A Life Ever Changing -1- Yesterday (Revised and Rewritten)

Message: "Yesterday...all my troubles seemed so far away..." -- The Beatles

A Life Ever Changing

Chapter One

by Angel O’Hare

Once upon a time, long, long ago...

A sixteen year old boy fresh and innocent in the ways of the world … needed a full time summer job close to home. It just so happened that a nursing home stood just down the street from his house. In the past he had always run his own mowing, yard work and odd job business. This no longer worked as to many problems cropped up to complicate his life.

His mother full of wisdom, love and caring instructed her son in just what to ... wear, say, walk, talk and anything else she could think of! Of course the tired old refrain of ’cut your hair’ was added and ignored as was usual. His girlfriend loved his shoulder length hair.

The year? Nineteen-sixty-nine! (His parents were divorced years earlier sad to say.)

The night before his interview and with his mother’s insistence, he went all out with his grooming. He showered, scrubbing everywhere completely using her ‘Avon’ purchased bar soap. He shampooed his hair twice, once again with his mother’s insistence using her shampoo. He had always used his store brand bar soap for that before now. Yuck, this stuff smelled like the soap! ‘Summer Mist’ it was called. Smelled more like a flower garden to him. He figured most of the smell would be gone by morning, at least he was hoping it would be gone by then.

For his fifteenth birthday his mom gave him a razor among other things. Stepping out of the shower and after toweling off, he looked in the mirror after wiping it clear of the steam. Still no use for the razor, his face was smooth and clear of any hair or even blemish. Actually, he had no body hair at all besides a small tuft of downy blond hair just above his boyhood. His eyebrows were thick with fine blond hair as was his head, his eyelashes long and full as well. He didn’t like his eyelashes; they were darker than his hair and eyebrows. Being so long and full, many people had thought he used something on them like mascara! They did make people look him in the eyes though; people were drawn to his deep sapphire blue eyes with tiny amber colored flecks that accented the intense blue. After brushing his teeth and rinsing, he put on his robe and cleaned up by wiping down the bath, making sure everything was neat and tidy as it was before.

He went downstairs to comb out the snarls and then brush his hair the required one hundred strokes. He did this so he would not wake his little brother who shared his room and who was already fast asleep. Yes, mom was there and insisted with a smile and a pat on his butt that she would do his hair for him and that he should just sit while they had a mother son chat. That is after she checked him over including his ears and fingernails. They were clean as always.

Checking to make sure his boyhood stayed hidden, he sat as his mother chatted on and on about how proud she was of him and all that stuff. This did make him feel good about himself and his decision to apply for a ‘real’ job. His mom said that in a real job you had bosses and co-workers; he had never experienced this before. He had always just had himself as a worker and the woman or man of the house for a boss as he did his mowing or odd jobs for them.

When his mother was finished with his hair, she surprised him with some new clothes for his interview. She said it was a gift because she was so proud of him and for all he has done for her and his siblings. Holy cow! She did get him a nice set of clothes. The colors were not what he would have chosen, but he never got to choose his clothes anyway. There laid out on the couch was a sheer yellow button short-sleeved shirt, a pair of summer weight light blue pants, a pair of yellow socks the same color as the shirt and a new pair of open toed sandals. He had never worn sandals before. Next to the pants he noticed a pair of briefs. Not a package, but just one pair of underpants. Pale blue, the same color as the pants were. He always wore boxers, so this was a surprise. His mother chuckled when she noticed the look on his face. She told him he could not wear boxers with the summer pants. Not only would the boxer underpants show in the legs being that the pants were so light weight every wrinkle and bunching lumps would show as well.

His mother was smiling as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as he thanked her for the clothes. She told him to try them on so she could see how he would look and check the fit. He slid the blue brief underpants on under his robe. He noticed there was no ‘Y’ front, but they were made of cotton. They fit snuggly, but not too tightly. He removed his robe and was reaching for the shirt when his mom asked him to wait a second as she went into her room. She came out with a pale yellow sleeveless undershirt. She said she forgot to put it out with the other clothes and he would need it with the sheer summer shirt. He put it on and it fit snuggly, it was made of a stretchy type material. She told him to tuck it into his briefs so he did. The shirt was next and it was sheer all right. It had two chest pockets and you could see the thin shoulder straps of the undershirt outlined clearly through it. The pants came next, not as sheer as the shirt, but you could tell where the briefs ended and the socks began. He tried on the sandals and they fit well.

His mother had a huge smile on her face as he turned toward her. Flash! He was blinded for a second as she took a few pictures of him in the new clothes. She said he looked very handsome, gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek as she patted his bottom and sent him to bed.


