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Sweet Dreams…I’ll never have them.
Okay yes that’s one hell of a depressing statement. But it’s true. Hey…My given name’s William Hunter, I get Will or Bill or Billy but the thing is I’m none of those. I don’t have a clue who I really am but tell me one teenager that does.
Monday September 20th, 2010.
I wake up cold. I live out on the outskirts of Detroit. It’s a bad neighborhood full of run down buildings and boarded up stores and just trash and stuff everywhere. There’s no heat in the apartment. The land lord doesn’t turn it on until like late November. There’s no use complaining because my step-dad’ll just tell me to shut the fuck up and put on a sweater. I pick myself up off my mattress on the floor and pad my way through the apartment until I get to the bathroom.
The place is a wreck again with beer cans everywhere (His) and wine bottles (Mom’s) and there cigarette butts on the floor, the coffee table, in a few cups and dishes. It stinks in here that sweet burned sugar stink mixed with menthol and licorice. The smell of Methe and Weed my parents drugs of choice when they can get them.
I check the fridge and there’s three day old cold pizza just starting to curl in on itself.
I’m still trying to see if it’s edible when I try a sip of the milk…yeah…ugh, it’s nearly cheese. I take a cold shower, eat the pizza and make myself an instant coffee with cold water. My stomach’s already screaming in rebellion.
I walk to school.
I hate school, the press of the crowds of kids and nobody really gives a shit that I am here. Well there are a few people. I hang with almost nobody and I’m cool with that. There’s a lot of gangs here, not little ones either. I’m fifteen and in grade nine. I’m skinny because there’s no food in our house like ever. Why buy food when you can smoke it, or inject it or drink it. I should be outta here because I’m “So Smart.” But apparently I’m not that smart because they haven’t pushed me ahead. No the Admin wants me here and a few of the other brains because we bring up the shitty GPA.
I’m cornered by Maxx Logan once I’m in the stairwell where security is laxer. I don’t try to talk him and his buddies out of it. They run their own gang of a sort and have been after me all year last year and this year. I just run, or I try to run. The fucker hasn’t liked me since I won’t pay him his protection money. I don’t have any money, there’s shit for jobs that a fifteen year old can do that aren’t illegal. I’m not running drugs for him. I’m not. Its bad enough I have to live through that shit at home.
Anyway he and his buddies catch me and they start to thump on me. I got a kick to my balls then I’m slammed into the wall by Maxx and I lose count of the times he wails on me. Always to the body. See it looks like abuse right? If I say shit to the cops or the faculty then it gets spread around that I’m in an abusive home (I am). They get charged and both of them have priors so there’s the 3rd strike rule. They go to prison for bull shit and I’ll get thrown into foster care or a group home.
And given the way I look I’d be made someone’s bitch really quick. I’m five foot six, one hundred and nineteen pounds and maybe still growing. My mom’s a short chick and I take after her. A German and Irish mutt I’m as blonde as can be but I‘ve got dad‘s green eyes. I hide it with a goth-punker style. I’ve dyed the last five inches of my hair blood red, I’ve got some ink, nothing real. Three earrings in each ear.
I wear what I can but being completely broke my clothes are shit, threadbare and if I’m lucky from thrift stores. Today it’s a black knit hat, a really old Ramones T-shirt over a girls black skater long sleeve sweater you know with the built in glove thing over the middle two fingers. Black combat fatigues and old red keds and Goth knee high stockings. I’ve got a really old jean jacket that was so threadbare I crazy glued a black hoody into it as a liner.
Twice a year I used to get money from an imaginary grandfather. I had forty bucks each time until the step-shit got a hold of it. He beat the cash out of me for drugs. Instead of defending me Mom stopped him and befriended me and conned me into showing her where everything I’d saved saying that with it we could get out and away from him. Once she got the cash she ranted about that being it. I betrayed them over that.
My real dad was a bartender at a Mick(Irish) bar who got gunned down by a drive-by when I was three. I still remember it, I was there. I’m skinny too that comes from I guess living the way I do. I might be better off elsewhere…Bullshit. I’m literally the fucking definition of white trash. Not worth helping. Mom’s a Nord (An Old White gang German& Polish.),She a wanna-be Aryan really; she's got German cross tattoos and shit. She and Step-shit are Aryan nation hangers on. Still they’ll pin those beliefs on me, I’ll get saddled with the rep.
I’m saved from a really severe beating by this burst of yelling just down the hall followed by the very definitive pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop…of gunfire tearing through the place, the walls and one of Maxx’s boy’s takes a stray round.. He goes down and the rest of us split.
