Changes~Sarah's Story~Chapter 4

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Changes~Sarah's Story

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 4


The car was now travelling on gravel and the tyres crunched as we slowly came nearer to the mansion.

We slowed down and then stopped outside some huge, impressive double doors. I wondered why we had stopped and thought that maybe Auntie was going to have a word with someone.

One of the doors opened and a man that looked a bit like a butler type person came out, walked down the steps and then glided over to Auntie’s car door.

The man opened the door and Auntie stepped out.

‘Come along Sarah, don’t dawdle.’

Puzzled, I followed.

The man looked at me and smiled – he had a nice smile.

He turned to Auntie.

‘Welcome home Milady.’

‘Thank you Jenkins; this is young Sarah, she’s come to stay with us for a while.’

‘Welcome Miss Sarah, I hope that you will enjoy being with us.’

For once in my life, I was speechless.

And now the story continues…

‘Come along Sarah, don’t dawdle,’ said Auntie.

Mr Jenkins looked at me kindly and then winked.

‘Please follow me Miss.’

I followed him, as Auntie had already gone up the stairs with more vigour than a Springer Spaniel puppy.I could hear her barking orders at unseen lackeys.

As I went through the tall ornate doorway, I gasped.

The hallway was bigger than most houses inside. The ceilings were so high, you could imagine clouds up there…there were clouds, but of the painted variety with obligatory cherubim’s and the occasional seraphim dotted about. It was heady stuff…


I had seen the huge Christmas tree over to the side. It was a good fifteen feet tall and was covered with decorations, tinsel and twinkling lights. On top was an angel that shone brightly. I had never seen such a prettily dressed tree (or angel) before. It was a real tree, none of your artificial ones. There wasn’t a dropped needle in sight and I assumed that one of the servants kept the marble floor clear of debris on a regular basis; although, if I were a Christmas tree, I wouldn’t dare to drop my needles there!

‘Sarah, where are yer?’

Mr Jenkins pointed at a side room and whispered, ‘I believe that you are wanted Miss.’

‘Call me Sarah, please.’

He shook his head as if I had sworn at him.

‘That will not do Miss. Please hurry her Ladyship does not like to be kept waiting.’

‘Okay Mr Jenkins,’ I replied brightly.

Another pained expression crossed his face.

‘Just Jenkins Miss, if you please.’


‘Because that is the way that things are done here, Miss Sarah.’


I gave Jenkins one more look, raised my eyes to the heavens and then went into the room from where or is that whence Auntie had bellowed from.

I was attacked by a huge dog!

Before I knew it, I was flat on my back on the luxuriously thick carpet, covered in a furry, wriggly thing and being licked to death.

‘Fifi, desist!’

The weight on me instantly removed itself and then trotted over to Auntie, who was standing by an impressive fireplace looking more than slightly annoyed.

‘Fifi attenshun!’

The dog immediately sat down with a straight back and looked more like a doggy statue than a real live, erm, dog.

‘Apologies Sarah, Fifi sometimes forgets herself.’

Standing up and brushing off my skirt, I asked, ‘what is she?’


‘labrawhat?’ I asked.

‘Doodle; a cross between a Labrador and a poodle. She was given ter me by one of the staff who couldn’t handle her. Just needed a firm hand.’


I pitied the poor pooch and wondered if I was going to be told to stand to attention if I ever did anything wrong.

Just then Jenkins glided in. Butlers do that evidently; it must be something they are taught at Butler School.

‘Yes, Jenkins?’

‘Miss Sarah’s room is now ready, Milady.’

‘Very good, a late supper in the drawing room, I think and then Sarah, I think that you will need ter go ter bed soon; yer look all in.’

I was feeling tired; it had been a long day!

Before I knew it, I was sitting in a nice snug room no bigger than a small football pitch. We were sat around a fire and I was eating a sandwich; ham and cheese for those who are interested, and Auntie was talking to me.

‘Tomorrow is Christmas Eve so yer can spend the day lookin’ around and getting ter know where everythin’ is. I need to sort out some paperwork about yer and speak ter some people. I will have ter talk ter the vicar too; I don’t want any of that happy-clappy nonsense at the Christmas carol service. He mentioned somethin’ about tambourines – not while I’m alive and still kickin’!

