Jihad - Glossary

by Red MacDonald
Copyright © 2013 Red MacDonald
All Rights Reserved.

TLAs (Three-Letter Acronyms) are the core of military jargon, and the bane of every reader's enjoyment. This glossary is intended to fulfill two roles:

1. Clarify the meaning of various TLAs as commonly used in military parlance.

2. Provide information about the aircraft, ships, vehicles, and armaments as described in this novel.

Although I have made an effort to be comprehensive, I may have missed one or more items. For these oversights,. I do apologize

Note: Starred items (*) are entirely fictional at the time of this writing.

- A -

A-10----------American close-support attack aircraft armed with a 30-mm gatling gun, up to 16,000 lbs of ordnance and a crew of one. Max. Speed: 435; combat radius with max ordnance: 288 miles

A-29*----------American stealth attack bomber with internal ordnance capacity of up to 8,000 lbs plus external capacity of up to ten thousands pounds and a crew of two. Speed: Mach 1.8; Combat radius with max internal stores: 870 miles

A-36*----------American STOL/VTOL attack fighter armed with 30-mm rapid-fire cannon, up to 18,000 lbs of ordnance on underwing pylons with a crew of one. Speed: Mach 1.7; Combat radius with max eternal stores: 350 miles

AAM----------Anti-Aircraft Missile

AAMRAAM*-----Advanced AMRAAM

AAB----------Air Assault Brigade

AAR----------Air Assault Regiment

AMRAAM-------Advanced Medium-Range AAM

Abrams-------American MBT, armed with one 120-mm smooth-bore cannon, one coaxial-mounted 12.7-mm chain gun and one cupola-mounted 12.7-mm machine gun and a crew of four. Protected by Uranium-doped Chobham armor and powered by a 1,500-hp turbine engine, it was the finest tank of its time.

AFV----------Armored Fighting Vehicle

AIM-9Q-------A Sidewinder air-to-air missile

Air Lance*---American Air-To-Surface missile with a range of 185 miles, a speed of 800 MPH and a 480-lb warhead.

ALCM---------Air-launched cruise missile

ALVTP--------Advanced Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel. A tracked, amphibious assault vehicle, capable of "surfing" at up to twenty-five knots, while transporting up to twenty troops, armed with one 30-mm rapid-fire cannon and a crew of three.

AN-----------Designation of aircraft designed by Antonov Bureau

AN-225-------Russian long-range, ultra-heavy-lift transport. Range of 2,250 miles with design payload of 565,000 lbs

Antonov------Russian design bureau

APC----------Armored Personnel Carrier

Arapaho*-----Large helicopter transport with a capacity of eighty-five troops or 60,000 lbs.

ASM----------Anti-Ship Missile

ASW----------Anti-Submarine Warfare

Avenger*-----American A-29 stealth attack bomber

AWACS--------Airborne Early Warning And Control System

- B -

B-2----------America long-range stealth bomber, with an internal bomb load of over 50,000 lbs, a range of 7,500 miles and a crew of two.

Badger-------British AFV armed with one 76-mm cannon, one 12.7-mm machine-gun, six anti-tank missiles, a crew of three plus eight dragoons.

Bandit-------Short-hand term for an enemy aircraft

BDM----------Russian tracked AFV, armed with one 73-mm smooth-bore cannon, one 12.7-mm machine gun and four anti-tank missiles. Crew of four plus four Dragoons

BILL---------Any of a series of Swedish-designed, man-portable anti-armor missiles

Bradley------American AFV, armed with one 30-mm rapid-fire cannon, four anti-tank missiles, a crew of three plus six dragoons.

- C -

C-5----------American long-range, heavy lift transport. Range of 3,750 miles with design payload of 221,000 lb.

C-17---------American medium-range, heavy lift transport. Range of 2,750 miles with maximum payload of 172,000 lb.

CAG----------Commander, Air Group

CFV----------Cavalry Fighting Vehicle

CG-----------Missile cruiser. Displacement: 9,100 tons. Dimensions: Length: 563'; beam: 55'; depth of keel: 31'. Speed: 30+ knots. Armament: 2 x 91 array of SM AAM; 2 x 5"; 2 x CIWS; 6 x 12.5" torpedo; 56 x SLCM; 2 x 4 ASM. Aircraft: 2 x S-82 Sea Emperor

CGN----------Nuclear-powered missile cruiser. Displacement: 11,300 tons. Dimensions: Length: 563'; beam: 55'; depth of keel: 31'. Speed: 30+ knots. Armament: 2 x 91 array of SM AAM; 2 x 5"; 2 x CIWS; 6 x 12.5" torpedo; 56 x SLCM; 2 x 4 ASM. Aircraft: 2 x S-82 Sea Emperor

CIWS---------Close-In Weapons System, consisting of a radar-controlled 20-mm or 30-mm gatling gun.

