(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3324 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.
My despondency didn't improve when I saw a paper about pods of Orcas off Western Australia whose preferred meals were blue whales. It's been estimated before man started hunting these leviathans, there may have been as many as 300,000 blue whales, nowadays, numbers are estimated to be between 20 and 30 thousand.
Orcas tend to be quite specific feeders usually groups of them feed on the smaller whales, seals, pemguins or fish, but this population of Western Oz are much more adaptable to different prey and that includes the world's largest animal, the blue whale. Reading the description of the hunt and the kill was quite upsetting, so I won't detail any of it here, and of course, larger animals tend to take more killing, so it goes on for some time before the prey actually dies, where it feeds every carnivore within miles after the killer whales have sated themselves, up to fifty of them have been counted at such a kill, most of which are the smaller females, but which may be feeding their own young.
Remember whales are mammals, so their flesh is high in protein and also they are rich in fat, both of which are desirable to other whales, birds and fish. Apparently the only whale pretty well immune to such attacks is the humpback, which has large, very strong flippers which have been known to kill such things as great white sharks, so no sensible orca messes with them. Currently, their main predator is man and they are protected for the moment, though the Japanese, Norwegians and one or two other nations, who hunt whales against global public opinion, apparently in the name of science (bollocks) could change that at any time.
When I think about nations whaling and the Faroe Islands annual dolphin cull, I think I understand why this planet is heading for an extinction event, humans are just too fucking stupid and selfish to stop their nefarious activities and they feel justified to keep doing them. And who's going to stop them? Boris Johnson or Trump or that moron in Brazil? I doubt it, they're already soaked in more sleaze than a sewer microbe.
Still when I get very low like now, overworked and under pressure from all sorts of directions, I think about my girls which cheers me up and then I find out what they've been up to and I do wonder if Simon is rich enough to buy me a desert island, somewhere warm but not hot, which has dormice and lots of insects and birds I can study and forget about thousands of students and millions of moronic people.
As a desert island with dormice won't happen, Simon won't buy it for me and being an ecologist means I couldn't introduce alien species somewhere just for my own amusement, part of the problem we have now is because Victorians and Edwardians did just that, or unscrupulous types introduced them to farm for their skins or fur, and even dumber ones released them to run wild and destroy native species. Mink, especially come to mind and thanks to the animal activists, who were driven by good intentions but very little else, certainly not ecological reasoning, we have many less water voles, which are critically endangered in places and are protected, though feral American mink seem unaware of this fact. Pity they don't eat grey squirrels.
Eventually, I gave up trying to beat the paperwork and beat it home instead, where I remembered I was hosting another sewing bee. So this is what life in the fast lane is all about is it, or did I mishear Faslane, where we park our nuclear subs when Russian learner submariners are crashing into them.
On the way home, the news was either full of the No 10 party scandals, or the possibility that Russian might invade Ukraine and we would introduce even more sanctions. They haven't worked so far and unless we stop Putin being allowed any air to breathe, I can't see it working at all. I mean the Germans don't want to do anything because they import lots of gas from Russia, and no NATO country is going to get involved in a war so what's it all about? Posturing and piss I think sums it up and the thought of Boris and Putin talking about it makes me want to laugh, two compulsive liars and sociopaths swapping stories or threats. What are we going to do, stop laundering all their dirty money? The world has gone completely bonkers and the lunatics are well in charge of the asylums.
Sarah had collected the girls from school using the people carrier thing, David watching the little ones while she did so. He had apparently, cut his foot, stepping on a piece of glass when he went to the bathroom. He had dropped his tooth glass and it broke and he missed a piece - the first time anyway, he found it later after it lacerated his foot.
Sarah did some first aid on it and he went by cab to the A&E at the QA. They dressed it for him and told him not to drive. He was also told to rest it but he managed to cook our dinner and sit with his foot up much of the time. He came over to the house because he knew Sarah was there and he was fed up with being on his own.