I end up taking off out of school in the confusion and hiding out on one of the buses. I don’t know why they’re there but I don’t care. It’s warm in there with the sun coming through the windows and that combined with a crappy breakfast and the beating I drift off into sleep curled up in the backseat of the bus.
I wake up to the sound of voices. I look around and I see a whole bunch of really well off white kids in the jackets of various schools I’ve never heard of. Lots of jocks and lots of varsity and letterman jackets. Great…Fucking jocks and me a prime goon target. I wall of muscle lands on me just throwing himself into the seat.
He’s fucking huge. Six and a half feet maybe more, three hundred pounds of muscle. His arms are huge, like bigger than anything I’ve seen in person. He’s more that able to palm my face through the window or the metal of the bus itself. He’s got long brown hair and brown eyes. He’s one of those magazine cover pretty boys with the world at his feet.
The more I look at him the more pissed I get. Designer jeans, polo shirt, Varsity jacket, expensive aftershave and all that stuff.
“Whoa, shit!’
He jumps a bit at the shout I made. Then turns and looks at me. “Uhm, yeah sorry I didn’t see you there you’re kinda small.”
“Gee, you mean you just thought you could just throw yourself wherever you wanted.”
“Uhm, yeah.” He ducks his head and blushes..?
“I’m sorry did I hurt you.”
Yes, fuck he landed on some of my bruises from earlier today.
“Yeah a little.”
“Oh my god, shit, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m kinda getting that there big guy.”
“My name it’s Alex.”
“Okay…I’m Hunter.” He doesn’t really know me and I’ve always wanted to be called by my last name. He nods. “I like it.”
“Okay, it doesn’t matter what you think about my name, it’s there. I don’t really need you to like it.’
“Hey I said I’m sorry okay?”
“Sorry, I’m not used to your types, being like human to me and stuff.”
“My Types?”
“Oh and you think that all us Jocks are all the same?”
“Yeah, and you already proved it, throwing your ass here like you own the fucking place. Your just another fucking over grown, over indulged goon. You’re all the fucking same you know…”
He’s ignoring me as I see a whole flock of super hot super model looking girls in cheerleader uniforms strut onto the bus. I’ve never seen anyone strut on a bus. They give off this air of superiority. The one in the lead is so hot she could melt steel, a literally perfect blonde…blue eyes, big DD firm breasts and narrow waist and everything just perfect. The kind of girl who’s sicced her boys to pound someone like me just because I was there or looking at her or some other fucking whim.
I hear him breathe out a quiet. “Shit…I..really don’t need this…”
She’s almost on top of us when he pulls off my knit cap and pulls me into a kiss so fast it shakes my hair loose.
I’m being kissed by a guy.
I’m not gay.
I’m…this…this is my first kiss. His hands slides into my jacket, to my sides and…I’m too numb to feel the pain from my bruises just then and his hands slide down and cup my bottom.
I’m not gay.
Why does this feel like this…?
“Alex? Just who the fuck is she?” The words are filled with venom, and anger and the desire to hurt me or worse. WTF? Waitafuckingminute! Waddashemeanshe?
Alex breaks the kiss but he’s still holding me…“Oh Hi, Jennifer, This is Hunter. Hunter this is my EX Jennifer.” I still kind of stunned, everyone on the bus is watching the show.
Her look get’s even more dark and angry. If she was home she’d have pulled a piece.
“Alex, don’t be stupid. What do you think you’re doing with this thing. I mean just look at her.” She starts to laugh which causes her sheeple to laugh. I really hate people like her. She doesn’t know fuck all about me and she thinks she’s got me pegged. I look street, I could act that way and knock her block off but I really try to never hit women.
Instead I go for that bitchy, real goth chick cool and blink at her slowly after they’re done laughing. Like she’s nothing, like they’re nothing. “Whatever.” and I turn from looking at her and kiss Alex. I’m kissing a guy of my own choice, of my own free will. It’s out of spite for her and everything she represents. Jennifer boils with fury at me dismissing her. “You’re dead you here me, nobody messes with Jennifer Morrison.”
I ignore her again and keep kissing Alex. A teacher or a coach or something comes onto the bus and the others take their seats. Alex slides in behind me putting his back to the windows and the lounges with his legs up on the seat. I was going to protest but he pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me. I’m getting tons of stares and a lot of them jealous ones from the girls. Alex tilts my head back again and kisses me.
There’s a part of me inside screaming. I should be freaking out at this. I should be feeling revolted. This is gay, I’m being such a fag.
