Jo(si)e -16- Discoveries

Chapter 16


The next week I spent a lot of time onsite at Ostia, things were developing at quite a pace and whilst as always there was a lot to interest and excite the archaeological team, the latest discoveries were also providing me with some amazing shots for my vlog. The sustained dry weather loosened the soil making digging easier, but also allowing the dust to be swept from the newly exposed mosaics and test areas to be thoroughly cleaned to show their vibrant colours and scenes from mythology and family life. The villa in particular must have been the home of a senior military commander or a wealthy merchant managing the provision of supplies to the garrison, and as well as the expensive construction it was yielding up many artefacts that would be expected of a building of such a high status. There was now an extensive collection of personal and household items, jewellery, ivory combs encrusted with jet, fine crockery and silver wine goblets. This was the sort of stuff that my vlog followers would be interested in, the personal details rather than the academic specialist discoveries.

Work on the jetty had been virtually completed, the number and extent of the pier props was recorded and documented and the area left to be consumed again by the waters of The North Sea.
I had an idea to try to make this into an interesting presentation of what to non-historians would be one of the least exciting aspects of The Ostia Experience, when the dig was complete, the archaeologists left site, and a visitor centre opened. It also gave me an excuse to visit Darren at his studio, not that I needed much of an excuse. He looked pleased to see me and welcomed me with a hug and a cheek kiss.

“To what do I owe this pleasure Jo, whilst it is always great to see you, I get the feeling that you have an ulterior motive.”

“Am I becoming that predictable? I have an idea, tell me if it is within your capabilities and the programs you have. When the whole project is finished, I think there should be two records, turned into time-lapse graphic video presentations of the whole project for visitors to the site to get a better understanding of events. The first would record and display the development of Ostia by the Roman invaders, from the first temporary camps, the construction of the jetty to allow building materials to be brought in, the erection of the warehouse and garrison building, and the construction of the main villa, servants house, and all the other various outbuildings which have yet to be uncovered. The second video would follow a similar sequence but would record the archaeological excavations and discoveries. Obviously most of it is not yet available, but the work on the jetty construction is now completed and that could be the first chapter/episode of the story which could be posted on the vlog and the website now, in advance of the rest, to try to maintain public interest. What do you think?”

“I’ve done something similar before, but on a less sophisticated, much smaller, scale. However it will take a lot of chargeable time to set it up and then go through the editing with you. Bounce the idea off Jacqui to make sure that there are funds available and that it is something that will fit in with any exhibition plans and designs that the council may have. Perhaps suggest that we start with the jetty as a trial to see how it will all go down with the authorities. Talk it through with her and if she agrees we can work together on it.”

After a late lunch with Darren which started as a discussion on the video proposals but drifted into more pleasant social chat, discovering each others likes, dislikes, and personal tastes, I made my way to the museum for a chat with Jacqui.

“Jacqui, I know that I have told you that I may not see the project at Ostia through to completion, but I have a proposal that could form part of the exhibition when the site is opened to the public. Obviously it is not my decision, it depends on the exhibition designer’s approach and how the museum and council authorities see the site being developed as a visitor attraction, but let me tell you about the discussions I’ve just had with Darren, and see what you think.”

“That sounds a good proposal Jo, I like it. I think that I can go forward with this, using the jetty development as a test bed, using some of my existing museum exhibition budgets without further approval. Let me talk to Darren to get an idea of the potential cost, and if it goes ahead, I would obviously like you to work it all up with him.”

“Changing the subject, I’ve discussed with Josie the possibility of her taking over from me if I decide to take up the job offer from the National Trust and Anglia East. She is extremely interested, but I still haven’t made up my mind.”

“At the moment this is between you and me, nothing official has been put in place, but please do not drop it on me at the last minute when you do decide. As far as I personally am concerned, I would have no problem with Josie taking your place, but I can’t make any promises.”

A few days later, things had settled down and I prepared myself for my first meeting with a clinical psychologist, to whom I had been referred by my doctor, for assessment of my suitability to start on a transition programme. I took extra care to present myself as normal as any other girl my age, not too heavy with the makeup, and smartly dressed in a plain skirt and blouse, not wishing to look a bit over the top as some transgender girls do. With a great degree of trepidation I entered the consulting rooms to meet the person who would have a major input into the decision as to how quickly I could go ahead.

