Her Mother's Daughter - Chapter 7

Chapter VII - Around the house

I woke up to the sun, and looked at my alarm. I had overslept and missed my morning classes. I wonder what Dr. Hinckle will say when I tell him why I missed his class? I went to use the bathroom, and Ken was just coming out.

"Ken, may I talk with you? I overslept and I don't think Dr. Hinckle is going to like why I missed his class."

"Come on sister, let's talk"

We went to her room, and she sat on her bed, and I sat in her desk chair.

"Ken, what happened last night? How did I get in bed?"

"Your mother and I brought you upstairs, and got you into your nightgown, and covered you up. Why?"

"Because it seemed like a weird dream. I was shopping and bought all kinds of nice things, then mother bought me some jewelry, and then we came back home. I don't really remember getting the jewelry. I remember getting some clothes. But how did I get the jewelry or did I?"

"You don't remember the meeting when we got back?"


"You're mother got you all that jewelry, after she saw you had pierced ears. Girl, you know your mother is really supporting you. She bought you that jewelry because she wants you to look as feminine as possible. Not that you don't now, but in a few years, you will look even more feminine, and that's a good thing."

"I still don't remember. I'm going to need boots too for this winter.

"You got a pair yesterday when we were clothes shopping. It doesn't snow a lot here, but what we get stays until spring. Boots will help keep your feet warm when you have to go outside."

I went back to my room and just laid on the bed. I don't know why, but I fell asleep again, and didn't wake up until almost five o'clock. Then I remembered that it was my turn to make the dinner tonight. I asked Ken if she would help, and she said yes.

We went to the kitchen, and looked around until we found everything we needed. I opened the fridge, and took out the roast. I decided we were going to have oven stew tonight. Simple, yet filling. I turned the oven on to three hundred and seventy-five degrees to pre-heat. I rinsed off the roast with cold water...ohhhhhhhh that gets cold, and set it in the pan. I put in just enough water for basting, and then I began to peel the potatoes. Kendra started peeling the carrots, and cutting the ends off of the celery. I also got out three tomatoes, and sliced them in slices like you would for a sandwich. After we got all the vegetables done, we put them in a pan and rinsed them very thoroughly. Then we placed all the vegetables around the roast, and set it in the oven. It had to cook for about thirty five to forty minutes, then we were supposed to test the temperature of the roast with a meat thermometer. If the meat thermometer said one hundred and sixty degrees, the roast was done. The oven had a timer ding thingy on it, so that when the oven stew was done, the oven would ding. When we heard the sound, I took the oven stew out of the oven. I cut the roast into slices, and set it on a place mat in the center of the table. I picked up a miniature of a school bell, and rang it. The table was set, and everybody that was home came down to the dining room. My job was not only to cook the meal, but to serve the first serving. Then I could serve myself and sit at the pledge table. There were three of us this semester, but I had been grandmothered in because of my mother. I think she did have something, no a lot, to do with getting me in Gamma Delta Phi. Addie said she would see me on campus, and would charge only a small amount. That was fine with me. Oh yeah, uhm we weren't allowed to talk while we were sitting at the pledge table during meals, and that was why I did a lot of thinking. When I went to my psych professor the first day after I was allowed to move into the Gamma Delta house, all she asked me was, am I happy. I told her yes, and she said that was all that counted. Dr. McClellan was my pysch professor for my second class in the morning. Everybody looked like they were finished eating, but they stayed a little longer talking. But they were talking in hushed tones. I wonder what they're saying. Anyway, after a bit they started leaving, and I and the other pledges went to work cleaning off the table. I had kitchen duty today, and Brenda, a petite blonde, with hazel eyes, had the laundry. So Brenda took the table cloth and put it on a chair in the kitchen, and we cleaned up the dining room. Then we washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