Then there’s something just enjoying it? I don’t understand. I’m smart like I said really smart. Not understanding doesn’t sit well with my brain.
Alex wraps his arms around me and puts his chin on my shoulder. It feels good, really…good, too good…No one has held me since my dad was gunned down. Then I’m hurting…that buried down pain comes bubbling up and I’m drowning in unshed tears. I don’t cry. I nearly cry…I get so close I get a headache from it. The parents taught me not to cry. You can’t pound on a little kid, Mom would try to slap me to be quiet, sometimes when she was high or drunk she didn’t need a reason. The step-shit would hold me still and put stick pins in me…deep, and they look like bug bites. In my neighborhood nobody gives a fuck.
My head’s throbbing when one of the cheer whores passes me a tissue. “Hunter, right? You’ve got a nose bleed.” Jennifer turns and with a bitchy look. “Oh looks like someone had too much coke this morning.” I dab away at the familiar trickle of blood. Some of them look freaked, Jennifer and her sheeple are laughing.
I’m myself in this at least and pull in further and deeper into myself.
We leave of the bus and head back from the place they were at. It turns out the bus company moves around buses when they’re not going back and forth from their usual routes. The one I hid in and fell asleep in was sent to pick up a bunch of kids from a field trip. At least after this I can get off at the city depot.
My nose under control I lean my head back and kiss Alex. “You owe me big time.”
“Yeah I know, I’m kinda sorry about this, the hitting on you and stuff.”
“Kinda sorry?”
“Yeah, I really like holding you. Kissing you, I can get used to this you know.”
It hurts, I feel angry that this isn’t…I don’t know why I’m so hurt and pissed.
I reach up run my fingers through that hair…pull his head down closer.
“Alex, are you a fag?” like I said, I’m hurt and I want to hurt someone else.
He stiffens like I hit him. His voice is a very quiet angry hiss. “No, I’m not why?”
His hands dig into my sides as he’s holding me, right over my bruises.
“Because Alex, I’m not a girl.”
He’s quiet, I’m waiting for the explosion. The self justified anger, the beatings from him and the others…
He’s quiet dead quiet the rest of the ride back to his school. I feel his chest heave twice, like he might cry? He breathes it out through his nose.
“You kissed me you know.”
“You didn’t even ask me to help.”
“So are you just waiting to freak on me without witnesses.”
“This is you fucking fault, I didn’t trick you.”
I’m running out of steam without him saying shit that I can use against him. He’s still holding me and I swear I can feel something wrong, there’s something hurting in him.
Hurting I know.
You know you’d never think Mr. Alpha male, Mr. perfect would know that life could be shitty.
I go quiet myself.
We pull into their school.
Ooh, it’s all pretty and shiny.
The campus is clean. They’ve got grass and trees and picnic tables and everyone’s got nice cars, clothes, lives…I feel like the dirty little thing that I am. Kids start getting up to leave. Jennifer and her crew cutting us off.
Alex was the last to get up.
Jennifer give me a shove back into Alex. “Oh no, you don’t get out this that easy you little cunt. I’m going to teach your little coked up ass a lesson.”
“I don’t do drugs.’
“No, I don’t, my Mom’s a fucking Methe head I’ve seen how fucked up you really get on it Jennifer. And this is what happens when you don’t deal with the dealers.”
I lift my shirts a bit and show some of my bruises.
It got quiet again.
I stare at Jennifer, she stares at me, then my bruises and then me. “I don’t give a shit what you do to me Jennifer, there’s nothing you can dream up that isn’t my everyday.”
I feel the headache again and feel a little warm trickle.
I dab some more blood away from my nose.
Alex opens the doors at the back of the bus setting off the alarms and he pulls me off the bus after he jumps down.
“Alex?, Alex!” Jennifer calls after/at him.
He spins on his heel and punches his fist into the door so hard it dents and slams shut and the safety glass windows shatter… “Jennifer!, Fuck off!”
He turns on his heels again and walks away normally he’s really…he puts his hand to the small of my back and guides me away from them all the teacher’s having a freak but other football players are talking bullshit to him covering for their boy.
Alex’s hand is really fucked up…no…it isn’t?
Martial arts?, he’s a really big guy and they usually don’t study that stuff. It happened so fast I didn’t really see what he did. He leads me over to a car. It’s a bright shiny new dodge charger. He is fucking rich. He…he opens the door for me. I get in and he closes the door. He starts to drive. I look it over, leather everything, he’s from a whole other world.
