Her Mother's Daughter - Chapter 6

Her Mother's Daughter
Chapter VI - Shopping

I slept really good, and when the sun finally woke me up, it was already ten o'clock. I got up and found my pink bra and panty set, and a pink half slip. I got into my robe and slippers and went to take my bath. I brought my lotion, powder, and rose scented bubble bath with me. I went into the bathroom, and ran my water. The suds began to swell up right away, and when I was finished brushing my teeth, they were a mountain of suds. I climbed in the tub and sat down, and just let the suds soak in. I wasn't in a hurry, so I just sat there. I was thinking a great deal about what has happened to me over the last week. It all seemed like a fairy tale, and I am the princess. I sponged myself all over, and then began to wash. When I was finished with my bath, I rinsed off with the shower head, and stepped out onto the bath mat. I patted myself dry, and put on some lotion, and powder, then got into my underthings. I rinsed and wiped out the tub, and went back to my room. I no sooner got out my plaid tartan skirt, than Kendra came knocking. I told her to come in, and she sat on the bed, and looked at me with those I know what you've been dreaming about eyes.

"All right Kendra, I'm not even dressed yet, and you are sitting there looking at me with those eyes. What are you thinking?"

"Oh nothing. I was just wondering how the bride to be is feeling this morning."

"It all seems like a fairy tale dream, and I'm the princess. I mean, everything has happened so fast, and tomorrow mother wants to take me to Dr. Burns and get that letter so I can have female on my birth certificate. But I mean, oh gosh, I just..."

"Yes it is really a speechless thing that you have gone through in the past week. But Jean, I have a confession to make."


"When I came and talked to you when you were sitting on that stupid bench, I already knew who you were. But I also said to a couple of the sisters too, that it is such a shame that you couldn't follow in your mother's footsteps, and be a Gamma Delta. That's when we hatched the idea of getting it so you could be a Gamma Delta. Imagine my delight when you told me you were transgendered. That really made things fly, faster than I had counted on. I went to the tribunal and talked to them. Lydia told me that if you were serious about being a physical female, she saw no reason why you couldn't pledge our house. They also told me that where ever you went without a proper chaperone, I was to go with and shadow you. When we made the plans to have you move in right away, we asked Lily if she would like you for a roommate, and that she would have to shadow you in house. She said that would be wonderful, and so, here you are," she said with a flourish of her hands. "There is something else too. I hope that I am more than just a sorority shadow, I hope that we can be friends." I gave her a big hug, and told her we were.

"Kendra, I..."

"One other thing too, most everybody just calls me Ken, and you can too. Jean, I know that you will make a fine woman and a very good wife, but tell me something though. Did you ever think about being a wife, and maybe a mother if you adopt?"

"Well not adopting, but I have wondered what it would be like. I have had dreams through the years, where I was the bride. I never knew just how prophetic those dreams were until just this past week. When I was told about the dance, the first person I thought of was Paul. Paul and I have been best friends since we were ten years old, and now we are engaged. I just can't believe it," I said flourishing my arms in the air while holding my skirt. I flopped onto the bed in a dreamy state. "I mean, I never in my wildest dreams ever thought Paul and I would be engaged much less married. This has really turned out to be a fairy tale princess's dream come true. I am going to marry the prince of my dreams."

"I've created a monster," Kendra said in a mock shocked voice.

"Oh no, Ken, all you did was give me the opportunity to be myself, and I can do that here because we are all girls. I am so happy Ken, I only wish my mother knew that."

"I do dear," mother said with her contagious smile. "I also want to take my daughter shopping today. But you aren't even fully dressed yet. Are you waiting for an invitation?" We all giggled.

"No mother, I was just getting dressed when Ken came in and we got to talking and lost track of time." I looked at the clock, and it showed twelve fifteen. "Oh my gosh! Is that the right time? I should have been dressed an hour ago."

"Why, do you have a hot date?"

"No Ken, I mean, ohhhhhhh."

"Darling just get dressed, and we will get something while we're out."

"Mother, is it all right if Ken comes along? I mean she is the reason I am here this quick. I think she deserves a show of my appreciation for all that she has done for me."

"Yes, of course dear, Kendra can come too." There was that infectious smile again.

I went over to the vanity, and sat down to put my makeup on. Mother and Kendra were watching like hawks. They were looking at each other, now and then, when I did something they thought was simply great for a male to be doing something female, naturally. But I was male in body only, and all female in my mind and soul. So applying makeup was easy for me, because I had practiced here and there, when I could. I did very well, even if I do say so myself. I giggled at the thought.

"What's so funny, dear?" Mother asked, quizzically.

"You two," I said with a giggle in my voice. "You were watching me put my makeup on, and marveled that I knew how to do it so well. Mother I am a woman, and I was a girl before that. I have practiced with makeup techniques over the years, when I could. I took every opportunity to learn how to do it myself. Isn't that how girls learn?"