CNO----------Chief of Naval Operations

Corvette-----Any of the class of small escort vessels, with limited ASW, AAM and anti-ship capabilities.

COSSACK*-----Commission Survival Suit And Combat Kit: self-contained, bullet-proof survival suit, with full virtual reality imaging and complete communications protocols

Cruise Missile--Generic term for pilotless, terrain-following drones

CV-----------Fleet aircraft carrier. Displacement: 65,000 tons. Dimensions: length: 989'; beam: 125'; depth of keel: 32'. Speed: 30+ knots. Armament: 3 x 8 Sparrow box-launcher; 3 x CIWS. Aircraft: 18 x F-34D Tomcat II; 18 x F/A-38K Super Hornet; 9 x A-29B Avenger; 10 x S-3 Viking; 4 x E-29 Hawkeye; 4 x EA-29 Regulator; 2 x ES-29 Snooper; 4 x KS-3 Holstein; 6 x S-82 Sea Emperor.

CVL----------Light aircraft carrier Smaller in displacement, crew and air wing than CVs.

CVN----------Nuclear-powered fleet aircraft carrier. Same as CV, except nuclear powered.

- D -

Dassault-----French aircraft manufacturer

DD-----------Destroyer, a small but heavily armed escort vessel, used in either the anti-air or anti-submarine role.

DDG----------Missile destroyer. Displacement: 8,400 tons. Dimensions: Length: 466'; beam: 60'; depth of keel: 30'. Speed: 30+ knots. Armament: 1 x 29 and 1 x 61 array of SM AAM; 1 x 5"; 2 x CIWS; 6 x 12.5" torpedo; 56 x SLCM; 2 x 4 ASM. Aircraft: 1 x S-82 Sea Emperor.

Dragoon------Heavily-armed cavalry soldier

Dream--------Russian AN-225 transport

- E -

E-29*--------American AWACS, based on the A-29

EA-29*-------American electronics warfare aircraft, based on the A-29 stealth attack bomber.

Eagle--------American F-15 air-superiority fighter

EmCon--------Emission Control

ES-29*-------American electronic intelligence version of the A-29 stealth attack bomber.

- F -

F-15----------American air-superiority fighter armed with one 20-mm gatling gun plus 16,000 lbs of ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,665 at 35,000 feet: Combat radius: 500 miles

F-15E----------Attack variant of the American F-15, armed with one 20-mm gatling gun plus 24,000 lbs or ordnance and a crew of two.

F-16----------American attack fighter, armed with one 20-mm gatling gun plus 16,000 lbs ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,320 MPH at 40,000; Combat radius with 4-ton of ordnance and two AIM-9Q: 350 miles

F-18----------American attack fighter, armed with one 20-mm gatling gun plus 13,000 lb of ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,190 MPH at 35,000 feet; Combat radius: 460 miles.

F-22----------American high-performance stealth fighter, armed with one 30-mm gatling gun plus up to eight AAMRAAM and a crew of one. Speed: Mach 2.1; Combat radius: 500 miles

F-31*----------American attack fighter, armed with one 20-mm gatling gun, plus up to 18,000 lbs of external ordnance with a crew of one. Speed: Mach 2.3: Combat radius: 575 miles

F-34D*---------America air-superiority fighter, armed with one 30-mm gatling gun plus up to eight Phoenix AAM, and crew of two. Speed: 1590 MPH at 30,000 feet: combat radius with 4,200 lb ordnance, 500 miles

F/A-38*--------American attack fighter, armed with one 20-mm gatling gun, plus up to 18,000 lbs of external ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,250 at 30,000 feet; combat radius with 4,200 lb of ordnance, 475 miles

Falcon---------American F-16 attack fighter

FG-------------Frigate, a light-weight, low-cost ASW vessel. Displacement: 3,900 tons. Dimensions: Length: 455'; beam: 45'; depth of keel: 25'. Speed: 30+ knots. Armament: 1 x 48 array of SM AAM; 1 x 5"; 2 x CIWS; 6 x 12.5" torpedo; 2 x 4 ASM. Aircraft: 1 x S-82 Sea

FiG------------Acronym and enunciation of FG

Fishbed--------NATO designation for the MiG-21 fighter

Fitter---------NATO designation for any of the SU-7, -17, -20 or -22 Sukhoi attack fighters

Flanker--------NATO designation for the SU-27 or -35 attack fighters

Flogger--------NATO designation for the MiG-23 fighter

Foxbat---------NATO designation for the MiG-25 fighter

Fulcrum--------NATO designation for the MiG-29 attack fighter

FV-------------Fighting Vehicle, any of the class of wheeled amored vehicles, including AFV, IFV, CFV and Reconnaissance Vehicles.

