by Red MacDonald
Copyright © 2013 MacDonald Reid
All Rights Reserved.
The Faithful, a group of North African Islamic nations, are plotting to seize the oil resources of the Middle East. By controlling the earth's oil and its major trade routes, they plan to bring the world to its knees. Then, when the entire world is kneeling, the Faithful of Allah will read to them from the Koran, preaching the message of Islam, the True Faith. The Faithful will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. But how far will they go? And how many lives will it cost?
Smalley, Douglas: Admiral, Chief of Naval Operations
Duncan, James Thomas: Vice Admiral, Commander Sixth Fleet, Commander Ninth Combined Fleet
Yuhovitch, Grigory "Grig": Captain, Commanding Officer
Halbertson, Eugene: Commander, Missile Boss
Taylor, Charles: Commander
Albertson, Floyd: Commander
Sylvester, Eugene: Commander
Patkowicz, Myron: Lt. Commander
Jones, George: Lt. Commander
MacDonald, Muriel: Lt. Commander
Teegin, Edward: Captain, Commanding Officer
Johanson, James "Mr. Threat": Commander, J-2
Henry, William "Buck": Captain, CAG
O'Connor, Byron "Bull": Captain, CO VE-8, Senior Air Wing Controller, Leprechaun 1
Stoikovitz, Peter: Command Air Controller, Leprechaun 4
Brown, Sam "Brownie": Lt., Pilot, Romulus
Smith, Charles "Chunky": Lt., RIO
Naval Air Squadron VHF 8
Duncan, David James Thomas: Commander, CO VHF 8
Mad Dogs:
Chapiro, Betty "Betz": Lt. Commander, CO VHF-83, Mad Dog 1
Lt. John "Bleeper" Bulkowski, Mad Dog 2
Lt. George "Shiner" Samuelson, Mad Dog 3
Lt. Ingrid "Dilly" Ashultsohn, Mad Dog 4
Lt. (jg) John "Candy" Candella, Mad Dog 5
Lt. (jg) Pierre "Button" Bouton, Mad Dog 6
Lt. (jg) Hiram "Higgy" Higginbotham, III, Mad Dog 7
Ens. Tobias "Tubby" Freeman, Mad Dog 8
Small, Byron "Tiny": Lt. Commander, CO VHF-86, Talon 1
Lt. Peter "Skywalker"/"Sky" Lucas, Talon 2
Lt. William "Shorty" Shortenskj, Talon 3
Lt. Peter "Greeny" Green, Talon 4
Ens. Son "Sunny" Liu, Talon 8
Naval Air Squadron VF-6
Sprang, Donald "Spring": Commander, CO VF-6
Rocco, Anthony "Rocky": Lt. Commander, CO VHF-62, Puma 1
Lt. Joseph "Gunner" Gunn, Puma 2
Lt. George "Dinty" Moore, Puma 3
Lt. (jg) Katherine "Kate" Kosmarick, Puma 6
Lt. (jg) Francis "Ace" Singletary, Puma 7
Ludinski, Casimir "Cassey": Lt. Commander, VHF-65
Naval Air Squadron VA-8
Gonzalez, Pedro "Pepe": Commander, CO VA-8
Naval Air Sqadron VK-8
Air Cows:
Joiner, Billy Joe "Wrangler": Commander, CO VK-8
Radnovitch, Barbara "Babs": CWO, "Cow Boss"
Naval Air Squadron VS-8
Fink, Conrad "Connie": Commander, CO VS-8
Ellingstone, Eldridge: Rear Admiral (jg), Naval Commander PhibRon, Sixth Fleet
Guadelfono, Xavier "Guido": Captain
Spigott, Norman: Rear Admiral, Commander Seventh Fleet
Gomez, Alfredo Luis: Captain, Commanding Officer,
Ellis, Nelson: Captain, CAG, USS Kimmel
Naval Air Squadron VHF-9
Thompson, Eloise "Mama Spad", Commander
Ball, George: Captain,
Rafael, W. "Ralph": Commander, Missile Boss
Lake, Gerald "Jerry": Rear Admiral (jg), Naval Commander, PhibRon, Seventh Fleet
Jones, John "JJ": Lt. Commander "Tank Busters"
Grimshaw, Francis "Frank": Rear Admiral, USS Jefferson Battle Group
Breckenridge, Thomas "Blacky": Major General, Marine Commander, PhibRon, Sixth Fleet (3rd Marines)
Lee, Jason: Colonel, Ground Commander, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines
Carter, Samuel "Slammin' Sam": Brigadier General, Marine Commander, PhibRon, Seventh Fleet, Third Battalion, Second Marines
Algarro, Hector Luis Lopez "Gator": General, Commander Central Command
Kearns, Frederick "Shorty": Colonel, G-2, CentCom
Duncaster, Coleman: Major General, Commander Twelfth Infantry (Light)
Mordekai, Nathan: Colonel, First Regiment
Guys, Richard: Major, Second Battalion
Crocker, Boswell: Captain, Bravo Co.
