Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2532

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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2532
by Angharad

Copyright© 2014 Angharad


“They’ve let that little shite out?”

“Pia, yes.”

“Well if it comes near Danni, they won’t have to worry about further therapy.”

“Si, doesn’t that make you as bad as Pia?”

“I didn’t destroy someone’s identity along with their sex organ, did I?”

“I hope not.”

“What?” he sounded quite offended.

Oops, “Well, in your rugby playing days...who knows what you did out in the scrum?”

“Scrum? I was a three quarter.”

“Oh, I thought you were a wing forward—I’m sure you told me...”

“Later on I was, too slow for a back.”

“You said three quarter?”

“Yeah, that’s a back.”

“You’ve lost me.”

“You’ve got the forwards, right?” I nodded. “Everyone else is a back, your half backs—scrum half and outside or fly half, two centres and two wings are the three quarters because they stand behind the half backs, then right at the back is the fullback.”

“Mr Halfpenny with those amazing eyelashes.”

“Eh?—oh the Welshman, an’ British Lion.”

“Yeah, he’s got beautiful eyes and eyelashes to die for.”

“I hadn’t noticed myself.”

“You look next time...”

“Babes, when I start thinking fullbacks have lovely eyes, I think I’ll stop watching rugby. If you get my drift.”

“Oh—all right then.”

“What are going to do about this Pia creature?”

“I don’t know, I think we’d better tell Danielle, just to be safe.”

“What happens if she freaks out?”

“I hadn’t thought of that, d’you think she would?”

“I don’t know do I, that’s why I said it.”

“She’s nearly an England football cap, surely something like Pia being released isn’t going to faze her.”

He shrugged, “How do I know?”

“But we have to tell her.”

“Why? You said the cops told you call them if she comes near.”

“What if she wanted to apologise?”

“What for mayhem or attempted murder?”

“She was very disturbed, she might be better now.”

“Oh yeah, she knocks on the door to say sorry and suddenly whips out a knife and finishes the job.”

“I don’t think she ever intended to kill Danielle.”

“No, well known fact you can’t kill someone by hacking off their goolies and half their dick—she nearly bled to death—the doctors told you that.”

“I think that was a calculated risk.”


“Just an idea.”

“Go on.”

“What if they’d talked about their experiences in France, they both ejaculated on being penetrated.”

“It happens—pressure on the prostate causes an ejaculation of seminal fluid.”

“Which I believe is pleasurable.”

“Might not be with someone’s ’ard on up your arse—that’s gotta hurt, especially the first time.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right, but I’ve got this vague recollection of both of them telling me they enjoyed it.”

“I can’t believe that, just having a crap can hurt.”

“Okay, so I’m wrong, but I had this recollection and as a consequence Pia cut her genitalia off because she felt guilty, perhaps it was a revelation that she might be gay—I don’t know.”

“What’s that got to do with Danni?”

“What if Danni said she enjoyed it too but she wasn’t gay and Pia decided she must be a girl, but knew that waiting times for surgery would be six years away but a certain type of injury would be an emergency and if the victim was presenting as female, would the surgeons finish the job by creating a female type set of genitalia?”

“We’re talking thirteen year olds here not twisted thirty year olds.”

“Teenagers can be quite organised and devious.”

“It’s still far fetched.”

“I think Danni was wondering how painful it would be to lose her testes.”

“She told you that?”

“I think it was implied rather than said per se, so if they’d been talking about DIY surgery is still so far fetched. Remember they both knew about Trish and her self op and then the subsequent injury.”

“That is scary—you’re implying Danni was complicit in her own...”

“I don’t know, I can’t quite remember, so I could have misheard or mixed it up. I know they were experimenting with—um—other things.”

“What other things?”

I began to wish I hadn’t started this conversation, “They had the odd kiss.”

“Is that all?”

“If they’d been two ordinary boys, that would have made me consider they might be gay, but if they were in girl mode—girls do practising kisses with each other before they try it with boys.”

“Did you?”

“Uh no, but I read it somewhere.”

“Boys don’t unless they’re gay?”

I blushed fire engine red, “Or experimenting, they also—um—touch each other.”

“Do they? I don’t remember doing it and I’ll bet Charlie didn’t, did he?”

“Good god, no.” Could I blush even more? It felt like it.

“So did you practice kissing with Siân?”

Goodness it was hot in here, “Um just once.”

“You kissed her once?”

“We—um—kissed a few times.”

“And you didn’t fancy her?”

“Not really, why?”

“That photo of you both in school uniforms, you were both foxes.”

“We were?” I gasped.

“I’ll bet she instigated it?”

“Probably, I don’t remember, it was embarrassing.”

