Working Girl Part 6

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WorkingGirl Part 6 of 6
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Garner thought it would be fun to sign up for a costume contest



I was down to my bra and panties, crying on the couch when I heard the door open and Jack entered.

“Baby, are you okay?” asked Jack sat next to me on the couch. “I came as soon as I got your call. What’s going on? You were rather vague on the phone.”

Sniffling I handed Jack my phone with the pictures being shown. “Everyone thinks that’s me and that I put these images on the corporate web site. I’ve been suspended and they’ll probably fire me.”

Jack took the phone and after a moment let out a low whistle. “Wow. You’ve been holding out on me. And you like older men?”

I scowled at Jack. “This isn’t a joke. That’s not me and you know it.”

Jack shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen you naked.”

Pissed that Jack finds this disaster humorous, I angrily pulled off my panties and tossed them to the floor. I pointed at my penis. “Still think that’s me?”

Jack leaned in close and stroked my hair. “I’m sorry, baby. You know how I always joke about stuff. What’s going to happen? I mean, it’s not like you can drop your panties in front of management.”

I frowned. “Why the hell not? Jack, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I have no idea where those pictures came from.” I put my arm around Jack’s neck and buried my face into his shoulder and started crying again. “This is awful. I don’t know what I’m going to do. The job market here has completely dried up.”

Jack put his arms around me and held me close. “That’s not entirely true. As much as I’d disappointed, you can go back to being a guy and find something at least temporary. And I bet they won’t fire you. I mean, come on. It’s obvious those pictures were photoshopped. You notice none of the blowjob pictures actually show your face.”

Getting drool on Jack’s shirt from crying, I said between sobs, “I’m scared. I’m alone in this town. And unless I expose myself, nobody is going to believe I’m not a woman.”

Jack kissed the top of my hair and shook his head. “You’re not alone. I’m not going to leave you. And yes, you are very much a woman.” He pulled me closer to him.

I slid my fingers down his chest and said in a whispered voice. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

Jack brushed the hair from my face and with a finger lifted my chin up. He then bent down and kissed me. A soft, gentle kiss. I pulled back slightly and he smiled at me. He then leaned in and kissed me again. We kissed for a very long time.

*          *          *

I slowly woke up. I felt disoriented at first as the room was different. I was naked in Jack’s bed. My ass was on fire from him fucking me twice the night before. Despite the pain, I smiled at the memory. I had sex with a man. It wasn’t anything planned. It just felt right at the moment. And I wasn’t stressed out so much anymore.

I slowly sat up. I was alone in the bed. There was the distinct smell of bacon. I found Jack’s robe tossed over the back of a chair. I slipped into it though it was too big for me. I opened the bedroom door and heard sounds coming from the kitchen. I saw Jack in the kitchen, wearing just a t-shirt and underwear, cooking what I guessed was breakfast.

Jack turned as I entered. “Oh, good morning sweetheart. Just thought I’d whip up a little breakfast. Bacon and scrambled eggs. Hope that’s okay.”

I smiled as I stepped up to him. “Smells wonderful! You didn’t have to make breakfast.”

He leaned over and kissed me. “But I wanted to. How are you this morning?”

I frowned as I said, “My butt hurts.”

Jack chuckled as he finished cooking the eggs.

Jack set our plates down on the table and sat down. He pointed at the chair next to him. “Let’s eat.” He studied me a moment as I scooped up some scrambled eggs. “I’m sorry about last night.”

I swallowed a bite of bacon. I kept looking at the plate. “About what?”

Jack put his fork down and just looked at me. “About fucking you.”

I looked over at him. “You’re sorry you fucked me?”

He shook his head. “No. To be honest, I’ve wanted that sweet little ass of yours for some time now. But I’m afraid I took advantage of you last night. You seemed like you could use a good fucking.”

I grunted a laugh. “The way I felt last night, I probably did. I have to say my emotions are all over the place. I’ve never had sex with a man before.”

