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"If you want we can go to court and fight this out. You know being the poor put upon wife I will probably win and you'll pay costs."
"But how is that fair? You get the London penthouse flat and I get left with the fixer upper in Hertfordshire. We haven't even started on it yet, it was meant to be your project. There's still a sitting tenant to get rid off."
"You should have thought of that before fucking your secretary shouldn't you."
"You know full well I didn't, I hugged her after her mother died, that's what those pictures were."
"Listen to me Sam, I've seen your browsing history. Do you want that to become public knowledge? What will the hospital think about the stuff you look at. How would you like me to tell them that you are a sick pervert?"
"It's not sick it's just different."
"Well you wouldn't catch a real man looking at that stuff. I though I married a real man, not a faggot."
"You never used to complain."
"I never knew what was is your head when we in bed. It sickens me. Take the deal or deal with the consequences. Give me the penthouse and I
won't sue for alimony."
"But that flat is worth over a million now! The house was only two hundred thousand. Once I paid off the flat , I'll be broke!"
"Well you better keep the tenant paying his rent then. Is it a deal, or do you want to see what the hospital thinks when I tell them one of their best surgeons is a pervert."
"Ok, I'll move out at the weekend."
Sam knew she had him over a barrel. Fiona would sell the penthouse and move to Scotland with her boyfriend. The divorce would say it was his fault. At least she'd be out of his life forever the conniving bitch.
The house in Hertford was a hundred year old three bedroom end of terrace. It was close to the town center and the train station. They bought it at an auction and Fiona wanted to "flip" it. She had been addicted to watching television programs where they renovated old houses.
Previously it was owned by middle aged woman who had died leaving to distant relatives, they auctioned it off. When they met the tenant he had told them he was prepared to move out with a months notice. Sam said he could stay until they were ready to start work, he did not like the idea of it being empty. He had been warned that squatters could easily spot empty properties.
Sam moved most of his stuff from the penthouse into storage and arrived at the house Sunday morning. He had a key so just walked straight in.
"Who the hell are.. oh it's you Mr Walker, Sam isn't it?"
"I'm so sorry Micheal, I should have called. It's been such a rush the last few days, it went out of my head."
"Well it's your house, is there anything wrong?"
"I'm divorcing Fiona, and moving here. Before you worry, you can stay I'll be glad of the company, well any company that doesn't spit acid like that old witch did."
Micheal looked up from the kitchen table with a bright smile and shining baby blue eyes.
"I did notice some friction when you visited after the auction."
Sam stared at him, there was something in that smile, something he found attractive. He turned away and coughed.
"Any chance of a coffee?"
"Of course where are my manners. I have no sugar, is half fat milk ok?"
As Micheal got up, Sam noticed his smooth legs. His face was very clean shaven too. Sam wondered if he shaved it off or was he naturally hairless.
They sat and chatted about the house and how Sam intended to do some of the decorating himself. Micheal suggested Sam move into the smaller bedroom as the master bedroom still had Mrs Banners things in. He said he wasn't sure what to do with them as Sam was the owner and technically they were his.
They went upstairs and looked through the room. The bed was a large 1950's style wooden frame, with a soft mattress. There were two large wardrobes. They were filled with dresses and skirts. The floor was covered in shoes. A large chest of drawers was full of nylon underwear. When they opened the bottom drawer Sam noticed Micheal's eyes go wide eyed looking at the old fashion corselettes and girdles.
"Some of this stuff is really old Micheal. Did she collect vintage clothes."
"I wouldn't say collect, she loved to wear this stuff though."
"I'm not sure what to do with it. Dustbin, charity or ebay?"
"I'm between jobs I can sort it out tomorrow if you want."
"That would be kind of you, thanks."
They chatted most of the day. Sam was glad to have good company. Micheal was around thirty five, ten years younger than him. They went for a pub lunch at the Barge pub and sat outside watching the boats go by on the river. It seemed to Sam like he had know Micheal for months. It was odd, he was warm and open. It wasn't like that normally with men. They took a slow walk back by the river.
Later that night Sam got them a takeaway and they sat and watched a movie together. Sam told Micheal he would be back late Monday as he had a difficult heart operation to perform.
Sam went to bed feeling happier that he had felt in years. Was it Hertford? It was a lovely old town. Surrounded buy fields yet only a twenty miles from the center of London. It even had it's own castle. He did like the town. Or was it the company? He had to admit he was very fond of Micheal. He almost felt attracted to him. He fell asleep optimistic about his life for the first time since he married Fiona.
Sam had a call when he was passing through Edmonton, the patient had died. As that was the only operation he was scheduled to do that day he turned around and headed home. He stopped off on the Mac Donalds over the A10 and picked Micheal and himself up a couple of breakfasts.
The parking near the house was full as people using the train station parked there during the day. Sam made a mental note, build a driveway soon! He parked a hundred yards away and walked in the back gate. As he approached the kitchen he saw a women with long blond hair in a green dress and black heels washing up. Micheal must have company. He felt bad he didn't bring enough food.
As he walked in the back door the woman turned dropped the plate and screamed. Sam stood slack jawed at the beautiful woman in front of him. It was Micheal.
