
Cruiser Lake - Part 1 of 5


"Please, save my friend. I'll do whatever it takes. If someone has to die today, let it be me. But save my friend. Please. Please."

Cruiser Lake
Part 1 of 5

by Sigh
Copyright © 2012 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

The Travel Agency

The Travel Agency

A group of college friends find a travel agency that offers them a very unique vacation package. Soon they find themselves in a world of fantasy, with bodies that are not their own. That's when the adventure really begins. This story was originally written and posted in 2001.

Susie and Jeffrey 125 - 144

Susie switched off the phone and gave me a triumphant grin. "I told you so, Jeffrey - a top-notch murder case has come hammering on our door."

"No, it hasn't. And I wish you'd be a little more discreet about our doings, Susie - Steve Spooner could easily get the wrong idea about us."

"Never mind that, Jeffrey - this is cosmic."

"Don't you mean kismet?"

"Cosmic kismet is what it is," Susie enthused. "I've already deduced the empty, old house has a Jones & Co For Sale sign in the garden."


"Indubitably - that's the scene of the crime dad was at. No wonder he's a worried man."

"If you're right, I suppose it could prove awkward for him - the property sort of being in his care."

"There's more to it than that - dad's up to his ear protectors in really big trouble."

"Not if he only discovered the corpse and reported it to the police."

"Step on the mental accelerator, Jeffrey - innocent folk don't just find dead bodies."

Susie and Jeffrey Books 4, 5, and 6

Susie and Jeffrey Books 4, 5, and 6


Odyssey, Blow-ups Happen, and A Quiet Night In - chronicling Susie's and Jeffrey's adventures across the bay and their safe return home.

For E-Readers and now htm files added.

Click Here!

Also Jeffrey's Countdown Numbers Game and Sudoku programmes.



Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Susie and Jeffrey Books 1, 2, and 3, Epub and Mobi

Susie and Jeffrey Books 1, 2, and 3, Epub and Mobi

A download link for epub and mobi versions of chapters 1 to 43.

I've split the original 1 into 1 and 2.

Book 3 is the morning and afternoon of manic Monday. The trip to the bank to deposit their winnings turns into an odyssey. Susie and Jeffrey may wander aimlessly, but the direction the story is taking becomes clear. As they dispatch increasingly dangerous 'monsters', any plot regarding Jeffrey's TG status recedes into the background. However, I've carried on regardless for another 101 chapters with what might have been better posted elsewhere as Susie and Denise.


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Susie and Jeffrey Book 1 and Book 2 - Epub and Mobi


Susie and Jeffrey Book 1 and Book 2 - Updated

Their first week together - a download link for epub and mobi versions of chapters 1 to 24.


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Gaby Book 8 Chapter *40* That's Handy


Chapter *40*

That's Handy

We retraced our outward route for several kilometres before heading more southward along a road of wide sweeping corners and a distinct downward tilt. The five of us worked well together and unlike last week's gentler ride we weren't taking any prisoners.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *39* Hangover


Chapter *8.39*


Ooh my head!

“Are you listening Drew?”


Dave was in no mood to be sympathetic to his offspring's current demeanour, finding both your teenage daughters more than a little the worse for wear in a private drinking party had hardly put him in the best of humours.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *38* Gothic Return


Chapter *8.38*

Gothic Return

“Fancy a change of pace next weekend?” Dad enquired.

“I thought it was the Three Countries.”

We were sat, as we had been for twenty minutes, in a traffic jam at Leverkusen, Dad having elected not to hang about too long after Angela had fed us.

“That's Saturday, how'd you fancy doing a time trial on Sunday?”

Abuse-Leaving-Escape-Xanadu = Love-Exhilaration-Xylem-Imbue or Alex=Lexi

Abuse - Leaving - Escape - Xanadu = Love - Exhilaration - Xylem - Imbue
or Alex = Lexi
by Jennifer Sue


Alex Dennis liked school, which was quite unusual for an 11 year old junior jock. Most of his classmates were at least slightly jealous, the girls for his intelligence and thick shoulder length red hair, the boys for his athletic prowess. Another unusual aspect was that none of his classmates disliked him since he never strutted about lording over the less physically and mentally adept. In fact, Alex was more than willing to help classmates when they were having difficulty with academics or sports.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *36* Westerwald


Chapter *8.36*


The first few kilometres along the Rhein whilst not super fast were quite intense as after the first attack several more riders attempted escapes so we had a bit of a slow go ride. We didn't have a particular game plan today, there's nothing at stake so Dad's giving us a free hand.

“Any ideas?” Roni asked.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *35* Pizza Express!


Chapter *8.35*

Pizza Express!

Over the next twenty minutes it was all go, no simple slip dress on, go and wait, oh no. For a trio travelling light the girls seemed to have a huge amount of stuff with them, not just clean, dry under things, Con and Pia had full outfits and they all had more cosmetics than I own — well okay maybe not that much — but plenty anyhow.

“Sit still.” Pia ordered.

“Is this really necessary? I mean, we're only getting some pizza.” I pointed out.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *33* Boom Boom!


Chapter *8.33*

Hop Boom Boom!

Although my ankle was still a bit swollen and I've got a few colourful bruises, with the Mittelrhein on at the weekend I couldn't really afford to miss another days training. As a result of such thinking I was up with the sparrows and by six thirty I was honking up the climb into Altenahr. The Mittelrhein is at least not a premier series event, just a regional event on the other side of the river so we get to experience the intricacies of the Westerwald's climbs.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *32* Hop Along Bond


Chapter *8.32*

Hop Along Bond

Unlike the motorway services back in blighty, places like Bruchsal actually have some halfway decent food on offer. We all selected our food and then commandeered a corner of the restaurant.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *31* Pointed Attack

Chapter *8.31*


Chapter *8.31*

Pointed Attack

That was something that even I thought was outside the box when Dad suggested it last night, it was certainly not a move that the rest of the race foresaw. The road curled around to the right and up, not hugely steep but no stroll either. Apparently we were following the ‘Deutches LimestraáŸe', whatever that is, we passed some tower thing then the road swung sharply left and the climb took on more urgency.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *30* Lady Gabrielle

Chapter *8.30*


Chapter *8.30*

Lady Gabrielle

Once the introductions were made we moved through to the dining room where we started again as the Duke was, with Sophia's assistance bringing the food through from the kitchen.
“So everyone, tuck in.” he encouraged, not the right thing to say with this lot.



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