The Plan

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Just in case you hadn’t noticed – this is an “Advanced Bru reader” story

My mother had always wanted to have a daughter that she could do all those girly things with. Unfortunately for me I only had two brothers and no sister and since I was the “pretty” one I was IT.

I just hated it when she brought home dresses, skirts, hose … and insisted that I wear it. And all those long hours when she taught me how to apply make-up, make the best of my hair and so on. I cringed every time she brought me to the Salon. It was so embarrassing!

So far I had managed to avoid wearing skirts or dresses to school but it was only a matter of time before she’d manage to wear me down. I was feeling my resistance weaken. The special diet to keep me dainty didn’t help. Neither did the vitamin supplements. Then my breasts started to bud.

I just hated it! I wished I could stop it some way. I considered going to the police but reluctantly had to discard that idea for various reasons. Just to start - my father is the Chief of Police.

Finally an opportunity opened up and I came up with a PLAN.

One Friday afternoon when my parents weren’t expected until later there was a bit of bribery, actually involving quite a lot of money for us kids. The deal closed I started to make my little brother into the prettiest little girl imaginable. All those hours learning make-up really paid off now. Some of my girliest clothes fitted him perfectly. Even the sandals with the three inch heels could have been made for him. He wasn’t bad walking in them either. The pantyhosed legs were really, really pretty with that little extra from the sandals. Bobby couldn’t have been prettier if he really had been born a girl. What I hadn’t told him was that Mom and Dad had called earlier and told me that they would come home early.

Bobby’s squeal couldn’t have been more girly when he saw Mom and Dad come into the kitchen where I was teaching him some elementary cooking (the damned kid was better at it than I!).

- Hi Mom! May I present your daughter Bobbie to you?
- Mary! What have you done!

I quickly exited. I didn’t want to spoil that special moment when a mother sees her daughter for the first time. I could see “that” look in my mother’s eyes.

From upstairs, with my door safely locked, I could hear the commotion. It took some time for my parents to understand that Bobby really WAS Bobbie. I knew that unless cornered he, or rather she, would never have admitted to our parents how she really felt. How she always had envied me my pretty clothes. How she always thought it such a waste that she who KNEW that she was a girl never got anything like that and that I, while genetically a girl but a confirmed tomboy, never wanted it.

After a while the loud voiced calmed down and I could hear crying, happy crying.

I counted the money Bobbie had given me to girly her up. That really had been the clincher. While I knew that Bobby had feminine traits I hadn’t been sure he was a girl until he begged me and was prepared to give me all that money to make him a “real girl” I hadn’t been sure. I also knew that he was way too timid to tell our parents. So by giving him that little extra push I also solved my problem. I really should use the money to give him a nice present. Perhaps some make-up?

As for my parents – I think I’ll give them some time to get used to the fact that their youngest child is transgendered before telling them that I really AM Marvin and not a just a tomboy.

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Very Nice Bru Convoluted Mind Twist

BarbieLee's picture

I'm not going to give it away but you got me darling. I had to go back and reread it a second time to figure out what kind of warped mind games you were playing this time. I know I have written some stories with ageless heroines, am beginning to wonder if you were a ghost writer for Doyle's Sherlock Holmes? When I first saw you ten years ago at Countessa D'Moray's social I thought you looked like you were in your early twenties. Four months ago when I saw you with the Romanian President I couldn't believe my eyes. You haven't aged a day from that first time? I want what you've been drinking!"

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

My old friend Ponce de Leon

My old friend Ponce de Leon, who by the way placed quite well in the last Iron Man contest, did find the Fountain of Juice in Florida. However, he has shared that with only a few others.


Daphne Xu's picture

"Unfortunately for me I only had two brothers and no sister and since I was the `pretty' one I was IT." Was that the *real* reason? Or was the real reason was that she was corporally a girl? At least it appears that the Orwellian indoctrination wasn't taking hold -- yet. But it was only a matter of time.

Also, why did I think of Camazotz and "A Wrinkle in Time" when I read that sentence? Was she the true Big Bad?

"I came up with a PLAN", and "there was a bit of bribery, actually involving quite a lot of money for us kids." So her plan was to implant the notion of "bribery" into little brother's mind, so that he could bribe her for all her nice clothes and other paraphernalia? And to help him make him a girl?

This has to be doubly difficult for the 'rents -- having two transgender children.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Bait and switch

Marvin is going to make a great used car salesman.

Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site

Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs


Daphne Xu's picture

At least she's not going to become an ancient depressed robot.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

The hallmark of a good deal

is that everyone wins (contrary to what some people believe).