‘Enough of my problems, If yer need ter go inter Penmarris, Smith will give yer a lift. I trust young Sarah that you will do nothin’ to discredit yerself or me?’

I looked at her. The thought of doing anything stupid when she had taken me under her wing and away from that hateful home, left me feeling a bit sick.

‘No Auntie; you can trust me.’

‘Thought so; I can read people. I rarely get that wrong. You’ve had a rough time and I want to make sure that your future is much better than your past. Yer have a lot that’s going to happen to yer soon; medical stuff and all that nonsense. We need ter get that sorted as soon as possible. Also yer need a lot more clothes. I think that we need to get yer inter town to get some more. We will see what we can do after Boxing Day. Might drag along Sandra, me cooks girl. She’s about your age and she’ll help yer choose. It’s up to you who you tell about yer erm, medical problems. I trust all my staff with me life, but yer don’t know them from Adam or Eve fer that matter.’

She smiled at her own feeble joke and then ploughed on. ‘How are yer feelin’?’

I thought for a moment.

‘Confused, tired and bit afraid.’

‘Afraid of what?’

‘That this is all a dream and I’ll wake up in the home and then it will all be the same as before.’

I felt a lick on my hand and there was Fifi, looking at me. I swear that she knew I was a bit upset. I stroked her and she seemed to like that.

‘Sarah, this isn’t a dream. Yer here and safe with me. I promise yer that no harm will come to yer. Now, I think that its time fer bed.’

She got up and pulled a bell cord thingie. Seconds later, Jenkins glided in.

‘Ah Jenkins, please escort my ward to her bedroom. Sarah, just pull the bell cord in the bedroom if you need me or anyone else. Yer bedroom is next to mine. Have a good sleep and I’ll see yer fer breakfast tomorrow.’

I got up and looked down on her. On an impulse, I went over and kissed her on the cheek.

‘Thank you for being so nice to me.’

‘Get away with yer girl; It’s me Christian duty and anyway, I like yer and there is something…oh never mind that. Orf to bed yer go yer young scallywag.’

I giggled and then got up, following the efficient Jenkins out of the room. As I passed the doorway, I looked around and there was that puzzled look on Aunties face as she gazed into the fire. I hoped that she didn’t feel like she had taken on too much with me!

~ §~

Jenkins led the way up a long wide marble staircase. I didn’t say anything as I looked around in wonder. The inside wasn’t quite as grand as The Palace of Mysore in India; I had visited there with my parents once, but it was very impressive. The candelabras alone must have been worth a fortune. There were many paintings on the walls. I assumed that they were of Auntie’s relatives and ancestors; most of the paintings looked quite old.

‘This way Miss,’ said Jenkins, as he turned left at the top of the stairs.

I followed him as he walked along a corridor with even more paintings, some works of art, the occasional bust and bizarrely two suits of armour!

We walked what appeared to be miles of corridors. At one point, I stopped him.

‘Mr Jenkins…’

He turned and looked at me, ‘Just Jenkins Miss.’

‘Oh, sorry erm, Jenkins; look you need a bike or at least skates to get along all these corridors. My feet are starting to ache.’

‘We get used to it, Miss, he replied with a slight smile on his face, ‘I do not think that Milady would approve, do you?’

‘Probably not,’ I sighed, ‘are we nearly there or do we have to stop for provisions?’

‘Very droll Miss; just around this corner…’

He stopped outside a door, opened it for me and motioned that I should go in.

‘Ooh,’ I said, looking around in wonder, ‘this is erm, big.’

’Yes Miss, but not as big as some. Lady Fairbairn’s bedroom is something like twice this size; if I might show you around?’

‘Wow, yea, okay.’ I replied intelligently.

‘The dressing room is through here and the en-suite bathroom is beyond…’

The bedroom was mind boggling. It was big, bigger than most lounges including the one at Dotheboys Hall, I mean the care/orphanage type home/dump that I used to live in. The bed was large, a double one and it was very soft and bouncy; I thought that I might do the trampoline test a bit later... The furniture; I expected to be antique but wasn’t really, just cream coloured, well made and contemporary; IKEA flat-pack it wasn’t!

