So, I've hit a bit of a stumbling block. And I was hoping the readership here could help me out. I have two possible ideas for a story, both are kind of beach themed. One centers on Persephone paiting the gulf coast red. The other be an intro for a new character, or feature Isabella. The first one is more, fun, adventure, slice of life, that flavored with anime and manga style humor. The other is dark, brooding and a bit scary, maybe even too scary.
In short the first one is grounded the best I can in the real world, with a bit of the supernatural added in for flavoring. The second one will center on beach's, bikini's and the supernatural. So, which one would you guys like to read? Please let me know in the comment section below! Also, if anybody wants to throw anything at me for my last story, now the time.. I would also like to take this chance to offer an public apology if I stepped on anybody's toes. The last line was me coming to terms with something very person. And was not meant to be an insult to anybody.
Anyway, this is space cadet Sunflower signing off!
Speaking just for myself . . . .
I’d like to see some more of Persephone— but will also read whatever your muse sends you. I don’t think there was anything to apologize for in your last piece. Love ya, Sis!
— Emma
Speaking of fish?
As far as your last story goes; you won't hear me carping about anything! I liked it!
Love, Andrea Lena
For me, there is far too much ...
actual "dark and scary" stuff in my real life.
For the 'dark and brooding' story line, I would bail out when I hit the "cautions" part of the header, and thank you keeping me out.
The first story line, with Persephone doing a "romp" down the Gulf Coast would be 'better' for me.
(This next bit is 'just for me for me'.)
If you could let us know early on that Persephone is 'magic enough' so that she can't be hurt (drugs in drinks, or by guys with more testosterone than brains). And also that Lady P has both the Heart and Wisdom to not hurt anyone, unless they really insist on needing to be hurt a bit.
You are not the first author to "Ask". took to writing story outlines, and then wrote the full story only if his publishers wanted to publish same.
Gimme A Tickle Anytime
I'll go for Persephone having fun, thanks. Let her have a whale of a time!