- G -

Galaxy---------American C-5 Transport

Grenadier------Heavily armed infantry soldier

- H -

HARM-----------High-speed Anti-Radar Missile

Hawkeye--------American E-29 AWACS

HEAT-----------High Explosive Anti-Tank ordnance

Hind-----------Russian attack helicopter

Hog------------Nickname for the A-10 Warthog

Holstein-------American KS-3 in-air refueling aircraft

Hummer---------A HUMVEE

HUMVEE---------American replacement for the Jeep, although much larger

- I -

IFV------------Infantry Fighting Vehicle

IFF------------Identification, Friend or Foe

- K -

KS-3-----------American in-air refueling aircraft, based on the S-3 Viking

KS-10----------American in-air refueling aircraft, based on the DC-10.

- L -

Lightning------American F-22 fighter

LCAC-----------Landing Craft, Air Cushion, capable of transporting up to one MTAV and eighty-five assault troops.

LCM------------Landing Craft, Medium, capable of transporting 80 troops or 34 tons of cargo.

LCU------------Landing Craft, Utility, capable of transporting up to three MBTs or 150 tons of cargo.

LPH------------Landing Ship, Personnel, Helicopter

LPHN*----------Nuclear-powered LPH. Displacement: 52,000 tons. Dimensions: length: 989'; beam: 125'; depth of keel: 32'. Speed: 30+ knots. Armament: 3 x 8 Sparrow box-launcher; 3 x CIWS. Aircraft: 12 x A-36 Sea Eagle; 6 x Mohawk gunships; 12 x V-22 Osprey; 12 x Arapaho helicopter transports; plus 3 x LCAC, 4x LCM, 2x LCU, 12 x ALVTP; plus Marine Assault Battalion.

LSD------------Landing Ship, Dock

LSO------------Landing Safety Officer

LST------------Landing Ship, Tank

- M -

M1-------------Any of the series of Abrams MBTs

M2-------------Any of the series of Bradley AFVs

Mirage 5000----French attack fighter armed with two 30-mm cannons plus 9,000 lbs of external ordnance, and a crew of one

Matra---------French infrared-guided air-to-air missile

MATV*---------Marine Amphibious Tracked Vehicle

Maverick------Anti-armor, air-to-surface, self-guided missile equipped with a television camera for target acquisition and an 83-lb warhead.

MBT-----------Main Battle Tank

MiG-----------Russian design bureau (Mikoyan and Gurevich)

MiG-21--------Russian MiG fighter, armed with one 30-mm twin-barrel cannon, plus up to 1,500 lbs of external ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,350 at 40,000 feet; Combat radius: 375 miles

MiG-23--------Russian MiG attack fighter with variable geometry wing, armed with one 30-mm twin-barrel cannon plus up to 6,600 lbs of external ordnance with a crew of one. Speed: 1,550 MPH at 40,000 feet: Combat radius: 500 miles

MiG-25--------Russian MiG interceptor armed with up to ten AAM with a crew of one. Speed: 1,865 MPH at 40,000 feet: Combat radius: 375 miles.

MiG-27--------Russian MiG attack fighter armed with one 30-mm twin-barrel cannon plus up to 9,000 lbs of external ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,200 MPH at 25,000 feet; Combat radius: 500 miles

MiG-29--------Russian MiG attack fighter armed with one 30-mm gatling gun plus 6,600 lbs of external ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,500 MPH at 40,000 feet: Combat radius: 400 miles

MiG-31--------Russian MiG air superiority fighter, armed with one 30-mm gatling gun plus up to six AAM and a crew of one. Speed: 1,865 at 55,000 feet: Combat Radius: 400 miles

Minx----------Russian Scout Helicopter

Mohawk*-------Helicopter gunship, armed with one 30-mm chain gun plus up to eight Wild Cat anti-armor missiles, with a crew of two.

- O -

Osprey--------American V-22 STOL/VTOL transport aircraft

- P -

Phoenix-------Air-launched, radar-equipped, self-guided AAM with a 132-lb continuous-rod warhead. Speed: Mach 5; Range: 132 miles.

Phoenix II*---Air-launched, dual-stage, self-guided AAM equipped with radar, IR and television guidance systems and a 132-lb continuous-rod warhead. Speed: Mach 5; Range: 135 miles.

- R -

Rafale--------French fighter armed with one 30-mm cannon and up to 13,00 lbs of external ordnance with a crew of one. Speed: 1,350 MPH at 35,000 feet; Combat Radius: 450 miles.