After we cleaned up the kitchen, I went to the basement with Brenda and helped her with the laundry. Let me say this though. Gamma Deltas are not lazy, and they do do their own laundry. What we did were the table cloths and the kitchen towels. We also had to clean the floors, the bathroom, and do the dusting. We helped each other, because the work got done faster, and that is what we do as Gamma Deltas. If someone needs help, then we help if we can. Every time we helped, our shadows would report this to the tribunal, and we were scored on it. The tribunal took our scoring very seriously, because it showed them we were serious about becoming a full sister. All of the girls took turns though, doing things. It's just that pledges did the jobs that most people would grumble about. When we did our chores without complaining, it was noted that we had the attitude that Gamma Delta Phi was looking for. Sometimes a pledge scored out, and she was then told to leave, but politely. None of us though, were told anything, except we were doing really good, and were sure to successfully complete our probation. The small problem sometimes was when we needed help, and every pledge was doing something else. If we went to another pledge and had to ask for help, it was scored against us. The other two pledges always volunteered as did I.

After everything was done, and the table cloths and towels were dried, folded and put away, we decided we needed to change. Since I did the bathroom, I felt I needed a bubble bath. I went in my room and got out my turquoise mitred skirt, powder blue T, and a complete set of underthings. I got out my flip flops, and went to take my bath. I ran the water and put in a capful of rose scented bubble bath, and let the suds foam up. After they looked like a mountain, I got undressed and sat in the tub, and just relaxed. Alyssa, another one of the girls came in, and had to go, but nobody was embarrassed, because this was a sorority, and we were all female. Alyssa washed her hands, and left, and didn't even say a word. She will later on though. Alyssa was also a cheerleader. Her blonde hair was at the middle of her back, and her deep blue eyes were very piercing. She always looked like she was looking through you. She was nice though, and she was taking pre law. She wanted to be a lawyer, and I could just pity any jury having to face her. I washed all over and rinsed what suds were left with the shower head.

I patted down with one of my absorbent terry towels, and began to put my lotion on. After the lotion was massaged into my skin, I sprinkled some body powder on, and got dressed. I rinsed out the tub, and made sure it was wiped out as well. I then went downstairs, and Kendra came over.

"Hi pledge. I understand that when the girls use the toilet when you are in the tub, you don't look at them. They have been giving the tribunal reports on this. So far, you are doing great. See, some of the sisters still don't think you are serious about becoming a full sister, and they don't think you are serious about having the sex reassignment surgery done. I told them that they were wrong, and you have to live as a female for one year, before any surgery can be done. All they said to me is; 'we'll see.' I know that you are one hundred per cent female in there," She pointed to my heart. "So if someone questions you about your motives for being here, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. I'll just tell them what I told you, and what I told my mother, and Addie. But I can understand their reluctance though. This is the first time a male has actually been allowed to pledge this house. Isn't it?"

"Yes Jean," she giggled. "This is the first time someone like you has been allowed to pledge our house. I didn't want to tell you this, but there is a rep coming from national next week Sunday. She is going to observe you, and give a report to the national committee. See, we had to tell them we allowed a transgendered male to female person to pledge our house because her mother is a past president. They are the ones that told us to go ahead. Now they want to see how much of a woman you really are. I know that you are a woman, Paul knows that you are a woman, your mother knows too. You have impressed the tribunal here, and I know that you will impress the woman from national. You just keep doing what it is that you have been, and everything will work out great."

"Why wouldn't I do what I have been? I'm a woman. I always have been. This is my dream, and it has come true. I have always wanted to be physically female, and I am on the road to having that come true. This woman from national can observe me all she wants. I am not going to do anything different, and I certainly will not do anything to disgrace Gamma Delta Phi, because you all have been very nice in trusting me to live here as the girl I am. I want to be a full sister, and I am not going to let anything, or anyone stop me, including me."

"That's my girl. Well, what are you doing tomorrow, after classes?"

"I haven't really thought about it. Maybe I'll just go for a nice walk, to get a little exercise."

"That sounds good. May I go with you?"

"Of course. Then we can talk, or look at the guys, or just walk. Sound like fun?"

"Sounds good to me," and we giggled.

The rest of the day, I just stayed around the house, getting to know where things are a little better. I met a couple of the girls in the lounge area, where we study when we don't want to be in our rooms. They looked up at me, but didn't say anything, and went back to their books. I figured it will take a while for them to trust me fully. I left the lounge, and went outside, and sat on the all too familiar bench. Kendra asked me why I was sitting there, and I told her of my little experience in the lounge. I told her that I was just a little saddened that they can't trust me enough to talk to me, to find out things.