‘I’ll leave you now Miss, if you want anything, just call using the bell pull.’

He pointed at the cord by the fireplace and I noted it for future reference.

‘Thank you, M…Jenkins.’

‘No problem Miss. May I say that I think that you look nothing like a boy and how the authorities ever thought otherwise, I do not know.’

I went over and gave him a hug. Hey, I’m an impulsive person, all right?

He coughed, went red in the face and mumbled something about, ‘Milady wouldn’t approve,’ and then with a smile, he left me to get further acquainted with my room.

~ §~

I sat on the bed. I couldn’t believe it. I was in a posh mansion and actually being looked after by people who actually cared about me, wearing the clothes that screamed girl. I wasn't used to all that sensory overload and for some reason, I burst into tears.

After a while I pulled myself together and went into the bathroom.

And what a bathroom it was. There was marble everywhere but it was a modern bathroom with an oval shaped bath and what looked like Jacuzzi nozzles in the sides of it. The taps looked like gold but were probably just shiny brass. Over to one side was a power shower that could have held three (four at a pinch) people. Along one wall were two basins set in a marbled counter and I assumed that this was a double bedroom or why would you need two basins?

There was a long mirror that took up the whole of the wall above the basins and it was lit in such a way that I could see every nook and cranny of my face.

On the counter were several girlie type things like face and body cleansers, body scrubs, shampoos, shower gels and a couple of shower hats in wrappers. Also, there were hair brushes and combs, a lady razor and on the wall was a hair-dryer. Everything looked new.

It was all a bit overwhelming, but I was a bit tired and I knew that I should get ready for bed before I fell over. Taking off my clothes, I folded them neatly on a chair and then, just in my panties and bra, I used the face cleanser to clean off my makeup which, after my little crying episode, looked a bit worse for wear.

Me in makeup! I still couldn’t believe it. I would have to do the YouTube thing and look up how I should apply makeup. I had very little experience and I wanted to look as nice and pretty as possible. Maybe one of the maids might help me, if they would. What was that girls name; the cooks daughter? Oh yes, Sandra. Maybe should could be my first friend…I didn’t have any and it would be nice if she would accept me.

That made me wonder, how many people knew about me and what and who I was. I shrugged; they would have to accept me as I was and if not, well that was their problem, not mine.

I was beginning to get my confidence back; a confidence that had been severely dented after losing my parents and all that had happened to me afterwards. At last, I could see a light at the end of an extremely long tunnel.

When my face was free of makeup, I ran a bubble bath and in a few minutes, with a sigh, I sank into it. It was so nice to relax and just let the warm sudsy water caress me and take away all the knots and strains of that strange, yet exciting day. Looking at my small breasts peaking out of the suds of my bubble bath, I smiled. At least I looked like a girl from the waist up. Soon, I hoped, I would get rid of that funny appendage down below and I would feel even more of a complete girl. I knew from when I read up things on the internet that there was a silly rule that meant that you had to wait until you was 18 before you could have a full sex change op, because of psychological issues and the fact that you were still growing. I supposed that I would have to wait for that. I expected to have myself de-balled though as they weren’t much larger than peanuts and they had hypowhatsited or something, you know, shrivelled.

I would have to be content with that. The mere fact that I wouldn’t have to pretend that I was a boy anymore would be enough for me. My fear had always been that I would grow up to be a ten ton, muscle bound moron of a man with hair and a deep voice who scratched his bum, farted, picked his nose and all the other things that evidently made you manly.

Eventually, the water got a bit cold and my skin was getting prunyfied, so I got out of the bath, dried myself off with an enormously fluffy towel and then, once I was dry, I walked back into the bedroom. I still couldn’t get over the size and opulence of the bedroom. My toes curled a bit on the thick cream carpet, as I waded over to the bed.

Someone unknown and unseen had been in the bedroom while I had been soaking myself in the bath. On the pillow was a cream satin nightdress and matching panties. I picked the nightie up and held it up against myself. It felt delicious, if you know what I mean. In seconds I had slipped on both the panties and the nightie. The nightdress had spaghetti straps and went down to my ankles and it looked and felt simply gorgeous.