“ Good morning Joanne, I’m Helen Hartley, Your doctor has referred you to me as a psychologist specialising in gender dysphoria for assessment of your suitability for gender reassignment. If I consider that this is the case and that you should start a transition programme, I will pass you on to a medical specialist who can initiate treatment for you, Start off by telling me about yourself, why you think that you are in the wrong gender and how and why you would like to see your life change.”

I sent the next hour explaining about how my life had changed since I first became Jo, often interrupted by probing questions from Helen for more detailed explanations, at the end of which I nervously waited while she completed her notes before coming to a decision.

“Right Joanne, I am undecided as to whether you are completely dysphoric or whether you have found yourself on a path which does not offer you an easy way to turn back but which offers you significant lifestyle and career benefits. Most transgender people have feelings from an early age that they may be more able to be themselves presenting as a member of the opposite gender. You on the other hand seem to have developed your feeling overnight when a career opportunity came up and had no previous inclinations to be female, other than a few times as a child playing dress-up with your sister, which is not uncommon and very rarely leads to or develops into gender dysphoria.

Whilst not ruling it out in the future, I strongly advise you to seriously consider whether you want to continue down this path. Although it is always possible to reverse a lot of the changes you will go through if you decide that transition is still the best direction for you, doing a u-turn afterwards often leads to subsequent physical or mental problems.

I suggest that we postpone a decision for a month or so, for you to seriously consider your future, take off the rose-tinted glasses about your burgeoning career and your accepting circle of friends and colleagues, and think about the drawbacks as well as the benefits. Obviously you have adapted extremely well to living and working as a woman, a lot more convincingly than many patients that I see, but think seriously about whether it is the true spirit of you or whether you are playing a role. Make another appointment and we’ll consider it all again.”

I left the consulting rooms feeling disappointed that she had postponed any progress, but in a way she was right, I had to consider if there would have been any likelihood of me deciding to go down this path in my life if I hadn’t been enticed by career opportunities, and the easy acceptance by my family, friends and colleagues. Rather than go back to work or go home, I wandered around the town for the rest of the day finding quiet private spots to have a good think without any interruptions or without any influence from anyone else.

Mid-afternoon I was drawn out of my deep thoughts by a call from an excited-sounding Sally Walker.

“Hi Jo, can we meet, I think that I may have found the smoking gun that you are looking for, and we need to talk it through.”

“Tonight should be ok if you are free, let me give Josie a call to see if she and Jack are ok with that.”

“Actually it may be best if it is just the two of us, let’s keep them out of the picture at the moment. Rather than meet somewhere public can you come over to my place, I have all the information to hand here?”

“Text me your details and I’ll see you about 6:30.”

Arriving at Sally’s place I began to understand how successful she must be at her job, it was a penthouse in a modern apartment building overlooking the river in an upmarket district of town, tastefully furnished and decorated in a contemporary fashion, but with a cosy homely feeling rather than the characterless bland style many tenants in such places adopted. We settled down next to the picture window, watching the light clouds drift by over the hills in the distance with a pot of tea and a selection of biscuits.

Thanks for coming over Jo, I thought it best if we met somewhere private and just the two of us, we’ll stick with tea for the moment, you need to keep a clear head over this, maybe some wine later.”

“This sounds ever so mysterious Sally, what have you come up with?”

For the next hour or so I sat utterly astonished, in almost total silence, as Sally related her findings to me, and soon understood why there was a need for secrecy and discretion.

“Wow Sally, you’ve taken me totally by surprise, I think that I need that glass of wine now. I’m amazed at how you’ve managed to dig into the records so deeply. I would have thought that some of the things you have unearthed would be in confidential files.”

“Don’t ask too many questions of how I came across the information, let’s just deal with the facts and what you are going to do about them.”

“I think that I need to go and see Josie’s pompous overbearing mother-in-law and face her with this. Are you free to come with me now, I would like a witness to what I am going to hit her with.

An hour later we were standing at the door to their house, and taking a deep breath I pressed the bell push, hearing the musical chimes inside the house. The door was quickly opened by a scowling Melanie.”

“What do you want, whoever you really are, I don’t think that we have anything to say to each other.” She snapped, standing squarely blocking the doorway, obviously with no intention of inviting us in.

“You couldn’t be more wrong, there is a lot for us to discuss.” I sharply replied, glaring at her, and brushing her aside as I barged my way into the house. Where can we sit down in comfort for a long chat and Is your husband here? I think that he will probably want to hear this too, the full version, not what you choose to tell him later.”

