Soaring With The Birds

“Alright Vector 3 and 4, watch what you are doing.” Patricia was monitoring her two recruits to the Aero Flight Industries flight program.

She was linked to their systems and could tell what they were doing and saying to each other. She monitor’s their reaction when the four attack drones come in to test them. These drones were the most advanced drones around and could do things no other drone could do.

“Where in the hell did those guys come from?” Ace activates the new stealth systems that were added to the Vectors recently.

“I don’t know, but these drones are quick.” Sky Cat activates her stealth systems as she dodges incoming simulated gunfire.

Ace watches as Sky Cat tries to avoid two of the drones that had broken off from the group. He notices he still had two on his tail. The stealth systems make it impossible for them to get weapon lock, but it doesn’t stop visual targeting and these drones were equipped with advanced visual targeting systems.

He jinks and dodges, trying to use the cloud cover to his advantage. Sky Cat comes out of nowhere with her drones still trailing her.

“Watch it Sky Cat, you almost took my nose off.”

“Sorry, Ace. I didn’t know you were anywhere near me.” Felica is going to have to remember to tell the engineers about not picking up on their own.

A smirk appears on Patricia’s face as she listens to their conversation. She knew the Vector stealth systems were based on an earlier version of the Ghost craft. She had been working with Samantha on the Vector program. They were currently using alien technology they recovered from the ship they recovered in Egypt with what she knew of the program.

“I’m hit. My systems are shutting down.” Sky Cat couldn’t believe she had gotten hit by a missile.

“Come on back home, Sky Cat.” Patricia mentally restores her systems.

“Damn! I’m good.” Ace just took one of his drones out.

“But you forgot about the other one, Ace.” Patricia’s voice comes over his radio.

Everything turns red as a missile hits him. The Vector systems start shutting down but turn back on after a few seconds.

“Bring it home, Ace.” Patricia walks down the observation tower she had been standing in.

She tries not to rely on her gifts too much, so the tower had everything she needed to monitor her trainees. As it stood, her trainees could take on some of the world’s best pilots and beat them with the Vector attack crafts. Samantha has already caught some spies from other countries trying to get the blueprints of the Vectors.

As she reaches the bottom step, she spots Sky Cat landing first. She watches as Ace lands behind her. The four drones VTOL in behind them. The drones could launch without a landing strip.

Patricia mentally communicates with Ghost and tells him to download today’s training session from the drones. She looks at Ace and Sky Cat as they climbed down from their fighters.

“Commander, I almost took Ace’s nose off and I didn’t even know he was there.” Felica looks over towards Steven as he comes walking up to them.

“I know, and I’ll talk with Samantha about that problem. So, where did you make your mistakes today?” Patricia looks at her two recruits.

“I didn’t make any mistakes. I shot down one of my drones.”

“But you got taken out by the second ones, Ace. How about you Sky Cat?” Pat looks at Felica for an answer.

She knew Felica use to be a male who was changed by a drug called Blue Lace. The drug had turned her into a pretty young woman that could
do porn or model if she wanted to. She didn’t need to fly for a living.

“I don’t know.” Felica was puzzled about what she did wrong.

“You didn’t think outside of the box. You could have slowed down and let the drones overtake you while avoiding their fire. That way, as soon as they overshot you, you cold had nailed both of them at once. Now, I want you two to spend twenty additional hours in the simulator for more training. I’ll set the scenarios for the two of you to train against.”

“Which means that twenty hours turn into forty hours of simulator time.” Ace looks at Pat and knew she was a hotshot pilot herself.

She has taken down everyone she has had simulated combat with. There weren’t many people who could survive against her.

“If you don’t do what I suggested, yes your training time will turn into forty hours.” A smirk appears on Pat’s face.

“I would love to meet the person who trained you.” Steven wanted to see what Pat was like when she was a recruit.

“Pat, how is your little girl?” Felica knew Pat had a six-month-old daughter.

“She’s fine. She’s got her daddy wrapped around her tiny fingers.” Pat knew how much Antonio loved his little girl. Pat also knew she was going to grow up being a daddy’s girl.

The three of them walk back to the pilot’s building. Felica and Steven head into the locker room to change. The locker rooms were coed, so there weren’t separate lockers for the genders.

Pat heads to her office and walks over to her computer and downloads everything that was done today. She loved her gift when it came to filing reports and information on her computer. She could send it to the main servers, but she prefers to do it this way.