"I mean Ken, if they want to know, why don't they just ask? It tears me up inside."

"Oh honey, don't let them bother you. If they don't want anything to do with you, then you are better off by far. They're the ones with the problem, and if they don't want you for a friend, then who needs them."

"I suppose you're right, Ken, but it still hurts though."

"Tell you what. I'll talk to a few of them, and see just what the real problem is. If it is because they don't trust you, or don't think you are serious about wanting to be a full sister, which you are showing that you do. Or if they don't think you are serious about being a woman, then we need to air this out in a house meeting. Because this does have to stop. Listen, I'm going to go and talk to them, you sit here as long as you need to."

"If I'm not here, I'll be in my room."

"All right, but enjoy the sunshine girl, because we aren't going to have many more decent days like this, for a while."

Kendra went inside, and I just sat there. I tried to listen to the birds singing, and I tried to guy watch, but none of it did any good. I was kind of sad, because some of the girls didn't trust me. I only wish they would talk to me, ask me why I am the way I am. Anything, but this silent treatment. I sat there for a while longer, and then I went inside, and up to my room. I laid on my bed, and just closed my eyes.

I don't really know how long I slept, but it was almost light outside when I woke up. I had slept in my clothes, something I have never done before this. I got up and looked at the clock. It said five thirty. It has to be morning, because I started making dinner at almost six. I got up, and got my clothes for the day together, and went to run my bubble bath. As the suds were piling up, Lydia came in. After she was done, she asked me how things were going.

"I guess all right. There are some of the girls who are giving me the silent treatment. But otherwise all right."

"I see. We never give another girl the silent treatment here, even if she is a pledge. I think we need to have an in-house meeting, because this has got to stop. I had heard that some of the girls believe you are just here so you can say you at least pledged. They don't think you are serious about being a full sister, and they don't believe that you are serious about being physically female. They don't say anything to you in the bathroom, because they don't want an argument. But we are going to have to stop this. Just between you and I, Jean, I think you are doing great. When your probation is up, you will have earned your sorority pin. Also Jean, I'm in your corner, because Lily and Kendra have nothing but good reports about you. There are other girls too that give us, on the tribunal, reports about you too, and all of them are good. So the ones who are giving you the silent treatment, are going to be told that this isn't what Gamma Deltas are all about.

"When this sorority was first founded, it was by a group of twenty girls that were not accepted at other sororities. The bylaws were drafted, a name was chosen by drawing it out of a large mixing bowl. When each of them had their little slips of paper, the votes were counted, and Gamma Delta Phi was born. That is why we accept girls from all walks of life, and scholastic interests. Is Colleen one of the girls that is giving you the silent treatment?"

"Yes she is. She just walks right by me like I'm not even there. I have tried several times to talk to her, but she just walks away without saying anything. Not even a 'I don't want to talk to you.' It makes me sad that they can't see me like the others do."

"All right, listen. There is a rep coming from national on Sunday. She is coming here specifically to observe you. I am going to print up a flyer and post it on the board, telling everyone that on Sunday, we are having an in-house meeting, and all girls are required to attend. I will let the rep from national know what has been going on, and she will not be pleased. Just let it slide until then, Jean. I am sure we can iron this all out then."

"All right Lydia, thank you."

"It's all right, Jean. I know you will make a very good addition to our sorority. But another thing too is, this is the first time anybody with a male body has been allowed to pledge as a sister. So, maybe this will all be okay after you are presented with your pin. The pin is a breast cancer ribbon with the Greek letters representing Gamma Delta Phi. So just be patient Jean, everything will work out."

"All right," I said getting undressed to get into the tub. She wasn't even embarrassed that I was naked.

"I like that scent. By the way, I haven't seen you shave yet."

"When I was younger, I had pulled my leg hairs out with a tweezers, and my underarm hairs too. My underarms bled a little, but I was able to get it done. My face tho, is another story. I have never had a beard, so I never had to shave there. There were a few scraggly hairs tho, and I pulled those out with the tweezers too."

"Ouch! Didn't that hurt, pulling all of that hair out?"