This is too Bru for words!
The shorter the Bru story, the harder the twist.
I shudder to think what Bru might accomplish with fewer than twenty words.
Love ya,

Check Out

Daphne Xu's picture

If you haven't already, check out his "In the Pink". It's very short.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)


Bru wrote ExtremelyShortTGstory, but I can't find it. Four characters, if I remember correctly.

Short but apparently abrasive

That three-letter (four if you include the space I added to make it more legible) story was surprisingly abrasive. I received more irritated comments than the story had letters so I had it removed.


Wow! I thought it was a great story!

I remember

Wendy Jean's picture

a real life story where the two kids both switched genders, much like this story.

Why? Where is the problem?

They had a daughter and a son before, and they will have a daughter and a son after. Mathematically, there is no change. :D

'Tis A Pity

Gay, straight, cis, trans, or gender non-conforming, it is a rare parent indeed that lets a child develop into their own adult without a certain degree of interference. Nurturing and guidance is good, but blind imposition of the parent's wants isn't.

A matter of degree

No guidance at all is as bad.

Talking of degrees: A cousin of mine claimed that her mother ("only" Dr.Litt.h.c, as opposed to the professor father) said that my cousin was free to be whatever she wanted and then clarified that what my Aunt really meant was that my cousin was free to chose what university eduction she wanted.

Marvin's Gardens

All that is consistent in Marvin's gardens are the seriously bent rows.

Another classic.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


This is not a big contribution but sadly one of only three "solos" the last week.

Second Bru Appearance.

Daphne Xu's picture

This was the second Bru story to appear as a random solo today.

For a moment, I momentarily considered that perhaps Bobby bribed Mary, but promptly rejected it -- having forgotten that aspect of my first reading. I really wish that Mary hadn't demanded the Bribe. They both could have helped each other.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Well, they sort of did help each other

The only thing was that it took some time to dare to reveal themselves. Marvin (Mary) wasn't sure until Bobbie made that comittment. Please note that Marvin intends to recycle the money to Bobbie's benefit.

Exact Words

Daphne Xu's picture

When this story popped up as a random solo, I used this as an exercise in spotting the Exact Words -- seeing what was said and (most important) what was left unsaid. I recognized the story, of course, once it began, even if I'd forgotten most of the details.

One example that's obvious (once noticed) is the bribe "involving quite a lot of money for us kids". The other primary example was the absence of mention of the protagonist's birth gender.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Hey, don't reveal all my secrets! :)

Yes, I do play around with exact words. I'm also grateful that English does not necessarily reveal gender in word forms, as in i.a. French.


Daphne Xu's picture

There's always plenty to learn, even for those who've learned a lot already. Especially for those who've learned a lot already.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Yes, I did pause over that phrase

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

I was rather reminded of the old puzzle that goes "Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son."

Even so, the turn at the end was still a pleasant surprise.

thanks once again for the fun,

- iolanthe

That Riddle

Daphne Xu's picture

Whenever I encounter that riddle, I think of an exact-words possibility that changes the outcome. He might have no brothers or sisters because they've died, so that man could still be his nephew.

But that doesn't really explain why persons hearing the riddle are often tripped up. Really, once someone recognizes that "my father's son" is "myself", why does the person forget that "myself" is that man's father? In fact, why must I mentally work to get it right, myself?

"In a running race, you catch up with and pass by the second-place runner. What is your place in the race now?" Why does it appear to take a little work to get the right answer, when running in a race, watching a race, or even imagining a race makes it obvious.

"Parents have four daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many sons do the parents have?" This is a particularly obscure description of the family, so I won't try to figure out why someone would insistently, persistently insist on the wrong answer.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Akin to

Two sons and their respective fathers walked on the road, side by side, three abreast.


Daphne Xu's picture

It might be a good idea to recast the statement, to eliminate the plural of father.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Pharaoh's daughter

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

The son of pharaoh's daughter is the daughter of pharaoh's son.

One night as I was falling asleep, I suddenly realized there was a second solution to that one. In the morning I could only recall that I had the realization, but not the second solution. It was nice to feel so incredibly clever for a moment, even if it was an illusion.

- iolanthe

Say what?

Slacker1's picture

My friend Perry Phrastic who taught Tology at university says it’s just a roundabout way to say the same darn thing. I think it’s called a circuslocution.

I’ll stop…

End I shall.

Given how tight the pharaonic families were

the family relations could be very complicated indeed. Father and grandfather could be the same person. Or mother and aunt and quite possibly cousin as well. And so on.
However, I have never heard about any genderbenders of hermaphrodites in that context.