"Joyfully now to our princess we come
Bringing gifts of all good wishes..." -- Disney's Sleeping Beauty

by Angel O’Hare
"My mommy looked like she was hurt real bad...”.
Do you think I could spend some of my money and send her some real pretty flowers? She loves yellow roses and I think getting them from me would make her happier."
Auntie Helen said, "Angel, that is a wonderful idea, we could all send her some flowers and some gifts."
Auntie Harriet said, "I know she could use a few new nightgowns, those the hospital provides leave much to be desired."
Auntie Helen picked up the phone, pressed a button, and then said, "John, we are off to go shopping, please take us to my store." She hung up the phone and said, "Angel, we girls all have one thing in common. WE LOVE TO GO SHOPPING!" We all got excited and auntie Harriet was giggling her head off which infected us all we soon were all laughing and giggling and on our way to do some serious gift buying and shopping.
We laughed we giggled and then Auntie Helen asked me, "Angel, where do you go when you sing?"
Auntie Harriet said, "What? What do you mean where does she go?"
"Haven't you noticed when just before she sings she takes a deep breath and her eyes begin to sparkle? She goes somewhere else and when she is done singing she looks around to get her bearings again."
Harriet said, "I never really noticed all that. I seen her take a deep breath and then she pauses for a second and begins to sing."
Auntie Helen looked at me and smiled, asking me once again where I went while I sang.
I answered, "I go within, and that is where I really am. When I go within nothing distracts me and I become one with the music. I am the music. I learned it after I prayed to God one day after the kids at school were picking on me real bad after school. They made me miss my bus and I had to walk home. Some of them followed me and then about halfway home they beat me up. After they left me, alone I went into the nearby Church, Saint Bernard Roman Catholic Church to be exact. It is a very pretty Church and I saw a statue of the Blessed Mother Mary with candles in front of her. Mothers always love their children very much so I asked her to talk to her Son on my behalf. I figured He would listen to her better than He would listen to me. Then I went and prayed to God and His Son Jesus. I asked them for their protection. To thank them I sang them a song and it was then I learned how to go within. I wasn't taught or anything I just knew how to do it. I sang the 'Our Father' prayer and then to thank Mother Mary I sang her the 'Hail Mary' prayer. Ever since then I always go within to sing or to pray or get away from those who are picking on me or beating me up. It helped me a lot at school and afterwards. You see when I didn't cry or try to run away the kids just stopped picking on me so much. They still beat me up and it hurt a lot, but I didn't cry so they got tired of it, I guess. I would just offer up the pain to Jesus and God. I hoped that they could lessen some other child's pain by doing that. I don't know if it works that way, but that is what I do. Jesus offered up His pain and suffering to God His Father so I figured it would be all right for me to do it, too. It helps a lot, you know."
Auntie Helen and Auntie Harriet just stared at me then! GEEZE! Auntie Harriet asked, "Angel, honey, why do you still refuse to sing at school then?"
I answered, "Because the sister always wants me to sing all the time! She always makes me sing with the girls and the kids don't like it, especially the girls. You see the girls have a special group and they really didn't like it that a boy got the lead position especially a momma's boy like me. That's what they call me you know, that and a sissy, a faggot, a geek and a few even nastier names. I always get picked on and beat up afterwards when I sing at school. So I don't sing there anymore. The kids don't want me to, so I don't." My aunties both hugged me and kissed me then. I liked that a lot!
Auntie Helen asked me, "Angel, how do you feel about singing with the all girls choir for a Church that represents a religion you don't even belong to?"
I laughed and I kept laughing Auntie Helen gave me one of those funny looks and that helped me stop laughing. I said, "They made me a member! They accepted me as one of them! That is a big difference from school. Maybe they don't believe in God and Jesus the same way I do, but they do believe! That is the biggest and most important thing, after all. You know at my Catholic school, I‘m treated so different. The sisters like me I guess, but they think I’m strange."
I giggled then and so did my aunties. I said, "The sisters want to keep peace so they don't make me sing anymore. They do ask me to sing with them at special Masses that the kids don't go to though. When the girls choir doesn't sing and it is just the sisters and the priests. They like that and it makes them happy so I do it. Mommy lets me because she likes to go to these special Masses as well and she loves to hear me sing, it makes her happy, too."
