The Benton Historia (7)

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Seems Odd...

...that the Klan would object to newspaper reports of their activities. The whole "object lesson" concept relies on people fearing that something similar will happen to them, and that won't happen unless they know what happened, preferably with as many sordid details as possible. (Firebombing a newspaper for denouncing the attacks would make sense. But reporting?)

That said, the Library of Congress "Chronicling America" site didn't provide a single article in a Mississippi newspaper between 1920 and 1924 with the words "Klan" and "bombing" or "Klan" and "damage", and none of the eight with "Klan" and "Church" were adversarial. Four with "Klan" and "Catholic": three of them reports from Massachusetts, Illinois and Oklahoma; the fourth, from Atlanta, a report that Klan leaders were "mortified" to discover that Gutzon Borglum, who'd been on their governing Kloncilium for several months while designing the Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial, was listed in Who's Who in America as a Catholic. (He'd eventually design and sculpt Mount Rushmore.)