Jack’s eyes bore into my soul. He asked, “Did you enjoy it?”

Before I could answer my cell phone rang. I looked at it and it was Ms. Lane. I picked up the phone and answered it.

“Hey, Ms. Lane.” I said without much enthusiasm.

“Garner. You need to get dressed and get up here. They have an announcement about your issue.” Ms Lane spoke quickly.

I frowned at the phone. “My issue?”

Ms. Lane said, “Yes. And wear a dress. See you soon.” She then disconnected.

Jack looked at me curiously. “Something wrong?”

I shrugged. “They want me up at work. I hope I’m cleared.”

“You still want to work there?” asked Jack as he started to stand.

I laughed. “I have to pay for my half of the apartment. Plus I was actually starting to enjoy the job. Mr. Jones would be totally lost without me.”

Jack frowned. “He just needs an assistant. Not necessarily you. You could find a better job.”

“As a woman?” I shook my head. “The job market here is tough enough and I’d have to dress as a guy again, which to be honest, I don’t want to do anymore.”

Jack smiled at me. “Or you could just stay here and let me take care of you.”

I leaned over and kissed him. “Don’t tempt me.”

I quickly showered and got dressed. As I was applying my mascara, I paused a moment and looked at my reflection. Do I really want to keep doing this? Getting ready in the morning used to be so quick and easy. Granted, it doesn’t take me as long as it did at first. I looked down at the counter top. Just look at all this stuff I have to buy! And let’s not get started on clothes! I sighed. But this is who I am. Should I consider going further? I shook my head. I might not even have a job after this morning.

I stepped out of my bedroom. Jack was already dressed and sitting on the couch waiting for me. He was going to drive me and give me moral support. Jack is so sweet.

“Okay. I’m ready,” I announced to Jack. “How do I look?”

Smiling as he stood up, Jack said, “Beautiful as ever.” He leaned over and kissed my neck.

My relationship with Jack seems to have changed overnight. I guess having sex with someone will have that effect. Are we officially a couple now? He took my hand and led me out of the apartment and to his car.

We entered the main lobby to see several rows of chairs. Many we already seated. There were managers, assistants and just other associates chatting and taking seats.

Ms. Lane walked up to me and tried to smile. “Good to see you Garner. Come sit with me. Bring your boyfriend.” As we sat down, Ms. Lane took a deep breath. “It’s been a harrowing past few days. I heard they cut at least a dozen employees.”

As I smoothed my skirt under me, I asked, “If I’m here, does it mean I didn’t get canned?”

Ms. Lane shrugged. “They walked a manager out the door this morning.”

After taking his seat next to me, Jack took my hand.

After having us all wait for about fifteen minutes, the head of security walked up to the front of the room. He didn’t even try to crack a smile. “Greetings ladies and gentlemen. The corporation has an important announcement and it was felt that having this formal meeting was betting than just a cold email.

“We want to announce that we have concluded our investigation and made our recommendations to management and they have accepted our assessment. We have identified all actors involved and they have been disciplined, up to and including termination.

“Management considers this issue closed. We apologize to anyone who felt they were unjustly singled out. That was not our intent. Any further questions about this incident, please direct them to HR. Thank you.”

Everyone just sat there for a moment in silence, and then conversations started bubbling up. I looked around at those in attendance. I slowly grew aware that some people were missing. Most notably was Nancy, that bitch who had wanted to be Mr. Jones’ assistant. Was she the mastermind behind this? Due to privacy concerns, they weren’t going to announce who they canned. I noticed one of the marketing guys was missing as well. He probably made the web site changes. My God, was being the boss’ assistant really that important?

I later learned that Nancy and her boyfriend in marketing had doctored all the photos and put them on the company web site. They thought they’d covered their tracks but Nancy had stupidly left the original naked pictures on her PC.

As I stood up, Mrs. Jones approached me. Looking as if she was ill, she said, “I’m terribly sorry I hit you, Ms. Carter. I over-reacted without any facts and I’m deeply, deeply sorry. I hope you can please forgive me.”