Auntie Harriet said, "So, you will only sing if it makes people happy?"
I said, "Yes, why else would anyone want to sing? I sing my prayers a lot because I think God likes it better. The sisters told me that all the psalms in the Bible are really songs. I like that! When I sing my prayers, I know they are coming from within me and I think that makes them special and they mean more to God." My aunties just stared at me again! GEEZE!
The car started to slow then came to a stop and the phone buzzed. Auntie Helen picked up and smiled. She hung up the phone and said, "Let's go shopping!"
John opened Helen's door and I couldn't wait so I opened mine and got out by myself. I said, "Sorry, John, I just couldn't wait."
Everybody laughed and John just shook his head and said, "In the future, Miss Angel, the proper way to exit a limousine is to wait for the driver or someone else to open your door and assist you to exit."
I apologized again and said, "I will, John, and thank you for teaching me." He chuckled and we girls entered Auntie Helen's store!
Wow, it was crowded with ladies and girls and even some men and boys! What an amazing store, so big that it would take us some time to cover the whole place! A pretty lady with just a hint of make-up on and dressed in a conservative business suit of a navy blue skirt, white silk blouse, a navy blue jacket with white hose and a pair of navy blue pumps, came over to us and said, "Helen, so nice to see you here, it has been a long time."
They hugged, cheek kissed and Helen said, "April, you look wonderful as always. The shop looks like it is doing very well, today."
April answered, "Yes, we are doing that promotion you suggested. The 'FATHER and SON SHOPPING DAYS', it has turned out to be very successful."
Helen said, "I can see that, I have never seen so many men and boys in the shop before."
April said, "Yes, with a two-for-one sale they can't resist or shall I say, the mothers and daughters can't resist dragging them to the store." They both chuckled knowing that if left on their own to decide the men and boys would hardly decide to go shopping for women’s' and girls' items.
Auntie Helen motioned us over and did the introductions and I asked April, "How does the sale work that makes the men and boys come in and buy the merchandise?"
April chuckled again. "The men and boys must be the ones to stand in line and pay for the items. That is the only way they can take advantage of the sale. We have even added a small amount of men’s' and boys items for sale on these days. Normally, we are exclusively women’s' and girls merchandise. As you can see, Angel, we have many men and boys being dragged around the store and I do believe the mothers and daughters really like doing this to them." We all laughed at this knowing that most men and boys hated to go anywhere near women’s' and girls clothes.
Helen informed April that we were all here to do some "serious" shopping and April said, "Great timing, the store is open later for this sale event and Angel, you might enjoy going to the young miss section. We are promoting a new line of make-up for young girls and that includes a free make-over and if you are selected a free photo shoot."
I asked, "A photo shoot?"
She said, "Yes, we are in the middle of doing our young miss modeling hunt, this is a way we get mothers to give their approval for the initial shoot. They love to have pictures of their daughters all prettied up and we can then approach them if we think their daughter could model for us."
I laughed then. "I am already a model for Auntie Helen and a few other people so I don't think I would have time, but I would like some pictures to give to my mommy."
April looked at Helen with a very surprised look on her face and Helen only nodded not saying anything. April said, "Well, Angel, in that case come with me while Helen and Harriet do some shopping, ok?"
I looked at both my aunties, they just nodded and Harriet shooed me away with her hands and said, "I want to be able to surprise you so you just go along with April and we will find you in a little while ok?"
I said ok and went with April. She took my hand and led me through the store describing things and places as we walked. There was absolutely everything here! There is a big room just for little girls, filled with jewelry, and has an ear piercing station right there! All kinds of rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, hair-clips, barrettes, gold and silver woven ribbons, and bows. WOW! We continued to walk through the store and I was amazed at all that it held within its walls. A seamstress shop, a beauty salon, places for fingers and toes to be sculpted and painted, decaled and jeweled. My goodness!