“Pat, do you mind if I come in?” Stephanie looks at Pat as she stood in the doorway.

“Sure, come on in Stephanie. What’s on your mind?” Pat looks at the red-haired teenager standing in her doorway.

Antonio had found her wandering the streets wearing only a torn and bloody man’s shirt. She had no memory of what happened to her or how she ended up having so many cuts and bruises on her body. When Janice examined her, she found a string of unusual symbols branded into her skin. They couldn’t decipher them or find out what they meant.

So, she and Antonio got custody of Stephanie. Pat watches as Stephanie walks into her office and sits down in the chair in front of her desk.

“So, what’s on your mind, pumpkin?” Pat watches Stephanie’s face.

Stephanie looks at her adopted mother’s face “I was wondering if I could spend the weekend with my friend Carol, please?”

“Of course, you can spend the weekend with your friend Carol. Is there anything else that’s on your mind?” Pat knew Stephanie didn’t normally ask her or Antonio for much.

“No ma’am, that was it.” Stephanie didn’t have anything else she wanted to talk with her adopted mother about.

“Well, I was about to go and get some lunch off base. Let’s get out of here for a while.” Pat smiles at her adopted daughter. She and Antonio think Stephanie has been abused a lot.

“Where are we going?” Stephanie had several places she liked going to with her parents.

“How about, the Taco Wagon?” Pat knew it was Stephanie’s favorite place.

A smile appears on Stephanie’s face because she loved the Taco Wagon and its assortment of different tacos. She remembered the first time Pat and Antonio took her to it. She managed to eat six taco’s all by herself.

“Sounds good, mom.”

“Okay, let’s go and get some lunch then.” Pat stands up and grabs her purse from her desk drawer.

Pat and Stephanie walk out of Pat’s office and down the hallway towards the exit. They let the guard on duty know they were leaving the building to grab some lunch. Once they walk outside, they walk towards Pat’s black Lamborghini Aventador. She still had her other car, but she wanted something with more power.

Pat opens the passenger side door for her daughter and gets in on the driver's side. She looks at Stephanie “fasten your seat belt young lady.”

“Yes ma’am. Mom, can you take it a little slower this time, please?” Stephanie always got nervous whenever her mother sped.

“Okay, sweetie. I’ll take it a little slower.” Pat and Antonio have figured out that Stephanie gets nervous or freezes up when either one of the
speed or zig in and out of traffic.

Patricia does a little above the speed limit. Not enough to scare Stephanie, but just five or seven miles over the speed limit. After a while, she pulls into the shopping center where the Taco Wagon was located. She pulls into a front parking space and parks.

“Thank you, mom.” Stephanie looks at Pat as she unfastens her seatbelt.

“You’re welcome, sweetie.” Pat leads the way inside the restaurant.

Keli spotted Pat and her daughter as they parked in front of the restaurant. A smile appears on her face as the two women get out of the black Lamborghini and start walking towards the restaurant's front doors. She loved when they visited because Pat and her husband always leave a big tip for the server.

Keli waits until Pat and her daughter enter the restaurant. A smile appears on her face “what can I get you ladies today?”

“Or standard table if it is available, Keli.” Pat liked Keli she was a bubbly person.

“It is. If you ladies will follow me, please.” Keli escorts Pat and her daughter over to their favorite table. She knew it allowed Pat to keep an eye on her car.

Pat and Stephanie follow behind Keli towards their favorite table. Once they arrive at the table, Keli sits them down and gives them the menu.
She knew she didn’t need to because Pat and her family always got the same thing every time.

“What would you ladies like to drink?”

“Sweet iced tea for the two of us.” Pat never drinks wine or beer around the kids.

“I’ll tell Tiffany.” Keli turns and walks off.

Stephanie didn’t even bother to open the menu. She already knew what she wanted. She watches her mom look through the menu.

Pat decided she was going to try something different than what she normally gets. She glances over her menu at Stephanie and smirks. She knew what her older was going to get.

Tiffany appears with their drinks. She pulls her order pad out of her apron “what would you ladies like to order?”

“I would like the taco platter please.” Stephanie knew the platter came with six tacos and you could order more if you wanted to.

“I figured that was what you wanted, Stephanie.” A smile appears on her face.