I have no complaints about Sarah, she's been a real trooper, though I'm aware we shall lose her in October when she goes to my university, naturally, I'll distance myself from her when that happens, especially with things like exams and assignments.
When I got home, I spoke to the girls who were pleased to see me, enough to stop watching telly for twenty seconds, yeah that long. Sarah seemed to avoid me and it wasn't until David had a quiet word with me, that I understood. She'd been dusting in my study and Mr Whitehead's journal fell off the shelf and fell open at the first Macbeth play I did.
I made myself a cuppa and one for Sarah and asked Danni to find her and bring her to my study. Oh well, she'd have found out some time wouldn't she? David had also cued Danni in her discovery and so she knew in case we had to involve someone closer to her own age.
Sarah knew why I'd asked her to come to see me, though I felt like a headmistress dealing with a problem pupil. She sat opposite me on one of the sofas and sipped her tea, she looked very anxious.
"David told me that you discovered something about my history today," I used as my opening gambit.
"I'm sorry, Auntie Cathy, it just fell off the shelf, I didn't go prying, I was doing some dusting while David made us a sandwich for lunch."
"So how much do you know?"
"I puzzled over the Charlotte Watts bit then realised you'd changed your name but then I realised that you had changed more than your name."
"I have indeed, it's not top secret but it was a long time ago and my legal status is female so I don't feel that I have to explain or justify myself, though one or two people have felt let down by my not telling them.
"As I see it, we can either walk about with our hearts on our sleeve crusading or we can stand back, let the novelty die down and then get on with our lives as ordinary women. Apart from not being able to menstruate and thus bear offspring, I see myself as a non-breeding female."
"I see you as a female as well, Auntie Cathy, you're so lovely and so female in everything, I can't believe you weren't always one. You are very lucky, you really do look like a natural woman."
"I'm AIS, so never had a male puberty, my body doesn't do testosterone."
"So you were obviously meant to be a girl."
"I like to think so, but that may just be self-delusion. Some people have thought so over the years but mostly, I seem to get by."
"Danni told me that she was a boy a couple of years ago."
"So you can see you're amongst friends and why we kept telling you to stop telling everyone if they don't absolutely need to know."
"I think I'm beginning to realise that. When they all said they were trans that time we had dinner here, were they telling the truth? I can't believe you have so many trans girls here."
"I won't tell you if anyone else is, because if they are they've been re-registered as female and are no longer trans. I don't feel I have the right to disclose anything about any of the girls but I can tell there are also some biological females here as well as we neo-females."
"Can I pretend I didn't see the book and go back to thinking of you and Danni as natural women?"
"You can't unlearn something like that but you can decide what you wish to do about it, and I will repeat that every woman and girl living here is legally female."
"Well, I know they're all too young to have had surgery as you have to wait until you're eighteen, except Danielle, she told me she was a special case and had been injured in her genitals and they had to operate. She also told me she wasn't sure if she had been trans but was now female for the rest of her life, but she had adapted and was enjoying being a young woman, including dating boys."
"Her football training stops her doing too much socialising and as people are beginning to recognise her talent, she gets approached in the street for her autograph, so we have to be careful about stalkers."
"She's really beautiful, I can't believe she was a boy, maybe she's like you?"
"No, she has talent and such coordination of movement and thinking, I could never achieve what she has."
"She said you were brilliant and a good racing cyclist."
"She's being kind. Trish and Livvie are brilliant, I live in their shadows hoping I can stop them coming to grief because of their intelligence. As for cycling, I was never that good, just better than Danni for a while, I suspect she'd beat me now as she keeps fit and I spend more time sitting at a computer or desk. I'm also older than her, obviously being her adopted mum, so that doesn't help either."
"I think you're wonderful, so does Uncle Peter, he knew about you, didn't he and that was why he wanted you to give me a job, because you'd understand."
"You don't have to have experienced something to try and understand or empathise with someone, I've had gay people on my staff and as friends, I still have. My oldest friend is a gay woman I knew in school and she had me sussed before I did myself. I knew I was a girl in nursery aged three or four but the reaction from others was not nice so I hid it, like everyone does, or most of us do. My dad tried to beat it out of me."