April walked me up to a section of the store where there were about twenty little girls all lined up while a few others were sitting at tables with their mommies talking to a few other ladies and filling out forms. There was a big curtain behind all this and I could hear much activity and a man barking orders to others. Flashes of light could be seen when it got quiet and I could not hear any orders being hollered out.
April walked me past this section to another room just past all this activity. I saw that this room was crowded with mommies and their daughters as well. There were several separate stations with one separated from the others by a temporary wall with wheels on it. April took me to the other side of the wall and I saw one girl and her mommy sitting there.
A young lady was doing the little girl's make-up while chatting away to both the mommy and the little girl. The young lady doing the make-up looked up at April when we entered and they both just nodded and looked at the little girl sitting in the chair. April just smiled and gestured with her head towards me. The young lady looked at me, well, more like really looked at me for several moments and smiled nodding her head up and down several times. The little girl's mommy looked at me and gave me an evil, really mean look! Holy Cow, what was that for? GEEZE!
April interrupted the make-up session by saying, "Angie, this is Helen's niece Angel, we will be back in a few minutes so hold the next girl in line for me, ok?"
Angie said, "Hi Angel, I can't wait to get my hands on you!" Oh GEEZE!
The little girl's mommy said, "So, are we dismissed out of hand then?" She said this in a very mean tone!
April answered her, "No, not at all. You will be going to the photo section in just a few minutes, but if your attitude does not change I doubt your daughter will be called back for any further photo sessions." The lady just sat there with a stunned look on her face as April led me out of there by the hand. She chuckled and said to me, "I can't help it; I just love to put bitches like that in line."
I giggled. "She was real mean and nasty; did you see the look she gave me?" April answered, "Yes Angel, I did, she saw that you were much prettier than her daughter and she did not like that one bit." I turned red then and just lowered my head. April saw this, lifted my chin with her hand, and said, "Angel, you stop that right now! Being pretty is nothing to be ashamed of so hold your head up and just keep smiling!"
I looked at her smiled and said, "Ok, April, I am just not used to all this attention and compliments. Nobody ever said these things to me before in a nice way." She looked at me with one of those questioning looks, but when I did not say anything more, we just kept walking. I kept my head up with a smile on my face from then on.
We came to a section that was walled off with those temporary walls on wheels. Behind the walls were several sections, one with all kinds of undies, the next held slips, hose, and petticoats, there were a couple of more sections that held shoes and a mini-hair salon. Some little girl was getting her nails done while another lady was blow drying and styling her hair. The little girl's mommy was nearby looking very excited and happy. The little girl looked like she wasn't having any fun at all sitting there in just a bra and panties with a clear pink tinted cape wrapped around her and tied at the back of her neck.
April handed me over to another lady who looked very happy and enjoying what she was doing. I was introduced, her name was Karen. It only took a second it seemed, and I was stripped out of all my clothes standing behind a curtain shielding me from view of the others, naked and red, red, red! Karen told me to hold on to a small handrail as she slipped a pair of the smallest pair of panties in the world! They had just a little cloth that covered my private area and only a thin strip that went between my bottom cheeks! GEEZE!
Karen said, "It's ok, Angel, these are only to smooth out the look when you put on the other panties." Oh, GEEZE! Then she slipped a pair of the frilliest panties I have ever seen up my legs and smoothed them out over my bottom. They were light blue and had white lace all over them row after row. Then she slipped a strapless bra around me and fastened it in the back. She gently positioned my breasts inside the cups making sure my nipples were right in the center. This bra was very light and sheer you could clearly see my nipples through it! GEEZE! It was light blue just like the panties with white lace just around the edges of the cups separating them and making my nipples even more noticeable! GEEZE!
Karen said, "Angel, this next item might be a little uncomfortable but we need to make your waist just a little bit smaller for the dress I think is perfect for you." She then picked up a wide-looking garment that was light blue satin with rows of tiny white lace; in the back of it were many little holes like those that lace-up shoes have. There was a long one-piece string, made of what looked like many woven, light blue, shiny threads that had a knot tied in the middle of it. The front had two sides, one with little metal pegs and the other had metal clips with holes in the ends of them.