“I would like to try the fajitas and taco combo, Tiffany.” Pat closes the menu and hands it to Tiffany along with Stephanie’s as well.

“Coming up ladies. Enjoy a bowl of chips and salsa while you wait.” Tiffany goes and gets a basket of chips and salsa for Pat and Stephanie.

Stephanie loved the white sauce and salsa for the chips. She eats a few but tries not to fill up on them. She notices Pat watching her.

“Am I doing something, wrong?” Stephanie stops what she was doing.

“No sweetie, you’re doing fine. It's just so rare to see you just being yourself.” Pat places her hand on Stephanie’s and smiles at her.

“I wish I remembered more about my life.” Every time she tries, she couldn’t remember anything.

“Don’t worry about that, sweetie.” Pat wanted Stephanie to be happy.

After lunch, instead of heading back to the base, they head towards the alien agents operating on Earth. Stephanie looks at her mother “why are we heading towards Susan’s and Jackal’s place?”

Stephanie has met them a few times since living with Pat and Antonio.

“I need to check with them on something.” Patricia knew Moya had adopted a young girl as her daughter.

Not only that, but they had adopted a middle-aged man that got turned into a ten-year-old girl by an alien device. Pat and Janet thought they had found all of them, but according to several unconfirmed reports. The Black Op’s division of the government had managed to get their hands on some of them and was using them.

Stephanie wonders what her mother wanted to talk with Susan and her group about. She sits back in her seat and enjoys the ride. She reaches over to the radio and locates the station she likes. She knew her mother could get her any radio station if she wanted her to.

After about a half-an-hour driving, Stephanie watches as her mother turns onto a nice black top road. Stephanie remembers with it was gravel and caused the paint to chip on her mother’s other car.

“At least they improved the road.”

“Which I am very thankful for.” Pat hated having her car pelted by rocks.

After a few more minutes, a nice two-story ranch house comes into view. It had a well-trimmed yard and flowers growing in front of it. A floating deck had been added so you could sit outside when it rained and not get wet.

Pat pulls her Lamborghini behind a tan color Jeep Liberty. She exits from her car as does Stephanie “do you think they are home, mom?”

“Someone is always home here, Stephanie.” Pat walks towards the front door and just as she went to knock, it opens. Standing on the other side was Susan.

“Hi, Pat, Hi Stephanie, what brings you to our home today?” Susan knew whenever Pat shows up, it couldn’t be good news.

“A few questions, Susan. May we come in?”

“Sure, sorry about that.” Susan steps aside to let Pat and her daughter in. She shuts the front door behind them.

“Before we get started, would you like anything to drink?” Susan looks at both of them.

“We’re good. We just got done having lunch.” Pat follows Susan into the living room.

Stephanie follows her mother. She always likes coming to see Susan and her team.

“Please, sit down.” Susan sits down in her husband’s recliner.

“Thanks.” Pat sits down and so does Stephanie.

“So, what brings you out here, today?” Susan was curious why Pat was visiting her.

“Ghost and I have been tracking a few ships approaching from the dark side of our moon. Does your base up on the moon know anything about
it?” Blake’s deep space research satellites have been picking up weird energy readings.

When Pat looked at them, she knew right away what they were. They were advanced jump drives that allowed you to fold space and cut your travel time in half. The drawback to them, you had to know the area you were jumping into.

“Yes, and they are keeping track of them.” Susan has been in contact with the base hidden on the moon.

“Does Blake’s Aero Flight Industries division need to be concerned about them?” Pat knew sometimes she has to go up in Ghost to tell the alien ships to go away.

“If the moon base doesn’t handle the situation, then we’ll call you and let you handle it.” Susan knew Pat wasn’t what she pretends to be.

Ezri had done a scan of Patricia and discovered she carried an extra gene in her DNA makeup. She also discovered that Pat was a lot older than she appeared. The temporal energy that had saturated her cells gave her true age. Plus, they got a chance to examine Ghost once and discovered his technology level was as advanced as theirs if not more advance.

He was more on par with the Viminacium. She knew he was more heavy armor and equipped than any heavy fighter they had ever seen. He was more like an advance escort.

“Let’s hope I don’t need to go up and investigate. Oh, Mrs. Blake wants to know if she could visit your moon base.” Patricia knew Janet and Samantha wanted to visit the base.

“Let me ask the commander of the base. You guys weren’t supposed to know anything about the base at all.” Susan figures Ghost must have
detected the base with his advanced scanners.

