Hello, I'm kind of back now. I know I stopped writing there for a hot minute so I'll telll you what happen. While fishing my day was finned by a catfish and well an infiction set in. It was kind of a good thing because that infiction caused him to go the doctor and get admitted to the hospital were they did a lot of test and they found ucles (?) in his belly that are now treated and are healing so yay for that. Now I kept writing all through the nine days he was in the hospital a hundred words here, maybe three hundred here. Not enough for a chapter per say. So he was in the hospital for nine days. Anyway after he got out mom got sick and so I took my time playing nurse maid to both my mom and dad while trying to work a forty hour week and for a week it seemed like I was sailing along pretty good. Mom got better, dad got better and so it seemed like I'll soon be back on track to start responding to the lovely comments given to by all you lovely ladies and start back giving the lovely Emma Anna Tate the fits again with over the top anime story lines, cuddly good vibes and sugery sweet stories. :) and then taughting the lovely Joanne with the same stories. :3.
But life tossed me a curved ball, you see through the whole treatment of my mom and dad I'd been battling a fever, and I'd been treating that fever with asprine, sinus mediciation, and swallowing a rainbow varity of gatorade, powerade, drinking unhealthy amounts of straight black coffee, and gallons of unsweeten ice tea and water. Hoping that the damn bugger would break. It did not break.
Instead I went down turns out my common cold went onto to grow up and become full blown case of covid. Finally I got medicial attention. One night in the hospital, and no Ms. Emma and Ms. Joanne I did not sneak out of my room and try to peak at the morgue like Cerridwen and Daisy tried and failed, I'm not running a risk with Nurse Spooky for the sake of a story! Anyway, one night in the hospital and few more bedrest I'm back in the saddle though a husk that slowly filling back out.
So in short, I'll try my best to bring you new stories, make you all smile and laugh and for a moment forget the cares of the day. All I ask is you ladies please accept my humble apology for always getting sick it seems a few months. Please and thank-you.
May you know
every bit of laughter and smiles you have given and will continue to give. Much love to you!
Love, Andrea Lena
unhealthy amounts of straight black coffee
I'm not sure I can figure out how much coffee it would take to be "unhealthy." I'm told that a heavy coffee drinker is someone who consumes 6 or more cups a day. When I was working full time and could track it easier, I'm sure I topped that by lunch time. A cup to get up with, another for the drive to work. a third at morning break, a quart at lunch (I have a stainless steel quart thermos) and an another at afternoon break. Then there's the evening coffee.
With all that, I was in good health. Disgustingly healthy. Normal blood pressure, low LDL cholesterol, and A1C below 5.7.
Now that I've retired, and only work part time, I'm down to about 6 cups a day. While everything else has stayed in good shape, my A1C is up to 6.3.
Maybe I should make an effort to drink more coffee.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Must be nice
For years, i would stop every trip to work, and fill up my 40 plus ounce Speedway mug. Then in the early afternoon, i would get a refill. That usually lasted through shift change. I often stopped on the way home and got a 12 ouncer to finish off. My shift got changed, and my cup was destroyed in a crash, so new habit. Cup at home and for the drive in, but the rest of the pot went in the thermos bottle to carry me through. When i started second job, it was back to a big mug again extra. I seldom ate until just before bed, i lived on the calories in the cream and minimal sugar. Even after retiring, i still worked, and habitually lived on the coffee. Not good, but i figured it was better than burger/fries diet. Took 50 years but last years wellness tests showed 3rd stage kidney failure. No caffeine and no more ibuprofen, which i ate like candy. Talk about shock to a system. Now i allow myself a cup of tea no more than every other day, when i crave a hot drink. It does catch up when you abuse the body.
You Never Need To Apologize
Dear Rebecca,
Your presence here is a blessing. Your tales of the Deep South entertain us endlessly, although I am glad that you don't go out looking for Nurse Spooky!
Nobody can guarantee their health. Life gives you what it gives you. I hope you have fifty years of storytelling ahead of you and I shall read what you write as long as I'm around.
Kitties for Kamala!
One disaster after another. I am so glad you survived your hospital trip without a visit to the morgue! Get better!!!
— Emma