I swear to god, I bended her of that table and so fucked the shit out of her." The whole crowd of his friends was laughing their hearts out, as Ryan was mimikring the act he just described, while waving his bottle of beer like a lasso above his head.

A P.I. Story - 3

Mark is not sure if he should be happy or sad. The truth comes but it don't sit well with facts. Still there is a plan for a happy life, But that life will truly have to change. For the better or worse you will have decide.


It had been 10 months now for Melody and I. We were still together and all seemed to be well or at least as far as I could tell.

Mike and I were recuperating from our wounds and I hadn’t worked a case in almost a month. It’s not like I was in any shape to be out working, but I sure had cabin fever now.


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