“Why? You were adolescents experimenting.”

“She was, I just happened to be available.”

“You didn’t enjoy it?”

“I was so uptight about anything remotely sexual that I blushed at the mention of it.”

“You had a hard time in school then.”

“You know I did. I blushed so easily if one of them said, you’re blushing Charlotte, I felt myself get hot and bothered. If they said anything remotely suggestive, I nearly caught fire.”

“My poor girl, and you didn’t fancy any of the boys?”

“Not really, I was aware there were some nice looking ones as I was aware of some girls being prettier than others—they were all prettier than me.” I felt a tear escape.

“Cathy, please don’t do this to yourself. I’ve seen photos of you as a girl, you were quite pretty and you’ve blossomed into this stunningly beautiful woman.”

I blushed again. “I don’t think so.”

“Why are women so hard on themselves? I’ve known two or three who were so gorgeous it was hard to look at them without wanting to ask them for a date, just to be near them. None of them considered they were very attractive.”

“Upbringing? In my case just confusion.”

“And some uptight parents.”


“So have we decided to tell Danielle about Pia?”

“I think we have to, don’t you?”

“What if she wants to see our jailbird?”

“If Danni wants to see Pia, you mean?”

“That’s what I just said.”

“I don’t know what to say, don’t they sometimes encourage victims to confront their attacker?”

“That’s with psychologists and other bods about, not just the two of them—what if Danni bore a grudge and chopped up her erstwhile pal?”

“I don’t think she would—far too girly.”

“You think so?”

“Yes I do.”

“Our England striker too girly. Are you sure?”

“Si, the only thing I’m sure of is that I need to go to sleep.”

“Oh, okay—night night.” He pecked me on the cheek and switched off his light. I lay back and closed my eyes, I couldn’t sleep—but I knew I wouldn’t, not until I’d spoken to Danielle and possibly even Pia.


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persephone's picture


You've hit some interesting buttons for a lot of people.The one that captured me was,

"Not really, I was aware there were some nice looking ones as I was aware of some girls being prettier than others—they were all prettier than me.” I felt a tear escape."

I've yet to find a friend who doesn't worry about her appearance or isn't jealous of another's looks or youth. (Apart from blokes of course. If we look in the mirror then a frown appears as we analyse and criticise ourselves in minute detail. When a guy does it he sucks in his gut, smoothes down his comb over and tells himself "Hell yeah!")



Non sum qualis eram

The let Pia out ?

I wonder where this will go? Did the docs ever come up with a diagnosis?


I for one

hope that Pia never gets to meet Danni, You cannot help but think it will end in tears for Danni , As was mentioned in this chapter Pia is very disturbed, Not only that but she is also devious, She may well appear that butter would not melt in her mouth, I'm sure Cathy and Simon would keep a close eye on them both, But it only takes a minute for something to happen , Something that could change everyones lives for a very long time... Cathy and Simon would need to think long and hard if Danni intimates he would like to meet up with his former friend...


No way would I ever consider

No way would I ever consider letting Danni be near Pia unless under total adult supervision and in a well lit room with cameras and mics all around the room to record everything said or done. I am having a real problem in understanding just how Pia was released and who did the releasing of her/him. Dark, stormy and potentially dangerous days ahead for our young England Cap girl.

Transgender Regrets

This story is of course fiction, so much speculation makes no sense. It is worth speculating that even after his rape in France, it did not make Danny Transgendered. I am not going to look up the exact details, but I do remember that Pia flipped a wobbly and castrated Danny.

Would Danny have become a woman otherwise? That is doubtful. Is Danny now, infact female? That information is still in the ink well.

I've not been able to find statistics which I consider reliable, but I just assume that some who have this surgery regret it and try to resume their old lives. There are several people of note in the UK who did just that.

At this stage, I do not advocate Christianity in this venue, though I frequent a UK site called Adult Christian Forums, and to those interested is a thread called Transgender Regrets. The conversational exchange has been interesting. I have come to the conclusion that many of these people think the life of the post op transexual is mostly dismal and unpleasant. And, statistics show that changing genders has a huge impact on our income. Many of us are alienated from people who we wish were more accepting.

I know that this conversation is perhaps politically incorrect. I just want to advocate for the idea that it is perfectly acceptable to reverse course far into the journey. No matter what our peers say, and no matter what our therapists say, the choice of which horse to ride lies solely with us, each one of us.

It would be an interesting turn of plot to see Dannie become Danny again.

Pushing buttons.

Yes, this chapter does push buttons for many. Relationships, feelings, memories - the whole 1760 yards; and all of them in our own shoes.

Still lovin' it.
Happy new year.