Austen, Penny: Captain, Bravo Co.
Mohammed, Aldrich: Second Lieutenant
Murphy, Aloisis Xavier Francis: First Sergeant
Hernandez, Elpidio: Corporal
Rachel of Zhahran
Hayes, Rufus B.: Major General, Commander 101st Airborne
Swaytze, Dominic: Colonel, 1st Regiment
Brower, Julliette: Major, Second Battalion
Rudman, Tommy: Captain, Bravo Co.
Fox, Sidney: Lieutenant General, "Air Boss", CentCom
Schaeffer, Emil "Bud", Colonel, CO Ninth Heavy Bombardment Squadron
Takashima, George "Tark", Captain, WSO
Powell, Jason Henry "Harley": Colonel, CO "Tank Buster" Squadron
Knight, Jefferson: Colonel, CO, Twelfth Light Composite Division, Air Force Section, Al-Hufuf Central Hospital
el Sayd a-Fayd, Mahumaddi: General, Chief of Staff
el Sayd a-Fayd, Hamal: Lt. 1st Troop, 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 1stRegiment, 1st Armored Brigade Royal Saudi Army
Akhmed, Captain
Summan, Major
Rachel of Zhahran
Hammedyanni, Mohammed: Ayatollah, Leader of the Elders Party
Rashamini, Rafsanadi: Ayatollah, Leader of the Party of Allah
Hammedyanni, Benhamin: General, Chief of Staff, Son of Ayatollah Mohammed Hammedyanni
Afstanabul, Lt. General
Yousoufli, Major General: CO of
Hammedyanni, Tavid: Brigadier General, Chief of Staff, Soldiers of Allah Division. Son of General Benhamin Hammedyanni, (Born: May 23,2000)
Rashamani: Colonel, CO 2nd Regiment. Son of Imam Rafsanadi Rashamini.
Eban, Isman: General, Chief of Staff, Isreali Defense Forces
Myer: General, CO First Division (Third and Ninth Brigades)
Geldfein: General, CO Second Division (Second and Eleventh Brigades)
3rd Armored Regiment
Schwartz, Ephraim: Colonel, CO
Hiram, Jacob "Jake": Lt. Colonel, XO
1st Battalion
Weissman, David: Major, CO (Born: May 23, 2000)
Brenner, Nablus: Sergeant, Mechanic
Hadera: General, CO Third Division (Twelfth and Eighteenth Brigades)
Yahuddi: Rabbi
Zhiphora, Yusuf: Mayor, Almagor
Weissman, Samantha: wife of Major David Wiessman
Wiessman, Gabriel: elder son of David and Samantha
Wiessman, Samuel: younger son of David and Samantha
Brenner, Judith: wife of Sergeant Nablus Brenner
Kamsanni, Abdul Khalil: Imam, Leader of the Council of the Faithful
Hassan, Hammad: Imam, Friend of Abdul Kamsanni
Hassan, Gamel: Imam. Friend of Yusuf Kamsanni
Dingj, Ahab: Minister of the Interior
Kamsanni, Yusuf: General, Chief of Staff. Son of Imam Abdul Kamsanni
Kamsanni, Tafid: Commander, Admiral ben Ahmeed ,Son of Yusuf Kamsanni, (Born: May 23, 2000)
Flagett, George: Fleet Admiral, Second Sea Lord
Drews, Sir Thomas Alburn: Vice Admiral, Commander, Combined Fleet
Llewellyn, Everett: Commander, J2
Cunningham-Smythe, Thomas: Rear Admiral
MacBean, Alasdair: Captain
Robustelli, Cesare: Fleet Admiral, Italian Navy
Vespation, Enrico: Captain
Russi, Dominic: Commander
Cappetello, Claudio: General
Rahmid: Colonel, Tangiers Military District, Royal Moroccan Army
Coastal Defense Battalion, Ksar-es-Seghir
Sultouni, Ibram: Major