Karen slipped it around my belly and waist, positioning the pegs into the holes. She then started tightening the strings in the back! Oh, GEEZE! She told me to relax a minute and measured me around my waist. It was a little hard catching my breath! She clucked a little and said, "Just a little tighter and you will be ready ok, Angel?"
I looked at her and said, "Tighter? I don't think I could breathe if you tightened this thing anymore!"
She chuckled. "Honey, you will be fine, just relax, take shallow breaths until you can breathe better. The waist nipper will adjust to you in a little while." Oh GEEZE!
I said, "Ok Karen, but I hope it doesn't need much more tightening."
She laughed a little and said, "Just an inch more and you will be perfect for the most beautiful dress in the store for girls your age. I swear, Angel, this dress was made with you in mind!" Oh GEEZE!
A few minutes later Karen did tighten me up "just another inch," oh Lord, that was tight but what a wonderful looking waistline I had now! I saw a young girl in a mirror and thought that it could not be me. I moved and she moved, I winked and she winked. Karen started laughing while watching me and I giggled as well. I said, "I can't believe that girl is me!"
She said, "Oh it's you, all right, and I can't wait to see you when we are all finished." She put a solid, pink-colored, plastic cape around me, tied it behind my neck, and led me to the salon section. Oh GEEZE! Practically naked wearing a cape, at least it wasn't clear like the one the other little girl was wearing!
She introduced me to another young lady named Rose who would be doing my nails. I sat in the chair and Rose began her work right away. It was funny what she did.
I giggled when she looked at my nails and said, "Not bad but not very good either." She looked up at me and said, "Angel, when I am done you will have very pretty nails and I want you to keep them that way, ok?"
I said ok as she put both my hands in two bowls of soapy warm water. She gathered some supplies, what looked like fingernails of various sizes and shapes. She took out one of my hands from the bowl and dried off the fingertips. She then selected various nails and when she was done with that hand, she put it back in the bowl and started on the other. In a few minutes, she came back and asked me if I had to use the ladies' room and suggested I use it anyway when I told her I didn't.
She said, "Angel, this next process will take awhile and I don't want you squirming around when I am doing it, ok?" I said ok and she showed me to the ladies' room. It was big! Two separate rooms and I saw a lady wearing a uniform standing in there! She smiled at me, led me to an empty stall and closed the door. GEEZE! When I was done, she was there again and led me to the sink and after I washed my hands, she handed me a towel. Wow, this is real cool! She smiled at me again as I thanked her very much for helping me, and she led me back out to Rose who was waiting.
Back to the chair we went and I noticed a few boys looking at me as we went back. GEEZE! Rose worked on my nails what seemed like a long time to me. She took each nail and glued the new ones on top of the real ones. They were much longer and I wondered how I would be able to use my fingers with nails this long! Rose said, "Angel, I am going to make these very pretty, and they extend only one half inch past your fingertips, so they aren't that long and you will learn how to do things you normally do in no time at all."
Sure I will, oh GEEZE! She did make them very pretty though, a light shade of shiny white with very tiny, clear blue stones she sprinkled on when the polish was still wet. COOL! She did the same with my toes only no extensions on these thank goodness! Rose said, "Ok Angel, what do you think?"
I said, "Oh Rose, they are beautiful!"
I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek she smiled and said, "You will be the belle of the ball, a beautiful princess for all to enjoy." We both laughed as she led me to the hair section.
I was introduced to Carolyn who would be doing my hair and the first thing she did was holler out, "I need extensions, number twelve's light blonde! Laura, Mike, on the double!"
Wow. I said, "Hello, Carolyn, what are you going to do to me?"
She looked down (She was at least six feet tall!) at me and said, "Hello, little one, I am going to make you into the princess they want you to be, ok? Your hair is too short and we are going to make it longer and color it to a very light blonde. Then we are going to shape it and give you lots of long waves and curls."
She asked me if I needed to go potty. GEEZE! I told her I just went and she smiled while helping me sit in a chair on wheels. She rolled me over to a sink where a man named Mike told me he was going to shampoo my hair and that is what he did, several times!