He drives me back to my neighborhood. I just quietly give him directions. He still hasn’t said anything. I tell him to stop at a mini-mall a couple of blocks from home. He comes around to open my door and I get out on my own.
“Jesus Alex I told you I’m not a fucking girl!, I’m not a fa…”
He kisses me, like the guy does to the girl in the movies. My head tilted back, him kissing me so sweetly…I want to pull away, I want to push him away, I want to scream faggot at him/me? I can’t, I’m totally swept away by the kiss.
I’m still in shock when he pulls away from kissing me. He takes out his wallet with a card in it. Of course all of them carry cards. He also takes all of the cash out of his wallet and stuffs in into my front pocket.
He looks at me and I hurt him. I really fucking hurt him, and I can see it in his eyes.
I broke something in there, or rebroke it.
He walks away and just before he gets in his car he pulls my black knit cap onto his head. It looks good on him.
I just watch him pull away and take off down the streets out of sight. I’m hugging myself and my fingers are touching my lips. I’m stunned, in shock and freaking out inside. I walk to the local Taco bell. I live on it sometimes. You can get a decent amount of food for cheap. I pull out his money. He had $117 dollars…a whole other fucking world…of difference.
I eat, I eat slowly and take my time. I’m…I’m more lost and messed up then when I started today. I hurt inside and out. I buy some junk food at the Circle K, candy and Tang two cans of chili that I dent. To look cheaper. I treat myself to a chocolate bar, I like 5th avenue bars and a chocolate milk. I head to my security box place. I stole money from the Step-shit to first get it. $23.50 per month I hide all my money I can scrimp and save together there. It’s private and I have the only keys besides the people that run the place. I keep one really hidden in my building. The other is duct taped under the sole liner in my sneaker. I’ve put eighty in there.
It’s well after dark when I get home. I toss the bag of stuff on the couch and sit in one of the chairs. Step-shits drinking some rot-gut gin. “Where’d you git the stuff.” I reach over and take mom’s pack of smokes off of the coffee table. I take one out and light it. It burns a little too hot, they’ve been sitting out and have dried out. I exhale, I needed this. “I stole a twenty from a teacher’s wallet.”
“Where’s the fucking change.”
“Spent it, mostly.”
“On what?”
“Got any change left?”
“Couple of bucks.”
“Git the fuck outta here.”
I lucked out tonight he’s drinking gin. Slow gin and he’s been smoking pot. It makes him shit worthless but at least he’s more zoned out of it. He could be drinking rum, or whiskey, or tweaking. He’d have most likely have kicked the shit out of me for something to do.
Mom’s dancing in her bedroom tripping out on something. I smell weed, good weed she must have turned a couple of tricks for that. I open the padlock on my room door and take the lock and lock myself into my room.
I undress wincing and hurting and crawl/fall into bed. I start to break into tears off and on as I try to choke it back. Over and over and over…a few hours later I hear them screaming at each other and smacking each other around and I fall asleep to that curled around my pillow and listening to the distant pops of gunfire.
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very good story. i hope to read more about hunter. lets get him out that abusive situation.
Sweet Dreams...I'll never have them.
This kid needs some friens, FAST
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Wonderful Story!!
Wonderful story!! There are so many different paths that you could go with this story. Maybe someone could help you with editing.
Well then I'll just have to dream big enough for both of us...
I’m…I’m more lost and messed up then when I started today. I hurt inside and out.
...what a horrible existence and then the encounter; the confusion and fear and guilt and pleasure and wonder all mixed together like an emotional stew. This is as the Pelegrino girls might say FUCKING AWESOME!!!! (Didn't quite know how to say how good it was...hope this isn't too much!)
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
A peek into Hell. You have the gift. I feel so much for this kid I wish I could help. I'm not sure about the definition of Trailer Park Gothic but this sure is dark. You did a good job with explaining the kiss. Hunter is so desperate for positive human contact that even this felt good. Excellent beginning!
Wow, did you grow up in my hometown?
I grew up on Goldengate & Stephenson, in a nice (well, at the time) house with a corner lot, then we moved to Royal Oak (before it got trendy). This all seems real familiar at my friends houses. Can't wait to see where this goes!
An excellent beginning to a
An excellent beginning to a most interesting story. Hunter lives a life that sadly too many kids live on a daily basis in many parts of our country. They are the true victims of the drug scene, and yet so many will claim that using drugs is a victimless crime. Our department once arrested a couple who actually sold their newborn for meth. It took some really good police work to catch the "buyers" and drug dealer(s)in this one, but it was done.
moving, powerful, and just plain darn good! More, please.
