First allow me to say this, Merry Christmas to y'all. This year has been a amazing, yes there were dark periods, periods of self doubt, periods when I felt like it was time to give up and retire and retreat into the darkness of the internet never to be seen nor heard from again. There were also times when I felt like I was on fire and the world of fiction was my oyster. Rambling aside, I want to thank every member of this site.
You women have lifted me up, through fellowship, example, postive feedback, you women have raised me up and have made me this past year a better writer, a better person and a more postive version of me. With only a few days remaining of the 2023 I decided to focus all my efforts now on trying to take stock on what I've written, and write up a list of things that need my attention. Due to getting slapped down with Flu, Strep Throat and then Food Posion all within a fortnight of each other, my progress on the contest story story has ground to an hault. But as I'm now mending, I shall soon return to it and I hope to have an offering before New Year's eve.
Second order of business. Writing, this year has been amazing for me, and I hope in the year to come I can keep bringing you guys and gals more anime inspired stories! I've been doing a bit of field research, and interviewing people within the LGBTQ+ community and trying to get a feel for what young and old readers alike would like to read about and well I've finally gathered enough information I think to try to make a stap at writing stories tailored to draw in older readers and attract newer readers and hopefully inspire some of my creative friends to make accounts here and post their own stories here on this amazing site!
Third order of business. A friend of mine, my online big brother, who has helped me shape Benton, flesh out ideas, and has listend to my rambling thoughts on Cerridwen, Daisy, Madeline, Jamie, Dawn, Persephone, and the rest of the Benton crew has issued me an challege to put myself in Benton and write about what I would see, and to put myself through the same insanity I put my characters through. Being dumb, I've accepted that, so look for those series of short stories to come out soon.
Forth order of business. I've finally written enough, hinted enough and teased enough that I feel I can now, through Heather and Gwendoline answer some questions about the magic system of my setting. As most of the readers know the natural and supernatural go hand in hand in Benton and some characters seem more gifted than others.. I plan on answering any and all questions the loyal readers might have this coming year.
That's all for now folks! Have a safe, happy, and blessed Christmas and a happy, safe, muse filled New Year!
Thank you
for brightening my life! God bless!
Love, Andrea Lena
Merry Christmas
I love reading your stories, you write about characters that I can readily relate to. I hope that your health issues are behind you and your muse is keeping you up at night! I can't wait to read your contest story and more about Benton. ttfn :DD
A very merry Christmas to you, bright Sunflower-san!
Thank you for your wonderful stories, so filled with gentle and “peppery” humor, sassy girls and flavor of a different and exotic world. Thank you for your thoughtful comments and your steadfast friendship. You are a real joy!
— Emma
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas Sunflowerchan!! May your health continue to improve and the muses continue to inspire! :)
I Look Forward To Lots More
It's Boxing Day here already, so I can only wish you a Happy New Year, which I hope will be filled with your magical stories. May you be healthy, happy, safe and productive!