Another lady came over and told me her name was Laura and she would be adding the extensions to my hair along with Carolyn. I said hello and I was wheeled to another spot under some bright lights. What they did was comb out my hair and then each would find one strand I think, and tie an extension to it then they put a drop of glue on the knot that was very close to my scalp, glued hair, GEEZE! They were very fast but this ended up taking a long time.
When they were finally done it was amazing! I now had long blonde (Several different shades.) hair that went past my shoulders and between my shoulder blades! Laura left us and Carolyn started spraying it with water and then did some cutting. Then it was back to the sink and my head was covered in another solution and off to a sit under a big hair dryer.
I sat for a long while it seemed and then it was time for the curlers and stuff. Back under the dryer and then the comb out as Carolyn called it. She tweezed my eyebrows even more than they already were! GEEZE! Then she led me to a big full-length mirror and let me see myself.
I couldn't believe it, this can't be me! There stood a very pretty girl with long flowing wavy blonde hair with spiral curls extending down each side of her face! Oh my! I smiled real big and thanked Carolyn over and over. She laughed and said, "I am glad you like it Princess. Now we are off to make-up and then get you dressed." She led me out of the area and back into the one April had introduced me to Angie at.
Angie was there and said, "Sorry Carolyn, April wants me to wait for a pretty girl named Angel." I giggled and Carolyn laughed and said, "Angie, THIS IS ANGEL!" Angie looked at me closer and smiled saying, "Come on Angel, time is a wasting your hair makes you even more beautiful, I didn't recognize you when you first came in."
I giggled and she laughed. I said, "I just can't believe all this, Angie. I mean, I came here to do some shopping with my aunties and then all this happened. I thought April said I was to get some make-up done and a picture taken."
Angie laughed and said: "Sounds like you were set up to me Angel." She chuckled and shook her head.
I looked at her and asked, "But why would they do that?"
Angie laughed real hard and long then as she sat me down. She composed herself and said, "Honey, you have the look. Those eyes and the shape of your face, your smooth skin, and the way you carry yourself. You are a natural model." GEEZE! From a little boy geek to a little girl model I just couldn't believe it!
She looked at me and told me to relax as she began her magic. It really didn't take that long of a time to do it, either. In just a few minutes, she was done. I looked in the mirror she held for me and what I saw stunned me to stillness! My eyes, they were huge with very long lashes and my lips were full, pouting, and colored with a light pink shade of lipstick that shined. My face was very smooth and my cheeks highlighted with a slight bit of blush. WOW! I looked at Angie and said in a soft voice, "Thank you Angie, I can't believe what I am seeing. You have made me a beautiful young girl."
She hugged me and said, "I just enhanced what was already there, Sweetheart." She took my hand and led me to the dress section and Karen was there waiting for me.
Karen clapped her hands, "Oh, you are the perfect Princess, aren't you!" She was so excited that I got excited right along with her. She took off my cape and it was time for the stockings, and Karen selected a pair of white silk lace stockings for me to wear. They were very pretty and felt so nice when she slipped them over my feet and up to my thighs. To my waist nipper she slipped eight garters into little slots I had not noticed that were part of my waist nipper. Two garters in front for the left leg, and two garters for the right leg. Then there were the same for the back of my legs. She slipped them inside my panties and through the leg openings. She hooked the stocking to these and they felt wonderful! Then it was time for the crinolines and there were two of them, both real pretty, one with a silk underskirt to protect my legs. Then came the dress! Oh, it was so beautiful! I had to step into it and Karen pulled it up and zipped up the back for me. She arranged my breasts again in the top of the dress.
It was then I got a big surprise. Sylvia was standing next to me and said, "Oh Angel, a princess you are, indeed, now for the crown jewels, my dear." I was going to hug Sylvia when she stopped me and said, "None of that until all the photos are done with. We can't be messing up all the hard work everybody has done, ok?"
I said ok and just told her how glad I was to see her. She smiled took my hand and led me back through the shop to the jewelry room for young girls. The looks we were getting from everybody made me feel special and tingly all over. I giggled and so did Sylvia. We went into the jewelry room and my aunties were there waiting for me. Their eyes were huge and they both were smiling real big when they saw me.
Note: A continuing story series of teasing scenes, part reminiscence, part fantasy
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