Micheal grew hysterical and started to apologize and blubber. Sam put the food down on the table, walked across and wrapped his strong arms around Micheal and hugged him.
"Shuuush, don't worry, it's nothing to be ashamed of. You're a beautiful women."
"But, but you will throw me out and..."
"No I won't I'm a surgeon. I have assisted in a few sexual reassignment operations I understand."
Micheal looked up with tear filled eyes at him.
"Do you? I want to be a woman, but I think I still want to keep my boy bits, what does that make me?"
Sam lent down and kissed her gently on the cheek.
"It makes you a beautiful, special person. Gender isn't just about the flesh between your legs. Doing my job I've seen XX chromosome males, XY chromosome females, intersex females, women without wombs, men with wombs. It isn't just black and white."
"You don't mind? I have been dressing in Mrs Banners things since she died. I feel so guilty about it, but would hate to lose all of her beautiful clothes."
"They look wonderful on you. Those nylon stocking make your legs look amazing."
"Do you think so. I have a girdle on too. I works wonders on my shape."
"What do I call you. I can't call you Micheal dressed like that.
"Oh I know it's obvious, please call me Michelle."
They sat and ate breakfast, Sam noticed Michelle's mannerisms were decidedly female. He had noticed a hint of it on Sunday.
"Michelle, I have a confession to make. I find special girls like you incredibly arousing. My wife caught me looking on my laptop and wanted a divorce. She doesn't understand people like us."
Michelle put her hand on Sam's and looked into his eyes.
"I'm so glad we found each other."
She got up and sat on Sam's lap, They hugged each other like the world was ending. For them a new world was just beginning.
©Leeanna19 2022
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Lovely story
All's well that ends well
Michelle and the Surgeon
Leeanna, you know that I luv the start of this story. So many ways that you can take sweet Michelle into a world that will welcome her with open arms
It appears that some of your loyal readers have some interesting ideas for her transitioning. Just a appears that the story is marked as complete, and I know you've got more in store for Michelle. Perhaps you could reassure your readers that subsequent chapters are coming. Just to keep everyone tuned in. Can't wait. Like the use of the name Michelle, it makes me warm all over
Michelle xxx
Hi Michelle, just put part 2
Hi Michelle, just put part 2 on now. Not sure how I marked it on FM. Part 2 is fairly short. I hope to write more when I'm away next week.
Lost a ₤1000000 penthouse. Found love, kindness + his dreamgirl
When his losses and gains are tallied up I would say Doctor Sam came out way ahead on the deal! I hope spiteful Fiona sees how happy he is and gets very upset that he isn't all miserable and despairing. What's that old saying about living well being the best revenge? Heh, heh, heh...
And "special girl" Michelle's lucky too, if she ever needs a special prescription filled; and I'm thinking she might.
There used to be a kind of creepy guy here at BCTS who in his comments called both the girls in the stories and their trans authors "Special Girls", and he'd send them highly inappropriate Private Messages about what kind of special parts they had between their special legs (I never got one, I guess I wasn't special enough...) so the phrase became kind of an inside joke with some of these recipients of unwanted attention here; and after that I always roll my eyes when these two things I'd love to be called are used together. It makes me think of all those awkward, patronizing euphemisms for disabled people that have the word special in them (My hopelessly tactless and often unkind father used to say "They don't look so special to me they look fucking retarded!"), and of course: ).
But if the right person called me his or her special girl I think I could learn to love it. But since this is highly unlikely to ever happen, at least I get to identify with characters like Michelle or young Debbie with her wonderful mum in that other story of yours I like so much.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Thank Veronica. I never knew
Thank Veronica. I never knew about the "special" thing. I do find it patronizing that the disabled were called special. Don't see it much now. I'm surprised at how well received this story is. The kudos level is about 10% of the read total. I have never had that before. My femdom stuff never gets that. It's a reflection of they type of audience I suppose. More sophisticated?
I'm writing this for a special lady. it was her idea. Poor girl feels like she wants to dress and be female but can't due to what many of have. Pressure to be a guy, family and fear of losing everything.
Someone did mail me to say I am spelling Michael incorrectly. She is correct, but after googling it Micheal is an Irish variant of the name, so I'll leave it as it is.
I will sex up the story later, not litrotica of F/M sex up though. Bigcloset sex up, done with taste.
Good luck to ex's boyfriend
Sam may have fumed because of the loss of money, but his life is better off without a two legged viper around.
Who wanted to purchase the penthouse, Sam or his ex? Because of her attitude, and because Sam is a surgeon, it was likely his ex, since it would give her the prestige she wanted. And because she wanted to flip the house they bought, her motivation is purely monetary.
And some guy wanted to be with her? Good luck to the new guy. Once he learns of her true nature he may go screaming into the night. Unless, that is, they are two peas in a pod. Then they deserve each other.
Sam never let on how he felt upon hearing his heart patient had died, but he had to felt hurt. If he's a doctor who truly cares for his patient, then losing even one has to hurt.
Micheal has finally found a person who accepts him for herself. And Sam has finally found a woman who he can really be himself around her.
Others have feelings too.