Well done, Bailey,
'you have captured the raw reality of the real world that exists out there for so many unfortunate
children,a reality that is so hard to escape from without help.You really have developed into a very
good and serious writer.Thank you.
Geez, Bailey.
You are such a great writer. I'm in awe of all you can do with words.
I think that sometimes I don't understand things that, I figure, everybody else gets. I also take things literally, then maybe think what I read was a metaphor, but it takes me a while. I just guess that it's my Asperger's, but maybe it's something else.
I thought I would be reading a autobiographical story, but then I guess that you aren't 15. Is it some kind of semiautobiographical, but fictionalized tale? I'm more interested in a present day story, because usually people tell stories of the crap they had to go thru in their past. I like finding out how things are these days; some things are better and some could be worse now. The proposed length is also good; I'm sure you'll get deeply into your characters.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Raw emotion and feel.
I'm gonna ignore the fact that you have a coupla "gasp" sentence structure problems! This is the real thing; the whole banana; the holy frijole. I hope no one wants to um "fix this shit" for ya. I'll get da mob on em. LOL
You're gonna do more of this right?
This is the first time I've actually logged in in months, though I read here often. I just had to point out that I find this story very powerfully written. Thanks for the read.
Darn good.
Such an Awful Place and Life
Please tell me, this is exaggerated, surely? There are not really places that bad are there?
Look, it is well written, it is just that the picture you paint is so awful.
I grew up in the East End of London. We rented a run down house that was bombed in the Blitz. One of my earliest memories is of being trapped fast in my bed in the ruins of it, with the air full of dust and smoke, in the dark. Then a tap tapping sound and suddenly bits of stuff falling all over me and a bright light in my eyes and some man saying "I've found one alive!" and me being dug and pulled free and then crying "I want my Mummy!" and suddenly she was there holding me. I was about three at the time. Then we were moved about to a succession of places, but luckily always together and sometimes my Dad was there too. Everywhere we were moved to I was picked on because I spoke differently and looked poor and limped a bit. But at least there were some nice people about and people looked after eachother a bit.
Surely after all these years we dont still have places quite so bad as this? Do we?
Yup, fraid so
During the time I was a UK courier (2002-2006) one of the things my company did was taking medical kit to patients at home: dialysis kits, feed pumps, bags of glucose, cleaning pads, etc. We could get called out 24/7 to take stuff anywhere in the country, and I did.
Some of the places I ended up were little better than that described above*. I don't remember actually seeing visible drugs paraphenalia, but the squalor was sometimes incredible, and often barf-making. A lot of the patients had little idea about basic hygiene and the places often smelt worse than municipal refuse tips (a story for another day!).
I have had to swap and connect a dialysis machine for a single woman patient who was quite clearly out of her mind on recreational drugs - I cleared that one with Control before doing it, as it was quite outside our remit, but equally she couldn't be left alone to do it herself at that hour of the night.
So I can quite believe the conditions described above, even with the addition of a little 'artistic licence'. Fortunately, this is fiction (I hope), so I guess the distress we all feel show how emotionally engaged we are with this engrossing tale. More!
* Most were much, much better, of course.
Not exaggerated
Not exaggerated one fucking bit, and I've seen fucking worse.
And the sad thing is that it's still better than what can happen with foster, or with group homes.
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Which was
exactly what Hunter is afraid of getting trapped into.
Bailey Summers
There are places that could best be described as "hell on earth"
And they can be found in the slums and poorer areas of most fairly large modern cities, even some of the smaller ones. That doesn't stop things like what are described in this story from happening in wealthier areas, the difference is odd shit gets noticed/reported there sooner.
Heck, there are towns in Canada and the US where many of the people often don't get enough to do more than survive, if that.
In my own experience, I spent a large part of my very early years being abused in a variety of ways, including not being allowed to socialize with others at all, being starved or damn near it, being beaten if I drew attention at times, wearing shit clothes when other kids in the same house had designer items (those kids were usually biological children of the adults in the house), and lots of other crap like that.
I can't recall if there was drug use/abuse in any of those places, but it wouldn't surprise me if there had been.
The best thing that could happen to me did, or I initially thought so. I was adopted and removed from all the shit I've described above.
The only reason I survived to be adopted was because someone from one of the medical agencies or from child protection (I don't know which it was actually) realized I was on the verge of dying due to starvation/malnutrition and had me moved to another foster home, one that was well known and respected, where I was slowly helped to recover and began to eat without fear of harm or losing the food.