I couldn’t stop yawning and so I decided to go to bed. After switching on the bedside lamp, I turned off the main light and jumped into bed. Then I groaned as I saw that the curtains were not fully closed and that there was a chink of strong moonlight coming in. Getting up, I went over to the window, marvelling at the feel of the silky nightie against my body. I could definitely get used to this!

Reaching the window, I glanced out and saw for the first time that the bedroom overlooked some extensive lawns and a lake in the middle distance. The lawn looked a bit worse for wear as it seemed like a mole village was underneath it. It was pock-marked with mounds of earth all over it and I wondered why nothing was being done about it.

I yawned again. I really was very tired.

‘Maybe I might get to have a look around tomorrow,’
I thought as I drew the curtains and then slipped back into bed.

I was very sleepy but for some reason, I couldn’t fully drop off and I lay there for ages, just thinking about what had happened to me and what the future might bring. Eventually, I fell into a light sleep.

I may have imagined it, but I felt a hand on my hair brushing it off my face and also a light kiss on my cheek…

~ §~

The next morning, I was awoken by the sound of the curtains being drawn back.

‘Morning Miss,’ said a cheery voice.

I cracked an eye open and there was a girl in a maids uniform.

‘I’m Maisie; here’s a cup of tea Miss. The Mistress has asked that you get yourself up as soon as possible and that she will meet you in the breakfast room in half an hour. Dress informally; that doesn’t mean jeans and t shirt here Miss, but something that your mother would be proud of. Sorry Miss I forgot about your Mum. I always put my foot in it. I’ll leave you to get ready. Some clothes are in the walk in closet, they should fit, well some of them anyway. If you need me to help you dress or anything, just pull the bell push; bye.’

With that, she was gone. I didn’t even have time to thank her. I sat up and sipped at the tea, which was nice and hot, just the way I liked it. I felt refreshed and ready for the day. Not like before in the home when getting up was just the prelude to yet another horrible day.

Once again, I wondered how many knew about my somewhat unique circumstances. Shrugging, I just told myself not to worry as I drained my cup and got up.

I had a quick shower, making sure to wear a shower hat so that I didn’t have to dry my hair. I know that I had a bath the previous night, but I wanted to play with the power shower; it was so powerful, it nearly knocked me over!

After drying myself, I went over to the walk-in closet and had a look-see. There were dresses, skirts and blouses on hangers; lots of drawers with panties, nighties, tights, socks, jumpers, cardigans and all manner of other goodies. I wondered where they all came from but I did note that they were all new with tags and looked roughly my size. It appeared that Auntie was a bit of an organiser. I wondered how many people she had running around after her when she wanted something done. I had a feeling that it was a lot!

I wanted to wear one of the lovely dresses, but didn’t think that they were suitable, as the weather outside was cold and I probably needed to wear something sensible. In the end, I wore a denim skirt and white blouse; my thinking being that if I were trying on things, they would be easy to take off and put on.

As I mentioned before, there were some panties and tights in one of the drawers, still in wrappers and I chose pink cotton panties and fairy thick, soft and warm, black ribbed tights. Looking at the antique clock on the mantel piece, I saw that would have to get a move on. I slipped on a pair of low heeled black shoes, pulled a brush through my hair, which still had some shape from the day before and then I noticed that my time had run out, so no makeup, except for a touch of foundation and some lippy as I didn’t want to keep Milady waiting!

One final look at myself and I dashed out of the bedroom, along one corridor, then another and another and then I realise that I was lost!

I didn’t want to be late as I wanted to make a good impression, but the huge mansion had more corridors than a large comprehensive school and my sense of direction wasn't good at the best of times.

Just then, I heard some heavy breathing behind me and I slowly turned around…


It was Fifi. She looked at me with her tongue lolling out and then without another word (or woof) she turned and went down the corridor. For lack of anything else to do, I followed her. She went along one corridor and then another…you get the picture. Eventually we went downstairs and then I recognised the huge hallway with the ginormous Christmas tree with its madly twinkling lights.

Fifi sailed on and then went through another set of doors and I found myself in a large room overlooking the lake. To one side was a large table and sitting at the head of it was Auntie.

‘Ah, there you are young Sarah. Fifi found you did she? More intelligent than many men she is and not a few women too. Big place this; easy ter get lorst. Come and sit down and have some food. Feed yerself from the dishes on the table. Don’t like ter trouble the staff too much in the mornin’s.’