Rapier--------Tracked anti-aircraft vehicle, armed with six short-to- medium range anti-aircraft missiles and a crew of three

Raptor--------American F-22 Stealth Fighter

Ratel---------South African designed, six-wheeled APC, armed with one 12.7-mm machine-gun, a crew of two plus up to fourteen infantry.

Regulator-----American EA-29 electronics warfare aircraft

Rook----------Russian light attack helicopter

- S -

S-3-----------American ASW aircraft armed with up to four torpedoes or bombs internally plus two ASM and a crew of four. Speed: 500 MPH; Combat range; 2,300 miles.

S-82----------American heavy-lift helicopter

SM------------Standard Missile, designating a ship-launched AAM

SU------------Designation for Sukhoi Design Bureau

SU-22---------Russian Sukhoi attack fighter armed with two 30-mm cannons plus up to 10,000 lbs of external ordnance and a crew of one. Speed: 1,380 MPH at 35,000 feet; Combat radius: 250 miles

SU-24---------Russian medium-range, attack bomber with variable geometry wings, armed with one 30-mm gatling gun and up to 18,000 lbs of ordnance and a crew of two. Speed: 820 MPH at sea level: Range: more than 2,000 miles.

SU-27---------Russian air attack fighter armed with one 30-mm gatling gun plus 13,000 lbs of external ordnance and a crew of one or two, depending upon model. Speed: 1,550 MPH at 35,000 feet: Combat radius: 500 miles.

SU-35---------Russian air attack fighter. Improved version of SU-27, with improved thrust-vectored engines and canards for greater maneuverability.

Sabot---------Anti-armor penetrating ordnance

SAR-----------Search And Rescue

SAW-----------Squad Automatic Weapon, a 9-mm machine-gun capable of 900 rounds per minute.

Sea Emperor II---American S-82 heavy-lift helicopter capable of transporting up to 85 troops for 375 miles at 165 MPH.

Sea Eagle-----American A-36 attack fighter

Sidewinder----Any of the series of American Infrared-guided air-to-air missiles, noted for their short range and effectiveness.

SLCM----------Ship-Launched Cruise Missile

Snooper*------American ES-29 electronic intelligence aircraft

SRAW----------A man-portable, 9-mm gatling gun capable of 1800 rounds per minute.

STOL----------Short Take Off and Landing

Strike Eagle--American F-15E attack fighter

Striker-------American F-31 attack fighter

Sukhoi--------Russian design bureau

Super Harrier-American A-36 attack fighter

Super Hornet--American F/A-38

- T -

TACCATS*------Threat/Attack Coordination, Control And Targeting System, a computer used aboard CGs and CGNs.

TASM----------Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile

TU------------Designation for Tupolev Design Bureau

TLAM----------Tomahawk Land Attack Missile

Tomahawk------Any of the series of American land-, sea- or air-launched cruise missiles

Tomcat II-----American F-34D

Tornado-------Panavia multi-role attack fighter armed with two 27-mm cannons plus 9,000 lbs of ordnance and a crew of two. Speed: 1,450 MPH at 35,000 feet; Combat radius: 500 miles.

TOW-----------Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided anti-armor missile

Trooper-------Armored division soldier

Tupolev-------Russian design Bureau

- V -

V-22----------American STOL/VTOL transport aircraft with a capacity of up to twenty-four troops. Speed: 375 MPH; Range: 975 miles

Vampire-------Short hand term for an enemy missile

VHF-----------Very High Frequency

Viking--------American S-3 anti-submarine aircraft

VTOL----------Vertical Take Off and Landing

- W -

Warthog-------American A-10 attack aircraft

WASM*---------Wolverine Anti-Ship Missile

Whirlwind*----Panavia multi-role attack fighter: an upgraded version of the Panavia Tornado.

Wild Cat*-----Air-to-surface, self-guiding missile used by the Air Force as an anti-tank weapon and the Navy as an anti-ship weapon. Speed: 600 MPH; Range: 65 miles; Warhead: 84-lb variable ordnance

Wild Child*---Air-to-surface, self-guiding missile used by the Air Force as an anti-tank weapon and the Navy as an anti-ship weapon. Speed: 600 MPH; Range: 185 miles; Warhead: 88-lb variable ordnance

Wolverine*----Wolverine Anti-Ship Missile: 1) Air-to-surface, self-guiding missile: Speed: 800 MPH at 10,000 feet; Range: 350 miles; Warhead: up to 840-lb HE, Squash or cluster submunitions. 2) Surface-to-Surface self-guided missile: Range: 275 miles; Speed: 800 MPH at 10,000 feet; Warhead: up to 840-lb of ordnance.

- Y -

YAK----------Designation for Yakovlev Design Bureau

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