I smiled weakly and said, “Don’t worry about, Mrs. Jones. You were understandably upset.” Jack’s not a lawyer and he didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express, but he told me Mr. Jones’ lawyers would bury me if I tried to sue for damages. So I just let it go.

Ms. Lane turned to me and said, “Thank God that ordeal is over with! I’m sorry I thought for one moment you were involved, Garner.”

I smiled. “Thank you, Ms. Lane.”

Jack had wandered off to look at the computer on one of the desks and had just started walking back to me when Katrina pointed and asked, “Is that your boyfriend?”

I shook my head. “Nah. He’s just someone I kinda know.”

At that moment, Jack turned me towards him by my shoulders and grinned. “I knew you’d come out of this!” He then pulled me close and kissed me hard. I put my arms around his neck as my knees weakened. I even moaned softly.

Katrina said, “Hey, I kinda know him too.”

Coming up for air, I said, “Jack! Not here with managers running around.”

Mr. Jones came waddling up to me and grinned. “Ms. Carter. Go ahead and take the day off. I’m going to!” He turned and walked off with his wife.

Sarah grinned at me and Jack. She said, “We’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t do anything I would do.” She laughed.

Jack took my hand. “Let’s go get an early lunch.” He nodded at Sarah and Katrina. “Ladies.” Holding my hand, he led me back out to his car. We had a great lunch and then spent the afternoon having sex.

*          *          *

Two years later, Jack carried me across the threshold of our honeymoon suite in Hawaii. The wedding was beautiful, the flight tiresome and sex is so much better now with the proper plumbing.

One thing nibbles on my mind though. Would I have won that costume contest if I could have made it to the contest?

*          *          *

The End

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This was a cute story......

D. Eden's picture

But I’m not really satisfied with the ending. There were too many unanswered questions - like who changed Garner’s gender and how were they allowed to get away with it? Who sent in the fake resignation letter? Who’s idea was it to screw Garner out of his job and stick him as an assistant?

Yeah, a lot more people need to answer for what they did - not just Nancy and her boyfriend.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

have to agree

Maddy Bell's picture

this just doesn't sit right with the build up, a whole swathe of questions were left poorly answered in a quite rushed and simplistic short scene, dropped it from a solid 8 (nice bit of fluff with usual tropes) to an iffy 6 (lost direction and rushed conclusion).

As an aside - on this side of the Pond at least, the title has connotations of the sex industry which put me off reading it until ch3.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I think that it all made sense

Garner would not have been privy to the investigation and the way everyone said 'Never mind' when the results were announced pretty much fits in with how I have seen things work in corporate life. There might have been some apologies when Garner went back to work, but do we really need to see that?

While it would have given the reader some gratification to see Garner never come back to work, we already knew that she was trapped in the job because of the economy and the availability of jobs. I will agree that Ms. Lane seems to have shot herself in the foot by allowing a good analyst in her department to be lost to an administrative assistant position. I actually thought that Lane might have been in on the plot because Garner was a good analyst and he might have been close to finding out that Lane and others were attempting to ruin the company (or something of the sort).

I thought that the story was pretty good and spoke to how a cross-dresser would feel about actually doing the job that the person they were representing would do.

Well, I Guess

BarbieLee's picture

Melanie, you served all of your readers a ten course meal. Then to finish up you handed us chocolate mints for desert.
Hugs Melanie
Life is a gift, treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Well Done

Well done: I have enjoyed reading all chapters of this story. The narrative flowed & you kept me on line through the whole story Thanks for the read & Stay Safe

Happy Ending, But...

Janice34B's picture

... I must agree with D Eden & Maddy. I feel like Garner is getting a bad deal by not getting (his or her) analyst job back. Being a PA, even an executive PA, seems like a step down, but maybe that isn’t the case in this company? Like all of Melanie’s stories, this one is well written and fun to read. Looking forward to the next one.