"What Professor Agnew?" Sarah gasped, "but he's such a nice old man."
"Tom is a delightful old man, no my birth father, who died a few years ago. We were reconciled before he died but he had awful problems with me when I came back from uni because I had had a small degree of freedom and the genie wasn't going back into the bottle, however, it was Stella who launched me into transitioning but I declined to tell her that story just now."
She eventually went off to beat my children or something and I discovered my tea was cold, as I did so Danni came in, "Everything okay?" she asked.
"Of course, thank you for also outing yourself, but you didn't need to."
"I thought with Sarah, It was pretty safe, we're becoming good friends, so I don't think she's any sort of risk."
"I'm sure she isn't but you also need to learn to forget about your past unless it become essential to declare it."
"Okay, hey your tea's cold."
"I know, you couldn't make a fresh one could you while I go and change?"
"We still having sewing bee, tonight?"
"As far as I know, why?"
"Can Cindy come and is Debbie coming?"
"Yes to both, now go and make that tea while I zip up and change."
Ten minutes later I was wearing jeans and a jumper and drinking the tea Danni had brought me. I was trying to sort out my sewing basket, I'd put it away in a rush last time and had bits all over the place. I'm not the world's tidiest person but when I'm working, I need to have a degree of order, so my bike shed is very organised, when I was doing lab work, my lab was with everything in its place, it makes for easier working, so I spent the time up until dinner sorting out the cantilever box, I call my sewing basket. It was my mum's and I have lots of sentimental attachment to it as well as it being very useful and it holds loads of pins and needles as well as reels of cotton, buttons, zips, hooks and eyes and lots more.
When I did more sewing, I used to go to car boot sales and markets and buy all sorts of bits of sewing things, tapes and bias binding, velcro and dressmaker's chalk for alterations, you name it, I bought it and besides my sewing basket overflowing, I have a cupboard in my study with my electric sewing machine and the stuff I can't get into my basket, like materials and paper patterns, there's a box of those in there too.
The gong sounded and I closed up my basket and went to see what delicacy David had made for us today.

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And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
I really am very busy
with my university work and after spending two hours on Tuesday editing my Gaby story before posting, for it only to garner 1 comment and less than a hundred kudos from over 800 hits, I really do wonder why I bother wasting my time to indulge readers who seem to pay we authors such poor regard.
I have given this site and its readers thousands of hours of my time without earning a penny from it, all I ask is some comments and kudos. Seems I am to be disappointed and my only reply is to stop posting but that punishes those who do write or give me kudos. Difficult, isn't it? Though I do try not to be as ill-mannered as many of the readers here. If you can't be arsed to comment then at least send Erin some money so she can keep the site open, she gives even more than me.
Other than checking the KUDOS button, I have never before commented on any of your stories.
Although we differ in some aspects from a religious and political standpoint, I have always highly enjoyed the superior quality of your writing. When I was down at my lowest, your writing has always been a bright spot and provided a lift.
I have also endeavored, within the very small limits of my financial resources, to support this site.
I did look at the Gaby story briefly,
but since I haven't read Gaby, I didn't continue with it. I'll try and give Gaby a try some day. So, I'm at fault for one of those hits with no kudos or comments, and I apologize.
Ang's Gaby story
doesn't need you to have read my saga, it stands on its own very well.
Please do give the Dorset tales a try.
And Ang - don't despair, i'm lucky to get even one comment on any of my posts!
Madeline Anafrid
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I agree with you there
I'm not sure why people can't at least leave a kudo, even if they don't leave a comment. For me, that's just being rude if you can't even click on a thumbs-up symbol. I don't always comment either, especially when I read through them and people have already expressed what I would have said. But I do like expressing myself as well, and I also like writing the odd story when I am in the mood to do so. As for this epic that you have written, it totally amazes me, that you could write almost daily for 10 years, and then people are afraid to read it? Bike is the best story I have read on this site! (Gaby is also pretty good too but Bike is the best.)