I sat down next to her and the next quarter of an hour or so, we ate in silence. Eventually she put her cup down and looked out of the window. Suddenly, she stiffened, sat up straight, almost growled and then got up, moving swiftly to the window.

She threw open the window, picked up a shotgun of all things that had been behind the curtain, raised the gun to her shoulder and with one swift movement she aimed and fired it!

The noise was terrific. Birds that had been on the lawn and swimming peacefully on the lake, rose as one and I also noticed several deer take off like rockets.

‘Blast, missed the bugger!’

She put the gun back behind the curtain, closed the window and then came back over to the table. Sitting down, she took a sip of her tea, as if nothing out of the ordinary had actually happened.

‘Erm, Auntie?’

She looked at me and raised one eyebrow.

‘Yes child?’

‘You shot something?’

‘Yes, but it lowered its damn’ head at the last second. Moles yer know; can’t stand the damn’ things. Tried everythin’ nothin’ seems ter work, so I got the Purdey out of mothballs. I’m getting’ closer; I swear that I nearly creased his fur. Never mind that, did yer sleep well?’

‘Erm yes thanks.’ I replied, wondering if there was any insanity in her family; all that in-breading can do funny things…

‘Good; lots ter do terday. I’ll show yer round the place, introduce yer to some people. Can yer sing?’

‘No, I could crack mirrors with my off key singing.’

‘Pity, the vicar is always after choristers. Never mind.’

‘About the clothes shopping after Boxing Day, there’s plenty in the closet.’

‘You’ll learn that girls never have enough clothes. Anyway, I want yer ter chose some yerself. Its good practice and we have a few other things ter do in town. Yer have an appointment with a trick cyclists…’

‘Trick what?’

‘You know, head doctor. She’ll ask yer some damn’ fool questions like do yer think that yer a tea pot and how do yer feel and then she’ll tell yer what we already know, that yer a girl and then we can tick that box off. The sooner the world recognises yer gender the better. Now, let’s go inter the library, we need ter talk.’

I followed her out and as soon as we left, a whole bevy of people went into the room and started cleaning up. I wondered how many staff she had; it seemed like hundreds, but I could be exaggerating.

We went across the hallway and into another room with hundreds of books that lined nearly all the walls. There was a cheerful log fire in the inglenook fireplace and it all looked very snug and cheerful.

Let’s sit here, shall we?’

It was a long deep leather sofa that I literally sank into.

I turned towards Auntie. She looked a bit thoughtful as she looked at me.

‘Have I done anything wrong?’ I asked.

‘Heavens child, no.’

She was silent again and stared at the fire for a few moments and then once again looked at me in a strange way.

‘Sarah; we need to talk about things that might be upsettin’; I hope not, but be prepared. When I first saw yer and yer explained ter me about yer history, it struck me that there was somethin’ about yer.’


‘Let me explain…no let me ask yer a few questions. What was yer mothers’ maiden name, do yer know?’

‘Erm, Fairbairn…hey that the same as yours, that’s a funny coincidence…’

‘And your mothers’ first name was?’


She looked at me for a second and I wondered where all this was going.

‘Sarah,’ she asked as she picked up something from side table, ‘do you recognise the girl in this photo?’

I took the picture in its ornate frame and looked at it. It was quite old and there was a younger Lady Fairbairn in it, looking quite pretty; also there was a boy and girl, they looked like they were in their late teens. The boy I didn’t recognise but the girl…there was something about the girl…

‘That’s strange, the girl looks a bit like my mum…’

‘Go over to that mirror and take the photo.’

Puzzled, I did as I was told and I looked at me reflection then down at the photo.

‘Ooh she looks like me…’

My voice trailed off, as I kept looking between the picture and my reflection.

Auntie came up beside me and put her arms around my shoulders.

‘That,’ she said, ‘was my daughter and son, her name was Lady Roberta Fairbairn. You, my dear Sarah, unless I am very much mistaken, are my granddaughter.’

To Be Continued…


The Cove By Liz Wright


To all my long suffering and patient readers, I would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Please leave comments…thanks! ~Sue

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