“There’s a lot of things we aren’t supposed to know. However, ever since the discovery of the alien transport ship in Egypt and the discoveries that have been found at certain Egyptian pyramids. It’s changing human history. Also, the alien invasion that will be coming in the next forty years.”

“What alien invasion?” Susan was curious when she hears that news.

“In the next forty-odd years or so, Earth will be visited by a race called the Draconic Empire. At first, their intentions will seem honest and such.

But their true intentions will surface when people start disappearing and word gets out that they are here to collect us to experiment on and use for food. The primitive technology we have is unable to defend ourselves from being turned into slaves.”

“Is that what happened where you came from?” Susan was shocked to hear this news.

“The only thing that stopped the complete invasion was Mrs. Blake and several other companies coming together with the technology they kept secret from the world to use against the invaders.”

Stephanie was surprised to hear this news. She didn’t know that her mother knew this information.

“You said this is supposed to happen in the next forty years?” Susan was making a mental note.

“Yeah, the Draconic Empire will learn about Earth from the two satellites we sent out. Right now, they are in open space and soon they will be
heading to a different system where they will be found.”

“That’s not good. Some of the other races already know about Earth from visiting it centuries ago.” That was how a lot of humans from where her husband came from. His ancestors had been taken and turned into slaves or meat.

“I was afraid of you saying that. That had always been a theory of why there were other humans out there that were originally from Earth. A lot of them had been from different periods of Earth's history.” Patricia remembered meeting a person that had been presumed killed during a
Napoleon campaign.

A bunch of Napoleon’s people had gone missing. Also, several roman legionaries as well. The searcher team she had been part of had been surprised when they discovered an alien world where these people have been living.

“Yeah, your planet has been visited by aliens for a long time. If a war is heading this way. Shouldn’t you inform your people?”

“Mrs. Blake has informed several scientists, engineers, and a few others that can be trusted. As for letting our government know? Certain members already know, and they have decided to keep it quiet from the general public.”

“I can guess why.” Susan knew the current political environment wasn’t good right now.

Lisa and Henry had been right about the people in the different governments. They weren’t ready for what would be coming towards Earth.

“To be honest, I wouldn’t want the current leaders we have to know. They seem to be more concerned with dividing this nation, instead of trying to bring people together.” Patricia hated politics and was glad she was just a soldier.

“I know what you mean. Mayo and the rest of my team have been protecting immigrants coming into this country illegally from a group that has been attacking and killing them. I heard through the grapevine that your government is facing off against two Native American women who don’t want them on their people’s land.”

“I wouldn’t blame those two Native American women for defending their land. God, knows the Native American Indians got the short end of the stick when the first settlers landed on the shores.” Patricia knew her American history and how the Indians were treated.

“So, the things we have been learning in school about the Native American Indians are partially true?” Stephanie looks at her mother.

“Yes, have Ghost play some historical footage he keeps in his data banks for you sometimes.” Patricia knew Stephanie cared about people. She volunteers at an outreach center for homeless veterans.

Patricia notices how late it was getting. She looks at Susan “I’ve taken up enough of your time, Susan. I think we better head home and check on my little one and my husband.” Patricia stands up to go.

Susan stands up as well “well, it’s been nice seeing you two again. I know the others are going to be disappointed that they weren’t here.”

“I’ll drop by again. Let me know what your Commander on the moon base says.”

“Will do Patricia.” Susan walks with Pat and Stephanie to the front door and watches them leave.

Pat and Stephanie walk out to Pat’s car and gets in. As they head home, Stephanie looks at her mother “mom, were you, my mother, originally where you came from?”

“No sweetie, I wasn’t. I was no one’s mother at all. I was groomed from when my abilities first surfaced to be a fighter pilot. I spent my formative years learning how to fight, fly, and survive at a training center at government-run training center not far from here. I came back in time by accident and found Antonio. I fell in love with him and learned that he was someone special as well.”

“Did I exist in the world you came from?” Stephanie looks at Pat and watches her face.

“Sweetie. You’re what we call an enigma. You’re not in any databases at all. Your genetic code is unique. Ghost and I have searched every
genetic database we can get access to see if we can learn if there are any relatives and we can’t find anyone.”

“I wish I could remember what happened to me, mom.”

“I know sweetie. I know.”