Seems a very
small price to pay, i.e, to make a comment and leave kudo's to show your appreciation of the always excellent Angharads obvious talents as a storyteller, Add into that the natural history lessons and obvious concern for our planet and i can see no reason why more readers should not make the effort and leave comments and kudo's. Its not difficult and takes very little time compared to the time Angharad gives to this site.
I only wish that i could contribute in cash terms ,Hopefully i should be able to in the not too far distant future.
Sarah looks to be earning her keep at Cameron Towers, Not only in looking after the younger girls but also in being on hand to administer first aid when David cut his foot open,I can certainly sympathise with David i have done the same thing myself . Luckily my sliver of glass was not that big and although it bled a plaster was more than enough to stop the bleeding , Needless to say i tend to wear slippers a lot more these days, Next time i might not be so lucky.
I am absolutely flabbergasted
I am absolutely flabbergasted when I think about all the time you have invested since 2007 in writing Bike and all your other stories, here on BC and elsewhere, and must humbly apologize for not commenting more frequently! That I'm again right now on chapter 2836 going for the THIRD time through, no less ;-) shows that you have had an impact on your readers that anyone could be proud of!! I don't know how you do it, frankly, but I'm sure happy that you do (and can) - thanks again for giving us so much pleasure.
Miriam Russer
P.S.: You're right on the money with Erin and the team, and I did last week.
Alliteration or accuracy?
“Millions of moronic people” has a good sound, but the number is far too low.
It’s not just the natural world we neglect. Long ago I was in Pittsburgh and walked in a park; under a bridge I admired its steel arch. It fell yesterday.
I saw pictures of that in the Guardian
Just hope not too many people were hurt.
Thanks for the comment.
I'm doing my part
and doing some contests to give out cash to authors. I realize I don't have a huge supply, but i'm doing what I can :)
I'm often surprised and not a little dismayed by how often excellent stories receive few or no comments when authors put in so much time and effort.
In Angharad's case she did a lot to preserve my sanity and health two summers ago when I was struggling to recover from a life threatening case of coronavirus, skeletal, weak, confined to bed for months, when I discovered Bike and devoured the lot to date in the space of about four weeks. I became entranced by Cathy and her struggles and her growing clan, the fantasy and the reality elements, and above all the love that ties the whole tale and the motley crew together. Angharad has made something very special, probably unique with this saga, and keeping it fresh, week after week with such dedication to her readers, shows a level of dedication that deserves respect and reciprocation from us. I owe her more than I can say.
So here's to you, my dear friend, and thank you.
At the risk of embarrassing you, I wanted to say it publicly. xxx
Hi Angharad, I do read your
Hi Angharad, I do read your ongoing stories sometimes. I think you are a wonderful writer. I leave kudos when I do. Your ongoing are so long it would take me ages to catch up, so I just don't. I know I would enjoy it much more if I did though.
I notice when I write multipart stories the first part always gets more hits and kudos than the subsequent parts. Partly due to the age of the the story I'll admit. I agree. Comments and kudos do matter. They cost nothing. What is it with the magical 100 kudos? I'm the same, odd?
I'm sorry we have taken you for granted xx
Feeling Blessed
Bike is a really lovely Saga.
Amazingly, I live where I am not questioned.
Thanks to all who have commented
It would, however, be nice if some who read my Gaby saga did the same occasionally.
Your Gaby story got me reading bike
I didn't know much about this Drew character, and why he always seems to get in a position of having to dress up like a girl. I was interested in your writing and it got me reading Bike, since when I looked at a few of the newer episodes, I didn't really have the context to understand them, so I had to go back to the beginning and read them.
Then I started wondering about Maddy's stories and went and read all of them too, so I am caught up with the Wine Princess as well. I think she will one day be married to a Baron but that is still in her future. (Or is it our past?)
must be nice,
to be rich and beautiful.