The Misadventures of Dawn Sharbrough

I was just eighteen when I attended my first anime convention and crossplayed in public. The year was two thousand five and anime was still new in the west, as were anime conventions and publications that focused on the budding culture of the scene. It was something of a gilded age for us. The art flourished, and we were striking sparks in all directions. Social media was just starting to gain traction and grow from bud to bloom. And Tokyopop, a manga publishing company had reached the zenith of its popularity and power.

Into this world of wonder I a young novice stepped with trembling legs and a sense of wonder. Now, the reason I was attending the convention in the first place, was not only to see the sights and the sounds of the fandom but to get messy as well. You see, I have a fetish, a strange fetish called “WAM” that stands for Wet and Messy. Think somebody getting pied in the face or getting covered with custard or yogurt. I had discovered that fetish while in Jr. High School while googling random things one day.

The first site I discovered while on that misadventure in cyberspace was “AnimePie” a site that, like my first convention, has vanished into the mist of time. The site featured anime drawings of girls getting pied in the face while wearing adorable outfits. It also featured some stories, I enjoyed the stories more than anything as at the time I was something of a novice writer, having written dozens of “Legend of Zelda” fanfictions.

Further investigation followed and soon I discovered a group on Yahoo called “WAFL” that stands for WAM Anime Funland. I was in heaven and soon joined the group. Of course I lurked as much as possible. I was there only for the stories and the pictures.  The idea of joining in seemed too risky for me at the time. And so I lurked all through high school till at last in the summer of two thousand and five I finally joined in. I can't recall the conversation, but it seemed a few of the members were planning on attending a new anime convention down in New Orleans called Anime Louisiana. 

Anime Louisiana was the first true anime convention held in Louisiana and the location chosen was the Marriott in New Orleans. And since a fair few of us WAMer's would be attending it was decided we should all get together and host a little sploshing party. Of course a few of us agreed to get gunged as we say for the entertainment of the others. Without thinking I volunteered. 

Once that matter was settled I started to think about what character I'd like to dress up as. I knew from reading dozens of magazines that focused on anime and anime convention culture that cosplaying was a key part of the convention experience. So I decided I'll cosplay, only I'll crossplay as a school girl, a very reserved, modest, and shy schoolgirl. The one that always seemed to fall in love with the main character and always seemed to be the solo voice of reason in the group. 

You see I had been androgynous since birth,. And I'd been growing my hair out since my sophomore year of high school. It was quite long, long enough to be styled and played with. My long hair often leads people to mistake me for a girl from afar and from behind. I had also developed, somehow demure behavior. And so with my androgynous looks, my demure behavior and my natural femininity I felt I could honesty pull it off. And so when the time came, I packed my bag and headed down to New Orleans.

New Orleans is an old city, the second oldest city in America. The city is known for its music, Jazz and its world famous Creole cuisine. And let's not forget Voodoo and its cousin Hoodoo. One fourth of Louisiana's population called the city home when I attended the convention and I believe that number has only increased as the years have rolled by.

Anyway, it's time to get to the heart of the matter. Now, I was not staying in the hotel the convention was being hosted at, instead I had found my lodging at the motel seven and a half across the street. I remember because a Waffle House was located in the same parking lot and because the food was cheap, plentiful and decent enough  that I ate most of my meals there.  Another plus was the fact that most if not all Waffle Houses are open twenty fours a day, seven days a week. Meaning no matter the time of day, I could always pop in and get a quick bite to eat before catching a few hours sleep.

Anyway, let's talk about the party. I remember that night, it was hot and humid. I left my motel room a little after nine o' clock that night. I was dressed in my costume, a pleated red and white skirt, with a matching blouse and my long hair pulled back in two ponytails. The city seemed alive and under the halo of a streetlamp dirty and gritty. I remember feeling uneasy as I made my way down the concrete of the motel. The stairwell of the motel was poor and smelled of cigarette smoke. 

Crossing the parking lot was another matter, the streets in New Orleans are narrow. One could almost spit from one side to the other. But the parking in front of the motel really showed me the true character of New Orleans. I remember I walked straight, and I kept my eyes fixed firmly upon the front doors of the hotel. All around me though I could hear hustling and several times somebody called out to me, wanting to know if I wanted to make some extra money or if I wanted to visit their motel room. Whistles and catcalls. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. And soon I was across the street and walking through the sliding doors of the hotel.

The moment I stepped through those sliding glass doors was the moment I'll never forget. The Lobby was mercifully air conditioned and was also richly decorated. The floor was a marble title that had been buffed and cleaned till it shined. In the center there stood a marble fountain. The sound of running water filled the surrounding area. You could just smell money, everything it seemed had been made to suit the taste of big business owners, million dollar share-holders. The fact an anime convention had been held here at all puzzled me, but I had been here earlier that day, attending the first full day of Anime Louisiana.