Monday morning at five his clocks muted alarm sounded, muted because he had stuffed tissue inside the two bells. He hated the loud pinging sound it used to make. This also prevented his little brother from waking up sharply, which always made him cry.

He put on his robe and went across the hall to check on his little sister, she was still sound asleep, looking so cute holding her Raggedy Anne doll. She had kicked off her blankets and her thickly diapered bottom covered with pink plastic panties was sticking up as she lay on her tummy. He covered her with the sheet only and went to pee and wash up. He heard his mother in the shower as he went downstairs to the kitchen to make their breakfast. Soon she would be off to work not to return for twelve or more hours from then. Tea, eggs, toast and bacon he would make this morning. He hated tea; he preferred coffee and got out the instant store brand type. His mom always insisted on ‘Lipton’ tea and that is all you would find in their house.

After breakfast, a cheery chat with a, ‘good luck Honey’ and a pat on his bottom thrown in as she left, he began the morning ritual with his siblings.


The siblings now gone it was a little after six o’clock. (More about that later.) It was time to get ready for his interview. After brushing and rinsing his teeth, he began dressing in his new clothes. This time when he was finished, he looked in his mother’s full-length mirror.

“Oh my God!”

He exclaimed as he saw himself all in one glance. These clothes, it must be these clothes. He was a little confused staring at the reflection that appeared to be him. The yellow cloth belt he found on his desk chair that morning only added to ‘the look’. What he saw surprised him to no end. His blond hair free and flowing hid his ears and framed his smooth face that was now sporting red rosy cheeks as he blushed deeper at his reflection. He realized he wasn’t handsome, but cute! Oh geeze!

A knock on the front door made him jump and snapped him out of his shock. He opened the door to find his neighbor and girlfriend standing there. She looked at him and her eyes grew as large as her smile.

“You look so handsome! They will have to hire you right on the spot.”

She gave him a big hug as she kissed him deeply right on his lips. He liked this part! She giggled and asked him to give her a twirl. He reddened as he slowly turned giving her a full view front to back. She gave him a soft wolf whistle as she pinched his bottom as he turned. He reddened more as he jumped from the pinch. She giggled again and he smiled as he hugged her close and they kissed again.

“Barbara, I have to lock up and get started on my walk over there. Would you like to walk with me?”

“Oh, Rich, my mother sent me over to get you. She wants to take you and of course I am going!”

He locked the front door and, hand in hand, they went over to Barb’s house. As they entered her house, her mother took one look and stopped dead in her tracks. She smiled as her eyes twinkled in delight when she saw him.

“You look so beautiful! I just knew with the right clothes you would be gorgeous, but not this gorgeous!”

She came over to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. She chuckled; as she saw, his cheeks redden in embarrassment, making him appear as if he was wearing some ‘Blush’. Barbara was agreeing with Rita. Barbara’s mother had him slowly turn for her as well. Both kept chatting and showering him with compliments.

Rita glanced at her watch noting the time was getting close. “OK, handsome one, it is time we were on our way for your big interview. Do you have everything you need Rich?”

“Yes Mrs. Nelson, I have my Social Security card and my birth certificate in an envelope in my back pocket.”

“Rich that spoils your look having that envelope sticking out of your pants that way. You should hold it in you hand instead dear.”

“OK, Mrs. Nelson I will hold it instead.”

Rita smiled, grabbed her purse and the car keys as Barbara went and got her purse as well. They went to her car and she had them sit in the front seat with her. She backed out of the driveway and they were on their way.

Rita and Barbara kept looking at him and smiling, as Rita let out a sigh and shook her head as they were pulling into the nursing homes front drive.

“I am so amazed at your transformation with just a change of clothes. Honey, you outshine all of what I ever expected or how I pictured you in my mind. Handsome, would not describe it, you look beautiful and should be proud of your appearance. Now go in there and get that job!”

She gave his leg a good luck squeeze, as Barbara kissed him on the cheek and wished him good luck. This was it. He smiled and thanked them both as he got out of the car now holding the envelope in his hand he headed for the front door of the nursing home. With a final look back and a wave, he entered the front lobby of the ‘Shady Acres Rest Home’.


The lobby was an impressive one with a thick carpet that had many different flowers printed on it. Pictures and oil paintings covered the walls and the furniture was made of all deep colored wood and shiny clean with polish. There were flowers in vases everywhere and the aroma reminded him of what he smelled like. He got up his courage and walked up to the reception area, which had a glassed in wall.

Sitting behind, this glass wall was an elderly woman with ‘silver-blue’ hair. She looked up at his approach and smiled. A small nameplate read ‘Mrs. Snodgrove’. She slid open a small window built into the glass wall.