He soon came in to join us from his home office, ruddy-faced and about to burst into aggressive shouting, annoyed at being disturbed.

“You better have a good explanation for bursting in like this, uninvited, I’ve a good mind to call the police.”

“Sit down Jeremy, the police are the last ones that you would want to find out about what I am going to say to you. By the way, this is Sally who has been looking into your background for me and you need to know that this conversation is being recorded.” I had decided that there was no point in being gentle or polite with them.

“The pair of you, particularly you Melanie, have tried to blackmail Josie into breaking off her relationship with Jack and I now understand why. However before we get to that let’s deal with you Jeremy and your sharp, potentially illegal, business practices that have allowed you to live a life of comparative luxury on the back of the misfortune of others that you have cheated and robbed over the years while amassing you business empire.”

“Be careful what you say, you won’t be the first person my lawyers have taken to the cleaners for slander and libel and I’ll be happy to add you to the list.” If anything his face was getting even more flushed with anger and he looked about to get violent.

A forensic accountant has found a path through the tangled web you have spun of business relationships between the various companies in your group and how you came to acquire them. The police fraud squad, HMRC, and Companies House will be delighted if we pass all the information that Sally has discovered.You will be facing at least financial ruin if not imprisonment. Whatever the outcome your lifestyles will be drastically curtailed.”

Sally quickly ran through how companies had been milked of their assets and taken over by Jeremy and his companies, and I watched closely as Jeremy’s face changed from the angry eyes and ruddy cheeks to an ashen worried look until he was snapped out of it by a shrill attack from his wife.

“Whatever have you done Jeremy, I know that your business ethics have always been a bit questionable, but I had no knowledge of anything illegal, there is no way that I am going to lose my house, possessions, and standing in society over this. If this is true you will stand alone on this, I will not be dragged down with you and I will make sure that I get the best lawyers to get me a separation with a hefty settlement.”

“You ungrateful selfish bitch, you were happy enough to live well off the fruits of my businesses without asking too many questions. Let me tell you, if I go down for this, you are going with me, and even if we can sort something out with these two that’s you and me finished, I have had enough of your pompous arrogant manner and the way you deal with people, me included. I remind you that you are listed as a director of all my companies and as such were a signatory to many of the contracts, you are just as responsible as I am for anything unethical or illegal.” He angrily turned on her and was on the point of striking her when I grabbed his wrist to hold him back.

“Calm down, the pair of you, I haven’t got to the best bit yet, your financial shenanigans are not even half of your worries.”

Their expressions changed from anger at each other to puzzled looks, as if to say.’What else have you not told me’.

“A couple of years after you were married, Jeremy was posted to an office about 30 miles away by the accountancy practice he was working for and you moved up there together. You came back a couple of years later, the proud new parents of Jack, your only child, who you were delighted to introduce to your families, friends and colleagues. Correct?”

“So what?” Melanie snapped

“It’s strange but through the ancestry research site you have previously used, Jack’s DNA shows no direct links to that of either of you, you are not his biological parents are you?”

“What difference does that make, we have given him a good home, much better than the uncaring wretch who left him as a newborn outside the door of the house we were staying in would have been able to give him.”

“The difference is that you registered him on his birth certificate with you as his parents. That is a criminal offence, falsifying an official document. You have lied to him for almost thirty years, how do you think he will react to that, particularly seeing how you have treated him lately.”

Squaring her shoulders in an aggressive gesture, she continued. “I’m sure Jack will understand that what we did was in his best interests and this will blow over, tell him if you must.”

“I’m not so sure that he will take it so calmly, and I’m certain that the authorities will take this very seriously. As it happens we found a DNA link to the birth mother, who at the time was a worried 18 year old. Sally has spoken to her and when she realised what she had done, and suffered some post-natal pains she went to see her doctor who reported the abduction of the baby to the police and they still have an open file on the kidnapping. That’s another potential charge against you. Talking to her we have also discovered why you took so violently against Jack getting involved with Josie.“

They were both now looking really worried, beginning to understand that their lives were now hanging by a thread which could snap at any time.

“When you were living away, your brother who was staying with you for a few weeks had a brief affair with your new office junior, the mother of the child you took as your own and raised as Jack. That young girl happened to be Kate, my mum’s cousin. That makes Jack and Josie some sort of cousins or half-cousins. There is nothing illegal in that relationship and we have been told that that it is unlikely to be a close enough DNA match to introduce genetic problems with the baby. However despite what you told Jack, when you got your DNA analysed you also sent off a sample of Jack’s to be checked and it showed this relationship between the families, which you became determined to break up, worried that it would all be uncovered sometime.”