With careful steps I moved toward the fountain. Dozens of people still dressed in their cosplay milled around the lobby. Nobody noticed me, they were too busy nursing cups of coffee, I can't really call the stuff people drink in New Orleans coffee, because it's mixed with chicory, a type of bitter root or herb. It makes the coffee taste off and gives it a twang. 

Anyway I had other business to attend too, the party I had been formed by text message was being hosted on the eleventh floor in room six hundred seventy one. I was instructed to knock three times.  To this day I'm still puzzled by that set of instructions, but I guess stranger things have happened. I was after all at the time a novice, and novices tend not to question things.

With all those thoughts swirling around inside my brain, I stepped up to the fountain. Reached into the pocket of my skirt and pulled out a handful of coins. It was the leftover change from the day's event. A handful of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Taking a deep breath I clutched the collection of coins in my hand and gathering up all my strength I tossed them into the fountain. The coins made a splashing sound and soon sank to the bottom of the concrete fountain. Where they came to rest beside other coins that had been tossed in.  I then breathed a silent wish, to this day I don't know if my wish was granted or not. And I might never know.

Once I made my wish by the fountain I finished my walk across the lobby, I soon reached the elevator and from there I stepped into the cab. I remember a sense of excitement started to overshadow me as I stepped out of the cab on the eleventh floor and started down the hallway. My heart started to flutter, my palm's started to sweat. My legs turned to jelly and my senses started to become heightened. I became aware of everything, the fluttering of my skirt is one thing I remember among others.

All too soon I reached the room. I then took a deep breath, knocked three times as instructed and closed my eyes. The door opened and in the doorway stood an older gentleman, he was a good ten years older than me. He was dressed casual enough, a button down white dress shirt, a pressed pair of dust colored dress pants and a pair of dress shoes. His dark gray eyes seemed to sparkle and his jet black hair was parted down the middle. 

I felt myself starting to blush. Now at the time I was just starting to understand that I was bisexual, that I was attracted to both men and women. But also at the time I was still a virgin. But peering up at the stranger, I knew at first glance he was handsome and that made me blush. I felt myself become speechless for a moment. Then I remembered that I was supposed to be playing the part of a demure schoolgirl. So I quickly got back into “Character” if you will.

“Hai!” I said I was a bit overeager. “Konbanwa” I quickly added much to the puzzlement of the man standing in the doorway. “I'm Dawn Sharbrough!” I added it again. 

Now a little about my name before we move on. In Mississippi we love to swing about the family tree, and the name Sharbrough was an old name. For generations the Sharbrough Family had farmed in the lower Yazoo Delta; they had even established themselves  a tiny, yet thriving village on the banks of the Sunflower river that overlooked a tall bluff. Wild Holly grows rampant on this bluff. The village is named Sharbrough's Landing and to this stay is still a thriving little community that is serviced by the Yazoo-Delta Railroad. As for the Dawn, it's from one of my favorite country ballads Delta Dawn. Since I was born in the Delta and spent most of my childhood running up and down the muddy banks of the Sunflower,  Little Sunflower, Deer Creek and Yazoo I decided the name just suited me.

“On welcome we've been expecting you.” He said smiling. He stepped aside and motioned for me to walk into the room. “We're just about to start. It seems you're the only one brave enough to volunteer this time around. So you'll be getting all the pies and all the buckets of slime.” He said with a wink.

I giggled a little as I stepped into the room, the man closed the door behind me. I felt a blush once more coming across my cheeks as I peered into the room. Around four or five guys from various ages, most well over eighteen, stood around chatting. An anime movie was playing on the television and the air smelled of popcorn. 

“Hey guys look who made it!” The man shouted as he draped his arms around my shoulder. “The Princess of WAFL herself Dawn Sharbrough!” He called out. All eyes then turned on me.  I smiled and offered a little wave. It seemed I was the youngest one at the meeting. 

“As you guys know.” The man went on. “A few weeks ago in one of our MSL chats, the idea for this party was born. And it was me, a Samurai who proposed that one of us get messy for the entertainment of the others. Now I expected Mario to volunteer,” Samurai shifted his attention toward a tall, lanky fellow dressed in navy blue tracksuit who just shrugged his shoulders.

“But then this pretty little thing.'' The Samurai at that moment pushed me toward the center of the room. “Popped in and volunteered.” He said smiling “She was the only one to volunteer too, so that means she is going to get all the pies and slime. Lucky girl.”