Patricia stops at her and Antonio’s favorite pizza place and picks up a pizza to take home. She placed the order from her car while she was driving towards the place. Once she and Stephanie pick the pizza up, she heads home to her husband and her daughter.

The next day, Patricia is called to the command tower to look at something. She walks into the command tower and over to the person who contacted her.

“What do you have, Angel?” Patricia looks at the radar screen in front of the light brown hair woman.

“This, it keeps showing up on my screen and disappearing.” Angel looks at Patricia as she looked at the screen.

“Have you tried seeing if there is a civilian flying in our airspace or government aircraft?” Patricia watches as the blip disappears and reappears again.

“Several times and I’m not getting anything.” Angel was confused.

“Alright, prepare a copter for me and I’ll go out and investigate.” Patricia was curious and wanted to see for herself.

“Alright.” Angel requests a copter to be prep for Patricia to take out.

Patricia walks down to the airfield to take a helicopter out to investigate the blip. She gets into the helicopter that was brought out for her and takes off, once she got the okay. She got the coordinates of the blip before she left the tower. According to the radar reading, the blip was fifty nautical miles west of the airbase.

Fifty Nautical Miles West of Aero Flight Industries Flight Base:
Jennifer couldn’t believe the mystical amulet she had found while searching an old Native American campsite. Sure, she has found all sorts of arrowheads, beads, spear points, and such. She even found an old knife that had been left behind, but never an amulet.

She had been cleaning it when she felt a strange tingling sensation from it. She flipped it over to see what the back was like when she started having visions. The vision was from the previous owner of the amulet. She watches as the United States Calvary killed a large Comanche tribe that included women and children.

She nearly falls to the ground when the previous owner of the amulet is killed. They had been shot down from the sky by a Calvary soldier. She feels the spiritual energies in the amulet merge with her. Wings like an Eagle sprout from her back as she feels the energies give her the strength and ability to fly. She flies up into the sky and loved how it felt.

Every time she flaps her wings, thunder would sound. Her clothes have changed as well. They looked more Native American. She lands and looks at herself. She looked like a Native American warrior dressed in clothes that haven’t been seen in a very long time. The colors of the clothes were mostly dark colors like blues and blacks. There were some white colors mostly on the tips of her wings.

She couldn’t believe how she was feeling. She looks up at the clouds above her and the next thing she knows, they are turning gray and angry looking. Rain starts falling from the cloud. Jennifer couldn’t believe how she was able to do what she had just done.

She flies back up into the sky and tests her wings. She was enjoying the sensation she was feeling. She dips down a few times and flies back up into the sky.

After about two hours of flying, she lands. Just as she lands, she spots a helicopter off in the distance from her and it was coming directly toward her. It didn’t look like a military helicopter. She takes the amulet off and her wings and attire disappear.

The clothes she had on when the amulet changed her reappear, but now she has holes in the back of her shirt where her wings went through.
Her bra strap was showing through the hole. She stands there and watches as the helicopter lands nearby. She spots a red-haired woman inside the helicopter.

Patricia had spotted a young woman with wings standing at the location she was heading. As she got closer, she watched as the woman pulls something off from around her neck and the clothing and wings the woman was wearing had, disappeared.

“Interesting.” A smile appears on Patricia’s face as she gets out of the helicopter and walks over to the young woman.

Jennifer spots a woman with shoulder-length red hair wearing a light green blouse and black dress slacks and heels walking towards her. She watches as the woman removes her sunglasses and hangs them on the front of her blouse.

“Hi, my name is Patricia Weller. I’m an instructor at an Aero Flight Industries flight base. Was that you are radar system was picking up?” Patricia already knew the answer to that question.

“What if it was? Am I in trouble?” Jennifer looks at the well-dressed woman.

“No, but we did try getting in touch with you several times and it seems that you aren’t wearing any radio or anything.”

“Sorry, about that. So, why did you fly out here?” Jennifer watches the woman.

“Well, one to see what was flying in our airspace and two to see if they were hostile or not. You’re not hostile, are you?”

“No ma’am.” Jennifer keeps watching Patricia.

“By the way, that was a neat trick you did, before I landed. How are you able to do that?”

“You saw that from as far out as you were?” Jennifer had a surprised look on her face.

“Yes, I saw that. I have a unique ability that gives me the advantage over most people. So, would like to explain to me how you did that?” Patricia was trying to be polite.