All of this before I reached my seventh birthday, and that doesn't include that I was raped at 4.5 years of age.
So yeah, I've seen a lot of the shitty side of life at a very early age. It's not surprising that I ended up being slightly messed up, hmmm?
It honestly wouldn't surprise me to learn that this sort of thing is more common nowadays. Kids basically getting away with murder a lot of the time, then you step out your front door and not too far away, you see the first of a disturbingly large number of homeless people.
People shouldn't be forced to go out on the streets to try to survive, but it is happening more and more as time passes.
You write some pretty powerful tales. This one in particular. It's possible some of your troll critics fail to realize is that teens in general and especially those in Hunter's scocio-economic strata rarely use the proper King's English while speaking or to decribing their lives. It's a good thing Hunter is "one of the smart ones" otherwise some of us older readers would have trouble following her narration of her story.
We now care enough about Hunter that we are looking forward to your continuing the story. Please.
Linda Jeffries
Too soon old, too late smart.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
Excellent Bailey
We need to see Hunter looked after ASAP!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Missed this one
But I like it. So world weary at 15.....
I am certainly glad that I finally got around to reading this. I will catch up today.
Good Story
Even though Hunter's life seems so sad, the story is well written and I liked it a lot.
Excellant story shame a lot
Excellant story shame a lot of kid's have too grow up in that kind of environment but it is well thought out and written thank you:).
and too many kids never get out of that situation.
Bailey Summers
Wow, this is intense... This is a peek into hell... I just hope it'll get better for him. Dad killed, mother and stepfather alcoholics and terrorised at school.
You definitly have an awesome talent as a writer - you get me to read stories I normally wouldn't even touch.
Thank you for writing,
Now if you will excuse me I think I need to go cry. I can only hope that poor Hunter gets to have some sweet dreams one day. Frankly I am amazed (s)he is still alive.
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
All I can say is Wow! To think that some people actually live that way too and also treat their children in that manner as well!
My personal life was lonely althoug my parents did at least acknowledge my presence but they hurt me in other way by leading me to believe that I was retarded and would know the answers to my questions to them when I "grow up".
William Hunters life though in comparison to mine is one hundred fold of course. His life makes mine look like I was in Heaven for goodness sakes!
I have seen families like that too and it is not pretty to say the least. It's no wonder William is so confused with those kisses as it had to of made him feel wanted, really wanted and needed as a person.
I know that this story of course is supposed to be fictional but I do hope that William does get away from those god awful so called parents of his!
Keep reading, vivientena!
You're going to love this story. It's one of my favorites.
Like you, I came in late. I read through the chapters very fast (for me). Now the hard part is waiting for the next chapter to come out. *grin*
Yeah, Hunter's mom and "stepshit" are pretty f'ed up, and really hurt/damaged the child they were supposed to be protecting and empowering. Considering what they all did, it's amazing they haven't broken Hunter. He still kept a quiet defiance and intention to make something of himself despite his abusive 'family' and soul-crushing poverty and neighbourhood, even though a large part of him doesn't believe he'll succeed (parents' voices talking in his head?). Keep reading. He/she will get another option.
Bailey's PR Manager
LISA!!! You're Hired!
Thank you so much for the absolutely killer comment! Of Course all my employees are paid by game-show.
Specifically "Wheel of Fish."
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Wheel of Fish and Slowpokes
Oh goody. Although I always seem to get "Radioactive Halibut". (Which is used to make Fission Chips, of course...) *ducking to avoid PUNishment*
I think I know what vivientena means about being made to feel retarded or otherwise mentally inferior.
I was a very shy, quiet kid, with low self-esteem (some gender confusion didn't help with that much). I also have some OCD and mild dyslexia that reduce my reading speed (and comprehension if I'm not concentrating), which sucks because I love reading now. I never started reading for pleasure until grade 9 or so. Even though I did fairly well in school, which is amazing since I never did my homework, the above factors tended to make people think I was retarded, or at least "slow". Especially with how quiet and non-assertive I was, I think. And whether I developed it on my own or it was a product of being treated this way (or a combination of both), I never saw myself as all that smart...