It was at this moment I felt myself falling into a fit of giggles. It was something about Samurai's manners that put me at ease. He was handsome, and I could feel the first cusp of lust starting to form somewhere deep in me. Also, the fact that so far he was honoring chosen pronouns those being “She” and “Her” and being called a girl just made me blush even more. I know its strange that something so small as that should matter now, but allow me to explain for a moment before I go on with the story.

The world was far different in two thousand five than it is now in two thousand twenty one. People like me, who consider themselves gender-fluid, were rarely seen in mainstream anime media. And crossplaying and its cousin crossdressing  were most often used a a gag in anime  Transgender characters were as rare as hen's teeth. And the word “Trap” was thrown around with all the casual usage of a handful of dollar bills at a strip-club.  And the word “Trap” had yet taken on the same degrading meaning it has now. It was a different era. Eons it seems have passed,  but standing there in that room, surrounded by half a dozen guys all older than me, who respected me enough to use my preferred pronouns was a special feeling. 

“So.” Samurai said, leading me into the center of the room. “Before we get on to messing you up. Would you mind telling us a little more about yourself?” Samurai said in a smooth as silk tone of voice. 
“Hai!” I said in excited tone of voice. I was still in schoolgirl mode. Being something of a veteran roleplayer and a dabbler in D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) had allowed me to develop the ability to slip in and out of roles at a moment's notice. 

“My name is Dawn Sharbrough! I come from Yazoo City, I recently graduated with honors from Yazoo County High School. I plan on attending Holmes Community College this coming autumn. Thank you all for inviting me to this party! Let's all have fun!” I said in a cheerful tone of voice.

Samurai just smirked a little as he peered toward me, I'm sure he was amused by the whole schoolgirl persona. 

“Okay Dawn-chan. Before we get you messy. Mind telling us a little about your costume?” He said, smiling softly. 

“Hai!” I said smiling, I believe my smile reached from one ear to the other. “I'm wearing the school uniform that was featured on Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. The first time I watched the anime, I found the uniform so kawaii that I knew I just had to do cosplay wearing it. It was a toss up between that and doing Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon, my all time favorite anime.” I paused. “If we host another party next year? Then I'll consider doing a Sailor Moon cosplay!”

Samurai smirked again as he offered me his hand. “We'll have to keep that in mind. But if they host another  Anime Louisiana, we'll just have to host another WAM party.” 

And with his hand in mine he guided me toward a corner of the room. There in the corner was a child size inflatable pool with plastic tarps covering the floor and wall around it I felt my cheeks start to flush with color as I quickly removed my shoes followed by my stockings. Then blushing like a bride at the alter, I stepped over the edges of the pool and knelt down upon the plastic surface.
“Okay now that Dawn-chan is settled.” Samurai said, taking a deep breath. “Let's start with a few pies shall we?” With that being said he walked over to a nearby table. I saw him bend down and a moment later he stood up and in each hand he balanced a graham cracker pie that had been filled to the brim with a stiff creamy dairy topping.

“I always like to start things off with one a pie sandwich.” He leaned in, and with that he leaned in, balanced the two pies, one on each side of my face, I remember taking a deep breath, my heart was fluttering and a moment later my world turned black as I felt the coolness of cream covered my whole face.  The slightly sour smell of the cream filled my nose and I could see the sticky mess starting to get work through my brunette hair as the Samurai gave the pie tins a good twist. Finally he removed the pies and tossed the empty pie tins to the side.

“So Dawn-chan?” He said in a coy tone of voice. “What did you think of your first pie in the face?” He asked if his voice seemed to drip honey and made me shutter.

“It was fun!” I said falling into a fit of giggles.

“Oh we're just getting started.” He said in a teasing tone of voice. At this point I've managed to clean some of the cream from my eyes and I could clearly see him stepping over the edge of the pool. In his hand he was holding a bucket. A bright red bucket if I can recall correctly.  Slowly he started to tip the bucket over my head and soon a stream of dark, brown sauce started to trickle down my head. The sauce was cold, too cold and just took my breath away. And the thickness, it was thicker than molasses and just as sweet.

“You know guys, nothing goes better with a cool whip than chocolate sauce. Dawn-Chan here is lucky, we managed to buy a five gallon jug of Hershey's chocolate syrup for only five dollars at the local whole food seller.” I heard Samurai quip as he started to pour the chocolate sauce all over me. The smell of chocolate flooded my noise, and I could feel the sticky sauce starting to run down my back, and down the front of my blouse and it even started to work its way into the waistline of my skirt. Finally after what seemed like eons the flow of chocolate stopped.

“And their you have it, one chocolate covered Dawn-Chan!” He then leaned in and in a gentle tone of voice asked. “How did you enjoy your chocolate shower Dawn-Chan?” He asked.