At this point Melanie burst into hysterical tears and withdrew into herself, but Jeremy ignored her, still angry that she had been prepared to let him take all the blame for their financial skullduggery, instead taking on a calm business demeanour and looking intently at us.

“Ok you have got it all wrapped up, a decent lawyer might be able to play games about illegal access to confidential records, but I am not prepared to take that risk. Being blunt, what do you want from us to sweep this under the carpet?”

“When all this started all I wanted was to stop you threatening us and digging into the backgrounds of Josie and me, and let Jack and Josie get on with their lives. However, for all your nastiness and misdeeds over the years you deserve to be punished. I believe that you have a very comfortable property near Limoges in the South of France, and it might solve a lot of problems if you decided to retire early and permanently move over there out of harms way.”

He remained stoney-faced and silent, so I continued.

“That would obviously mean two things. Firstly it goes without saying that this house cannot be left unoccupied, you will transfer the ownership to Jack and Josie who will move in after you leave. Secondly you are not a fit and proper person to be in control of your business empire, and so that your employees do not suffer, you are to transfer all your shareholdings and control of the companies to Jack and ensure a smooth handover. In addition you need to cancel all contracts with the private investigator who has been looking into our backgrounds, get him to handover over all documentation he has and get him to sign a non-disclosure agreement on whatever terms you can agree.”

“And you just expect us to roll over and do as you ask, why should we?” He was now in business negotiation mode trying to minimise any damage.

“What I haven’t mentioned is that Sally here is a well known journalist with a reputation for exposing scandals. Between her newspaper contacts and my involvement with Anglia East this will turn into a high profile exposé, fraud, money laundering, child abduction, falsifying records. We have enough evidence to go public on this without any fear of legal action from you. Your lifestyle and reputation would be ruined. At least with the proposals I have made you can walk away from this with some shred of public reputation left.”

“I know when a battle is lost, I agree with your terms. Will you turn over your evidence to us?

“I’m sorry to be so blunt, but do you think that I am stupid? I believe that you personally will keep to the terms the agreement, but I do not trust Melanie one inch. It will all be kept under lock and key ready to be used if necessary.”

“Melanie and I need to have a long conversation, but I do not see that we have any choice.”

“Ok, but please do not think about trying to cover up any of this, everything we know is on public record, your current company accounts have just been declared so please do not try to shuffle more out of your companies. At this stage we have not been able to break down all the barriers on the offshore accounts, and will take them no further, but everything legally belonging to your companies is to remain exactly where it is.”


After that Sally and I left them to stew and sort things out between themselves, and feeling rather self-satisfied called in at a hotel for a drink to celebrate before leaving for home.

“Hi Jo, Jack and I have been wondering where you were, what have you been up to?” Josie greeted me as I flopped down on the armchair facing the pair of them and kicked off my shoes.”

I’ve got some good news for you. Jack’s parents are backing down, dropping any threats against us, and will be no more bother to any of us.”

“What on earth have you done to get them to change their minds?”

Honestly, it will be sensible if you don’t ask too many questions, the less you know the better, let’s just say that I have made them realise the error of their ways. When the dust has all settled down and emotions are not so high, I will tell you a bit more about it. Let’s just say that Jack’s dad would rather that his financial dealings are not looked at too closely.”

You can’t leave it like that, you need to tell us more !”

“Give it a few weeks until you have moved back into Jack’s family home, and Jack has settled into his new role as chairman and CEO of the family businesses and we can talk about this is a calm unemotional manner.”

“What, we can’t move back there, there is no way I can live in the same house as her.”

“You won’t have to, they are retiring to their house near Limoges and will be well out of your way, unless you choose to visit them or let them visit you. Jeremy will spend the next few weeks with Jack going over the operation and finances of the business and then leave Jack totally in charge.”

It had been a long and taxing day, and after s short while I went off to my room, leaving them to discuss their future together under the changed circumstances. As I lay on my bed trying to clear my mind of the events of the day, I realised that following the discussions with Sally that any thoughts about my earlier meeting with Helen Hartley had not even entered my mind and had become less of a worrying issue and not so urgent to resolve.

To be continued.

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