Belle of Vicksburg (5)

Belle of Vicksburg
The Debut of Ashley Christina Hull!

I took a deep breath as I pushed past the stone statue of Plato that stood guard at the entrance of Vicksburg High and mentally blocked out the granite monument of the Ten Commandments that could be found a stone's throw away from the statue. Releasing the breath I muttered a prayer to whatever God or Goddess was willing to listen at that very moment. That allowed me to gather my courage and with that I pushed opened the wooden double doors with brass handles. And then throwing my head back and holding it high I waltzed into the hallway.

The moment I walked into the hallway was the moment a hushed silence fell over the gathered crowds. The tumult that filled the hallway a few minutes ago all but stopped. A hushed silence seemed to have settled on the gathered crowds. I was very self aware at that moment. The clicking of my heels echoed down the linoleum coated tile hallway.

“Oh.” Another boy said as he peered at me. He then turned toward his friend and as he pointed toward me he said. “Brother. Who is that new girl?” He asked. His voice sounded lustful.

I smiled and offered him a little wave of my hand as I passed right by him. I was very much aware of how the helm of my skirt switched a little to the left and then a little to the right with each careful step I took. And should a naughty little breeze rise up and flip the thin fabric of my skirt, I took a small measure of comfort in the fact that each passerby would catch a glimpse of my lacy white panties.

Then I noticed something. Some of the other girls just glared at me. It was not the kind of look I wanted either, it was a very hateful look, a look that cut me deep. Some stopped and gave me a sideways glance and others just seemed to scan my outfit. It was like they were checking out, only it was not the checking out I wanted. It's more like they were checking me out for any sign of weakness.

I paused, it was my first real taste of female jealousy and it left a very sour and tart aftertaste in my mouth.

“Look at that little bitch.” I overheard another girl whisper to her friend who was standing almost shoulder to shoulder with her. Her friend was also peering at me. Her eyes seemed cold as ice and her face seemed to be carved from stone. I knew who she was, she was Hannah Lauren Sherman. The self proclaimed queen of the school. As a boy I'd been way off of her radar. But as a girl it seemed I'd taken center stage in her little world. Maybe she saw me as a new rival? Or worse, a new enemy?

“I know right, look at the length of that skirt. I bet she is just a little slut who just wants to draw attention to herself. But who is she?” Her friend, another girl I knew as Jill Tiffany Bowman said in agreement. Jill Tiffany Bowman had been Hannah's faithful lieutenant since kindergarten and most faithful acolyte. She was also the muscle in the murder of crows that always seemed to flock around her.

“You know.” Hannah said, peering toward Tiffany and then back at me. “I heard a rumor that a boy is supposed to wear a skirt to school today.” She glared at me and took a deep breath. “Something about a dumb bet over a game. I don't know what kind of game. I think it was some kind of geek card game.”

“That can't be a 'Boy'. A boy won't go to all that trouble. Look.” She said pointing with her index finger toward my leg. “I bet you a hundred dollars those legs are freshly shaved. And you can smell her perfume from here. She smells like a sweet little Memphis street walker. No way a boy would go through all that trouble.” Tiffany said with a sigh.

“I bet she is a transfer student.” Hannah said as she peered toward Tiffany. “You know it's uncommon for some kids to transfer school when the year is still kind of new. Anyway, Tiffany, I need you to get any and all information you can on that new girl. Her name, home address, what she does after school, what clubs she belongs to, where she banks, and who she banks with. Where she sits at lunch, and who she sits with. Her homeroom, what type of car she drives, if she drives. In short, I want to know everything about her.” Hannah said as she peered at me, her arms folded at her chest.

“Sure.” Tiffany, “I'm on it.” Tiffany paused. “I'll put the word out. I'll put Spider and Fly on it.” She said grinning. “Those two can snoop out anything.”

Great, I'd been Ashley for half an hour already. I had one sworn enemy breathing down the back of my neck. So I must be doing something right. Anyway I rounded the corner of the hallway and then I ran into him. David, who just glared at me.

“Ash?” He said as he peered at me.

“Ashley?” I said as I peered at him. “The name is Ashley Christina Hull.” I said in a proud peacock tone of voice as I flipped my hair over my shoulder and stuck my nose high into the air. I was acting like this was an anime and I'd just introduced myself to one of the boys in class. I was sure he could get a laugh out of it. I was hoping he would get a laugh out of it. Instead it backfired horribly on me.

“What the fuck?” He said as he peered directly into my eyes. “I thought you would stay at home or something!” He then reached over and took me by the wrist. And in a matter of seconds he had me pinned to the wall. “What the fuck is your goal here man?” He said as he drew close to my face.

“I lost the bet man!” I said, taking a deep breath.

“I know, but I never expected you to come to school wearing a damn skirt.” He said, "Peering deeper into my eyes.” You look like a fucking girl. And that is wrong. Shit, it's done with man.” He was so close to me that I could smell the sausage and pancakes from McDonalds he had that morning on his breath.

“This was your idea!” I said, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

“I know this was my fucking idea man! But I did not expect you to take it this damn far!” He muttered under his breath. “This is why the Jocks give us shit man! Because you do dumb shit like this! All you had to do was show up in a fucking skirt, get a few laughs, then change back. Instead you had to come to school looking like a Goddamn transvestite!” David muttered under his breath.

“You have ten seconds to unhand me.” I said, taking a deep breath. “Or else I'm going to smash your balls to little tiny bits.” I said as I closed my eyes and started to pray. I was praying that somewhere, someone would give me the patience not to smash David's nose in. Because I was coming very close to. Being sent to the principal's office for fighting was not how I wanted to end my week and start my weekend. Fighting, even in self defense would result in a Saturday Detention for both of us.