“May I help you?”

“Yes Mrs. Snodgrove, I am seeking a full time summer position.” (His mother has coached him in what to say.)

The elderly woman looked him up and down closely as he stood there smiling, silently hoping this all would be over soon. She smiled reassuringly and handed him a clipboard with several forms clipped on it along with a pen.

“I noticed you did not have a pen, you do look very nice, dear.”

She chuckled as she noticed his cheeks redden.

“I need to copy your birth certificate and your social security card, Honey. I will notify Mrs. Brown you are here. Ten minutes early as well, that is always a plus, Sweetie.”

He smiled, handed her the envelope and thanked her as he sat in a nice overstuffed chair to fill out the forms. Geeze, she called me dear, honey and sweaty, geeze! His cheeks still red from the encounter, he started filling out the forms. He crossed his legs to ease using the clipboard putting his sandals and pale yellow socks on display.

Finished with the forms, he returned to the window and Mrs. Snodgrove. She looked at him with a questioning expression on her face. She slid open the window taking the forms and returning his envelope to him. “You are a boy.” This was not said as a question, but a factual statement. How should I respond to that? Turning very red, but still smiling I stood there as I answered the best I could.

“Yes. Mrs. Snodgrove, I am a boy.”

She smiled reassuring me and nodded her head in acceptance, I guessed. She gathered everything in a folder; she looked at me once more.

“You look very nice dear and I was surprised that’s all. I have seen a few boys come in here looking for work and I can say none looked as presentable as you are. I know it is hard for young boys to make themselves look as nice as you do. I do hope you will be working for us soon.”

I thanked here as she smiled and walked away, asking me to have a seat and wait.

There was a large mirror hanging on a corner wall and I went to it to check my appearance one last time before the interview. I pushed my hair back away, uncovering my ears with my hands, letting it fall behind my neck and hoping it would stay there. I sat back down and waited to be called for the interview. I found and read a few brochures that described ‘Shady Acres Rest Home’ and what care and services they provided the people who stayed here. I was impressed to say the least and overwhelmed with what I did not know about this business.


I was reading a brochure that gave short descriptions of the many ‘common’ diseases the elderly suffered from, especially senile dementia, I thought how funny real life is. You start out life as a baby and all too soon you return needing the same care as one. The only difference being one state is a growing one and the other is a receding one, a sad end to a full life. As I was thinking about all this, a lady holding a folder had walked up to me unnoticed; I was so deep in thought. I looked up and was startled by her being right next to me and I had not noticed. I felt myself blushing again I was so embarrassed.

She was smiling down at me and was chuckling.

“Did you find those interesting to read?”

“Yes Ma’am, they got me thinking, and I am sorry I did not notice you coming.”

She chuckled again and asked me to go with her. She was dressed in a business suit. The suit was definitely tailored and consisted of a white jacket with a white over the knee length skirt, a light blue blouse that was same color as my pants. White nylon stockings and ended with a pair of light blue shoes that looked comfortable to wear. I say that because they were not heels even though they had a solid sole that did raise the heels. They were not fancy shoes or sneakers, but looked to be made of soft leather.

“My name is Mrs. Brown and ordinarily Ms Dustin would be doing your interview. She is in charge of all hiring and new employee training. It seems you impressed Mrs. Snodgrove so much she brought your application straight to me.”

“She is very nice and made me feel comfortable and less nervous.”

She chuckled again and I noticed her name-tag read RN and had a bunch of other initials after that. I smiled and relaxed a little as we walked around a corner and through a door that led to more doors and her office. All the while, she made small talk with me by asking me questions about the brochures contents. We went through an open door and a lady, I guess she was in her twenty’s, was sitting at a desk. Mrs. Snodgrove was there as well talking to her in a hushed voice. They looked up at us as we entered and both had big smiles on their faces. The lady sitting was looking at me closely like she was studying me. She looked at Mrs. Snodgrove and mouthed the words ‘No way.’ Mrs. Snodgrove just chuckled shaking her head up and down mouthing the word, ‘Yes.’

Mrs. Brown chuckled and introduced me to Mrs. Cindy Dell, her personal secretary. She stood and we shook hands, as I introduced myself as Richard O’Hare. Mrs. Snodgrove took my hand as well and told me I could just call her Mary. I was surprised at that! All the older women I have ever met have asked me to call them anything from ‘Mrs.’ to ‘Auntie’, from ‘Grandmother’ to even ‘Mommy’, never a first name. I thanked her and said she could call me Rich. She chuckled again and left.

Mrs. Brown spoke to her secretary as I stood next to her.

“Cindy, would you give ‘Ricky’ a ‘new employee requirements’ folder please?”