Now I know I'm fairly smart compared to the average person, comfortably above average IQ, logical thinker and all that. I'm not snobby about it; I don't treat less intelligent people as inferior (unless they're a-holes) or go around bragging. My self-esteem is much better than it used to be, though, especially in my awkward teens (wait, awkward teens, is that redundant?). But another reason people's impression of me was "slow" is that I AM sort of a slow thinker. I can reason out pretty complex things, if I have the time to think about it. But I was never the "quick on my feet" mouthy sort. I thought up the perfect retort to someone's insult ten minutes after they smirked and left. So usually I just kept my mouth shut and stewed. I'm better at standing up for myself than I used to be, faster to react, more confident, but still a slow, plodding, logical thinker sort. *shrug* And I'm fine with that now.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
Slow Lisa
(great big slow hugs back)
There's tons of good in those traits.
There's nothing wrong with Slow, calm or deliberate people. "Hummingbird people tend to give me a headache anyways.
Some one the best things in the whole world take take time y'know.
If we'd have grown up together you might have been the friend in my group to go "Uhm not a good idea." and have actually good reasons for us not to to do... "The Stupid." My friends and I were and are still good at finding "The Stupid." sometimes.
I'm a mixed bag myself blessed with Grandfolks in the same yard and a Dad that was and will always be one of "Those Guys." he was the man who taught me tolerance and acceptance of so much. My Mom on the other hand is still one of those hot tempered fierce women that has a really big mouth.
Not a bad thing, she's the first person to have your back, give anyone a shoulder to cry on while lashing out with a mouth and probably enough foul language to peel paint at the offending person.
School was likewise mostly boring for me. I'm another high IQ person out of those out there so instead of studying or getting good grades I was bored and got into a lot of trouble...Way too much study on the effects of sex,drugs and booze on the teenaged brain. I still say though there's a component of just bad schools in that too. Most kids even smart ones don't do well with regurgitated info teaching.
I practice and try to live up to my Dads example but I'm a lot like her in actions. It's why I like my job sometimes. As a security guard I get to squash bad behavior and help people at the same time. But as I get older my skin's getting thinner in a few places. I find myself cutting loose with comments in public now. The gifts of getting older i guess you're more allowed to be cranky.
Anyway...'Nuff about me.
Loved getting to know you better Lisa:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
The Stupid
Heh. My older brother was "the Stupid" in our family. In AD&D terms, he would have a moderately high intelligence score, and a 3 Wisdom score. And he's all about the sex, drinking and drugs too. Me, well, I drank socially on occasion, and that's it. :P
Wow, your parents sound almost exactly like mine. My dad was the "quietly masculine" type of father. Easy going, accepted people, thought things through, tried to keep the peace, etc. My mom was the emotional, fast to react without thinking things through, quick to tell you her opinion, etc. And woo, what a temper. Also a bit homophobic, although more accepting of trans-issues than other sexual orientations. When I tearfully told her about my crossdressing, her first question was "Are you gay?" When I said I wasn't, she was fine with it. Surprised me. She's even bought me a few things over the years, including a cute nightgown for my birthday once. I'm fairly sure my dad knows too, but we've never talked about it, nor do I think it would be a problem with him. Unlike these macho idiot fathers in a lot of these stories (and unfortunately, too many real life fathers).
As for your ideas about schools and education, I tend to agree. And this series illustrates that well, with Hunter's experiences between her old school and Alex's school.
*Big Hugs Back*
Re: The Stupid
The Stupid: Been there, done that, threw away the t-shirt as it brought too much attention to me.
I replied to one of your other comments here, I was smart, but sometimes pretty clueless. LOL
My adoptive father (the only man I've ever had in the "father" role) was an asshole, plain and simple. There were four kids already when I was adopted; I ended up being the middle kid (not a good thing in many cases, as the middle child is often ignored or just left on their own), add in the fact that I was adopted, and it got even worse. If one of them did the exact same thing as me at the same time, they might have gotten a good talking to and maybe five or so moderate swats with the belt, I got chewed out big time and anywhere from 25 hard swats with that belt (sometimes the buckle) to fifty or more at least once a day, sometimes two or three times a day by the time I turned fourteen.
He knew before I was adopted that I was gender dysphoric as the Catholic Children's Aid rep told him about it, his response was "I'll make him a man if it kills me, hell, I'll beat it out of him." I'll never understand WHY he adopted me.
My adoptive mother, on the other hand, was fairly quiet; in that house, he ruled, no one else. I will say this, though, I was caught dressing at least twice by her, and I'm pretty darn sure she never told him, as he would have beat me half to death if he had known. She never bought me girl stuff, as she knew his feelings about it, and from the time I was ten, he was searching my room about once a week (I had gotten into trouble many times at school and home for being "light-fingered", so the searches were to find what I'd snitched). If he had found girl stuff in my room, I would very likely have ended up in the hospital or the morgue, either dead or not far from it.