"Well yes, at first. But then I got used to it, and it didn't hurt anymore.

"Wow! I still can't believe that you did that. But that shows you are serious about being one of us, both ways; as a Gamma Delta, and as a woman. I for one, think it's great."

"Thanks, Lydia."

She left, and I washed all over, and rinsed off with the shower head. I got out of the tub, and patted down with a soft terry towel. I put on some lotion, and the body powder. I got dressed, and went back in my room to put my makeup on. I put on my eyeliner first, then the eye shadow, then I put on my mascara. I then put on my foundation, then the face powder, and I was very careful not to smudge my eye makeup. I put on a rose lipstick, and I was ready to go to class. Just as I grabbed my sweater, Lily opened her eyes.

"Morning Jean," she said in a sleepy tone.

"Morning Lily. I have to get to class. I want to talk to you when I get back."

"Mmmm all right," she said, still half asleep.

I got into class just on time. My professor told me I just made it. Then she asked me if I was all right. I said yes, and sat down.

"Jean, would you see me after class, please?"

"Yes ma'am."

She went on with her lecture, and then started asking the class as a whole what would they do as a psychologist, or psychotherapist, if they had a gay or transgendered client. Jimmy Wiggins was the class clown. He had a smart remark for everything.

"Uhm Professor, I'd kick him in the pants, and tell him to be a man, if it was at all possible."

"Jimmy, you are not going to be a very good therapist of any kind, if you keep that attitude. How many in this class know the distinction between gay and transgendered?"

"They both have two sets of genitals."

"Do they? What if you have a female to male transsexual?"

"I'd teach her what a real man is like."

"Tell me something Jimmy. Are you a real man?"

"You know it."

"Jean, please stand up."

I stood up, and looked right at Jimmy. Jimmy was about my height, maybe an inch taller, and he thought he was the toughest thing next to the footbal line. Actually Jimmy was just talking big, because he was trying to compensate for his being short for a guy.

"Now Jimmy, would you say that Jean needs to act like a man?"

"Uhm, no way prof. Jean is all girl, and we know that she is also a Gamma Delta pledge.

"But Jimmy, you said you would tell a male to female transsexual to grow up and be a man. Why wouldn't you say that to Jean?"

"Because there is no man inside of Jean, and she couldn't be a man, if she tried. No disrespect, Jean."

"None taken." I sat down.

The entire class knew about me the first day I went in as Jean the girl. The girls all told me I was very lucky to be allowed to pledge Gamma Delta. The boys all asked me for dates, and they would have still been asking, if they didn't know that Paul was my fiancá¨. What I liked about being a Gamma Delta was, that I could turn to any one of the sisters for help, except maybe the ones that were giving me the silent treatment. After class was over, Jimmy came over and apologized. I told him there was no need to apologize, because there was no harm done. I made my excuses, and went to see the professor.

Dr. Cynthia McClellan, PHD MD was very pretty for a professor. She always wore dresses or skirt sets. I have never seen her in a pair of jeans, or capris, or any other type of pants. I knocked on her office door, and she said to come in.

"Oh Jean! Good. Please sit down." I smoothed my skirt underneath me, and sat down. "Jean, as you know, you are getting good grades here in my class, and in the other three as well. I have the option of ending your probationary pledge at Gamma Delta, and have you made a full sister. The rep that is coming from national on Sunday, is going to observe you. That is why she is coming. What I think I'll do, is write my report on why you should be made a full sister now, as opposed to the end of the month. Yes Jean, I'm a Gamma Delta too."

"But Dr. McClellan, that wouldn't be fair to the other pledges. They work just as hard as I do, and get good grades too. I wouldn't feel right being made a full sister now, and they have to finish their probation. Dr. McClellan, I know you mean well, and are looking out for my interests, but, would you have even suggested this if I weren't the daughter of a past president?"

"I am very impressed. Any other girl would have jumped at this opportunity. I am very proud of you, Jean. You are everything I heard you were. I will make out a report for the rep, and give it to her when she gets here. What I am going to say, you'll just have to wait to find out."

"Was there anything else, ma'am?"

"No Jean, you may leave. Have a good evening."

"And you too, Dr. McClellan," I said, smiling as I left.

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