She had referred to me as ‘Ricky’. I much preferred ‘Rich’ because it sounded older and not like I was a child. My mother only used ‘Richard’ when she was upset with me and that was very seldom. I did not like being called Ricky and I would mention that fact soon enough, but I had to be tactful at all times according to my mother.

Cindy handed me the folder and Mrs. Brown informed Cindy that we would be in ‘the’ lunchroom. She motioned for me to go with her and I followed her down a long hall, which smelled pretty heavy to say the least. We ended up in a lunchroom. A very nice one that I later found out was the ‘nurses' only dining room. It wasn’t empty; there were several nurses sitting and chatting, drinking coffee or tea and eating danish, doughnuts or cookies. Their looks, smiles, stares and the chuckling made me nervous and uncomfortable again as Mrs. Brown introduced each nurse to me and introduced me to them as ‘Ricky’. I was blushing and this seemed to further the chuckling and stares. I could hear them talking to each other as Mrs. Brown had me sit at a small table so I was facing everyone. GEEZE!

“Are you thirsty, Ricky? I am getting a tea for myself.”

“Yes. Thank you, Mrs. Brown; I would like a black coffee, thank you.”

She frowned a little at my request, but smiled as she went to fetch her tea and my coffee. The nurses were still looking over at me in quick like glances. They then would giggle or shake their heads and say things like ‘no way is that a boy’, ‘to pretty to be a boy’, ‘look at that face and her hair’, ‘I wish I had her legs and bottom’, ‘such smooth clear skin and wearing no make-up’, when she blushes she is even more pretty, I love her outfit it looks very comfortable and so ‘stylish’, ‘I wonder how she spells her name?’ This went on and on all through the room, as they kept giving me those looks.

I opened the folder Cindy had given me and began to read as a distraction from all the comments which now had me beet red from head to toe I was so embarrassed. The thought that kept interrupting my reading was, ‘do I really look that much like a girl?’

Thankfully, Mrs. Brown came back with our beverages, but instead of a coffee she set a glass of grape juice in front of me with a few cookies on a little plate and a few paper napkins.

“Ricky, be careful with that grape juice, we wouldn’t want you to get a stain on you very nice outfit. Where did you get it? It is very stylish and looks so good on you.”

“Um, my mother bought it for me for this interview. I don’t know what store she found it in and I didn’t think it was an outfit, just different stuff that matched well.”

Mrs. Brown chuckled, smiled and looked at me searchingly for a few seconds and then she began the interview.

“This is your first formal interview for employment isn’t it, Ricky?”

“Yes ma’am, before this I was self employed doing yard work and odd jobs around my neighborhood. I made good money doing that, but all my free time was used in either working or finding new work. I wanted more free time this summer, so I thought it would be better if I could find steady full time work. That way I could schedule myself more free time.”

She looked impressed! She nodded and smiled and made notes in her folder, all good signs to me.

“Ricky, you have impressed me enough for me to offer you a job here with us. We are team oriented and you will never be working alone and you will always be learning. A Nurse Aide can be either an entry-level position to gain experience in direct care as you further your education to either become a nurse or anything else in this field. I want you to know that it is also a career for many as well. Never think that a nurse aide is only a start to something else. You will hurt many people’s feelings if you think or believe that way. Not everyone can go on with their education for many different reasons. The nurse’s aides we have here are dedicated and caring individuals. Those that have been here for years know our residents better than any nurse and even better than most of the residents’ families. The first rule to being a very good caregiver is to know the residents well. You’ll learn that from caring for the residents yourself and from the veteran nurse aides. If you follow their advice, you will learn faster and be able to perform your duties in a timely fashion.”

“Thank you, ma’am, I will try very hard to learn and work with others. I don’t have much experience working with other people. Most of my time is spent helping my mother by doing the things she can’t do. She works twelve hours a day providing for us, so I have a lot to do at home. I don’t mind; I really enjoy doing it and caring for my little brother and sister.”

“Ricky, are you sure you can manage all that while working a full time job yourself?”

“Oh yes, Mrs. Brown, my mother hired a sitter who will do all the light cleaning as well as watch Jerry and Terry. Most of my time was spent doing the light stuff because it is so time consuming. My mother told me this job would let me be home by four o’clock in the afternoon. That leaves me enough time to do what needs doing and be in bed at ten o’clock. I will also have my two days a week off and that lets me have a free day just doing what I want to do. I never could do that before.”

“OK Ricky let us get through all this other stuff and I will show you around our facility and meet some of your co-workers.”

All the regular stuff was explained to me and I was offered a great wage, $1.25 an hour, I was in heaven! Now for the other stuff…

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