“This.” Jennifer holds up the amulet.

“What?” Patricia had a puzzled look on her face.

“Yep, it gave me the wings and everything. Watch.” Jennifer thinks about what happened to her and she feels the mystical energies inside the amulet respond to her.

Patricia watches as a blueish glow appears around the young woman. Wings sprout from her back. Her clothing and looks change as well. She could feel static electricity in the air. When the girl opens her eyes, there is a flash like a thunderbolt just went off.

“Okay, I’m impressed.” Patricia walks around the young woman examining her.

She saw where the wings came out of the girl's back. They looked like they attached to her shoulder blades.

“Can you extend your wings?” Patricia wanted to see how long her wings were.

“Sure.” Jennifer extends her wings.

Patricia looks at them and guess they were about twenty feet long from wing tip to wing tip. They were also shaped just like an eagle’s wings would be. She noticed that the coloration of the feathers went from dark to light.

“Jennifer, can you take off for me?” Patricia was curious.

“Sure.” Jennifer flaps her wings and lifts off the ground.

“Is it hard for you to lift off the ground or easy for you?” Jennifer was hovering near Patricia.

“It’s hard like it is to hover here near you. I have to concentrate on my flapping.” Jennifer hadn’t noticed before how much energy she was burning.

“Okay, come on back down.”

Jennifer drops down in front of Patricia. She was starting to feel hungry from using her wings.

“You wouldn’t have any food on you, would you?” Jennifer looks at Patricia when she asks this.

“No, but there is a cafeteria back at the air base. How about you come back with me and I’ll treat you?”

“I don’t know.” Jennifer didn’t know if this was a trap.

“I promise I won’t allow anyone to touch you or detain you. You’re my guest and you don’t even have to explain anything. Just revert to your normal self.”

“Okay.” Jennifer reverts to her normal self.

“Is it okay, if I take my things with me?” Jennifer didn’t want to leave her digging equipment.

“Sure, how did you get out here?” Patricia looks around for a vehicle.

“I walked. Vehicles aren’t allowed out here on this ground. It’s where a tribe of Comanche was killed by the United States Calvary in 1838.”

“Do you live nearby?” Patricia helps Jennifer load her stuff into the helicopter.

“I’m roughing it for now. I enjoy history and love exploring. People have forgotten all the bad things this nation of ours has done to the Native Americans.” Jennifer was homeless and was hoping to find something to either trade or sell to get some money.

Patricia runs Jennifer’s description through every database she had access to and finds her. According to her driver's license, Jennifer wasn’t female, but male. She accesses the social security administration computer system and finds her social security number. She accesses the IRS and checks when the time she filed her taxes.

By the time they arrive back at the air base, Patricia knew everything about this young lady. She looks at Jennifer “you can leave your stuff here. I’ll ask the flight staff to watch the helicopter.”

“Thank you.” Patricia takes Jennifer to the cafeteria to feed her.

Two Months Later:
“Come on Thunderhawk, I know you can do better.” Patricia fires up at Jennifer with her paint gun.

Jennifer dodges the paintballs and fires back down at Patricia. She watches as she moves quickly out of the way. Something comes flying towards her from Patricia and hits her in the chest.

“That’s not fair.”’ Jennifer lands near Patricia.

“Always expect the unexpected from someone like me.” Patricia looks fondly at Jennifer.

That day they had lunch in the cafeteria, she came clean to Jennifer about doing a background search on her and found out she was homeless. She offered to let Jennifer stay with her family, in exchange she works at the airfield. Also, to sweeten the deal she was willing to take Jennifer under her wing and teach her all about flying and protecting herself.

“She got you again, didn’t she?” Steven and Felica had spotted Pat and Jennifer practicing out on the runway and came to investigate.

“Yes.” Jennifer looks at Patricia with a perturbed look on her face.

“Sorry, kiddo but I’m just that good.” Patricia had a smirk on her face.

“We know, Pat.” Felica knew Pat was the best teacher the company had.

“Good, you two get to your fighters, and you, young lady. You’re training with Lt. Brocks today over at the weapon range. I’ll see you later when he is done with you.”

“Oh joy, you had to have Lt. Brock train me today.” Where Patricia was good with flying and training you to avoid things while in the air. Lt. Brock was good with weapons.

Jennifer jumps up into the air and flies over to the training field.

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