I smirked and playfully reached over and placed my chocolate covered hand on his face, getting him a little messy in return. He quickly jumped out of the way. Though the smile that showed on his face showed he really liked it. He then turned and faced our small audience. “I guess Dawn-Chan here is feeling a little playful!” He said as he reached over and picked up another pie. He smiled and a second later I felt the pie going into my face. A fresh wave of cool whip splattered in all directions.

“Here is what I love about chocolate sauce, it goes with everything! You can pie somebody and then cover them with chocolate sauce and it works, or you can cover them with chocolate sauce and then pie them and it works. Or in Dawn-Chan's case here, you can pie them, then cover them in chocolate sauce and then pie them again!” He paused. “So how are you feeling?”

“Sticky!” I said giggling a little.

“Well you look delicious.” Samurai said, smirking. “Almost good enough to eat!”

I'm going to be honest with you dear reader. I turned a beet red. Was he flirting with me? Oh yes he was flirting with me. I felt a sudden chill running down my spine, a moment later goosebumps started to form on my arms. My heart started to flutter again. And my tongue became tied, tied in knots if you will. I was beyond shocked and a little pleased. It's hard to put into words how I felt at that moment. Because a maelstrom of emotions all started to break out in my head. So I just sat there, feeling the cream starting to seep into my blouse and into the waistline of my panties. And the thick, chocolate sauce started to soak into my brunette hair.

“Anyway, moving on!” Samurai said, smirking a little as he reached down and pulled out another pie. “If you could just stand up for this one darling.” He said in a commanding tone of voice. “Just stand up, turn to the side and show us your bottom that is far too clean!” He added.

Tongue tied and blushing I did as he commanded. I stood up, leaned forward and placed my hands upon my knees. I took a deep breath then my eyes flew wide open as I felt the cream being pushed into my bottom. They had just pied my bottom! The coldness of the cream took my breath away and caused me to draw in a deep breath. My mind fluttered. I lustful groan escaped my lips as I felt Samurai starting to grind away, twisting the aluminum pie tin around ensuring maxim coverage.

“Now.” Samurai said in the same commanding tone voice, a tone of voice that awoke my inner submissive side, a tone of voice that made one wiggle like a worm placed on the hook of a fisherman. Wiggle in a good way that is. 

“I have one more bucket. Now you once told us that your favorite color was blue. And well with that in mind, we fixed one extra large bucket of our famous slime! Now unlike our British cousins, we don't really use cornstarch when we mix our slime, we use the old tried and tested method of Nickelodeon, that is, cake mix, eggs, oil, applesauce with a bit of finger paint to give it a nice sheen.” He said. “Oh and in your stories you've mentioned the characters getting slimed with really cold slime! So we mixed in really cold water and kept it surrounded by sheets of dry ice!”

I looked up at the bucket and blinked and blinked again. I remember taking a deep breath before falling into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. Then it happened, time itself seemed to slow down, everything seemed to move in slow motion, the bucket was slowly tipped over and out of poured a slow avalanche of pastel blue slime, a moment later the slime landed on my head and splattered in all directions. The coldness of the slime took my breath away and caused me to shiver. Then as if somebody just snapped their fingers the flow of time returned and soon I felt myself getting covered, the slime covered my head and soon my shoulders it ran down the back of my blouse and down the front. The slime even got into my blouse and covered the bra I was wearing and a few seconds later I could feel the first droplets of ice cold slime going into the cups of the bra and into my panties. I was soaked from head to toe.

The slimming seemed to last forever, and according to some accounts was the biggest ever given. The pour time from start to finish was a whopping total of fifteen seconds.  The second wave of coldness took my breath away, once the slime seemed to stop I felt it was safe enough to clear some of the stuff away from my eyes.  Only to have another pie to be smashed into my face!

“And nothing compliments slime more than getting another pie in the face!” I heard Samurai say much to the amusement of others. A moment later, another pie or a pair of pies were smashed into my chest, my budding chest. I had only been on estrogen for a few months and I'm not going into a lot of detail here. But the moment the pies smashed into my chest was the moment an electric charge flooded through my whole body.

I can only compare it to the time when I was seven and on a dare I stuck a metal fork into an electric outlet.  The result knocked me flat on my bottom as did the effect of the pies being shoved into my chest. I'm not sure anybody could have seen it, but under all the cream, the slime and chocolate sauce I was blushing up a storm. 

“And there we have it folks!” Samurai called out in a loud booming tone of voice, a showman tone of voice. “Everybody give Dawn a nice round of applause for  being such a good sport!” And with that being said I stood up, offered the crowd a bow and started the long walk to my motel room across the street. And yes, people gave a ton of looks as I made my way across the lobby of the hotel. Leaving behind a trail of chocolate sauce, slime, and a set of messy footprints. And there my story ends.

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