Maddy Bell's blog

Gaby heads up!

So, a two part message for all you Gaby fans out there.

smell of the crowd book 1.jpg

Firstly, i finished the next chapter of 'Smell of the Crowd' (which may not be the final title), the 27th Gaby book earlier today, my Patreon supporters can read that first draft now. BTW, a massive thank you to everyone who is supporting via Patreon, a steady income really does help keep the constructive juices going!

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There goes Santa Claus

Yep, that's Chrimbo day gone, done and dusted!

I had hoped to offer you another chapter of Ontario this evening, -'ve got as far as first draft on the site but despite many attempts it won't preview so I can't post it. (this is from my phone). After best part of 2 hours of trying i've now given up, life is too short to waste it waiting for the site to work.

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Good King Wenceslas looked out...

on the feast of Stephen. there were all sorts of exotic goodies, Stephen really had pulled out all the stops, blackbird pie, crab apples but he must've of misread the recipe for pigs in blankets - the swineherd was fighting a losing battle trying to keep his charges wrapped!

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Trixie on Patreon II

So i've been pounding the keyboard again to complete part 2 of the new Trixie book, A Leipzig Ring des Nibelungen If you've been kind enough to support me through that portal, head over there now to read parts one and two! You can of course join Patreon and get all my updates at any time, simply go to my Patreon page

For everyone else, treat yourself to some Gothy fun with the first two books, The Whitby Adventure and The Canterbury Tale

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