
The Madonna Of The Future: 9. Fumes

"Ugh, Mom, what is that smell?" I shouted, not knowing where in the house she was.
"Is there a skunk outside?"

"Oh, Marcie," Mom scoffed as she entered from the kitchen.
"You can't pretend you can smell anything. And it's not as bad as all that."

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Reckoning -1- Awakenings 1 and 2

The Earth has reached a crossroad. Destruction could be immanent. Can a Rookie band of newly created heroes stave off Doomsday? Chapter 1 of a collaborative effort by several Top Shelf writers will begin to explore this dilemma. Introduction of the heroes and their powers will be the first couple of chapters. Writers are: Catherine Linda Michel, Grover, Ariel Strickland, Erin Halfelven, Maggie Finson and Scotty, "Voice Of Reason" Bishop.

Reckoning - New Universe.

This is the prequel for the new universe. Timeline: Today, Feb 8 2012


You humans go about your daily lives, dealing with each crisis as it comes up as best you can. Sometimes though an event that can and will change everything about your lives, your planet, your entire existence are destined to occur and, without help from somewhere, your race will vanish completely and utterly.

The Madonna Of The Future: 8. Hid In The Nose

And yes, I did say Mallory. She was back in school, but she was very subdued.
"It's a new record," she said quietly. "I never been suspended so quick before."
Susan bristled at the ungrammatical statement, but said nothing.
"Two days!" Mallory continued. "It's my new personal best."

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

The Making of Nibs - Volume 1 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The corridor was about ten metres long and a couple of metres wide. Off the corridor were three closed doors and one open one, which seemed to lead to the bathroom. Just behind the door, of the living room, was a coat rack with the various jackets and the holster rigs of the guests on. On the floor was a thin blue carpet, the walls were the same colour as the living room and had low wattage bulbs in the light fixtures.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *03* Xanten Express

Gaby Book 8 - Changes
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2011 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

It has been a long break for me since writing the previous volume in the Gaby series and I hope that it's been worth the wait. Our diminutive hero(ine) gets up to all sorts this time, weddings, racing, shopping  – well the usual Gaby stuff really!

Pour a coffee, get the hankies and settle back to see what the Wunderkind gets up to next!

The Making of Nibs - Volume 1 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After a few drinks had been consumed, Sandra looked at Nick as Paul stood, saying to the group, “Shall we head back to Home Base?”
She watched Nick stand, placing the chair back from where he had taken it. ‘Nicki, I so want this weekend to be special, for you to embrace the other side of your personality, and also join us the Bitch Vixens Gangrel Street Gang unit.’

The Final Version Before Final Edit - The Making of Nibs - Volume 1.

I hope everyone enjoys this the first chapter of the final version before final editing.

Let me now introduce Nibola Calton or as she prefers to be called Nibs or the Blackfairy. The story starts on the few days before the final exams of High School.

The Making of Nibs — Volume 1:The Beginnings

Chapter 1

Sat in the living room of Damien Cameron’s home in Suraban were Timaus, Damien and K-Dog.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *02* Farewells

Gaby Book 8 - Changes
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2011 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

It has been a long break for me since writing the previous volume in the Gaby series and I hope that it's been worth the wait. Our diminutive hero(ine) gets up to all sorts this time, weddings, racing, shopping  – well the usual Gaby stuff really!

Pour a coffee, get the hankies and settle back to see what the Wunderkind gets up to next!

The Madonna Of The Future: 7. The Nose-Job Theory

"Oh, God, I hate that woman!" Jordan growled through her teeth sotto voce.

"Why?" I asked.

She shot a look of fury at me... not that she was angry with me, but she was very angry.

"She is a *horrible* person," Jordan said. "And she's going to ruin my father and me, I'm sure of it!"

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rosetta - Part 14


A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Rose learns the Secret of Pope Hill and the origin of her powers. The gang undertake a mysterious mission at the request of someone Rose doesn't know. They don't even know where it will happen, or when. They do know that Rosetta will play an important part. And when they are done, they still won't know where they were.

Part 14

4. The Madonna Of The Future


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Marcie struggles with her role of "action hero" — should she give it up and just be an ordinary girl? Is that even possible?

The Madonna Of The Future

copyright © 2011, 2012 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

The Madonna Of The Future: 6. You Hit A Girl!

People have often told me that I need to think before I act, but who had time to think? What on earth was I supposed to think of? What idea could I possibly have had, if I'd stopped for a moment? Someone was getting hurt! Badly hurt! And no one was there to see, but me.

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

The Madonna Of The Future: 5. The Stink-Bomb Madonna

"Are you okay?" she asked. "Did she hurt you?"

"No," I said out loud. Silently I added, I think I gave as good as I got.

"Good," she said. "I assume you must have read at least a bit of that diary, or else you wouldn't have fought so hard to preserve your classmate's privacy."

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

The Madonna Of The Future: 4. The Mallory Variations

"Catch this one," Mallory said, spinning the tape rapidly ahead.

"No," Susan insisted. "I don't want to hear any—"

Mallory interrupted. "Hold on there. These aren't just any old, ordinary, run-of-the-mill farts," she explained in a low, confidential tone. "You won't find these farts on the street. These are special."

Susan scoffed. "And what makes them so special?" she asked scornfully.

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rosetta - Part 13

A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Cassandra predicts another attempted attack on Rose and her family, but something is different about it. Rose acts her age. When she gets back to school, she is asked to be an unpaid translator for a brand new hybrid, to help her get through the semester finals. Life is not an after school special.

Part 13

First Draft - The Opposing Fates - Chapter 1

This is the first chapter in a story I never finished. I now consider it out of date and won't be updating this storyline specifically, but instead will be working on a rewrite of it! I don't know when or if it will ever come out, but for now, this dusty draft will be kept online for the foreseeable future.


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