"Yes dear, it is."

"I can see my little plan to have you pledge our house, was the right one. Only a woman would know how to apply makeup that good. Oh yes, I suppose those male beauticians can do it too, but how would they really look if they had to do it on themselves? I mean, I have seen drag queens, and believe me, most of them couldn't even win the ugliest bitch pageant, because nobody would be able to see their faces under all that makeup they cake on. But you my dear, are no drag queen, you applied that makeup perfectly, just like you were born to it."

I did one of those limp wristed movements as I said, "I was dahlink," and we all giggled.

"All right, come on Jean, get dressed so we can go."

I put my tartan blouse on first, because it was made to be tucked in, and then I put my skirt on. I zipped and buttoned the back, and I was ready. Well, almost anyway. I got out a hair ribbon, and I brushed my hair so that the pony tail would ride high, and then I put the ribbon around it, and tied it in a neat bow. Mother must have been stunned, because her mouth would have hit the floor if it could. I made sure everything was straight, and that the back zipper was centered. I grabbed my purse, and I was ready to go.

"Darling, just how long have you been doing girl things like that?"

"Like what, mother?"

"You put your makeup on like a natural born woman, and you tied your hair in a hair ribbon, instead of a hair tie, and made a very neat bow. I must say that I am impressed with how much you have learned. Why didn't you come to me earlier? We could have actually had you start college as a female. Well, what's done is done. You are here now, and that is all that counts. From now on, I am going to make sure my daughter has a mother she can count on." I gave mother a hug.

"Mother just so you do know, I have had long hair now for what...since I was fourteen? I have practiced makeup and hair techniques, as well as dressing properly every chance I got. Yes mother, I was born into all of this. Just because I have a stupid little appendage that sets me apart from other women, does not mean I am not a female. Since I have made my wishes known to Kendra, she has been doing everything, along with you, helping to get me where I am. Now you want to make sure that I can count on you. I am so happy right now, and going shopping with my mother is one of the things I am going to like doing. But as far as me coming to you earlier, I couldn't actually, because I was afraid you would..."

"Would what, dear? That I would make fun of you; that I would tell you that you were ill, and needed help; that I would be angry with you. Jean I could never do any of that. You are my only child, and I love you very much. When Kendra called me, and told me you were sitting outside of the sorority house, I knew why you were sitting there. But I was also saddened a bit, because my baby couldn't pledge the sorority where I had so much fun, and made many friends. I didn't know exactly what to do. It was Kendra that came up with the idea of talking to you, and when she called me and told me you said you were transgendered, I was in denial. I said, not my baby, that isn't possible, and all kinds of things ran through my mind. When Kendra told me she invited you to the open house, I told her I would be there.

"Honey, you need to understand that in my time, when I was in school, we were taught very different things about sex and sexuality. Men were males, and women were females. Men and women got married for the most part, and had families. Sometimes the marriages didn't work, so we got divorced so we could find someone we could actually spend the rest of our lives with. So when Kendra called me, and told me all of this, my upbringing came back and flashed through my mind. That is why I said I didn't agree with your choices. But I can see that you have been nothing but a girl, and now you are a grown woman, engaged to a wonderful man. I am really very proud of you." I gave her another hug, and we went to the alumni parking lot.

There are three parking lots on campus. One is for the staff, one is for students, and the other is for the alumni. Like every other parking lot, there are numbered spaces, and that corresponds to the number on the sticker, placed inside the windshield on the driver's side. We got into the car, and buckled our seat belts. Mother never moved the car unless everyone was wearing their seat belt. Mother backed out of the parking space, and we were on our way to a wonderful day. We were going to the mall, and I was going to get some every day casual wear. I have enough formal wear to last me four years, but I'll get more later. No girl likes wearing the same outfit twice. We found a parking space in the same lane that led right to the food court entrance. Of course we were like more than half way down from the door too. We decided that since we were only getting casual wear, we could go to J.C. Penny, or Sears, maybe even some of the other smaller stores to see what they had. I am eighteen, and I should actually dress like it too. But as a Gamma Delta, I have to make sure that my clothing is in good taste.

We walked through most of the mall, stopping at this store and that one, but I didn't see anything I liked. All the skirts and dresses were cut like Wilma Flintstone's or Betty Rubble's. But we kept looking. In one store that didn't really have a name to it, had a beautiful skirt set for eighty five dollars, that was just the blouse and skirt. But I was looking for casual wear, so we kept on going toward J.C. Penny. Another store had this wonderful casual dress for only thirty nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. It was a casual checked dress in red and white, and with blue shoes I could wear on the fourth of July as a patriotic outfit. And it wouldn't even be tacky. I asked mother if I could have it, since she was paying for it, and she wanted to see it on me. I went into the changing booth, and put it on. I stepped out for mother's approval, and Kendra and mother both gasped. I went back in the changing booth, and looked in the mirror. I saw what they saw. The dress could be worn for any casual occasion, including going shopping. My hair complimented the dress very well, and made me look more feminine than my lavender semi formal did last night.