I agree with others that ...

Jezzi Stewart's picture

... Chapters 1-5 were very good and enjoyable (though I would rather have seen Garner find a nice girl) but that this chapter was rushed and left too many loose ends / questions unanswered. Isn't there a much longer TG story titled "Working Girl"?
Hugs, Jezzi

BE a lady!

lovely ending

I enjoyed this one a lot.


Good start disappointing ending

The story starts well and introduces lots of threads any of which would lead to a great Melanie Brown story. Unfortunately the ending lets it all down. It's as if Melanie lost interest and just wanted to shut the story down. Maybe she did and maybe she just wanted to write a 6 chapter story but made the mistake of over developing the start. I think this is one that Melanie may revisit in the future because the first 5 chapters are gold but the last one is lead.


Thank God for chapter six!

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

I was on tenterhooks! My consolation was knowing that there were only six chapters, and you'd been posting them pretty quickly, Melanie.

It was a fun story. It would make a cute made-for-TV movie. Can you imagine a TG version of LifeTime TV? where the movies are rom-coms that start with a guy putting on a dress and end with it being a wedding dress?

Anyway, many thanks for a very entertaining read.

- io

We can only hope...

SammyC's picture

that in the near future Hallmark & Lifetime movies can feature TG narratives. Not only TG narratives but romances. And yes, especially Melanie's stories, would be perfect for those networks. As for "Working Girl," my only criticism of it was Melanie restricting it to six chapters. The ending felt rushed (although it did deliver the always welcome happy ending in a wedding dress). But I'm an unabashed fan of Ms. Brown's. She can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. On to the next! I'm sure her next opus will be usual.


Hurray for a Happy Ending!

Lucy Perkins's picture

Sorry to disagree with some people, but I was also very happy to read chapter six, I thought it a lovely ending.
Garner got her job back, and there was a hint that she might get to be an analyst again, but hey, she had more important stuff in her life, a great boyfriend, and a happy ever after ending. Hurray!
Lucy xxx

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."


Okay. Everything makes sense now. I love happy endings.

Your Writing Is Very Good.

I've read just lots of your stories and found them entertaining.

I was involuntarily raped at the Anus as a young teen. I can not remember the incident but do remember being threatened and the pain the next morning. It was traumatic. I have never had homosexual feelings. This spoiled the story for me.


Fine story

Sure the ending is a bit briefer than we might want, but all the bits fall into place. Garner is a great PA, she has Jack, and the baddies are out. What's not to like of this?

>>> Kay

A New Career

joannebarbarella's picture

I hope Garner is performing well as a PA.

Working girl

I must admit when I first saw this I thought about Working Girl by Susan Brown. That's a different take on things and though I enjoyed the story I wasn't ready to visit it again yet. It was wrapped up nicely but it seemed a little quick.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.

Should have more chapters.

I wish you take it slow and make it longer like u r some other stories.
Everything is rushed and finished too quickly.

I enjoyed a lot , but disappointed because this great story line ended very soon.


Sharp tack she wasn't

Jamie Lee's picture

It's hard when there's no one to fall back on when something hits the fan. Especially when someone else caused the problem.

Nancy was not the sharpest tack in the box, or it was her first time setting up someone. She should have been thinking long term instead of the present. Had she thought about what she was going to do, she might have relished her job over setting up Garner.

Security acted as security acts in a corporation. The problem involved two employees, which means nothing could be said to anyone about them. But given what happened, it wouldn't take long for the grapevine to get the pertinent information spread to other employees.

Why didn't Ms. Lane fight to keep Garner? Maybe she liked her job better than arguing with the CEO. And if she had, them maybe the truth about Garner would be revealed. And maybe she had other reasons that helped Garner after all. She and Jack did get married.

I really hate reading stories that pull me along instead of let me decide whether to read the story. It also seems when this happens the story turns out to be one I'm glad I read. Like this one.

Others have feelings too.