“Whatever you little fucking transvestite!” He muttered. “Just so you know, don't bother sitting with us at lunch. And hell don't even bother hanging out with us in Study Hall. And I better not see you at tonight's Friday Night Magic: The Gathering Social. Hell, I knew there was something really wrong with you when you made that girl character, and she had fucking sex with Georges character.”

“You had had Georges character rape her, you fucking piece of shit for a Game Master!!” I said as I peered deep into his eyes. Looking into his eyes was like looking into the eyes of a Basilisk. Only I did not die or turn into stone. But I did feel my blood starting to boil. I wanted to take my foot at that very moment and really shove it so far up his ass that it would take a doctor to remove it. The truth was starting to dawn on me, our friendship had been false. It was a bitter pill to swallow. But I was forcing myself to swallow it.

“I only did that to teach you a lesson, I told you man, I don't want any girls in my game. Your a fucking sissy.” He said as he leaned close to my face. So close I could count the number of teeth in the maw he called a mouth. At that very moment I wanted to spit right into his mouth. And I would have, but I wanted to wait till I had a cold or maybe the flu or something so I could spat something and green into his maw.

And with that being said he released his hold on me and marched away. Leaving me to rub my wrist. What was going on? The school day had just started and already I'd pissed off two people. I did not have long to think about that, because at that very moment the bell rang. Sighing again I started to rush toward my first period class. Keyboarding that was halfway across the school.

I made it just in time, as I was logging in to my computer the tardy bell rang. My keyboarding teacher was an old gray haired woman named Linda Cox, she only raised an eyebrow when she saw me enter the room. As she took the morning roll she paused and instead of calling me “Mr. Hull'' she called me “Ms. Hull'' and I answered with a demure “Here Ma'am.” After that she paused and closed her roll booklet and pushed her thick coke bottle glasses up the ridge of her nose and in a pleasant tone of voice said.

“Good to see you dressing like a young lady should. I hope the other young ladies in t his class will follow the shining example you have set today. You have struck the perfect balance between demure and alluring.” She praised as she started to explain the lesson for the day.

Never before or since have I prayed that the ground would open up and swallow me whole. But at that very moment I did indeed pray and wished with all my heart that the ground would crack open and a fissure would form under my chair and I would tumble down into the deep recess of the earth never to be heard from again.

Instead I was forced to spend the whole forty minutes of class getting the stink eye from every girl and getting creepy looks from all the boys. Once the bell rang again, signaling the end of class. I was as red as a cherry in the face. Quickly I saved my work, finished a last minute typing drill and then, collecting my books I started to rush toward my second period class. World History.

World History was taught by a kind, old gentleman named Mr. Wicks. Mr. Wicks was so old, he was on armchair terms with God. Mr. Wicks had never married and was a lifelong bachelor. He also enjoyed collecting porcelain clown figurines. His classroom was filled with them. He also sometimes cosplayed for class. And since we were covering World War I right now, he was dressed as an American Doughboy.
Anyway as I walked into his classroom. Mr. Wicks turned his head toward me and shook his head.

“No.” He said pointing toward the door. “I will not be touching you today!”

“Pardon me?” I said as I took my normal seat.

“Mr. Hull.” This had been the first time that morning I had been addressed as 'Mr. Hull' and it was a little jarring. He said that also in a stern bordering on a scolding tone of voice. “I will not be teaching you today, I have heard from your friend, Mr. Lynn, that you and he had a little wager between you two. And that if you lost the wager which you did, you will wear a skirt today. Now I understand that our school has an open policy on these things. That it is almost trendy in this day and age for one to be something or another. And I for one do not approve of that.” He said turning away from me to face the window.

“Pardon me sir?” I asked.

“Maybe I was not clear, allow me to make myself crystal clear. I do not approve of boys dressing as girls. End of the matter, the case is closed. I feel how you are dressed today will be a distraction. How can your classmates give me and their lessons their full attention with you being here today? By being here, you have made yourself the center of attention. Instead of me, being the center of attention and the lesson I'm to give. As a teacher I can not allow that. As a teacher I have a duty to remove any and all distractions from my classroom so my students can give me their full attention.”

I blinked.

“In short, I do not approve of boys dressing up as girls. The matter is settled, the case is closed. I will not teach you today.” Mr. Wicks then walked away from the window, and started toward his desk. He walked behind the old wooden desk, and pulled out a piece of paper. He then placed the paper on the surface of his desk and he then took out a fountain pen and started to jot something down. After a few minutes he finished whatever he was writing, he then folded the paper in half and handed it toward me.

I eyed the piece of paper for a moment. Mr. Wicks blinked and started to wave the paper up and down. I felt my blood starting to boil. Seeing the color red splashed all over the classroom, I reached out and quickly snatched the piece of paper out of its hand, tearing the edges a little in the process. Mr. Wicks, stunned, took a few steps back and peered directly into my eyes. It was like I'd slapped the balding old man right across his cheeks. I wanted too. I wanted to slap him upside his head.

Instead I gave him a demure smile, and went to collect my books and then I started toward the principal's office. Getting summoned to the principal's office was like the least of my worries though. I knew for a fact that I had two people after me. The queen bee of the school and her small band of followers and my now ex-best friend turned sworn enemy David Lynn. As I gathered up my books I heaved a heavy sigh, what else could happen to me today? 

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