I took off the dress, and got into my clothes, and stepped out of the booth. I went over to mother, and she just nodded, still surprised that a casual dress could show my femininity so well. We looked at other dresses too, and found a few that was simply divine. One was a teal dress that fanned out from the waist, and came to my knees. It had a scoop neck, and bounced when I moved. We also got that one. The other dress was simply casual. We got all three. Then we started looking at jeans. They had different fits, and colors. We selected a few pair that would be in good taste. I picked out a few pairs, and took them into the dressing booth, and changed in to the first pair. They were teal, and came to just above my shoes. The second pair was powder pink, and the same length as the first. This third pair fit too, and they were the same length in black. I told mother how they fit, and she let me get them. Now I have six casual outfits, and I wanted some skirt sets too. It's true that winter was coming, so I also needed a coat. We went over to the outer wear part, and I selected two coats. One was a white, waist length coat, and the other was a cream color, three quarter length. They fit very well, and left a little room so I could move my arms freely. Mother let me have those too. Then we decided to go to Sears, but we took the clothes out to the car, and put them in the trunk. Then we went back in the mall, and right to Sears. I got three skirts, three blouses, three everyday shirts, and a couple more pairs of shoes. We paid for these, and took them to the car. Mother said we should get something to eat, while we were here. So we went to the food court. I wasn't really all that hungry, so I just got a small salad and a small milk. Mother and Kendra got the same. While we were sitting there eating, mother looked at me, and noticed that my ears were pierced.

"Jean, when did you get your ears pierced?"

"Just before I started here. I made sure the holes were healed before I took out the studs for the day, but always wear sleepers at night."

"Then let's get you some earrings."

Mother wasn't going to get me anything that cost twenty dollars. Instead we went to a jewelry store that sold expensive items. There was a set of hoops that cost eighty five dollars. They were ninety-nine per cent silver. Mother got those for me, and she even got two other pair. She got me a pair of dangly turquoise, that had butterfly backings. The next pair were simple pearl studs, with butterfly backings. Mother also got me a few necklaces too. The one that really caught my eye was a blue stone that shone very bright when the light hit it. It was on a thin chain, with a lobster clasp. Mother got that for me too, and told me that I needed more jewelry, but right for now these would do. When we got outside of the store, mother put the silver hoops in my ears. They felt really good. Then we decided that we were done for the day, so she took us back to the college.

We were just in time too, because the in-house meeting was going to start shorlty. I told Lydia I would be right down after I had put my things away. Mother and Ken helped me get everything put away, and we all went down to the sitting room.

"Ladies," Lydia said, starting the meeting. "We have something we need to discuss today, and it concerns one of our new pledges." Everybody looked at me. "Now everybody here has gotten to know Jean McMillan. She has been allowed to pledge our sorority because this is where her mother was a sister and a past chapter president. I guess what I am looking for is; is there anyone here that doesn't understand why Jean was made an exception to the pledge rule that only females pledge our sorority? Yes, Sandy."

"I have no objections and I have to say that Jean has presented herself as she had said she is. She behaved like a lady at the dance last night, and she has been showing all of us that a simple body doesn't make a lady."

"Thank you, Sandy. Anyone else? Yes, Corrina."

"What I have seen of Jean, she is a proper lady, and makes sure that she dresses for the occasion, even when she goes shopping. When she came back this afternoon, she excused herself, and that is what a lady does. She didn't rush upstairs, and she didn't hurry down. She walked like a lady and she spoke like a lady. I think she will be a wonderful sister when her probation is up."

"Thank you Corrina. Anyone else?" Nobody raised their hand, and then Lydia turned it over to Sandy, our treasurer who gave us the financial report and how much there was in petty cash for pizzas. If we ordered a pizza from the petty cash, it was for the whole house, and for all of us it would take two pizzas, and that would give each of us two slices.

When Sandy was finished, Lydia said thank you and turned it over to Melissa, who is the program director. She gave us each printed schedules of upcoming house events, and told us to make sure we put it somewhere where we could see it everyday.

Then Lydia turned it over to me, and asked me to say a few words to the sisters.

"All I can really say is, thank you all for inviting me to pledge here, and trusting me as a female pledge. I uhm really do uhm, uhm, I real...ly..." That's when the tears started streaming down my face. Lydia held me and comforted me, and told me it was alright. She ended the meeting by thanking everyone for coming, and as they each left, they patted me on the shoulder and told me everything was fine and not to worry.

Mother and Ken came over and took me upstairs. When we got to my room, I just broke down fully, and the tears seemed like they would never stop.

I don't remember how I got undressed, or how I got in bed, but when I woke up to use the bathroom, I was in my beige nightgown that came to my ankles. I finished in the bathroom, and went back to bed.

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