Re: Wheel of Fish and Slowpokes
I understand quite well about being made to feel "retarded or otherwise mentally inferior".
Between the time I entered the foster system when I was six months old and the adoption which occurred a month after my seventh birthday, I lived in at least a dozen foster homes, possibly twenty or more, I don't remember much of what actually happened in those homes.
There are two major exceptions to not remembering: the first was my being raped at 4.5 years old by the boyfriend of the foster mother in the home I was in at the time, the second was being pushed down a long flight of stairs because I was having a grand mal seizure (epilepsy). That was the physical side.
Of the few other memories I have from my first seven years, I don't recall EVER having an allowance at all, even though other children in the same home(s) did have an allowance and were around my own age. I know for sure that I wasn't allowed to socialize with other children, as that lack of socialization was the cause of my being diagnosed as retarded at four years of age.
I know for a fact that I shocked the hell out of several of the people who had been examining me when I spoke up one day and told them all they were so full of shit they should be traceable for miles by the stink alone, then told them that I had NEVER learned to socialize. A new assessment after that determined that I was very intelligent, and further assessments revealed that I was gender dysphoric.
I have to say now that I was smart in that way, but not in others, I got myself into trouble lots of times for not keeping my mouth shut. It wasn't helped by the fact that I was one of the two smartest kids in my elementary school (for example, he and I had a composite score of 94% on a series of aptitude and cognition/comprehension tests that the government of Ontario did in the spring of '80), that often brought the bullies down on me.
My sense of self-esteem was never strong, and with the bullying at school and the shit I went through in the adoptive home between mid-'73 and the end of September in '81, it never got a chance to become strong. There are times I wonder how the hell I managed to survive. Even now, thirty years after the last time I was ever in the school system, my self-esteem will go into the dumpster all too easily.
Hey Vivientena:) thanks so much for the great comment!
First what you went through was real and while Hunter's situation is bad it's fiction on my*Hugs* just because:)
I Loved the comment and way too often people will start and read an established work and just keep going and commenting once they've caught up. So I really appreciate the comment:)
I'm going to add my voice to Lisa's and say please keep reading. Even I can admit it gets better and worse.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I saw the latest update for this story, and since the site's being a little quiet recently, decided to start this (especially since you thanked me for my feedback on Jem, I thought the least I could do was start reading some of your other work!)
Well, that's certainly an unusual start. Alex's life currently seems to be a living hell - drink and drug addicted guardians, drug-addicted bullies at the local sink school, and trying not to come to the attention of social services. It's a sad indictment of society that there are still a significant minority of people in the profession who don't have the best interests of the children they're supposed to be helping at heart, thus ensuring it maintains a negative reputation. It wouldn't surprise me if children's social care teams in the US are overworked, seriously understaffed and seriously underfunded (like their UK counterparts).
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Yeah Mittfh you're right.
There's some area in the UK where drugs and poor living conditions and unemployment are just as bad as where I based the story. It all could have just as easily went down there.
Thanks for chosing to read my story and commenting it means a lot.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
A Very good
A Very good introduction,
Jocks aren't always "Jocks", I've meet a few nice people who place sports, who aren't assholes
I like how he calls himself Hunter, could get confusing, especially on gender,
I loved how you set it up, I can't wait to find out what happens in the next chapter :)
(I know your pretty far in writing this, but its my first read)
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Have a mew of a day!
Thanks Darkkitten!
I was trying to step out of a few molds when I started this and I remember sort of thinking that they'd like the ambiguity of the name. Hunter and Sarah even though from different age groups and regions I think they'd so get each other.
I liked writing Alex though more and more as I went on though.
*Big Hugs.*
Bailey Summers
Totally different....
This is totally different then any of your other stories, such a dark start, but then they are all different in perspective but also all a very good reads. I can see this one will be no different in that way.
*Grabs a couple of boxes of tissues and sits back down to continue reading*
Thanks Littlewings:)
I hope you enjoy this:)
*Hugs for Pixie dust.*
Bailey Summers
What a jam to be in
Hunter gets the hell beat out of him at home then at school. And he can't go to anyone about it or be placed in a worse spot. Plus he doesn't eat regularly or at all since his money is taken from him at home or at school.
What a mess for someone to grow up in.
What's with Alex kissing Hunter? Didn't Alex see Hunter as a girl when Jenny baby, literally, popped her buttons? Or did he know Hunter wasn't a girl and could for once express himself without being found out, since others thought Hunter was a girl?
Others have feelings too.